April 1884

1 April 1884 • Tuesday

Tuesday April 1 1884. I am urging the settlement of the Hoagland estate. Paid Judge Elias Smith $75 for fees this morning. At the Office. Met in Council with First Presidency & Twelve. The subject of upholstering the stands and altars of Logan Temple was up. The filling of the office of Presiding Bishop was discussed. Prest. Taylor called on the brethren for names. No name was mentioned by any till I suggested Wm B. Preston, Wm Budge, Charles O. Card & R. T. Burton. Stated that my mind rested on all the men as men from whom to make a selection. No conclusion was reached, except that Prest. Taylor and myself expressed ourselves as feeling that a change should take place in the management of the Tithing Department and business methods introduced and maintained in each tithing department. The propriety of suffering men to remain in presiding positions who had neglected to obey the commands of the Lord respecting plural marriage was talked over. A portion of the revelation upon this subject was read, and Prest. Taylor expressed himself with great force and power upon the subject. I agreed with him, as we all did, in his views. I feel very strongly on this subject – that we should not put men in position who had neglected to obey this law and are careless about it, especially after the word of the Lord has been given to us as it was 18 months ago on this matter. I feel and so expressed myself that where men had not taken steps to fulfil this command that they should be removed from leading positions. There are five Prests of Stakes at the present time who are in this condition, and they cannot have that influence with the people which they should have. Men and women who have obeyed the law of God are sensitive about being presided over by men who have neglected to show their faith by their obedience to this very important commandment. The Presidents of Stakes are: – W. G. Smith, of Morgan, W. W. Cluff, of Summit, Abraham Hatch, of Wasatch, L. S. Shurtcliffe, of Weber, & Oliver G. Snow, of Box Elder.

I prepared a title page and preface for James W. Barclay’s articles, which has been copied from the Nineteenth Century & put into pamphlet form, with the intention of making it one of a series. I also read proof.

The Patti concert was held this evening in the large tabernacle which was brilliantly lighted and crowded to its utmost seating capacity. The house is admirably adapted for a performance of this kind, and so far as I heard every one was delighted with the tabernacle and with the performance. I brought my family up in a lumber wagon as I had no vehicle strong enough to carry them all in one team. I brought up my wives Sarah Jane, Eliza, and Martha, my daughter Mary Alice & Sister Davey, and my son David came with us to take care of the team. We took back with us my daughter-in-law, Mattie, the wife of Frank. The moon was up, and it made our ride rather pleasant, though it was quite cool. Patti’s singing was all I expected. She sang two ballads “’Twas within a mile O Edinbro toon” and “Home, Sweet Home”. When encored she gave “Coming thro’ the rye” and “Home, Sweet Home” again, and sang an aria in Italian and was encored. Altogether she sang four pieces, and gave three encores. Nicolini, as tenor, was also very fine, and altogether the performance was a very delightful one. Patti is not only a good singer, but a consummate actress, and has very winning ways by which an audience is captivated

2 April 1884 • Wednesday

Wednesday, April 2, 1884. I brought my wife Eliza to town with me this morning. A great many Elders from various parts are in town to attend Conference. Col. Hooker, of the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railroad called upon me for the purpose of getting my influence in favor of a part of the missionaries going by their road. I introduced him to Bro. Joseph F. Smith who has more to do with this business than I.

Bro. Jesse N. Smith, of the Arizona Stake, & Miles P. Romney were at the council of the First Presidency & Twelve at the Endowment House at 2 oclock and related the condition of affairs at St. John. There is a very bitter, mobocratic feeling there which has broken out among Americans, and lots belonging to the Saints have been jumped. Bishop Udell had to exert all his influence to prevent a collusion and bloodshed. He and two or three others had been arrested. A communication was read calling for an additional 90 families to go there to strengthen the settlement. The question as to the propriety of calling people to go to such a place was considered, for we all feel that we would not like to call our brethren and sisters to go where we would not want to go ourselves. But Certainly there is a condition of affairs at St. John not very inviting for women and children. It struck me, however, that the best policy would be for us to endeavor to get possession of the County offices to which we are entitled because of our having the majority vote in the County. These people, however, have contrived to defeat the will of the majority and to keep possession of the offices, and are strengthened in their acts of aggression upon the Saints because of this.

