27 October 1879

Croydon Relief Society; Croydon, Utah Territory

[Editorial Note: This discourse was reported in several sources. Two versions are transcribed below. For more information, see the source note following each transcript.]

I. From the Relief Society Minutes

Sister E. R. Snow and Sister [Lydia P.] Rich being present, [. . .] Sister [Helen C.] Thackeray felt pleased to see so many of the Brethren and young people present this afternoon to hear our Sisters talk to us—Sister Snow—For years it has been supposed woman had no Duties outside her Domestic circle but now there is other work for her to perform we have most of us made Solemn Covenants, let us keep them—if we are to follow the Fashions of the world we might as well have been born in any other Dispensation for all the good it will do us—we are so much occupied Providing for our mortal wants, that we forget we are the sons & Daughters of God we should realize this Do you have punctual meetings here how about my young Sisters and Brethren in olden times we read they spake oft one to another and the Lord said they shall be mine in that day when I number up my jewels All who have the gift of speech should use it for the benefit of others if we know anything that will be for the good of others let us speak of it some Sister may not know how to make good Bread or if one knows better than another how to nurse a Sick Baby let them tell it—Sisters you are at the head of womankind in this generation but unles we have firmness of Character we shall be turned aside Sister Rich is here you are blessed in having so good and Faithful a woman to Preside over this stake. [p. 45]

Sister Rich [. . .] I attended an Ordinance last night with Sister Snow Administering to the sick and I never felt better in my life the Light fairly shone from her Countenance [. . .] [p. 46]

Source Note

Croydon Ward, Morgan Stake, Relief Society Minutes and Records (1875–1973), vol. 1 (1875–1904), pp. 45–46, CHL (LR 2061 14).

II. From the Primary Minutes

1879. October 28th Tuesday. Yesterday, [27 October] Miss E R Snow and Mrs. [Lydia] Rich, Stake President of the F R Societies of Morgan County visited the Sisters of Croydon held two meetings Many of the brethren met with the sisters on these occasions. Sisters Snow and Rich instructed the sisters in their duties as saint[page torn]d [saints and?] membe[page torn] [members] of the society; and the necessity [page torn] in every position of life and t[page torn] [p. 23] unto the Holy Priesthood, and embrace every principle of the gospel not omitting polygamy.

[. . .] [p. 24]

Source Note

Croydon Ward, Morgan Stake, Primary Association Minutes and Records (1879–1973), vol. 1s (1879–1883), pp. 23–24, CHL (LR 2061 18).

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27 October 1879, Croydon Relief Society; Croydon, Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1870s/1879/10/1879-10-27