13 February 18811

Kanab Relief Society and Young Ladies; Kanab, Utah Territory

[. . .] Sister Snow Smith said the time was when we thought that our husbands would save us, independent of our own exer[p. 165]tions. Now we understand that instead of depending entirely on our husbands for salvation and position, we have to work them o◊t [out] ourselves. The responsibility and labor that devolve upon women are becoming more important. If society is reformed, it is to a great extent because women are refined. And the well being of her children depends much on her influence and example. These societies are to be helps to the Bishops, and take many cares from their hands. We are organized in Ward and Stake capacities, and it is necessary that every sister should come forward and take hold of this work, for the benefit of their daughters. The Lord wants us to be a peculiar people. Felt that none of us draw as near to Father as we should. When we get the victory over ourselves then we are saved. “I would say to my young sisters, never shrink from a duty. God has put the means iu [in] your hands to become queens and priestesses in his kingdom, if you will only life for it.” She gave much more good instruction; also spoke on sericulture.

[. . .]

Sister Snow Smith organized a Silk Association.

[. . .] [p. 166]

Source Note

M. Elizabeth Little, “Kanab Relief Society,” Woman’s Exponent 9, no. 21 (1 Apr. 1881): 165–166.

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13 February 18811, Kanab Relief Society and Young Ladies; Kanab, Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1880s/1881/02/1881-02-13-a


  1. [1]An introduction and annotations to this discourse are available on the At the Pulpit website, https://www.churchhistorianspress.org/at-the-pulpit/part-2/chapter-18?lang=eng.