We held our usual meeting. I took supper at the 14th Ward and stopped at Abrahams all night. [My last wife was angry at me, and she expressed much opposition towards me]1

3 April 1884 • Thursday

Thursday April 3, 1884. Met at 11 oclock and at 4 oclock with the First Presidency & Twelve. There were present — Prest John Taylor, myself, W. Woodruff, Lorenzo & Erastus Snow, F. D. Richards, Brigham Young, Albert Carrington, F. M. Lyman, George Teasdale. Bro. Jos. F. Smith was at the Endowment House. It was decided (and a resolution in accordance therewith was adopted) that it would be imprudent for the Indians under our tuition at Washakee to go to the gathering of the Indians on the Humbolt. Letters were sent containing this advice to Bishop Zundell at Washakee, Bishop Spencer, at Thistle Valley and Bishop Lee at Deep Creek. We made arrangements to help Abraham A. Kimball, Jesse N. Smith, & A F. McDonald, and listened to the financial reports which were read. At 1/2 past 7 o’c we again met and took into consideration the appointment of a Presiding Bishop and an Apostle. At our previous meeting at the request of Prest. Taylor when he called for names for the presiding Bishop I mentioned the names of the present counselors of the late Bishop Hunter, L. W. Hardy & R. T. Burton, I also mentioned the names of Wm B. Preston, C. O. Card, & Wm Budge. These were the only names that were discussed. My own mind rested upon Wm B. Preston, as I had felt when last at Logan (by the spirit as I believe) that he was the man. But Prest. Taylor had leaned, I thought, somewhat to Bro C. O. Card. We had some time since canvassed the subject of bringing some one here to act in a Bishop’s capacity in the Tithing Office and his mind and mine had rested upon Bro Card as a suitable man for the place. In speaking about Bro. Card I dwelt more on his qualifications because of the feeling I thought Prest. Taylor had in his favor. Bros Woodruff and Lorenzo Snow expressed themselves in favor of Bro. Preston. Erastus Snow spoke in favor of George Thatcher. Bro. Richards was rather in favor of Bro. Card, also Brigham Young and Albert Carrington. Bro. F. M. Lyman while he spoke very highly of Bro. Preston, I think leaned more to Bro. Card. Bro. Teasdale spoke in favor of Bro. Budge. After all the Twelve had expressed themselves, Prest. Taylor, Jos. F. Smith and myself, we withdrew, and he asked our views. I told him my feelings respecting Bro. Preston, that I thought there was a dignity of bearing he had that would enable him to get along with the counselors better than perhaps Bro. Card would under the circumstances. Bro. Smith spoke in favor of Bro. Budge. I stated that everything he had said about Bro. Budge I agreed to, that I thought him an excellent man; still my mind had not been led to look upon him as the man. Prest. Taylor seemed to take the same view and decided to nominate Bro. Preston, which was unanimously sustained by all present. The question then came up respecting the vacancy in the Twelve. Prest. Taylor had mentioned <this subject> to Bro. Smith and myself before and asked our views. We had mentioned several names, and he mentioned the name of his son John W. Taylor. While we had withdrawn from the Twelve to talk about the Presiding Bishop he again mentioned this subject and asked our views respecting the person that we should choose. I saw that his mind still rested upon his son John W. I said to him I had only to repeat the objection that I had made before, that he had only one wife and was a young man, but that if his mind was clear upon the subject I had no objection. I said there was another view also to be taken of this matter, that the public would naturally enquire what qualifications had this young man to recommend him to the position beyond the fact of his being his son. I desired him to look at that, and if he had thought of it and still was clear in his mind, that he ought to be nominated and I should very readily vote for him. This conversation occurred while we were by ourselves. Prest Taylor called upon the Twelve for nominations. They were singularly reticent. Bro. Woodruff nominated L. John Nuttall. Bro. Lorenzo Snow said he had no name to give, but he would mention that he had heard the name of C. W. Penrose, but did not make the nomination himself. Erastus Snow was not clear about anybody and preferred not making any nomination. The same with Bro. Richards. Brigham Young said that he had two young men in his mind that he had thought of nominating – John Q. Cannon and Franklin S. Richards. Bro. Joseph F. Smith also mentioned John Q. Cannon. Before doing so he had mentioned the name of Bro. John W. Taylor for the consideration of the brethren. So far as John Q. Cannon was concerned I wished to say that my mind did not rest at all upon him, and I arose and said to <Prest Taylor and> the brethren that I had strong views and feelings respecting putting men in office to preside over the Priesthood who had only one wife. I had waived my feelings in the appointment of Heber J. Grant and Seymour B. Young, because the Lord had the right to choose whom he pleased, and when He chose I had no wish to have any feeling but one of complete submission and acceptance. In the present instance John W. Taylor had been mentioned. He had only one wife so far as I knew, and then I stated to the brethren what I had said to Prest. Taylor as to the probable effect it would have in the community, the nomination of his son, and yet while I thought it was right to take this into consideration I did not think it fair to the son of a prominent man to be ruled out because of his having parents of this kind – that a worthy man in a prominent family ought not to be handicapped by the fact that he had good parents who had distinguished themselves; and if Prest. Taylor was clear in his mind respecting the nomination of his son I would hold up both hands readily; but I wished the whole matter to be properly considered by him and by all of us. Bro. Brigham Young said it struck him favorably to have a son of Prest. Taylor if he had a son that was worthy. He (Prest. Taylor) had been a valiant man for the truth. He was now getting in years, and it would be well if he had a son who could represent him after he passed away. Bro. Richards expressed himself in the same way, and there was considerable said. Finally I whispered to President Taylor that if he had no objections I would nominate Bro. John W. Taylor. Bro Carrington had already nominated him, but the nomination had not been seconded. I asked Bro. Carrington if he would please withdraw the nomination and I would make it. He did so and I made it, and it was seconded and carried unanimously. – A motion was then made to confirm the nomination which had been made of Bro. C. D. Fjeldsted as one of the Presidents of Seventies. This occupied us until 10 p.m. I afterwards drove home and found all in bed

