July 1851

1 July 1851 • Tuesday

Writing to-day letters to go home.

2 July 1851 • Wednesday

One of the brethren that was baptised last Sunday proposed riding over to Lahaina to get what things I had there. I consented as I wanted to send my letters and get what letters there might be there in the office from any of the brethren. I wrote an order to Mr. Swinton to let him have what letters there might be; and also a note in Native to Nalimanui to let him have my things. I wrote a letters to Aunt [Leonora Taylor], to Chas. [Charles Lambert], Bro. [Brigham] Young, my Quorum [30th Quorum of Seventy], Bros [Joseph] Cain & [Arieh] Brower, Bro. Egan, and Bros. Cain & Whittle & Dixon these are all I was able to finish in time for the messenger to take; Mr. Kaleohano my host having expressed a desire to write a letter in native to Aunt and for me to translate it into English and send the Native with the translation, also one to Mary Alice [Cannon Lambert], one to Anne and Leonora [Cannon], and one to Bro. Brigham; the translating of these letters deprived me of the privilege of writing all the letters I wished to send at this time. In Anne’s letter I wrote to Angus, David & Leonora [Cannon], Geo. [George] Mary Ann & Joseph [Taylor] advising them to persevere and get all the knowledge & information they could both in regard to principles immediately connected with the Kingdom & other principles. This evening had meeting very few being present.

3 July 1851 • Thursday

Reading &c.

4 July 1851 • Friday

do. do. I received a letter from Bro Farrer at Honolulu by the man who went to Lahaina after my things. Bro. Farrer has been on a tour round the Island; his health is not very good having a pain in his breast; the people at Hauula [Hau‘ula] are anxious to hear him preach he has been living there three weeks. He is progressing slowly in the language. No news from Bro. Hawkins this seems strange to me; the last letter received from <him> was dated April 14th; he is either very negligent or his opportunities of writing and sending letters to the port are rare. I have been and am quite anxious to hear from him as I expect by this his progress must be considerable both in numbers in the Church and in his knowledge of the language. I had an interview with Mr. Napela this morning; he did not allude to our last conversation; he said he was coming to live up here in a short time. He told me that his office of Judge was pau or stopped. I asked him if he thought that his entertaining <me>1 had any effect in their breaking him; he said he thought it was mainly attributable to that.—The natives with whom I have conversed with2 do not think so they think that it was not the cause.—I also <heard>3 to-day that he is cut off from the church by Mr. [Rev. Daniel] Conde.

5 July 1851 • Saturday

Reading &c. &c.

6 July 1851 • Sunday

We had more to meeting this morning than usual and many were very attentive. I preached upon the first principles & was very much assisted by the spirit. Baptised one man. In afternoon explained the object of the Lord’s supper [sacrament], as I thought of attending to it next Sunday and thought it best to prepare their minds:—After meeting one of the brethren told me, there was a man living about two or three miles off who had the palsy [paralysis] and had sent word by him for me to come and see him and administer to him. I accordingly went and explained the nature of the ordinance to him and anointed and laid hands on him. I pray that the Lord in his infinite goodness and mercy will restore him, if not appointed unto death, and confirm the administration of his servant and prove to this people that the Lord is the same <yesterday> to-day and forever to those who put their trust in him.—This afternoon in the meeting I told the brethren Bro. Farrer’s situation at Honolulu and desired them to pray for him. His letter was dated June 10th/51.

7 July 1851 • Monday

Reading &c. I went and seen the palsied man again; one side was some easier I again administered to him.

8 July 1851 • Tuesday

do do. do He was no better

9 July 1851 • Wednesday

This morning the man with whom I was living [Kaleohano] told me he wanted to be baptised I accordingly went up with him and baptised him. Had meeting in afternoon but few in attendance spoke on priesthood. After meeting in the evening baptised three; two of them had husbands in the church and the other was a daughter of one of the men.

10 July 1851 • Thursday

Yesterday evening in returning from the baptism Pake told me that he wanted me to pray for his wife that the Lord would soften her heart to receive the truth as he was troubled about her. I told him I would. This evening she came to me and told me she wanted to be baptised. We accordingly repaired to the spot and I baptised her.

11 July 1851 • Friday

I finished the remainder of my letters this morning—one to Bro. Wm Taylor and Bro. James Ferguson, one to Elizabeth H. [Hoagland]4 one to Bro. [Joseph] Horne, one to Bro. Ballentyne [Richard Ballantyne] to Hy. [Henry] E. Gibson.

