18 October 1882

Nephi Stake Relief Society; Nephi Meetinghouse, Nephi, Utah Territory

[. . .] Prest. [Amelia H.] Goldsbrough said she was pleased to have Sisters Snow and [Zina D. H.] Young with us [. . .]

Prest. Eliza S. Smith thanked the sisters for singing her favorite hymn “Nearer my God to thee” said that was her motto We are a peculier people, but not peculier enough. We have had a long time of peace, and habit blunts the sensibilitys. The more we cultivate the spirit of our Father the better we become. Refered to the Prophet Joseph [Smith] who said the sin of ingratitude was [p. 133] one of the worst. We should contend earnestly for the spirit of faith To think that God our Father has spoken to us. He has told us what he wants of us and one thing he has commanded us is to keep the Sabbath holy, which I think is sadly broken.

This manner of going out on the Sabbath for pleasure is after the manner of the world. We do not realize how perticular our Father is There is a number of things which we receive from the Priesthood. One is to keep the sabbath day holy. Another is to partake of the Sacriment We had very many duties to perform Relief Societies are not only for the comforting of the Saints but for the saving of souls.

How many have we comforted. How many have we taken by the hand and helped them along. There is a book somewhere that will tell what we have done! I sometimes fear for myself Why have not I been more earnest

Let us strive to be found earnest careful to receive and keep the Holy Spirit. I am proud of the workers in our Releif Societies Those who strive and are working to be help metes [meets] not only to their husbands but to the Priesthood of God. Sisters I want to speak of our hospital Any thing that can be used is useful in that place

Was glad to hear that Levan and Mona were trying to succeed in raising silk. If we carried out the instructions of the Priesthood of God many of us to day would be clothed in silk, and all we can bring from the Earth, Is so much gained for our benefit

I wish the sisters to be helpers to those who instruct our little folks Bring up the children in the principles of the Gospel We want a generation to grow up as the Ancients Mighty Ones. Mothers do not let your daughters go to Salt Lake to work out you had better follow them to the grave Make confidants of your boys and watch over them

[. . .] [p. 134]

Source Note

Nephi Utah Stake, Relief Society Minutes and Records (1878–1973), vol. (1878–1892), pp. 133–134, CHL (LR 4242 14).

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18 October 1882, Nephi Stake Relief Society; Nephi Meetinghouse, Nephi, Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1880s/1882/10/1882-10-18