13 June 1882

Box Elder Stake Relief Society; Box Elder Tabernacle, Brigham City, Utah Territory

[. . .] Sist E. R. Snow Smith My sisters as I look upon you, I feel to bless you, you have done a great deal of good. I might say better you are better prepaired for the Fall Babylon But the Lord has seen fit to oppress you, Dont relax your efforts one particle, acknowledge His hand in it. Trade at our peoples store, we are approaching a cricis [crisis] We as a people are not as well prepaired as 25 years ago I feel the necesity of drawing near to God. Theese are evel [evil] timez we need safe guards. Dont let trifles try us[.] tithing, it is none of my business what is done with it a sist [sister] that does nothing in the R S [Relief Society] we are better without. Some private members are better then officers, all our acts are recorded If we have favor with God we are willi[n]g to die in the defense of our religeon. I frequently meet Strangers I delight in explaining our principals I was one of Joseph Smith wives. some are and others are not interested some ask are you not jealous I say no! Wives are concious of the purety of their husbands no social evil exists. How we are blessed [p. 112] all congress araid [arrayed] aganst us. we are a[n]gry to be true women frown down every thing that is opposition Be valient and faithful to our duties Amen

Zina D Yong [H. Young] Spoke encouraging on the principals E. R. S had advanced [. . .] [p. 113] [. . .]

E R Snow

My sister before me, are you any poorer then before you donated to the emigration fund and other things Prest [John] Taylor said he wished the R. S, Y L M I [Young Ladies Mutual Improvement] also P A [Primary Association] to donate $100 monthly to the hospital. asked the sit [sisters] if they wanted to do so. What we donate is given to the Lord every grain of wheat stored is the Lords m[a]y the Lord bless us all.

[. . .]

Singi[n]g O my father though [thou] that Dwellest [. . .] [p. 114]

Source Note

Box Elder Stake, Relief Society Minutes and Records (1857–1944), vol. 4 (1878–1890), pp. 112–114, CHL (LR 933 14).

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13 June 1882, Box Elder Stake Relief Society; Box Elder Tabernacle, Brigham City, Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1880s/1882/06/1882-06-13