20 September 1881

Spring City Relief Society; Mary Ann P. Hyde Residence, Spring City, Utah Territory

A large two-story home surrounded by trees

Orson and Mary Ann Hyde residence, Spring City, Utah Territory. (Fairbanks, P. Kent. Spring City Area Study, Orson Hyde House, Main & C Streets, Spring City, Sanpete County, UT. 1967. Photograph. Historic American Buildings Survey, Library of Congress. https://www.loc.gov/resource/hhh.ut0072.photos/?sp=1.)

A Special meeting was called by Pres. [Mary Ann P.] Hyde in honner to Pres. Eliza R S Smith and Sec E [Emmeline] B Wells who had been invited to visitte us

[. . .] Pres M [Mary] A Frantzen arose and said she was more than pleased thankfull that the Sisters E R S Smith and E B Wells had come to pay us a visite, and would address us

Pres E R S Smith arose, said she was glad so many of the brethern was present she was glad when the brethern was present she allways wished them to be present to hear what she had to say and taught their wives mothers and daughters. She wished every member of the society to live to every every duty. She loved to see so many faces and wished she could hear every voice but that could not be at such a meeting she had heard some say they could not speak in publick they was willing to do any thing else she hoped they had the gift of speach and why not use it there was nothing the Lord called on us to do but that we could do it why not try, that Joseph [Smith] the prophet had organized the first Society it was according to the order of God, and how could we do with with out it, what would we have been to day had it <not> been for the Society, That we should not lay up things to heart we should leave of all to eivel [evil] why not, if some one should speak eavel [evil] against you, no [know] if you are inocent the guilty ones are the ones that are the suffers The Lord took care of that persecutied [persecuted], the Saints the Saints in Mosurie [Missouri] that the Lord would prove us, that she felt <more> thankful for the ruff trials than the smouth [smooth] ones for no one knew themselves untill they had been tried that when she looke[d] back on her life she thought she done very little she would say one thing if they had any dificulity [difficulty] in their midts never go to the Bishop with it but settle it among yourselves, and another thing wished particular to enjoin on the Sisters that was to go to the polls and vote it was highly nessary [necessary] and another thing that was of great importance was to look well after our children, that the eivel one was wide awake to lead every one away that was possible for him to do and in stead [instead] of haveing a high in litened [enlightened] community of young men and wimen we would have as bad ones <as> could be found wished every mother to be [p. 97] punctunal [punctual] and send their children to their meetings and let them learn all they could that it took a strong will to be a latter day saint, she had seen and heard the the ears of the deep open, hoped the Lord would bless all the saints

[. . .] [p. 98]

Source Note

Spring City Ward, Sanpete North Stake, Relief Society Minutes and Records (1868–1973), vol. 2 (1878–1901), pp. 97–98, CHL (LR 8637 14).

See also “Visit to Sanpete,” Woman’s Exponent 10, no. 11 (1 Nov. 1881): 84.

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20 September 1881, Spring City Relief Society; Mary Ann P. Hyde Residence, Spring City, Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1880s/1881/09/1881-09-20-a