4 April 1884 • Friday

Friday April 4, 1884. My son Sylvester is quite sick with influenza. I drove my daughter-in-law, Mattie, to town in the morning.

We met in conference at 10 oclock. Prest. Taylor called upon me to offer the opening prayer. He, Bros. George Teasdale, & F. M. Lyman occupied the forenoon. The afternoon was occupied by Bros Moses Thatcher, Albert Carrington and F. D. Richards. At the suggestion of Prest. Taylor, Bro Jos F. Smith and myself had an interview with Bishops Hardy and Burton in relation to the appointment of Bro. Preston and to learn their feelings respecting being his counselors. They were quite willing to act in that capacity and expressed their confidence in him. Previous to this, however, Prest. Taylor and myself had had an interview with Bro. Preston when he was informed of his appointment and of our wishes to have these brethren act as counselors, to which he had no objection. At 7 p.m. met with the Young Men & Young Women’s Mutual improvement association in the Assembly Hall. Among others I spoke about a quarter of an hour. Had considerable liberty.

5 April 1884 • Saturday

Saturday April 5, 1884. Have but little time at home these nights, it being past 10 oclock last evening when I reached home and I had to get to town early this morning. Was at the Office previous to the meeting of Conference. The forenoon was occupied by Bros Lorenzo Snow, Brigham Young & Erastus Snow, the time being divided between them, Bro. Erastus speaking at greater length than the others. The remarks made by Bro. Young were on home manufactures and were very vigorous and spirited. He was followed in the same strain by Bro. Erastus Snow. I presented the names of the missionaries to the Conference. In the afternoon the statistical report of the Church was read, also that of the Primary and Young Ladies Mutual Improvement Association and also that of the Relief Society and the Sunday School Union. Bro. Woodruff followed with remarks occupying about twenty minutes. I spoke for about sixteen minutes upon the necessity of taking proper steps to protect ourselves in this country against the fluctuations of the grain market, pointing hout how the depreciation in grain might have been prevented in our market by a union on the part of the Boards of Trade in the various counties. Spoke also against the importation of butter and other productions. Said it was a shame to us as a people that butter and lard and such productions were imported into this country and sold in our markets. Prest. Taylor spoke for about 13 minutes. During his remarks he presented the financial report of 1883, and upon my motion before the conference was referred to the Auditing Committee. At 1/2 past 3 oclock, in company with Prest. Taylor and several of the brethren, I attended a meeting of Z.C.M.I. at the Social Hall and listened to the reports. From thence I went to the Historians Office and met with the Auditing Committee and stayed there until 7 oclock, the hour at which I had given notice for the Sunday School Union meeting in the large Tabernacle. By hurrying I got there in time, but I had to go without my supper. We had a most excellent time, the Tabernacle being brilliantly lighted and appeared to excellent advantage. Prof. Smith and his pupils furnished the music which was very sweet, and interspersed with speeches from the brethren made a very interesting meeting. I drove home after the meeting. Reached there after all had retired to rest.

