30 July 1881

Retrenchment Association; Salt Lake City, Utah Territory

[. . .]

Mrs. S. [Sarah] M. Kimball [. . .] Mentioned that Sister Eliza R. S. S., who had been so long away was present [. . .]

Sister E. R. S. Smith, said she had come more particularly to electioneer, that it was an important point; she had been yery [very] little with her sisters in the city for eight months, but realized how beautiful was the love of sisterhood, especially when the tie is the Gospel. Our Father has appointed for our growth and advancement our meeting together. “These” said the Savior “will I make my jewels.” These blessings which it is our privilege to obtain how important. What consequences depend upon our course! Everything else in comparison with eternal riches is as nothing. In arranging questions and answers for the children, when I find that only two were permitted to enter the land of Canaan—it seems strange. But we find that these two wholly honored God. Even Moses took honor to himself. When thirsting and God gave him the rod and told him what to do, he spoke to the children of Israel as though it was of his own power the miracle was performed, the Lord showed that He would be obeyed. I feel that every one present is a follower of the Lord. It requires great strength to do the will of God. Whether attending to home duties or as minute women called to perform some extra service, we can little by little, bring every power into the service of God. Cannot God avert the hand of the destroyer? We can feel affliction but cannot so plainly see the wisdom thereof. The little ones are being gathered home. Our Father has said that in the last days He would lay up much precious seed for Himself. Let us my sisters try to draw a little nearer to God, hold a little nearer communion with him. I think we can to a considerable extent mould ourselves to his purposes. The Spirit of God will not approve of excessive grief. The virtue lies in overcoming grief. Who has the same means to assist them in overcoming the sorrow of death that the Saints of God have. I have wondered how those who have not the knowledge that we have can bear up. But there are worse ills than death. To turn away from the faith.

Remember to-morrow is election day. It is our duty to vote, sisters let no trifling thing keep you at home. So many brethren are away, that every sister should be prompt, and help sustain those in office that will sustain the kingdom of God.

[. . .] [p. 54]

Source Note

R. S., Y. L. M. I. A. and Primary Reports,” Woman’s Exponent 10, no. 7 (1 Sept. 1881): 54.

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30 July 1881, Retrenchment Association; Salt Lake City, Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1880s/1881/07/1881-07-30