23 October 1882

Levan Primary; Levan, Utah Territory

Sister Eliza R Snow presiding. [. . .]

Sister E R Snow Smith then asked the Children a few questions on prayer [. . .] Sister E R S Smith then adressed the Meeting said she was pleased to see so many Children present shared of the many blessings derived from these associations and gave much valuable Instruction to the young Exhorted them to prepare their lives that they may become active Honarable men and Women was pleased to see the boys take an active part in this association for if they would be good they would be called to go on Missions and preach to the Nations of the Earth

[. . .] Sister E R Snow Smith said she was delighted with what she had heard this morning and could see quite an Improvement with this Associations was sorry that in your [1 illegible word] there was not any of the young had born their testemony wished the Pres to select 2 boys and 2 Girls at the next meeting to bear their Testemony. Showing there was a Great many evil spurits and and when you are tempted you must pray to God and he will hear your prayers Spok[e] about the books that would be ready in a short time and wished all to have them for they were usefull in there associations. [. . .] [p. 150]

Source Note

Levan Ward, Juab Stake, Primary Minutes (1879–1883), p. 150, CHL (LR 4850 26).

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23 October 1882, Levan Primary; Levan, Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1880s/1882/10/1882-10-23-a