12 November 1880

Meadow Relief Society; Meadow, Utah Territory

Releif society met opened by singing the hymn oh rise <my> father though [thou] that dwellest [. . .] Sister Snow then arose and Spoke Saying it was A Blessing that we could Set down in peace and enjoy our religion Joseph Smith hav[i]ng organised the first releif society that was ever organised She Spoke of the duties envolving [evolving] upon us as Sisters in the training our children and the Benefit of A Primary asociation Spoke of the duties of the president and also of the Teachers and instructed us in regard to raising Silk being A home industry that utah would excel in [. . .] Sister Snow then spoke in tongues and Sister zina [D. H. Young] interpreted [. . .] [p. 38]

Source Note

Meadow Ward, Millard Stake, Relief Society Minutes and Records (1870–1973), vol. 1s (1870–1895), p. 38, CHL (LR 5389 14); Mary J. Smith, Secretary.

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12 November 1880, Meadow Relief Society; Meadow, Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1880s/1880/11/1880-11-12-a