6 April 1884 • Sunday

Sunday April 6, 1884. A beautiful morning for conference. Met in the Tabernacle at 10 oclock. After some remarks from Prest. Taylor to the people upon the necessity of observing order, I presented the report of the Auditing Committee of the Church on the financial statement for the year 1883. On motion this report was accepted. I then addressed the Conference upon the divinity of the Book of Mormon quoting from the prophecies contained in it to prove that it was inspired of God. The vast congregation listened with great attention. Probably this was a large or the largest of any congregation we have ever had in the Tabernacle, and in response to my remarks respecting their having a testimony by the power of the Holy Ghost in fulfillment of the words of Moroni concerning the divinity of the Book of Mormon the whole audience responded aloud in the affirmative that they had this testimony, probably the most unanimously attested testimony ever borne at any single time before concerning the divinity of that precious record. My remarks occupied 59 minutes, though I had to stop before I had touched on many points that I had in my mind, but as I was trespassing on the time of Jos. F. Smith I did not wish to proceed further, though he had told me that he much preferred my occupying the time than to speak himself. He spoke very spiritedly proving from the Book of Doctrine and Covenants the divinity of Joseph Smith’s mission. There were a number of prominent Indians on the stand who had been brought up from Arizona by President Macdonald and his counselor, Henry S. Richards. Bro Richards was in their company and had them in charge. They were Pimas, Maracopas & Papagos.

We ordained Solemn [Soloman] H. Hale & George C. Parkington [Parkinson] as Counsellors to Prest. W D. Hendricks of the Oneida Stake. Prest. Taylor was mouth in the setting apart of the first, and I of the second.

In the afternoon some more missionaries names were presented and I submitted the General Authorities of the Church to the Conference; calling upon John W. Taylor, who was nominated as one of the Twelve, to respond before the General Conference as to his willingness to accept and discharge the duties of that high and holy calling; also upon Wm. B. Preston who was nominated Presiding Bishop to state to the Conference his feelings concerning the nomination.

In the evening met with the Priesthood in the Assembly Hall. It took about one hour to get the brethren sorted and arranged in their different stakes and wards it being President Taylor’s wish that every person present should be known to be a member of the Priesthood, and the Bishops and Presidents scrutinized all who were there with that view. He occupied sometime in addressing the meeting. Spoke very plainly upon subjects connected with the Priesthood and the duties of the Elders; after which he was followed by Prest. Joseph F. Smith who was moved upon powerfully and spoke with great severity about those who had failed to obey the law of God concerning plural marriage, especially Presidents of Stakes. Prest. Taylor pressed me to speak and I did so, though it was late. Before doing so I called upon the people present to say if they were tired and if I should proceed, and the response was very hearty for me to proceed. Prest. Woodruff followed, speaking a few minutes.

7 April 1884 • Monday

Monday April 7, 1884. Attended a meeting of Zions Central Board of Trade at the City Hall at 10 oclock, and at 1/2 past 3 oclock met with the Presidents of Stakes and their counselors at the Social Hall. In the evening I attended with a portion of my family a concert at the large Tabernacle which was given by Elder Evan Stephens and his juvenile classes. There were ten of my children singing with him.

8 April 1884 • Tuesday

Tuesday April 8, 1884. Again met at 10 oclock with Zions Central Board of Trade and at 2 pm met with the Council


9 April 1884 • Wednesday

Wednesday, April 9, 1884. Met at the Social Hall at 10 oclock with the Presidents of Stakes. Much good instruction was given. At 2 pm. met with the First Presidency and Twelve; attended to the usual business, and prayed.

