10 November 1881

Santaquin Young Ladies; Santaquin Schoolhouse, Santaquin, Utah Territory

[. . .] Minutes read and approved of.

[. . .] Sister Snow said she was thinking while our young sister was reading those minutes how could she have read them as she did if she had not had practice said practice made perfect. she said she could remember the time when there was no meetings because there was no one who could preside but there was many now who could do it with modest dignity said we all have duties to preform and our brethren could not preform them for us that is if we wished to be noble women, but there was no compulsion said God had placed the means within our reached and she hoped we all would improve the priveledges and opirtunities and that we all wanted to improve to greatness and holiness, said she believed in liveing in accordance with the principles of the Gospel said we should develop our selves fisically [physically] she did not admire sickly and unhealthy girls she urged us all to use good language and while young to establish good principles, said they expected the young to be book makers for that is a dispensation of work & she hoped when the young girls were married they would not quit going to there meetings for [p. 17] she always urged them to go as much as the unmarried and that there was meany [many] of our young men useing tobacco and if she was a young lady she would not keep company with a tobacco chewer for he would surely be a drunkard and for us to pursuade them to leave off those filthy habits and if they would not break it off before marr[i]age they surely would not after and for us to condisend [condescend] to think to[o] much of our selves; to associate with a drunkard and her prayers were for the young sisters to have faith be constant at meeting and if we would the Lord would help us.

[. . .] [p. 18]

Source Note

Santaquin Ward, Nebo Stake, Young Women’s Mutual Improvement Association Minutes and Records (1873–1917), vol. 3 (1881–1884), pp. 17–18, CHL (LR 8765 17).

See also “Here and There,” Woman’s Exponent 10, no. 12 (15 Nov. 1881): 93.

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10 November 1881, Santaquin Young Ladies; Santaquin Schoolhouse, Santaquin, Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1880s/1881/11/1881-11-10-b