11 June 1885

North Willow Creek Relief Society; Willard, Utah Territory

[. . .]

Sister [Mary Ann] Hubbard was thankful to see the Sisters from Brigham City said Sister E R S Smith will speak

Sister E R S Smith thanked our Heavenly Father for the Privilige of meeting with the Sisters. Spoke of the Present troubles, related some of Pres– Joseph Smith’s sayings regarding the Government. Said if we have the spirit of God in our hearts we need not fear she said Searching after the Poligamists is not the worst that is coming, that every one that will be tried to the utmost and see who is for the Lord and who for the Devil spoke of Prosperity lifting us up, hoped we were better here than they were in the City. Spoke of the Saints being Poor and the Brethren working on the Temple in Kirtland and living on Johnycake and cold watter and their being united but some Apostatised. Spoke of A meeting in the Temple Father Smith [Joseph Smith Sr.] Presiding and of the Apostates and of their leaving Kirtland. Spoke of Nauvoo as a Beautiful City but we had to leave there also. Said the Lord will use our Enemies to carry out his purposes. She gave the young Ladies some very good Instruction told them to get a Testimony for themselves of theruth [the truth] of the Gospel spoke of the pleasure seekers and the bathing trains running in Salt Lake Spoke of Poligamy said the Lord told Joseph Smith that if he dident [didn’t] go ahead with the Principle his Preasthood [Priesthood] should be taken from him. Said we all have missions Given us but we have forgotten our Mission Related a dream of Father Smith’s said the Lord will lead us step by step. [p. 260]

[. . .]

Sister E, R, S, Smith told a Remedy for the Dyptheria [. . .] [p. 261]

Source Note

North Willow Creek Ward, Box Elder Stake, Relief Society Minutes and Records (1868–1973), vol. 3 (1876–1886), pp. 260–261, CHL (LR 10189 14); Bithiah Wells, Secretary.

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11 June 1885, North Willow Creek Relief Society; Willard, Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1880s/1885/06/1885-06-11