I remained in town all night.

10 April 1884 • Thursday

Thursday, April 10, 1884. Had five meetings today with Bro. Beck and the Iron Company and other business, and did not get through till about 1/2 past 10 oclock. I remained in town.

11 April 1884 • Friday

Friday, April 11 1884. Breakfasted with President Taylor at 8 oclock this morning and finished up our business with Bro. Beck. Our settlement of the affairs were most satisfactory we have had (For agreement see Company’s minutes of today and my own account book). Had another meeting of the Iron Company.

12 April 1884 • Saturday

Saturday, April 12, 1884. Arranged for the organization of the Cedar and Iron Railroad Co.

13 April 1884 • Sunday

Sunday, April 13, 1884. Met with my children and gave them instructions this morning.

Drove to town in time for afternoon meeting. Bro. John Morgan delivered an excellent discourse. Prest. Taylor, Bro. Carrington, John W. Taylor, & D. H. Wells and myself met in the Endowment House according to our custom.

I took supper at my house in the 14th Ward, and we went to the Twelfth Ward to keep an appointment which had been made and published by Bishop H. B. Clawson that I would deliver a discourse there this evening at 7 oclock on the question: Is plural marriage a tenet of the religious faith of the Latter-day Saints, and if so, can it be legally interfered with? Long before the hour of meeting the house was crowded and many went away. Every available inch of standing room almost in the building was occupied. It is the first time in my life that I ever preached on a given subject which had been announced or advertised before-hand. I felt some reluctance to do this, but the brethren had pressed me on the subject and said there was great interest felt in the question, and they desired me to speak upon it. Prest. Taylor came into the meeting after I had commenced. The stand was crowded with Elders and also Sisters. I had considerable liberty, though I felt embarrassed two or three times because of the length of time which I had detained the people. My remarks occupied two hours exactly, and though the audience was not as comfortably situated as they might have been — a large number of them standing on their feet — they paid me a great compliment by remaining perfectly still during the entire time. I was listened to with wrapt attention. I felt the Lord had blessed me. The subject was so extensive a one that it ought at least to have been divided into two discourses, in fact three good lengthy discourses might have been delivered upon the question. I remained in town all night.

14 April 1884 • Monday

Monday April 14, 1884. Busy at the Office. Had meeting today organizing the Cedar & Iron Railroad. I was elected President, Wm Jennings, Vice President; Prest. Taylor, Bishop Thos Taylor, John R. Murdock, John Sharp, John R. Winder, George J. Taylor, John C. Cuttler, and Abraham H. Cannon, Directors. Bro. Jos. F Simmons, as Notary Public, took the necessary affidavits. In the afternoon I drove down with my son Abraham to my place to select the dry stock which we wished to send out to the herd. A very sophistical and dangerous communication appeared in the Herald of yesterday, to which my attention was called this morning. My name was alluded to in it. The writer appeals to the young men to come out and assert themselves and not allow themselves to be used by their seniors as they have been, that they have the balance of power and they should use it and control the affairs of the Territory and pay no attention to the counsels of the Church. My son Abraham replied to it in a communication over the signature of “Utah Boy”, which appears in this afternoons Evening News. For some time back — since before conference — I have been exceedingly busy, so much so that I have not been able to attend to my general or to my private correspondence, and at times I have felt somewhat worried. It has been a surprise to me how Prest. Taylor has borne up under the amount of business and care that is resting upon him through this conference. We were now thinking of going south to St. George and have decided today to start on Thursday next. We will put our carriages and horses on board the train here and go by rail to Milford. From there proceed to Cedar and spend next Sunday in meeting. Will probably examine the iron fields, and the best points for railroad, and then Prest. Taylor and myself will proceed to St. George. We will be accompanied by the committee of seven, or a portion of them, who were appointed at the meeting of the Board of Trade to examine into and report upon the Iron Company’s operations

15 April 1884 • Tuesday

Tuesday, April 15, 1884. At the office today. Busy attending to various matters which require attention. Among other things dictated my journal to Bro. John Irvine

16 April 1884 • Wednesday

Wednesday, April 16, 1884. It rained almost incessantly all day. Dictated letters to Bro. John T. Caine and my son Franklin at Washington. Had an interview with Mr E. H. Orth, of Ogden, concerning the water works. At 2 p.m. the Council met as usual. I did not reach there till 3 p.m. Attended to the getting of my conveyance on the cars. Bro. John W. & Ebenezer Taylor & Bro. Sam Adams & son & Bro. Scott Crisman had bought a victorine and fitted it up for the journey, put in new axles and boxes &c for me to take to St. George and this without any expense to me. I arranged for the horses to be put on the train early in the morning. My son Abraham took me down home in his buggy. Had an interview today with Sister Irvine.

