17 May 1881

South Cottonwood Relief Society; South Cottonwood [Murray], Utah Territory

[. . .]

Sister Eliza Snow arose and addressd the Sisters Said that it was the greatest work that Existed we ought to prepare our selves to come forth in the morning of the first Reserrection how responsable we are for responcabilities [responsibilities] upon our Selves we cant put all the responsabilities up on our brethren the Lord has placed it in our reach and it requires our aid I often think of the anciant how they worshiped in olden times: we wake up and see how much we are taking upon our Selves the work very [of] <God> very Soon we will smolder back to Dust we can look at the in infant if we should take all all the food from it and see if it would come to maturity I have heard it people ask did they grow after they was dead Josep [Joseph] Smith convinced them of this our spirit should mature in fath and in God and yet how much more we feed our Boddies then we feed our minds we want to feed our inteligence: I feel what a bless it is to Lie down and know that we have done good there is not many of us that who does not show some good to [p. 419] the world and through God we can do good Prsident Youns [Brigham Young’s] Father [John Young] was called upon to do some thing that he thought was not in his power to do but he had a Dream and angels appeared unto him and before him he saw a mountain and was told to go through the mountain and he answered he could not and they Showed him a Step and when he had taken that Step they showed him another untill he had gone through the mountain and by this dream he accomplished a great work you Sister have done a great work I hope you have not neglect your homes and children President Young said he could see where he would have done better if he had not paid the tithing for his wives and Let them Each paid there tithing instead of paying it for them you sister Sisters should pay your tithing and teach your children to do so and teach them to read the news paper so that they will not be ignorant of what is going on in the world and not be ignorant as the world calls us in the society Each one should have their place if a person is but a member if she is willing to do her duty they can do Some times as much as their Presidentess of course the President is the head: the councilors Should come to the Presidentess and not the president to the coucilor the seccretary is the historian of the Society the Tresurer and secretary Should keep their book correctly So that they could come pare [compare] them at the End of the year President Young wished them to become business women so they could do business as correctly as the brethren and as many of you come to meeting as can come: come prayerfull and humble so that you can partake of the spirit I hope that these little children growing up in our midst will become greater than us: Mothers you Should not keep your children at home from their meetings Leet them go and get their Little minds refreshed and they will be an honor to us I do not think that we can spend to much time with may the Lord inspire our minds to do his will and keep his commandments is my prayer in the name of Gesus [Jesus] Amen

[. . .] [p. 420]

[. . .] [p. 421] [. . .] [p. 422] [. . .]

Sister M [Martha] G Young

made a few remarks I fell that the Sisters are doing a great work here is Sister Snow who is traveling to do all the good She can at her age they are our servants we have but to ask them to do and they are ready to come at our call

[. . .] [p. 423]

Source Note

Cottonwood First Ward, Cottonwood Stake, Relief Society Minutes and Records (1868–1971), vol. 1 (1868–1886), pp. 419–423, CHL (LR 7772 14); Martha G. Young, Secretary.

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17 May 1881, South Cottonwood Relief Society; South Cottonwood [Murray], Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1880s/1881/05/1881-05-17