20 June 1884

Weber Stake Relief Society; Ogden Tabernacle, Ogden, Utah Territory

A long, rectangular building with triangle roof, a single chimney, and three arched, front-facing windows

Original Ogden Stake Tabernacle. Used by permission, Utah State Historical Society.

[. . .]

Sister Eliza R. Snow Smith took great pleasure in again meeting with us. She felt we were of that class that enjoyed the spirit of God, and the more of His spirit we have within us, the more we can see to do. Mothers need this spirit, to train and cultivate the minds and hearts of their children, that they may have faith in God.

Do we try as hard to encourage faith, love, charity and numerous other noble principles in the minds and hearts of our children, as we do to train them in the various fashions & follies of the day? [p. 131]

Referred to the great help the Primary Associations are to parents; and that the mother should take an interest in these meetings of their children. When the little ones come home, ask them questions, it will cause them to remember what they have heard, and they will be pleased in telling, in their own way that which they have learned. They will learn there, nothing but that which will tend to make them good and noble characters.

Spoke of the many calamities befalling the world, in various ways, and of the bitter feelings of our enemies toward us. We should be able to strengthen each other. We have been tried of late years in prosperity and have had some trials of a different nature. Perhaps Father has another chapter for us. God overrules, and the time will come when hypocrites will tremble, for we will have a reign of peace and righteousness.

It is a time when change succeeds change with great rapidity. The saints will yet be a free people and God will reign over them. Let us live humble and good lives before Him, that we may stand with Christ, our elder Brother, when He appears.

President Lewis W. Shurtliff [. . .] referred to the remarks of Sister Snow Smith in regard to the training and education of our children. He felt that in many instances the cultivation of ther mind was neglected and too much thought given to the fashions and follies of the day.

[. . .] [p. 132] [. . .] [p. 133] [. . .]

Sister Eliza R. S. Smith asked the question—would we not like to know who we were before we came here? We are now living in masquerade; this is not our first existence. Perhaps if we knew our former life, we would not like to disgrace ourselves by a single mean action. What a beautiful example Jesus set for us; how He suffered; He came here to do His Fathers will. He sacrificed even life. Was it for His own sake? No, He suffered the pain of all men, that all might repent and come unto Him; that we might be ourselves again, only gaining an exaltation

Let us each strive to be as obedient to the will of our Father, as He was. How great is the worth of souls in the sight of God. Let us be diligent in keeping the commandments of the Lord. Think for a moment of the great work we each should do; Have we as a people honored our callings? Have we allowed ourselves to speak evil of the Lords anointed? Are we as careful of our neighbors, our brothers and sisters reputation, as we are of our own? Let us scrutinize ourselves.—

It makes my heart glad to know that we have a just God to judge us. We differ, none are alike— There is a great variety of consciences— What guide have we?— We were born with the germ of every faculty, each having to be developed, but we are brought up or trained under various circumstances. [p. 134] How are we to be one? by living according to the law and order God has given unto us. We must study the works of God. If fashion would train our consciences to become more alike, then our judgment would be more alike and we would be able to see eye to eye.—

By trying we can accomplish that which seems impossible— God has endowed us with many beautiful gifts, and if we are faithful we will go back to Father. How interesting it will be when we awaken to our recollections of the past. Let us leave the little, low things of earth; rise above them. All have the privilege of choosing for themselves. The Lord will force no man to heaven. Sister Snow spoke of many other things of great interest. She occupied an hour and five minutes, on this occasion—

[. . .]

Sister Snow then gave in the resignation of Coun. Sarah A. Herrick, whose reason for resigning was, that she wished to devote more of her time to the young ladies. Being their president she felt it her duty to be with them more than she had been— Sister Herrick has faithfully performed the many duties required of her as counselor to Sister [Jane S.] Richards. We pray that she may be blessed with wisdom to teach the young ladies entrusted to her, in all things ennobling to womankind, both spiritually and temporally.

Sister Emily Shurtliff was nominated and sustained by all present, to take the place vacated by Sister Herrick— [p. 135]

Source Note

Weber Stake, Relief Society Minutes and Records (1867–1968), vol. 6 (1877–1900), pp. 131–135, CHL (LR 9970 14); Monta Harris, Secretary.

See also Monta Harris, “R. S., Y. L. M. I. A. & P. A. Reports: Ogden City,” Woman’s Exponent 13, no. 5 (1 Aug. 1884): 38–39; Weber Stake, Relief Society Conference Minute Book (1855–1899), pp. 122–127, CHL (LR 9970 29); and “Quarterly Conference Of the Relief Societies of Weber Co., June 20, 1884,” Ogden Daily Herald 4, no. 47 (25 June 1884): [2].

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20 June 1884, Weber Stake Relief Society; Ogden Tabernacle, Ogden, Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1880s/1884/06/1884-06-20