28 April 1883

Morgan Stake Relief Society; Morgan Stake Meetinghouse, Morgan, Utah Territory

A large brick building with tall, arching windows, a balcony in front, and trees all around

Morgan, Utah stake meetinghouse, circa 1922. Courtesy Church History Library.

[. . .]

There were present on the stand Sisters E. R. Snow Smith and Elisabeth [Elizabeth A.] Howard [. . .] [p. 88] [. . .]

Sister E. R. S. Smith then Expressed her pleasure in again having the privelage of meeting with us in a Stake capacity She felt that those present were not the ones who kneed the most teaching for she felt that they were the leading sisters who were allways on hand & trying to do their duties—still all kneed teaching & reminding of their duties and how much these sisters are responsible for the negligence of others she knew not

She endorsed Sister Howards remarks concerning voting but was thankfull that she was not one who could vote said if we had kept the commandments of God we would be in no fear of the encroachments of our enemies but we have opened our homes to them The Lord requires us to defend these homes which he has given us also to try to gather the comforts of life around us but not set our hearts upon them

She related a circumstance in which the Lord had heard & answered her prayers as follows

She received, on Wednesday Evening an invitation to visit this conference and bring some of the sis— with her She was obliged to go to the Endowment House Early the next morning to spend the day and Friday <morning> she must come, she did [not] [p. 89] like to come alone & did not know where to go to get a companion as several of the sis who sometimes traveled were out of town & sis Howard lived out on Cottonwood so where to look or [w]hat to do she did not know but before she left the Endowment house she prayed to the Lord to direct her to some good suitable Sister to accompany her. She then started for home but happened to think of an errand she had to do at the Exponent Office and called where she met with Sis— Howard & she said to her you are just the woman I wanted to see I want you to go with me to Morgan tomorrow morning to att— [attend] Con [Conference] of the R. S. [Relief Society] Sis H. said all right I will go In this she acknowledged the Lord & she knew we would have a good time as we always do have here She said when sis Howard said that some were allways punctual to meetings some come only occasionaly & others not at all she thot [thought] that was the case & some were earning a full som[e] a partial and still others no salvation at[ ]all

She prayed the Blessing of the Lord to rest upon the sis in trying to perform their duties

[. . .]

Afternoon conference [p. 90] [. . .]

Sis E R S Smith then arose & said she could remember the time when it would have been considered out of place for women to occup[y] the positions they do today and had seen the time our Brethren were going to save us but those days are gone by & we find that our labor is quite as important as th[e]irs tis only in another direction & our Breth— are as much interested in our success as we are our intrest “unlike the intrest of the men & women of the World” are one Theirs are separate each have their aims & Objects and the result is confusion.

Our Aim is to be a faithfull helpmeet & companion to our husbands as God designed in the beginning Prest [Joseph] Smith had said that if the sis would relieve the Elders of the poor that would be a great work but not the greatest they must save souls. At the last Relief society he ever attended he was going to turn the Key of Knowledge upon the R. S. &—that the world would-not long be troubled with him for the Lord had given him a mission elsewhere He said if the Sis would Observe Council they would become one of the greatest Organizations that ever existed upon this Earth because this is the greatest & last dispensations that ever existed At no other time has the Father & son appeared only to the Prophet Joseph Smith.

She said that altho we have the things of the Earth to handle we must not let them absorb our intrests she felt that she was dependent upon God for the breath she drew and wanted to use all the means she handled to the building up of his kingdom & felt more anxious evry day to live to his honor & glory [p. 91]

She wished the sisters to become wise in political matters they should read the papers and thus see the fullfillment of Prophecy & the hand of God Manifest She said our greatest labor is with the rising generation they have been neglected till evil is rooted in them till you can’t get them to meeting and mothers have refused to let their children go to meeting because of a few chores.

She that Parents neglect to furnish good Books for their Children to read said there were association in which there were but one Primary speaker in them mentioned also the Book of Bible questions & ans— & said that some children at 2 would comprehend more than other at 10. Years. & the Prophet J S said that the time would come when a child at 4 years would comprehend more than men of 40

She said that she was in her 80th year & some had told her she was living on borrowed time she thot not as we can & should lay a foundation for longevity of life. Was pleased to hear Sister Howard speak of the little things. Some can’t bear to have evil spoken of them but if we wish to accomplish good we must not expect but we will be misunderstood we must not take notice of these things let them go if you go to one and another and stir up their feelings & they say they never said it you then go to others & stir up their feeling. It does no good just let them go “Blessed are the Peacemakers” Was pleased and felt honored by the presence of so many Brethren She also spoke of the blessing & benefits enjoyed by the afflicted in our Hospital She spoke highly of Sis [Elvira S.] Barney’s proposition to teach the science of medicine so very reasonably & advised the young women for their own good to attend where it was possible she wished there were a thousand students in that school today

In speaking of the P A [Primary Association]— she said all the Officers should be refined and Lady like in their manners and restraining bad language & evrything that is evil—was proud of her sis & felt that they were going to be more faithful [p. 92] said our labor is to save our selves others & she doubted if we could save ourselves if we without labouring to save others we must not give up nor get discouraged the adversary will not leave a stone unturned to discourage us & lead us away & if he can succeed in leading <overcoming> onc[e] his work is accomplished She said that women can administer in the name of Jesus but not by virtue of the Priesthood the promise which Jesus made was to all not to either sex she felt well & woul[d] like to Bless the People if she had the authority but she prayed that God would bless them & that they might go home happy with countenances beaming with joy She said our object is to gain eternal lives Eternal increase and it is nowhere else to be found only in the Celestial Glory this is worth evry effort we can make She said that were she to find out that through some some neglect of herse [hers] she would fall short of this blessing the torments of a sectarian hell would not compare with her distress and suffering for the mind can suffer so much more exquisitely than the body

[. . .] [p. 93]

Source Note

Morgan Utah Stake, Relief Society Minutes and Records (1878–1973), vol. 1 (1878–1912), pp. 88–93, CHL (LR 5777 14); Hulda C. Smith, Recording Secretary.

See also “Editorial Notes,” Woman’s Exponent 11, no. 24 (15 May 1883): 188.

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28 April 1883, Morgan Stake Relief Society; Morgan Stake Meetinghouse, Morgan, Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1880s/1883/04/1883-04-28