14 September 1880

Salt Lake City Eighteenth Ward Relief Society; Lion House, Salt Lake City, Utah Territory

Large, white, two-story house with gabled roof and large front porch and balcony

Lion House, 1861, Salt Lake City, Utah Territory. Photograph by Marsena Cannon.

[. . .]

Prest Snow then arose and said;

Since I met with you Sisters, I have met with a great many, and we have it for our comfort that there are a great many sisters who are trying to do as we do; the sisters are doing a great deal of good; had visited the primary association in the differant settlements and had visited the sick and administered to them, spoke of the blessings we enjoy, in having good health by which we are enabled to meet together, and enjoy each others society, and look forward to the time when we shall have bodies that won[’]t be subject to pain and suffering. We should try and acknowledge the hand of God in all things I know that God is pleased with the daughters of Zion when they improve their time and opportunity in bearing a faithfull testimony to his work.—

[. . .] [p. 71]

Source Note

Eighteenth Ward, Salt Lake Stake, Relief Society Minutes and Records (1877–1941), vol. 1 (1877–1892), p. 71, CHL (LR 2523 14); Mary M. Schettler, Secretary.

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14 September 1880, Salt Lake City Eighteenth Ward Relief Society; Lion House, Salt Lake City, Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1880s/1880/09/1880-09-14