18 December 1879

Weber Stake Young Ladies; Ogden Tabernacle, Ogden, Utah Territory

A long, rectangular building with triangle roof, a single chimney, and three arched, front-facing windows.

Original Ogden Stake Tabernacle. (Used by permission, Utah State Historical Society.)

[. . .]

Prest. J. [Jane] S. Richards then said [. . .] Sister Snow would address the meeting.

Sister Eliza R. Snow said she hoped the sisters were not tired of seeing her. Said when we improved ourselves, we improved society, for society was composed of individuals. Joseph Smith had said inasmuch as the Relief Society was organized after the pattern of this Church, if the sisters would carry out his counsel, it would become the most glorious society on the earth; That it had always existed when the church was fully organized. Said we wanted to learn our relationship to God. We understand He is our father, we are His daughters, and should be proud of our parentage. Should we not purify ourselves we are called to stand at the head of this generation; we have no time to speak evil, or to find fault. We should study the revelations of God, in order to know what He requires of us in our day. If by reading the Book of Mormon, and Doctrine and Covenants, we could attain wealth, how faithful we would be. But when it is eternal life, how negligent many are. Earnestly entreated her [p. 12] young sisters to study these works, to search after the truths of eternal life, and lay up treasures in Heaven. Let us be as diligent as those who know not the true Gospel. My heart has sorrowed over the rising generation. I have felt the need of spiritual training for them, and ever since I was called to fill a mission among the young I have realized how important and timely it was that these organizations were effected. Boys were sometimes sent on missions who did not know the Gospel was true, and some of our young women were a mass of vanity. While we were sending missionaries abroad, those born here, heirs to the holy Priesthood, were going to destruction.

Many think there is no need of Primary Associations, where there is a mother: but many mothers do not know how to teach their <children> or what they should be taught: while others who are wise in training them, cannot control them, because of the influence of children, not well disciplined.

Looking abroad among our young people to day, I feel the need of these meetings for the children, more than any. Spiritual exercises are a blessing to the little ones. There are many realy good women, who take no interest in the spiritual education of their children; but what is of so much interest to a mother, as to have her sons & daughters grow up and have the spirit of God in their hearts. There are many evil influences abroad in the world. Mothers, encourage your children to attend the Primary meetings, and when they come home ask them questions about their meetings and it will help to impress upon their minds what they hear there. We want the children to have faith. The prophet said the time must come, when all shall know the Lord from the least to the greatest. We have got to do the work to bring this about; we have a great deal to do, but we do not know how much we can do, until we apply ourselves. [p. 13]

Sister Snow made some remarks relative to the straw store. Said those who labored to sustain that store, would be blessed; the effort was commendable. Spoke of the efforts made by the people in Nauvoo, to build the Temple, and their enemies coming upon them. Said we should not be discouraged; it was a day of labor; let us be wide awake and do our duty, and not think any duty too hard, or too small. She made many other interesting remarks, and asked the sisters not to forget to pray for Bro. [George] Reynolds, who was suffering imprisonment for the truths sake. Said God is in the majority all the time.

[. . .] [p. 14]

Source Note

Weber Stake, Young Women’s Mutual Improvement Association Minutes and Records (1879–1966), vol. 1 (1879–1885), pp. 12–14, CHL (LR 9970 17); Emmeline B. Wells, Secretary.

See also Weber Stake, Relief Society Minutes and Records (1867–1968), vol. 6 (1877–1900), pp. 67–69, CHL (LR 9970 14); Weber Stake, Relief Society Conference Minute Book (1855–1899), pp. 66–68, CHL (LR 9970 29); and E. B. Wells, “R. S. Reports,” Woman’s Exponent 8, no. 16 (15 Jan. 1880): 126.

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18 December 1879, Weber Stake Young Ladies; Ogden Tabernacle, Ogden, Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1870s/1879/12/1879-12-18-b