2 June 1882

Utah Central Stake Relief Society; Provo Meetinghouse, Provo, Utah Territory

One-story, brick building with two chimneys and a steeple that includes a belfry

Provo meetinghouse, Provo, Utah Territory, circa 1865. (Courtesy B. Ashworth’s, Provo, Utah.)

[. . .] Prest. E. R. S. Smith, Coun. Zina D. H. Young Presendia L. Kimball and Helen Mar Whitney from Salt Lake City. [. . .]

Prest. M. [Margaret] T. Smoot said, I am happy to have Sister Eliza, President of all the Relief Societies wherever the kingdom of God extends, with us again.

Sister Eliza said, I feel very small, with such an appellation, but pleased, however, to listen to the various reports, and quite as much edified as when listening to the bishops representing their several wards; was gratified to mark the improvement made by the sisters. Prest. [Brigham] Young said on one occasion that if the sisters would meet once a week they would overcome their timidity, the oftener they met together the more of the spirit of God they would enjoy. Said, we are not the self-sustaining people we should be. We are now persecuted by the nation instead of, as formerly, by a county or state.

There are a few who dare stand up for our rights. “I am not afraid, these wicked men are tools in the hands of the Lord to try us, how much farther He will allow them to go, we know not; but let us be determined to hold on to the faith with renewed energy, and acknowledge the hand of God in the “Edmunds bill.” We want that faith in God that we would rather meet death than to swerve. There must be a time, according to Scripture, when the sinner in Zion will tremble. Let us draw near to our heavenly Father. When the Kingdom of God bears rule then the Saints will be free.

When the Saints go back to Jackson County we have the promise that “the Lord will go before you, my presence will go with you” and I hope to be with you too, Bro. Joseph [Smith] said when we got to the Rocky Mountains there would be a great apostacy, and from there the people would go south and from there to Jackson County; and this generation should not pass away until those things should come to pass.

These societies are of great importance, they are for the perfecting of the mothers in Israel. Let us wake up that we may feel the sweet influence of the spirit of God in our hearts continually. Our Father suffers trials to come that we may be proven, we are working to gain a home in his presence. I feel to bless you, and ask him to bless each one of us. There is a good spirit here to-day, and thanks be to God for it.

[. . .]

Sister M. T. Smoot [. . .] Wished to speak in honorable remembrance of Sister Emily Smoot, who since our last meeting had been called away by death. She had entered into plural marriage with herself, and her memory was very dear to her. She had acted wisely in that relation and gained her eternal friendship. [. . .]

[. . .] Sister Snow said, we are preparing to found a Hospital for the saints, with the approbation of Prest. [John] Taylor. It is a need long wanted, any sister in good standing can become a member, by paying $1,00 annually. Quite a number subscribed and became members. Sister Snow said she wished to endorse what Sister Smoot said, in regard to Sister Emily. The circumstances of her stepping forward to help establish that principle, and honoring her position as a plural wife. Some think it a trying position. I say it is one of the most elevating and ennobling principles that I know of. I always felt at home at Bro. [Abraham O.] Smoots as at my own father’s house, and can truly say that when their son Albert [Smoot] was drowned it was hard to tell who sorrowed most, the wives mourned alike.

[. . .] [p. 30]

Source Note

L. W. Kimball, “R. S., Y. L. M. I. A. and Primary Reports: Provo,” Woman’s Exponent 11, no. 4 (15 July 1882): 30.

See also Provo Utah Central Stake, Relief Society Minutes and Records (1878–1973), vol. 2 (1878–1891), pp. 100–104, CHL (LR 9629 14); Caroline C. Daniels, Secretary.

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2 June 1882, Utah Central Stake Relief Society; Provo Meetinghouse, Provo, Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1880s/1882/06/1882-06-02