12 July 1851 • Saturday

Sent the letters by a boy of Napelas’ to Wailuku with a request to N. to forward for me to Lahaina the first opportunity. This evening had meeting but very few present I gave them the meeting to express their feelings and I was much gratified listening to them, and felt the Spirit.

13 July 1851 • Sunday

Received a letter from Bro. Keeler last night from Keanae [Ke‘anae],5 he was enjoying good health. After leaving here he travelled that day to Mr. Fern’s and stopped that night and the next day from there he went on Wednesday to the place where he wrote the letter from. He was living with a man [Namakaiona] that did not belong to any of the Churches; they wanted him to live there until he mastered the language; the man with whom he was stopping had requested to be baptised, but Bro. K. thought he had <better> tarry awhile, as he did not think he understood the first principles.—This morning a young man, an adopted son of Napela’s, came to me requesting me to baptise him we went up and attended to it before meeting. Not so many at meeting this morning as there was last Sunday. I endeavored to preach on the Book of Mormon it was a rather lame attempt. I felt very much depressed after this meeting, it seems a hard business to explain things. When will I be so that I can do justice to the principles of which I am the bearer? It terrifies me almost after such failures the thought of getting up or attempting to speak. I do feel to call upon my Heavenly Father to have mercy upon <me> and bear <me> up and strengthenen me in this time of trial that I may be able to pass thro’ the ordeal with faith unshaken and come out with every thing brighter for the trial. This afternoon attended to the Sacrament, and gave liberty for the brethren to express their feelings, we had a pretty good meeting and I felt somewhat better.

14 July 1851 • Monday

Engaged variously.

15 July 1851 • Tuesday

do do

16 July 1851 • Wednesday

do do do The meeting this evening, there being but very few there, was passed by reading the scriptures and asking me questions on what they read.

17–19 July 1851 • Thursday–Saturday

Engaged variously. on the afternoon of Saturday had a meeting similar to the on[e] on Wednesday evening. I think it is a good way of giving them instruction this way—they are in general very ignorant in matters pertaining to principles in the scriptures.

20 July 1851 • Sunday

Held meeting this morning very few in attendance. I was grieved to see the indifference of the people to these things I had great deal of the Spirit of the Lord to assist me this morning preached with ease to myself and with more boldness than I had been able to do previously. After meeting baptised a young man. Held meeting in the afternoon I spoke upon them forsaking everything than would be likely to retard the influences of the Spirit with them such as the use of Tobacco &c. if they wanted to be healthy and pleasant people they would have to forsake such things.6 I gave room for any others to speak that wished. There were several arose and spoke.

21 July 1851 • Monday

I wrote two letters last Friday one to Bro’s. [Henry] Bigler and [William] Farrer7 and one to Bro. [James] Hawkins. I recieved a letter last Thursday from Bro. Hawkins, dated July 4th, he had just returned from a visit <of five days> among the Natives—he said he was still very hemahema [clumsy] in the language—he did not say how many he numbered there—during his absence the missionary Mr. [Rev. Lorenzo] Lyons had been trying [to get] those that Bro. H. had baptised to turn again to him as it [was] a great deception and deception [sic] he had not succeeded in his endeavors to convince them by his arguments. Bro. H. said he had not baptised any whites but there were several investigating and he had some hopes that he would yet baptise some—they were indifferent the generality to any thing like religion. This evening I was agreeably surprised by meeting with Bro. [James] Keeler again he had rode from Keanae [Ke‘anae] with the man with whom he stayed [Namakaiona]. They wanted me to return with them as from Bro. K.’s word they were very anxious a great number of them to be baptised and to hear the gospel preached and he had thought it best to come over and get me to go over there.8 it was thought best to wait until about noon to-morrow and then start as their animals were somewhat tired. I had been intending last week to leave here to-day and take a trip to Honolulu this week; but my clothes were dirty and I waited for them to wash them; and by this means they found <me> here.

22 July 1851 • Tuesday

My host Bro. [H. K.] Kaleohano and several others wished to accompany me—he furnished me with a horse to ride. They did not get ready as soon as we did having to wait for a saddle; it was thought best for Bro. Keeler and his host Namakaiona to and me to ride on and they would overtake us. We accordingly started about 3 o’clock and travelled until about night fall and stayed at a house belonging to the Uncle of the man who accompanied us. The house that we slept in was so short that Bro. K. with [while] stretching himself in the night made a hole in the end of the house; I slept very soundly.

