14 November 1881

Springville Relief Society; Springville, Utah Territory

Special Meeting of Releif Society in honor of sr [sister] E R Snow & sr [Louie B.] Felt who met with us

Meeting called to order by Present [President] after usual exercises sr Eliza introduced Sr Margaret [T.] Smoot [. . .]

gave way to Sr E R Snow after reminding us of Releif Conference the 2nd of Dec

Sr E R Snow reminded us we must Perform our duties & it may cost as much to save us srs [sisters] as it will to save the Brethren, the work of God is a progressive one we can become joint heirs with jesus Christ or gather this worlds riches around us & die & be forgot.

If you sisters are takeing care of your families with an eye single to the glory of God you are doing as much good as an Elder abroad if so your eye is lit up with the spirit of God if I could arouse one sr to her duty I should be paid for comeing here.

The Releif Society was organized as a self governing institution to root out evil would not this assist our brethren Pres. [Brigham] Young said could I live my life over I would have mothers pay titheing in Goshen the Primary pay titheing we want to turn our childrens hearts to God. I organized the first young Ladies association that was organized in Utah mothers I want you to take more interest in the Young Ladies & Gentlemens Association Educate your daughters who are to be mothers of future generations a noted Lady was once asked what should be done for France? Educate its daughters she replied strive srs to secure family ties what would life be without husband children & [p. 61] home if I do not attain to celestial glory it will be my own fault send your children to Primary schools impress upon their minds what they are baptized for when they are 8 years old Plural marriage will do away with selfishness if it had not been for our good God would not of [have] revealed it if we are asshamed of one principle of the gospel Christ will be ashamed of us I want to accomplish all the good I can in this life overcome evil & gain a fullness of glory Amen sr Felt begged the srs to let sr Snows admonitions sink deep into their hearts [. . .] [p. 62]

Source Note

Springville Ward, Utah Stake, Relief Society Minutes and Records (1871–1892), vol. 4 (1878–1884), pp. 61–62, CHL (LR 8674 14); Semira L. Wood, Secretary.

See also Ann D. Bringhurst and Semira L. Wood, “R. S., Y. L. M. I. A. and Primary Reports: Springville,” Woman’s Exponent 10, no. 13 (1 Dec. 1881): 102.

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14 November 1881, Springville Relief Society; Springville, Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1880s/1881/11/1881-11-14-c