27 November 1880

Santa Clara Relief Society; Santa Clara, Utah Territory

[. . .]

Prest L. K. McLellen [Lydia Knight McClellan] made a few opening remarks was much gratafied at having Sisters Eliza and Zina [D. H. Young] with us well as other Sisters from St George, Prest Manerva [Minerva W.] Snow Remarked the Sisters Smith had come from Salt Lake City to visit us and organize Primary Associations wherever desered [desired], Sisters Eliza R Smith; and Zina D Smith: had lived in the days of the Prophet and are women of faith: [. . .] Sister Elize R Smith being introdused to the congration remarked, it is an easy matter to make a profession but it takes a lifetime to live the life of a Latterday Saint, when we was baptised we covinanted to turn our backs on the world and devote all we had to God, if we are ever saved we must save ourselves; according to our works, we shall be judged, read the Bible, the Book of Mormon was Translated by the power of God Search its <pages> the time will come when every one must bring a sacrafice to the altar if it burns it is accepted if it does not burn it is not accepted,1 if we loose our Salvation we loose all what is gold in comparison, we shall have that to walk on, no such thing as Nationality, we are Citizens of the kingdom of God, the highest of all Nationalitys, the Young Ladys of Zion are greater than the Queens of the earth we can become what we desire, the Sisters of the Relief Society has Labored in many ways, Joseph Smith <said> the Relief Society was not only to reli[e]ve the poor but to save souls, the Gosple bares us up the earth bares us down, tresur [treasure] up good things & the Spirit will bring them to our minds, assist to lift up, never try to injure, the one that injures must foot the Bill, the Young Ladys was Organized through revelation they require Stamony [stamina?] to live the Gosple, learn it is true at home, if the gift of tongues was not in the church it [p. 47] would not be the Church <of Christ> the Spe[a]ker then said if the congragation would lift there hearts to God she would bless them in tongues, which she did with power and the Holy Ghost, then said if the people would lift there hearts to God Sister Zina would interpret, Sister Zina D Smith then arose and said Sister Eliza first prayed for the Bretheren and Sisters on the stand then the choir then the congragation said the people of this place was low down yet there is some good people, then the tongue changed & she said if they repent of there sins and turn to God they should be blessed low Down as they are at the present time

Bp <M> [Marius] Ensign hoped we should be worthy of the blessing and prayed that we might be in the name of Jesus James McLellen testified that the blessing was given in a good Sperit and is true, S [Samuel] Knight felt happy for what he had heard the blessings are for us if we live for them, had been acquainted with Eliza R Smith many years and knew her to be true to the Gosple [. . .] [p. 48]

Source Note

Santa Clara Ward, St. George Stake, Relief Society Minutes and Records (1868–1973), vol. 3 (1873–1893), pp. 47–48, CHL (LR 8065 14).

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27 November 1880, Santa Clara Relief Society; Santa Clara, Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1880s/1880/11/1880-11-27