23 July 1851 • Wednesday

We arose and eat breakfast this morning and then started. We had rain this morning but not very heavy; the road was slippery and bad ascending and descending for the animals;—we stayed at the house of Daniela Ii at Huelo about an hour conversing with him—he did not oppose anything that I advanced nor did he assent to it. After leaving his house we soon entered the timber and travelled <about> some four miles in it. the road was bad we had to lead our animals most of the way on account of the palis as the hills are called by the natives9—this reminded [me] of scenes I had pictured out in my imagination—vegation [vegetation] was the most luxuriant description, the timber in general was covered from the root upward in the living green, vines &c. running over every thing. I never saw10 anything to compare with it—we met a good many travelling on the road—very often in rounding a point we would see two or three dusky faces peering round to catch sight it made me think of some of [James Fenimore] Cooper’s scenes in his tales of the backwoods—the females with very few exceptions wore garlands of flowers upon the head.11

After coming out of the timber and ascending and descending several high and steep hills we came to a place called Honomanu we stopped at the house of the Konohiki and eat12—he13 [Kinolau] and his wife were anxious to be baptised and said they would come over to Keanae on Sunday to the meeting. After leaving there we ascended and descended several more steep hills and arrived at Keanae.—there was a crowd of youngsters in waiting at the bottom of the hill and the people were all on the qui vive to see us.14 We arrived there about three o’clock the house was filled immediately and we had two water melons brought to us to eat. After shaving I proposed to Bro. Keeler that we go and see the luna here & ask him for the [Congregational] meeting hou house this afternoon to tell our message <to the people>;15 after some little conversation with him upon the principles he consented for us to have the use of it. As we were leaving Bro. Kaleohano and the rest rode up five in all—they did not leave Waiakoa the place where we resided at the Kula until this morning—they had travelled very fast. The meeting house is a very commodious building and there were a good many hearers. I had not time to think about getting scared before I commenced when I commenced to give out the hymn my voice sounded strange the building was larger than I had been accustomed to speaking in and my voice reverberated very much. I was blessed very much with the spirit I do not remember much after commencing of what I said I made a great many gesticulations and shouted and walked backwards and forwards considerable—the people felt the spirit I could see it in their faces.16 We sat up until a late [h]our conversing—they seemed all to be taken up with the preaching and our doctrine.

24 July 1851 • Thursday

There were several persons came down from an adjacent place Wailua17 to give their names having heard that we had arrived. I enquired of them the practicability of holding a meeting there. One young man who had come down to give his name said he had no doubt but that we could get the meeting house a large new building that they had just finished—his father was one of the lunas there. This afternoon baptised 39 among the rest Namakaiona and afterwards had meeting and spoke upon the object and offices of the spirit and afterwards attended to the confirmation.18

25 July 1851 • Friday

We were awakened this morning by our host who told [us] there were several waiting to be baptised. We arose and eat breakfast and then repaired to the water there were 14 assembled to be baptised several had not heard the first principles I explained in short the first principles and the requirements of the Gospel to them and told them if they were not determined to forsake all their sins and come into the Kingdom with a pure heart it would be better for them to stay out—in fact it is the course I have universally taken to impress upon their minds the serious nature of the ordinance. Bro. K. baptised these he had not the ceremony very perfect but made out. We confirmed them a short distance from the water’s edge.—Having finished this we rode over to Wailua about two miles. We had an interview with the luna and members of the Calvanistic Church to get the meeting house.19 The luna was somewhat afraid for fear he would get into difficulty. I told him the nature of our message that I was anxious for all to hear, both in the Church and out:—we had been sent to all, high and low, rich and poor—and I wanted them all to hear to accept or reject—if we preached anything contrary to the scriptures we did not want them to beleive it.—I said it was for their own convenience that I wished to get the meeting house—as for myself it do <would> not make much difference with me I could preach out of doors.—They said I could have the meeting house. We accordingly repaired to the meeting house and we had a tolerably good and very attentive congregation—I had the spirit very much of it and spoke with power. There was one white man present a superintendant of the roads. He was at the door when we came out, he shook hands and appeared very friendly we conversed from the meeting house down to his place of residence, on the language and on his views of religion &c. We baptised 35 Bro. K. officiated.

