6 December 1879

Plain City Relief Society; Plain City Schoolhouse, Plain City, Utah Territory

Single-story, wood home with rectangular windows and chimney

Plain City Schoolhouse, built circa 1875 in Plain City, Utah Territory. (Photo credit Lyman and Dorothy Cook.)

Srs [Sisters] Snow and [Jane S.] Richards present [. . .]

Sr [Almira C.] Raymond then introduced Sr Snow to the Sisters and Bretheren. Sr Snow then arose and Address’d the Congregation It is my meat and my drink to meet with and comfort and instruct my Sisters of the relief Societies. Is very pleased to see so many of the Betheren in meeting with us today, said we must Sympathise with our Sisters out in the world for they have not the priveledges that we have, we have the Priesthood to help and Strengthen us, and if we will be faithful we we shall be strong in the strength of our God Joseph Smith said that the curse will not all be taken away at once, but where the Saints dwell it shall be fruitful, as for instance in Cache Vally and Sandpete [Sanpete], look and behold how much the Saints are bless’d, have more than they can contain and every promise and every bleessing shall be the Saints if we will only live for it. Sr Snow considers that we should pity (for She does pitty them) those who have lost their first love, considders that we should use all our time and tallents to help carry on this great and glorious work and to gain Eternal and Everlasting Salvation Sr Snow says She has been insulted and buffeted by those of own <our> faith, our own people. How do you think I felt and do yet feel it. I tell you I felt it hard. When I was call’d upon to Organise the Young Ladies, this <is> what I was call’d over for, and I found that it required more Stamina to bear up under such a burden, amidtst those who are called Latter day Saints, it far worse than striving with and living in the world [p. 50] would say a word to the mothers relative to their treatment of the little ones. Sisters be pure in your actions and Especially in your Language before you[r] Children and they will not forget that Mother done this or said that and you may be sure dear Sisters that if you have evil words you have evil thoughts for filthy water cannot come from a pure fountain neither can we gather grapes off thorns or figs off thistles, but I say unto you my Sisters try to be pure even as our Father in heaven is perfect. Sr Snow feels that if She can only persuade one Sister to become more faithful and more pure before the Lord She will be repaid for all her trouble ten fold. I will give unto you a promise Dear Sisters all and every one of you, if you will never shrink from any duty, but be at all times awake and up to the mark of our high calling, that you shall have power to purify Society, and your example shall be as a shineing light to your family and friends. Sisters purify yourselves, and it shall be well with you and then you shall go forth and help build the Temple for this Temple must be built in this Generation, but we must become one before we can have the priveledge of going in and receiving the blessings that are there given we must make ourselves worthy to be amongst the holy ones. Sr Snow dwelt at great length on the duties of mothers to their Children, how much they will have to sacrifice even all the fol[l]ies and vanities of this people and any latter day Saint that will not Sacrifice all these selfish things to save their lives is not worthy of the Gosple. I feel proud of my Sisters and especially those who are awake, but come all those who are asleep, and help to carry off this mighty work that is begun and may God bless you all [p. 51] for we shall have our true Lineage made known. then our Father will say come my darlings to the Courts on high. God bless you my Sisters amen.

Sr. Richards feels that in answer to the Prayer of Br. [John] Spiers, we have indeed had a feast and we should appreciate these precious jewels. for they are all and in all to us Sr Snow is not doing any thing but what She has been told to do by one having authority, and if some are not satisfied She cannot help it. let the little Children pray for Sr Snow that She may live many years to come to Plain City to bless you and I say let your hearts be comforted dear little ones and I bless you amen

Elder Spiers Spoke to the Sisters wished we would try to treasure up these sacred truths that have fallen from the lips of Sr Snow for an Angle [angel] from heaven cannot tell us any greater truths than we have heard this afternoon from Sr Snow and Sr Richards my <may> our fathers best and Choisest blessings be pour’d out on their heads amen.

[. . .] [p. 52]

Source Note

Plain City Ward, Farr West Stake, Relief Society Minutes and Records (1868–1973), vol. 2 (1878–1888), pp. 50–52, CHL (LR 6982 14).

See also “Women’s Meetings,” Woman’s Exponent 8, no. 14 (15 Dec. 1879): 109.

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6 December 1879, Plain City Relief Society; Plain City Schoolhouse, Plain City, Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1870s/1879/12/1879-12-06