11 May 1880

Mill Creek Relief Society; Mill Creek Meetinghouse, Mill Creek [Millcreek], Utah Territory

Single-story, stucco building with stained glass windows

Mill Creek meetinghouse, circa 1915, Salt Lake City. (Courtesy Church History Library.)

[. . .] Sisters E R Snow M I Horn [Mary Isabella Hales Horne] Ann [and?] Zina [D. H.] Young and Brother [Daniel] Graves being present they ocoupied [occupied] the time the object of their visit was to organize a silk association of which Brother Graves gave a synopsis

Bishop Reuben Miller Said that his Son had a great many mulberry trees set out and they are free for the Society to use and he will water and tend to them

Sister E. R. Snow. said by request I rise before you. She was pleased to see the Sisters: and see them engaged in the one great cause; that is the wellfare of Zion. and to make it independent of Babylon, Brother Graves has Spoken of the Silk raising; I think that it is of a great benifit to Zion the Lord has called the meet and the Poor here, and they when they get here they want Something to eat and wear; and it is Just as much of a duty for them to make a living after they get here as it is for them to come. and what we want is to create labor so that all may have employment

Said I think you are a generous labori[n]g band of Sisters and alive to you[r] duties dead Saints are useless as dead lumber and most of you look cheerful and happy; that brings Joy and peace and if we are dutiful and cheerful we hold constant communion with the heavens

Our minds need cultivating as much so as the seeds we plant in the earth; Thought she would freeze if She did not meet oft[e]ner with her Sisters Dont you do your work much easier when you attend to your meeting. but when you begin to neglect them you think life is nothing but a drudgery: associate together oftner and bring Something if it is only your faith and prayers

Spoke of the education of the younger Chilldren that is a subject of great importance to me an[d] Should [p. 243] be of every faithful mother in Isarel [Israel] and these primary association are organized for the purpose of instructing them and to teach them the principals of the Gospel and to know good from evil and have their minds full of good things, So that there will be no room for evil; so that when the trials and pestilence come that they may stand firm and never let their faith Slacken and when the Diphtheria comes that they may have power to rebuke it. This is the right and privelege of the Chilldren of Zion

Mothers aid us in this, you can by sending your children to the primary to be taught

Some of the best missionaries are those that are chosen from the mutual Improvement Societies

She closed her remarks by asking the Lord to bless and Streng[t]hen each member

[. . .] [p. 244]

[. . .]

[. . .] a silk association was organized [. . .]

Sister E R. Snow motioned that each member of the Releaf Socity Shoult be a member allso the young L M I [Young Ladies Mutual Improvement] association be members of the Silk association unamiously sustained [p. 245]

Source Note

Millcreek Ward, Cottonwood Stake, Relief Society Minutes and Records (1874–1949), vol. 1 (1874–1883), pp. 243–245, CHL (LR 5570 14).

See also “Editorial Notes,” Woman’s Exponent 8, no. 24 (15 May 1880): 185; “Silk Organization,” Deseret Evening News 13, no. 152 (20 May 1880): [3]; “Silk Organization,” Deseret News 29, no. 17 (26 May 1880): [1]; and Elizabeth Carlisle, “Organization of Sericulture,” Woman’s Exponent 9, no. 1 (1 June 1880): 2.

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11 May 1880, Mill Creek Relief Society; Mill Creek Meetinghouse, Mill Creek [Millcreek], Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1880s/1880/05/1880-05-11