We held meeting in the afternoon and confirmed those baptised I spoke on the principles and afterwards gave way for them to ask questions if there was anything that they did not understand—they asked several questions on various subjects, on our rebaptising &c.20 I had a good deal of the spirit and told the truth squarer out than I had ever done before in regard to the other churches—they were anxious for our people to meet together with them—I told them I had no objection but our folks must have charge of the meeting &c. and it must be for them—this they <did> not altogether like—I told them I could <not> do otherwise these people had obeyed the command of the Lord and entered his Kingdom and they had not and were consequently aliens—A good feeling prevailed throughout notwithstanding the truth had been told so plain. We rode back to Keanae this evening.

26 July 1851 • Saturday

Held meeting in the morning a prayer meeting. I spoke exhorting the saints to diligence. After this meeting this morning <I> baptised 12; some of these were brethren of the Calvinistic Church. The luna met me as I was returning and asked me the reason for my baptising some of their members—I told them I did not know their members from any body else—they had come to me and demanded baptism at my hands and professed their willingness to live up to the requirements of the gospel—and I could not refuse them—He said he thought I had done wrong he was somewhat excited—he said I had said that their was only one baptism in the Church and I had baptised these making two—I told him that there was but one baptism in the Church—but these people had never been baptised until this morning—for their former baptism they had no authority from the scripture nor from the Lord for it—and it therefore was nothing.—I told him he had better take care and not try to oppose the work of the Lord for it might crush him.—I then left him. We held confirmation meeting. This evening Bro. Kaleohano had singing school I counselled them to persevere and make themselves good singers for it was pleasing to God and man.21

27 July 1851 • Sunday

Held prayer meeting this morning in the meeting house all the members of the other church having assented with the exception of three or four, to us having the use of the meeting house to-day. The Forenoon meeting was well attended the house being nearly full—they had come from the adjacent places to hear notwithstanding the highness of the streams in consequence of yesterday’s rain and had to swim to get [here] both men and women, bundling up their clothes and carrying them over in one hand and swimming with the other. I felt weak and empty this morning and did not feel as though I could do anything. I requested their prayers, and I was truly blessed an I never preached with such power as I did this morning—the language came with ease and fluency and I was filled with the spirit with words and ideas.—I never seen a more attentive congregation all wide awake with countenances and eyes beaming with pleasure and paying the best possible attention, drinking the words in greedily—the house was filled with the spirit the people all felt it—Bro. K. wept in meeting he said he could not refrain from it, he was melted into tears he felt so much of the spirit. I was filled with joy, I felt like shouting Glory, Glory, Glory to the Lord God of Israel for his goodness to me a poor weak instrument, a mere boy, to make me the bearer of such glad tidings & seal it by his spirit.—The congregation seemed to be delighted—they were dressed very well and I could not help loving them—they seemed near and dear to me. In the intermission22 baptised 31.23 In the afternoon confirmed and spoke upon various principles. This day was as happy [a] day as I ever experienced I felt as I wished to feel—and I pray that my Heavenly Father will continually bless me similarly—I feel as though words were too feeble to express my gratitude to him for his beneficence to me. This evening several of the lunas dropped in, we conversed on various subjects the best of feelings seemed to exist.

28 July 1851 • Monday

Bro. Kaleohano had a singing school to-day, after which we had a meeting to resolve upon the best measures for us to take in regard to a place to meet in as I intended returning to Waiakoa to-morrow and organise the branch there and then return here and arrange business here and have the Lord’s supper but I wanted to see us have a place to meet in, either to have the meeting house secured or else have a shade [bowery] constructed.24 Upon questioning the luna he said the brethren were all in favor of us having the church with the exception of two or three—but he was going to-morrow to see his head he said at Hana [Rev. Eliphalet W. Whittlesey] and get his views upon it. I thought it was a poor way of doing business to lean to their teachers they way they did and not exercise their own judgment. It was decided to let matters stand until he would return next Friday. He confessed to me this afternoon that he had done wrong by speaking to me in the manner he had on Saturday morning, he said fear seized him directly afterwards and he had it ever since. I told [him] I forgave him, as far as I was concerned he need not be afraid but I told [him] he did well to fear when he got in the way of the work of God.

