17 September 1884

Manti North Relief Society; Manti Council House, Manti, Utah Territory

[. . .] Sister [Emmeline B.] Wells said [. . .] [p. 181]

[. . .] We should all have the Questions & Answers on the Bible in our homes sister Eliza has prepared them a purpose for our children and every mother should sit down of an evening and teach them to their little ones; There is a great deal more I would like to say, but I know you all are anxious to hear from [p. 182] Sister Eliza [. . .]

Sister Eliza R Snow arose. said I suppose I need not say that I am pleased to meet with the sisters of this place. I was in Lehi once when Prest. [Brigham] Young arose and said he was in a congergation of Eves. I feel that I am in an assembly of the most worthy women of the whole world, what has not the everlasting gosple done for us, think of the change in our condition, if it had not been for this gosple I should have been in my grave long ago. The gosple brings us to gether. we would have not been here in Utah and we would not have become acquainted with each other. I was called upon to give a report of the sisters or at least furnish a report of their proceedings for the sisters deportment at Philidelphia [p. 183] and it was immense, it was astonishing the good they had done, they had done a great deal of good in taking care of the poor, besides <donating> a great amount to the building of the Temples, we have been blessed even when we did live on rations we were happy. God holds the hearts of all in his hand and he can turn them at his will, I think we are of the most worthy. It is rather an easy matter to profess to be a Saint but to be a real saint is another thing. when we went unto the waters of babtism [baptism] we covenanted to devote ourselves for ever to God, well we hired out did we not? but have we kept our covinents [covenants] and devoted our time to the Lord. I can remember when I came into the church I felt that I belonged to the Lord and every thing I had was the Lord’s. I had some money and I sent for the building committee of the Kirtland Temple and asked them if they did not want some money, for if they did I had some. They said it was just what they wanted and needed at that time. I handed it to them. They were in need of it and I was glad to let them have it What are the things of earth, can we not sacrifice anything, yes every thing to attain to the higher glory. I shall not be satisfied with a lesser glory but it depends upon our entire faithfulness that <what> we shall attain to, the higher ones sisters let us be faithful. There has an idea got out that sisters should be set apart to anoint the sick but <it> is a mistak any sister can who has been through the house of the Lord and recd [received] her washings [p. 184] and anointings and if you are called upon it is your duty to bless and do all the good you can, I feel that the time is fast approaching when the sinners in Zion will tremble.

The Lord can not pour out his blessings to a fullness until we are better prepared to receive them. we do not want to take but one step at a time and the good spirite will show us the next one to take, that is if we have the good spirite with us and we should live so as to always have it because we are not safe with out it. let us live to be the most worthy women and always striving to do right. [. . .] [p. 185]

Source Note

Manti North Ward, Sanpete Stake, Relief Society Minutes and Records (1883–1973), vol. 1 (1883–1889), pp. 181–185, CHL (LR 5251 14).

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17 September 1884, Manti North Relief Society; Manti Council House, Manti, Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1880s/1884/09/1884-09-17-b