11 November 1881

Santaquin Relief Society; Santaquin Schoolhouse, Santaquin, Utah Territory

[. . .]

Sister E [Emmeline] B Wells said she [. . .] she expected that they would all like to hear from Sister Snow but we must not let her do all the work, some of the rest of us must do some [. . .]

Sister E. R. S. Smith, said she was very pleased to be here on this occasion, and spoke of our possitions here on the earth and of us being held in reserve to come here in this dispesation and of the responcibilities resting upon us, said we are apt to forget that we are the Daughters of god. these organizations is a great means god has [p. 150] confered upon us and how many are there that trifle with it, we should read and study and treasure up intelengce [intelligence] that we attain by study for that we shall take with us, and in our meetings speak upon what we have read and in your meetings you should have some things to say and said a wife stands as a counsellor to her husband and we should govern our selves and our passions and cultivate honesty and truth and spoke of a mothers influence over her offspring before they are born said this generation should grow up with more faith or they will not be able to stand, they should be taught the principals of the gospel, and felt thankfull for these organizations, you have a live Bishop here and I expect you are a live people. I never doubted the truth of this work, and our duties are increasing all should take active parts dont one of you think that you can do nothing, you should become one. she spoke of the remarks of our late Presedend Brigham Young and the Prophet Joseph Smith upon the higher law and of an eternal increase, and of honoring every principal. spoke upon Celestial Marriage and <an> anagel [angel] of the lord appearing to Joseph Smith and told about him taking more Wives, and the blessings of the celestial law, and the happiness of the same.1 compared the eternity with this world and the glory of god, she spoke upon saving grain said the Wheat did not belong to the Society it belongs to the Lord and he will tell us what to do with it when the time comes, all we have to do is to store it up and take care of it for a famine. she related a vission that a young man had had upon getting rich, said she is 78 years old and it was not her desire to stay here but the will of god and she desired to do good as long as she remained here upon the earth. said god bless you and may you live your religon each one has a mission to fill, a perticular work to do, but we dont always know what it is, you should live so that spirit of <god> may direct you, may we all be true and faithfull is my Prayer

[. . .] [p. 151]

Source Note

Santaquin Ward, Nebo Stake, Relief Society Minutes and Records (1868–1920), vol. 6, (1878–1889), pp. 150–151, CHL (LR 8765 14); Ann J. Stickney, Secretary.

See also “Here and There,” Woman’s Exponent 10, no. 12 (15 Nov. 1881): 93.

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11 November 1881, Santaquin Relief Society; Santaquin Schoolhouse, Santaquin, Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1880s/1881/11/1881-11-11


  1. [1]See “Plural Marriage” in Historical Context.