29 July 1851 • Tuesday

Attended prayer meeting this morning and spoke exhortingly to the saints on various subjects. We started this morning for Waiakoa25 I felt regret this morning at parting with the folks I felt very much attached and really loved them my arm almost ached with shaking hands. It had rained in the night and was showery this morning making the roads slippery and bad. We stopped at the house of Bro. Kinolau the Konohiki of Honomanu and eat, he had boiled fowls &c. and prepared a meal for us.—The hills were difficult of ascent and descent. On our return I called at the house of Mr. Fern at Peahi—he was not at home his wife started the people cooking for us and we stopped and eat there.—We arrived at Waiakoa about dark. There had been no rain since we left and the roads were very dusty. I never enjoyed a happier time than I have on this visit the Lord has blessed me with his spirit and has enabled me to preach his gospel and bear testimony to it with fearlessness and has confirmed my words by his spirit. I have been blessed in speaking to astonish myself—I feel as though I cannot be sufficiently grateful to my Heavenly Father for these things I feel to pray to him to fill me with his spirit that I may preach his gospel with power and demonstration of the spirit before all men.

30 July 1851 • Wednesday

Wrote a letter to Bros. Bigler and Farrer, Honolulu,26 and to Bro. Hawkins, Hawaii. Held meeting this afternoon there were very few in attendance.

31 July 1851 • Thursday

Engaged variously.

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July 1851, The Journal of George Q. Cannon, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-q-cannon/1850s/1851/07-1851


  1. [1]Added later in blue ink.

  2. [2]Crossed out in pencil.

  3. [3]Added later in blue ink.

  4. [4]Elizabeth H. was added later in ink over a dash.

  5. [5]Ke‘anae is located on a small peninsula on the eastern windward side of Maui (Pukui, Elbert, and Mookini, Place Names of Hawaii, 103). Its elevation, at sea level, is substantially lower than that of the surrounding area, where the ocean frequently breaks against rugged, towering cliffs. In Cannon’s day, reaching Ke‘anae by land entailed following a well-defined trail down the face of a nearby cliff.

  6. [6]Because drunkenness was a widespread problem in the islands at the time—it was the most commonly prosecuted offense in the Sandwich Islands court system—and because smoking was also prevalent, Cannon and his fellow missionaries regularly emphasized the Latter-day Saint law of health known as the Word of Wisdom (Doctrine and Covenants 89). The position of the Latter-day Saint missionaries in Hawai‘i was consistent with the emphasis Brigham Young placed upon the Word of Wisdom in September 1851 when he called “on all the boys who were under ninety years of age who would covenant to leave off the use of Tobacco, Whisky, and all things mentioned in the Word of Wisdom, to manifest it” (Young, “Minutes of the General Conference,” Kanesville [IA] Frontier Guardian, Nov. 28, 1851). In November 1852, Farrer spoke “to the saints on the word of wisdom & the necessity of living by every word & command of the Lord” (Farrer diary, Nov. 9, 1852). Later that month, Francis Hammond “taught concerning the health of their bodys, how to preserve it by obeying the word of Wisdom” (Hammond journal, Nov. 17, 1852). Two weeks later the Saints “coven[an]ted to set apart the first day of every month for a fast day, to lay aside their food and water and their pipes on that day. this is the hardest of all the rest, their pipes; they are very much attached to them” (Hammond journal, Dec. 1, 1852). Failure to observe the Word of Wisdom would not keep an individual in the islands from being baptized a Latter-day Saint, and only occasionally resulted in Church disciplinary action—usually for repeated drunkenness. While the missionaries taught the Word of Wisdom, they felt it was important to wait to enforce the health code “until the church had strength and wisdom to understand the commandments of the Lord” (Hammond journal, Dec. 1, 1852). For overviews of the Word of Wisdom in the nineteenth century, see Peterson, “Historical Analysis of the Word of Wisdom”; Peterson and Walker, “Brigham Young’s Word of Wisdom Legacy”; Bush, “Word of Wisdom in Early Nineteenth-Century Perspective”; McCue, “Did the Word of Wisdom Become a Commandment in 1851?”; Arrington, “Economic Interpretation of ‘The Word of Wisdom.’”

    Prior to the arrival of the Latter-day Saints in Hawai‘i, the Protestant missionaries had published a Temperance Map and an accompanying pamphlet, Explanations of the Temperance Map, Designed to Illustrate the Beginning and Progress of Intemperance; and also the Benefit of Total Abstinence. These missionaries had also encouraged the Hawaiians to join the “Cold Water Army” by pledging to abstain from alcoholic beverages (see Wiltberger, Temperance Map; Wiltberger, Explanations of the Temperance Map; Missionary Album, 77).

