2 December 1880

St. George Stake Relief Society; St. George Tabernacle, St. George, Utah Territory

Image of the St. George Tabernacle taken in 1935.

St. George Tabernacle, St. George, Utah Territory. (Courtesy Church History Library. Photograph by LeRoi Clarence Snow, in Utah scenes, 1935 Collection.)

[. . .]

Sister Minerva W Snow said [. . .] Sisters [Eliza R. Snow and Zina D. H. Young] Smith being here who lived in the days of the Prophet Joseph [Smith] and have had much experience we should like to hear from them.

[. . .] [n.p.] [. . .] [n.p.]

Eliza R [Snow] Smith said, by request of President Mcallister [John McAllister] I rise before you. I desire your faith & prayers that God may inspire me, ‘tis vain for me to try to edify a saint of God, a real saint whose delight is to associate with his people it is easy to make a profession, I have not fully obeyed the Gospel yet, it will take my whole time of my life. God has held certain spirits in reserve who he knew would accomplish His work upon the earth. I used to think if I could only see a Prophet of God. I was brought up to read the Bible, and believe it to be a true record. I knew things were not as the Bible taught, but habit blunts the edge of sensibility. I am pleased with the reports, the Saviour once asked, are there few that be saved? are there few that will be worthy of all the enjoyments of the Celestial world? Some of us are so anxious about temporal things, as to forget that we are Saints. We let go the Golden harp, and take up the wooden whistle, we should keep our position, and not lower ourselves to the level of the people of the world St Paul said the flesh warreth against the spirit, our bodies are constantly drawing our spirits down, but should our spirits as naturally tend upwards, as earthly bodies tend downwards? In one report out of 30 members, only 15 attended meeting, how with the other 15? can they live without those refreshings which come from above? we do not wish them to stay away. Mothers can bring their children with them they do not disturb us. who needs intelegence more than Mothers? who fashions their son’s life? Woman. monotonous indeed must be the life of a professed Saint [n.p.] that stays at home, and thinks her life a drudgery. How with the woman who goes to meeting and desires to be one with her sisters? The spirit of God is poured out and she gets refreshed and strengthend in body and mind. We need these refreshings. I was talking with a Sister in Salt Lake City, who never goes to meeting, there was not a particle of Saint in her. I wished she would go to meetings, when we partake of the sacrament with a right spirit, we have our sins remitted, we should feel more of the quickning power as a people if we were living up to the light received. Who is contending earnestly for the faith once delivered to the Saints? Who is so much interested in the Primaries as Mothers? it would be well for them to know the hour of meeting, then when their little ones come home, question them as to what they have heard, it will do both the mother and the child good you need not think that because you have a Temple here, you have no evil influences, the best Missionaries are called from the mutual associations, they are those who are prophets in their youth. We must not let the spirit of the world over balance us. The world cannot boast of more profound Infidels, than there will be in Zion, if we do not have a generation raised up with more faith. Do not let your Boys chew or smoke Tobacco, for they will then want Liquor, if they are properly trained in their Primary Associations, they will get the spirit of the Gospel. How is the spirit obtained, by exercise, the heart must [n.p.] be touched, keep their bodies pure, and educate their mental powers. And we want our Girls not to think too much of dress, let your girls be brought up to work, and to have a place for everything, teach them to be honest, good Housekeepers, some of our best women are those who have had stamina enough to resist this worldly influence, unless good is set before them, evil will crowd into their hearts. This is a dispensation of Work, but we shall get the reward of our work, attending these meetings is the way God has designed we shall be fed. Come and get spiritual food, love each other, love all government.—

[. . .] [n.p.]

Source Note

St. George Utah Stake, Relief Society Minutes and Records (1868–1973), vol. 1 (1868–1892), n.p., CHL (LR 7836 14); Mary Ann G. Baker, Assistant Secretary.

See also St. George First Ward, St. George Stake, Relief Society Minutes and Records (1877–1903), vol. 1, (1877–1896), pp. 83–86, CHL (LR 7749 14).

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2 December 1880, St. George Stake Relief Society; St. George Tabernacle, St. George, Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1880s/1880/12/1880-12-02