14 August 1880

Levan Primary; Levan, Utah Territory

[. . .] Sister [Esther L.] Gardner was Happy to meet with us and also that Sister Snow and Sister [Emmeline B.] Wells was hear Prayed that the spairit of God may be and abide with us that we may remember the Good Instructions we recev [receive]. Sister Snow arose and said she Loved her Little Brothers and Sisters and Loved to come to meetings we should hav faith in God and we should remember that the Lord sees us every day made some remarks about singing she wished us to learn to sing said the Primary Hymn Books was know [now] r[e]ady ofor [for] sale and every Child Ought to have one. spoke about the Prophit Joseph Smith and said the Watch i ould [hold] in my hand is the one that the Prophit had in his Pocket when he was Shot by hes [his] Enimies, and said we should Attend our Meetings and School and l[e]arn to know the Work of God. spoke of mericles [miracles]. said that God heares the Prayers of the Faithfull spoke about the faith of Daniel when he was cast into the Lions Den and said we should hav faith in the Lord and learn to be manerdly [mannerly] and never drank tea and coffey. [. . .] [p. 63]

Source Note

Levan Ward, Juab Stake, Primary Minutes (1879–1883), vol. 1, p. 63, CHL (LR 4850 26).

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14 August 1880, Levan Primary; Levan, Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1880s/1880/08/1880-08-14-b