17 April 1884 • Thursday

Thursday April 17th, 1884. I was crowded for time, but I had my son Angus take me in Abraham’s buggy to the Forest Farm, belonging to Bro. Brigham Young for the purpose of administering to sister Hall, who had been very sick and had sent word to me that if I would administer to her she had faith she would get well. They were pleased at my calling. I administered to her. Wrote to Chas H. Kraft and sent him draft to cover cost of Ranges he had bought for me. Called upon Aunt Eleanor. She was very glad to see me. Did some shopping for Mary Alice and David, my children, who were going with me. We started at 3 p.m. There were of the Committee to visit the Iron mines and works &c Bros. Jennings, M. Thatcher, F. M. Lyman, & Elias Morris (and the latter’s wife) and Jos. Jennings. Bro. John Sharp was also in the company. Besides these there were of our company Prest. Taylor and daughter Leonora & two men Thos Green & Charlie Barrel; myself and wife Sarah Jane, and my daughter Mary Alice and son David; the Presiding Bishop, Wm B. Preston, and his counselor, R. T. Burton, my brother Angus and his wife Amanda and son Quayle; Bros L. John Nuttall and John Irvine. It was a stormy afternoon.

18 April 1884 • Friday

Friday, April 18, 1884. We slept comfortably last night on a bed made in the sitting room of the car. My wife and in fact none of the women had much sleep. It was new business to them sleeping in a jolting, rocking car. A snowy, rainy and disagreeable morning. We breakfasted on the cars after we arrived at Milford. We started for Minersville before noon. The roads the fore part of the journey were horrible. We reached Minersville a little before 2 p.m. We met the funeral procession of Nelson Hollinshead as we were going into town. He had been thrown from a wagon about a week before his funeral. We and my brother Angus were assigned to Bro. Baker’s. Very kindly treated. Had meeting at 3 p.m. Bishops Preston & Burton spoke, followed by my brother Angus, myself and Prest. Taylor. With Prest. Taylor called upon sister Adam Lightner. Her husband is not in the Church and is in very poor health. She is probably the oldest living member in the Church, having been baptized in Kirtland at the time Sidney Rigdon was. At the request of Prest. Taylor wrote down her statement of what took place at a meeting in the early days at Kirtland at which the Prophet Joseph was present.

19 April 1884 • Saturday

Saturday, April 19, 1884. My son John Q’s birthday. We started from Minersville at 8 oclock. The road for about 5 or 6 miles, though uphill, was rather better than usual, then we passed over the worst road I had been on for years. I feared we would upset several times, and the brethren who were behind said that one time at least one of my wheels was six inches from the ground. After we had crossed the divide and reached a place where the road was a little better we unhitched and fed our teams and ate lunch ourselves. The baggage wagon was stopped here awaiting us. We drove on to Rush Lake and stopped at Bro. David Wards and fed our teams. Just as we were on the point of starting we saw a cavalcade of horsemen coming towards us. They were an escort from Cedar City and brought five span of horses with them to put on our vehicles in stead of our tired horses. This was very thoughtful in them; for we found the road very bad from this point, and by the aid of these fresh horses we were able to reach Cedar City at 6.45 p.m. an hour or an hour and a half earlier than we could have done had we driven our own horses in their wearied condition. Bro. Henry Lunt and Bro. Erastus Snow met us a mile or two before we reached Cedar City. The former invited myself and wife and son David to stop with him, and arranged for my daughter Mary Alice and Prest. Taylor’s daughter Leonora to stop together at Bro. Arthurs, he himself being on a mission.

