9 June 1885

Box Elder Stake Relief Society; Box Elder Tabernacle, Brigham City, Utah Territory

[Editorial Note: This discourse was reported in two different sources. Both versions are transcribed below. For more information, see the source note following each transcript.]

I. From the Stake Relief Society Minutes

[. . .]

E R Snow

I arise in answer to your prairs [prayers] In S L [Salt Lake] City I speak well of you I think you diserv [deserve] it A. G [Oliver G. Snow] Says the sister are willing to carry out His Councils we wan[t ]to be true We are not to blame for cherishi[n]g the principals of God all are worth more then our lives persecution is what Jesus Bequethed to His followers The Lord had certain laws. and I feel for myself as one not to fail to lay my all down at the Saviors feel [feet] The powers of darkness are the temptatn [temptation] to overthrow the saints I pray constantly for my sisters to be faithful ame[n]

[. . .]

Afternoon session [p. 141] [. . .]

E. R. S. Smith

advised mothers to cultivate cheerfulness and spread light in your homes that the Holy Spirit m[a]y reign their [there]. a sad mother makes home gloomy and deprives the family of solice and joy of thought of home.

Have we not been commanded to bring forth from the eliments: then why are we not dressed in home made I feel we need a lash, we have been told there would be a famine. The sister have done the best to store Some grain. Some say it would ma [make] one meal only. Keep the Sabath and teach your families to I am glad the time has come that a sister influence goes a great ways. Never minde if we are called to lay down our bodies lets alway[s] be ready. I would rather then deny one principal. There is much to encourage us this trouble well [will] pass over and we will rise up Lets do all the good we can that we m[a]y each holdfast to the rod of iron ame[n]

[. . .] [p. 142] [. . .]

[. . .] Benediction E. R. S. Snow [p. 143]

Source Note

Box Elder Stake, Relief Society Minutes and Records (1857–1944), vol. 4 (1878–1890), pp. 141–143, CHL (LR 933 14).

II. From the Woman’s Exponent

[. . .]

During Prest. [Oliver G.] Snow’s speaking, Sisters Eliza R. Snow Smith and Jane [S.] Richards had arrived with the train, and entered during his remarks.

[. . .]

Sister Eliza R. Snow Smith felt pleased to see such a large congregation in the forenoon; said, “You and I do not want to belong to the exception, we want to be true, to belong to those God has confidence in. There is not one principle God has revealed but what is more than mortal lives. As a people we have grown very selfish, our hearts have drawn out to the love of the world.” Spoke of her feelings and experience at the time she embraced the Gospel, the powers of darkness exerted itself so strongly. Said, death is a thousand times more acceptable than apostacy. Bro. Heber C. Kimball was called the prophet of Brigham [Young]. He said, ‘There will come a day that will try every one.’ So there will be something that will try every one of this people.”

[. . .]

Sister Eliza R. S. Smith said, “We have heard so many good things—we have come to a fountain that will never be exhausted. Our religion is a practical one, not theory alone; we are workers, and to become a good housekeeper, I think is one of the greatest arts, if not the greatest. Let our young girls learn to be good housekeepers, and then cultivate fancy work, art and music after; but let housekeeping be the first consideration.” Spoke in very strong language against “banged hair,” said, “We want our young girls to look the most sensible, the most intellectual. When I meet a young lady who is willing to show her brow, I see she has some sense. To have a good home it takes order; it is no ordinary thing to be a good housekeeper. Should a mother, then, take all the responsibility and care upon herself through sympathy for her daughters? It is a cruel mother that will do all herself to save her girls. A good home is the foundation of a nation.” Spoke of home industry, storing grain for the famine and raising silk. “A few individuals have done the best they could, but the Lord never meant to accomplish these things by individuals, and then we are told to keep the Sabbath day holy. We had better suffer persecution than to be a rejected people. I have heard from others that the [p. 38] Prophet Joseph [Smith] had said that the Saints would go up to the Rocky Mountains, and there should be the greatest apostacy—about two thirds of the people. Bro. Kimball said the same. What if we should go to prison—I don’t know, but I hope I would die cheerfully rather than relinquish one principle of our religion. It is not alone our privilege, but our duty to acknowledge the hand of God in all things. We have more to encourage us, to see this ordeal before us, than otherwise; I believe when this is past Zion will be resplendent. Told how she had seen the time when the Saints would be one in principle. Spoke in beautiful and eloquent language about our striving to be faithful.

Sister Jane S. Richards said: “I have been thinking if it would be wisdom to try to speak after having heard such an excellent discourse as we have heard. I have thought a great deal of Sister Eliza’s remarks on Sabbath breaking, which is a subject that interests me greatly.” [. . .] [p. 39]

Source Note

R. S., Y. L. M. I. A. & P. A. Reports: Box Elder Srake,” Woman’s Exponent 14, no. 5 (1 Aug. 1885): 38–39.

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9 June 1885, Box Elder Stake Relief Society; Box Elder Tabernacle, Brigham City, Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1880s/1885/06/1885-06-09