12 November 1880

Kanosh Relief Society; Kanosh, Utah Territory

Sisters Eliza, R, Snow, & Zina D [H.] Young visited us to day on their way to St George, and we gladly announced a meeting so that the bretheren and Sistirs could have the opportunity of listening to those noble sisters.

[. . .]

Sister [Adelia A.] Kimball expressed her pleasure at receiving a visit from Sisters Snow and Young, and hoped they would be blessed in their labors [. . .] [p. 35] [. . .]

Sister Snow said she was pleased to meet with the sisters of Kanosh. Sixteen Years had elapsed since she had passed through the settlement before, she was encouraged with the presence of the bretheren. Our interests are both in the Kingdom of God and cannot be devided, the Gospel of Christ is designed to unite our labors. Any-thing that is calculated to disunite comes of evil. The Relief Societies are organized as a strong help to the Priesthood All our talents time and energies should be devoted to the Kingdom of God. At the time of our Baptism covenanted to to be his, but our profession don’t ammount to much.

We must keep our Covenants. We often speak of having obeyed the Gospel, that will require all our time in this life, and very likely will have to be completed in eternity. It will not answer for us to live part for the God and part for the world. We need to work out our own salvation. A Mothers first duty is at home with her children, but how can a mother retain the Spirit of God unless <she> avails herself of the opportunity of [p. 36] obtaining those refreshing, enlightning influences which can only be obtained by attending meetings in the Lords house. Our Relief Societies were organized by Revelation. The Prophet Joseph Smith stated that they were not only to relieve the poor and assist Bishops but to save souls.

The organization is so constituted as to be self governing. Every good latter day Saint sister should be an active member there of. When the Societies were first organized the sisters crowded to the meetings, but now many have to be coaxed to attend, They seem ignorant of the importance of the work. We need mutual assistence and can only obtain it by meeting to gether. Our childre[n] have been neglected in the past and many have grown up infidels. Their minds have been charged with knowledge and their mental capacities have been crowded to the exclusion of spirituas [spiritual] life. It requires the pysicals [physical], mental, moral and spiritual equaly developed to make a good saint, said she would give the sisters a sure key to success, Never shirk a duty Never! If small duties are neglected the lighte of the spirit withdraws. We need constant training. There’s not many of us have as much faith as the 2000 Nephite boys going to battle who knew they would not be slain. Our children who leave this life in childhood are sure of the Celestial Kingdom. How can we be sure of it? Only by knowine [knowing] that we are doing good and keeping the commandments of God, Has God given you abilities sister? it should be used for the good of others. We are responsible to God for our talents.

The members of our societies should be united and not yield to fault finding. When visiting, the Teachers should administer to the sick and wash and annoin [anoint] them also confirm there [their] blessings upon them by the laying on of hands.1 We need to be filled with the spirit of God. If we put our trust in God and earnestly contend for faith we shall receive it. The Lord says he will be enquired of. A formal prayer is not always necessary but faith must be exercised The Lord wants us to be in earnest. we need the spirit of God to Guide us in our house hold affairs. Our position [p. 37] as Mothers in Israel is as much higher than the Women of the World as heaven is above earth. We should be full of kindness and love. Our labors here are appreciated above. A record is kept and we can never loose our reward.

The Relief Societies were commenced without Capital; with a few rags and a little patch work and by perseverence have made their own Capital.

In 1876 when called upon for a report to be sent to the Centennial the Secretaries had disbursed between $93 and $94,000. Since then the branches have increased and the members multiplied. There are now about 800 branches. Some in the Islands of the Sea, in Australia, Europe, and Else where, all are engaged in a good work and their labors are recorded; concluded by exhorting the Saints so to live as as to secure all the blessings of the blessings Celestial Kingdom.

Sister A. [Ann G.] Woodard said [. . .] It was 26 years since she first spoke with Sister Snow in Salt Lake City after crossing the plains and in the hour of her bereavment when she spoke such words of comfort and consolation that it did her soul good and she could never forget it. [. . .] [p. 38]

Source Note

Kanosh Ward, Millard Stake, Relief Society Minutes and Records (1875–1973), vol. 1 (1875–1891), pp. 35–38, CHL (LR 4314 14); Ann E. Leavitt, Secretary.

See also “R. S., Y. L. M. I. A. and Primary Reports,” Woman’s Exponent 9, no. 13 (1 Dec. 1880): 102–103.

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12 November 1880, Kanosh Relief Society; Kanosh, Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1880s/1880/11/1880-11-12-c


  1. [1]See “Women’s Spiritual Gifts” in Historical Context.