20 April 1884 • Sunday

Sunday, April 20, 1884. Met with the Saints at 10. a.m. and 2 p.m. and had very enjoyable meetings. In the morning the speakers were: L. John Nuttall, R. T. Burton, John Sharp, my brother Angus, Wm Jennings and Prest. Taylor. In the afternoon Bro. Elias Morris, myself and Prest. Taylor.

21 April 1884 • Monday

Monday April 21, 1884. We went up the Canyõn — Coal Creek — to look at the line for the railroad and where the coal could be obtained. We went into the Walker Mine. Bros Sharp, Nuttall and myself went clear to the end of the mine. After our return we held an informal meeting at Bro. Lunts and talked over the position. We had a free interchange of views respecting the best way of managing the business of manufacturing the iron

22 April 1884 • Tuesday

Tuesday, April 22 1884. We started at 7 oclock this morning and drove to Iron Springs which we examined closely. From there the main portion of the company drove around to road leading from Cedar City to Iron City. Bros. Erastus Snow and Moses Thatcher drove in Bro. Andrew Corray’s buggy and he rode ahead on horseback, around the west point of the mountain, to find out what kind of a route there was in that direction for a railroad. They found it an excellent line for a Railroad — a gradual descent from the iron mines to the springs. We found our route more difficult — the grades were heavy. We stopped and examined the Blowout claim belonging to the company — an immense mountain of iron ore, almost pure, some of it looking as though it would be malleable under the hammer on an anvil. From there we drove to Iron City, calling on the way at another claim of red and brown hematite ore — a very fine body of ore — an almost solid mountain. At Iron City we stopped and fed our teams and took lunch. From here we drove to Pinto Creek and reached there a little before 7 p.m. The roads are not good; but they must have improved greatly within a few days. Prest. Taylor stopped with his sister-in-law, Sister Mary Ann Harrison, widow of Richard Harrison. They crossed the sea with my parents from England to the U. S. Myself and wife stopped at Bro. Heber Harrison’s. Held meeting of the Committee and all the other brethren in the evening at Prest. Taylor’s bedroom. There was a full interchange of views, and the most of the brethren felt that the manufacture of iron should be entered upon. Bro. Robertson who has been manager of Iron Works in Scotland, and whom we have employed to build our furnace and to make iron, expressed the utmost confidence that the best of iron can be manufactured out of the ores which the company own; but respecting the coal he could not speak. He had not seen it and could not tell whether it was hard enough to bear up a charge of iron without crushing. It was decided that Bishop Taylor should take Bro. Robertson and examine with him the various kinds of coal in this neighborhood, and that he should get specimens of the ores nearest the Iron Springs belonging to the company, and have them analyzed. It was nearly midnight before we adjourned.

23 April 1884 • Wednesday

Wednesday, April 23, 1884. Met with the Saints at 9 oclock. Bros M. Thatcher and W. B. Preston spoke to the Saints. Prest. Taylor called upon me to follow. Then my brother Angus and himself occupied the remainder of the time. The road from Pinto Creek was very bad in places, though some men with spades preceded us to mend the worst places. It was only by the occupants of carriages getting out that the latter could be taken across several bad places with safety. At Pine Valley my Brother, Angus, and folks, and myself and folks, put up at my sister Leonora’s. We held meeting at 4 p.m. Bros Burton and Thatcher, my brother Angus, myself and Prest. Taylor addressed the people. I felt well in making my remarks.

24 April 1884 • Thursday

Thursday April 24, 1884. Started a little after 8 o’c this morning. For a few miles the road was muddy & bad, afterwards rocky and rough. We stopped and watered at Bro. Chadwick’s and fed our horses and took lunch at Bro. Edward’s, Damron Valley, 12 miles from St. George. After proceeding a few miles a scene burst upon our view that was most gorgeous. My children were in raptures over the sight. The rocks were crimson and varigated colors, and one was never tired of admiring them. We were met by Prest. J. D. T. McAlister and counselors — Bros Hy. Eyring and Dan McArthur, — and my brother David and a few other brethren. Bro. Erastus Snow invited me to stop at his house with Prest. Taylor. My brother, David, invited me to stop with him; but to be near Prest. Taylor I thought it better to stay with Bro. Snow and Mary Alice and David went to their uncle’s with my brother Angus and wife and little son. Myself and wife called upon David and family and my sister Anne, and took supper with the former.