  7. [7]Farrer noted concerning Cannon’s letter: “Bro. Cannon on Maui had baptized 19 persons among which was 1 Deacon of the Calvanistic church. . . . This was cheering news to me and I feel to rejoice that the work is prospering so well and I pray my Heavenly Father that he will bless the labors of his servants on these Islands” (Farrer diary, Aug. 6, 1851).

  8. [8]Keeler recorded the circumstances that prompted him to seek out Cannon: “I was requested to Hold a meeting to day and wread . . . from the first principals of the gospel to wich they semed to bee pleased with in the afterknon I done the same. those that I had taken their names ware anctious to Come in to the Church write a way I therefore thought it was best to goe fore Brother Cannon as I was hemahema in the Language” (Keeler journal, July 20, 1851).

  9. [9]A pali is a steep hill, cliff, or precipice. Pu‘u is used to describe a hill or other raised terrain.

  10. [10]Corrected in pencil from seen.

  11. [11]Cannon later recorded additional information concerning this journey: “The road was impassable for carriages or wagons; in fact, horsemen had to dismount and lead their horses in many places up and down the hills, they were so steep. Whatever the people who lived in the villages on that side of the island needed, they either carried in, on their backs, or brought around in boats. To me the journey was most romantic, and I enjoyed it, the more so as I now understood the language, and was able to obtain many interesting items from the natives with whom we traveled and met, concerning the country, and their history and traditions” (Cannon, My First Mission, 37).

  12. [12]A konohiki is an overseer of a section of land known as an ahupua‘a, which frequently extends from the uplands to the sea. The konohiki’s authority, bestowed by the local chiefs, included granting fishing rights and the use of land and other natural resources (Chinen, Great Mahele, 3; Pukui and Elbert, Hawaiian Dictionary, 166).

  13. [13]Corrected in pencil from him.

  14. [14]Cannon later noted that the missionaries’ arrival “created great excitement. The people had been watching for us, and seeing us approach from a long distance, had gathered to meet us. Had we been princes they could not have treated us with greater consideration and honor” (Cannon, My First Mission, 37).

  15. [15]A luna is a supervisor or officer given the specific responsibility and control of something. Because the Congregationalist missionaries in this part of Maui traveled a circuit, they sometimes appointed local church members as lunas to oversee church-related affairs (Pukui and Elbert, Hawaiian Dictionary, 215).

  16. [16]Keeler wrote that Cannon “preached from the first principals of the gospel he spoke first wrate” (Keeler journal, July 23, 1851).

  17. [17]Wailua, which translates as “two waters,” is situated near sea level in an area southeast of the Ke‘anae peninsula where a series of gullies channel several streams from the side of Haleakala to the ocean (Pukui, Elbert, and Mookini, Place Names of Hawaii, 224).

  18. [18]Keeler reported that “Brother Cannon prepared and Baptised them. . . . It took us untill after dark to get through” (Keeler journal, July 24, 1851).

  19. [19]Cannon and other Latter-day Saint missionaries generally referred to the ABCFM missionaries and their adherents as Calvinists, a term that applies to all the churches that trace their origins to John Calvin and the Protestant Reformation, instead of identifying them by denomination (Congregationalists).

  20. [20]Rebaptising in this context refers to the practice of baptizing those who had previously been baptized members of other churches.

  21. [21]Participating in singing schools—a practice initiated by the Congregationalist missionaries—became an important Latter-day Saint activity in the Hawaiian Islands during this time.

  22. [22]Corrected in pencil from intercession.

  23. [23]The large number of converts prompted Keeler to declare, “The Lord has Blessed us beyond our expectations” (Keeler journal, July 27, 1851).

  24. [24]Keeler also wrote about the meeting: “Had a meeting of the brotherin to day Brother C gave them som good instructions preparetory to his leaving as I am so hemahema in the language I thought that it would [be] hard to manag them my self” (Keeler journal, July 28, 1851).

  25. [25]Cannon later provided a summary of his experience at Ke‘anae: “We were constantly speaking, baptizing, confirming and counseling the people. During that time there were upwards of one hundred and thirty baptized. The spirit of the Lord was powerfully poured out, and all rejoiced; I never enjoyed myself so well before in my life. When I started back to Kula . . . I felt very tired, with the amount of labor that I had performed” (Cannon, My First Mission, 37–38). Cannon expected to return in about three weeks (Keeler journal, July 29, 1851).

  26. [26]See Appendix 2, Item 5.