22 July 1882

Davis Stake Relief Society; Kaysville, Utah Territory

There were present from S L. [Salt Lake] City— Sisters E. R. Snow Smith and Zina D. [H.] Young. [. . .]

Singing “Oh My Father”

[. . .]

Sister Snow said when Sister [Nancy A.] Clark accepted the position as president of the Relief Society she resigned her former position as pres [president] of the Young Ladies Association of Davis Stake, consequently they [p. 112] were now without both Pres. & Counselors. Sister Margaret Leonard was then chosen as Pres. with Helen Miller and Wealthy Clark her counselors. Carried unanimously.

[. . .]

Sister Snow said we had been listening to some very important things. We have more duties to perform than time in which to perform them. We need to arouse ourselves and shake off every lethargy of feeling. There are the poor to look after which is one of our first duties.

The teachers should be on hand to minister to the sick. Another very important thing for us to do is the fitting up of a Hospital for the sick. we want a place where the Elders can go in and administer to the sick, and [p. 113] where the Spirit of God will always preside.

She hoped the sisters in the County would manifest their liberality.— She also gave some advise to parents regarding the training of their children. Said they should have responsibilities placed upon them, for if they have no care, they will grow up reckless & useless.

[. . .]

After the reading of the Reports of the various R. S. [Relief Societies] of the Stake, Sister Snow addressed the Congregation for a short time. [p. 114]

She contrasted the condition of the Relief Societies now with what they were when first organized. It seemed astonishing to her to look back & see what little we had to work with in the beginning, now, through the blessings of God, we handle a great amount of means. The time was when we thought the only work women had to do was the care of home, now to her mind if there was any one on Earth that needed the refreshment of the Holy Ghost it was the Mother for if she wished to instil the Spirit of the Gospel in the hearts of her children, it must first be instilled in her own heart. Spoke a little upon the Principle of Plural Marriage, said if she were to be put to the test, to either deny that principle or be put to death & should choose the former, Jesus Christ would be ashamed of her.

Pres Nancy Clark said [. . .] She fully endorsed the remarks of sister Snow and she knew that the principle of plural Marriage was as true as the everlasting Heavens.

[. . .] [p. 115]

Source Note

Davis Stake, Relief Society Minutes and Records (1878–1915), vol. 1 (1878–1887), pp. 112–115, CHL (LR 2160 14); Helen H. Stayner, Secretary.

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22 July 1882, Davis Stake Relief Society; Kaysville, Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1880s/1882/07/1882-07-22-b