25 April 1884 • Friday

Friday April 25 1884. The weather last night was very warm. I slept soundly. Went to the temple with Prest. Taylor. After reaching there it came to me all at once to be baptized and receive the Endowments for Gen. Thos. Leiper Kane, my deceased friend. The brethren in charge detained the company who were going through in order that I might join them. I felt exceedingly pleased that I had this privilege, and the brethren all expressed great pleasure at this being done. After the baptism I was ordained an Elder for him. [I married John Irvine to the daughter of the bishop of Cedar [Thomas Taylor?]. This is his second wife. I spoke with his first wife about the matter before leaving the city, and she consented and was gracious about it.]2

Prest. Taylor had an interview with Indians.

26 April 1884 • Saturday

Saturday April 26, 1884. Met at 10 oclock in the meeting House. Prest. Taylor occupied the forenoon. Took dinner with my brother David and Angus at the formers house, where his wives Josephine and Rhoda live. Met at 2 p.m. Bro. Elias Morris, Henry Lunt, L. John Nuttall, Angus M. Cannon, and R. T. Burton spoke.

Took supper with Prest. Taylor and folks and my folks at my Sister Anne’s (Woodbury). Met with Priesthood in the evening. I made opening remarks, and was led to speak with exceeding plainness and power. Bro. M. Thatcher and Bishop Preston followed. Prest. Taylor followed & spoke also with the spirit

27 April 1884 • Sunday

Sunday April 27, 1884. Held meetings at 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. I occupied the forenoon and was listened to very attentively and enjoyed my own remarks and was edified thereby. In the afternoon Bishop Preston, Bro. Thatcher, Bro A. C. Rogers and Prest. Taylor. The meeting was an interesting one. Bros Thatcher and Prest Taylor spoke with great power. Took dinner at Prest D. McArthur’s in company with Prest. Taylor, Angus & David, & Bro. Nuttall. Took supper with my brother Angus at Bro. Bleak’s. At 7.30 p.m. met at a little building called the Lyceum with Prest. Taylor’s company and the leading women of the Relief Societies and of the Young Women’s Mutual Improvement Assocn and the Young Men of the Young Men’s Association and all the enrolled members of both associations, for the purpose of dedicating the building. I offered the dedicatory prayer. Sisters Minerva Snow, Lucy Young & Eyring and one of Bro. Snow’s daughters spoke and Bro. Moroni Snow & Bishop Judd, M. Thatcher, Antony Ivins and Prest. Taylor and Erastus Snow. The meeting was held late, but was interesting.

28 April 1884 • Monday

Monday April 28, 1884. Rainy this morning. Started at 9 o’clock. Drove to Leeds stopping on the way a few minutes to let the children look at what I call the extinct crater, not far from Harrisburg to the South. We were entertained by Bishop G. H. Crosby. We took dinner at his house and then held meeting. From the meeting we drove to Tokerville. I stopped at Bro. J. C. Naile’s. Held meeting with Prest. Taylor to listen to statements of Bishop Chamberlain and Bro. Robertson of Orderville. It was decided to have the people continue to labor under the system upon which they had labored up to last July — 75¢ per day for workmen and all working for the common good. The other Elders met with the Saints at the Meeting House.

29 April 1884 • Tuesday

Tuesday April 29 1884. Held meeting with the Saints at 10 and 2 oclock. The forenoon was occupied by L. John Nuttall, Bishop R. T. Burton and Apostles M. Thatcher, and the afternoon by Bishop W. B. Preston, myself, and Prest. Taylor and Erastus Snow. I had an excellent flow of the spirit and enjoyed my own remarks very much. A man by the name of Marshall had been called to go on a mission; but had been stopped because of some accusations made against him. A motion was made to have him go. I made it, not that I thought him suitable, but because of my action in stopping him and the feeling that he himself and some others had that he should go. I would not stand in his way and be placed in the attitude of blocking his way to salvation. Spent the evening with Prest. Taylor, Bros. Erastus Snow and D. McArthur, Bro L. John Nuttall also being present, conversing upon the affairs of the Canaan — Co-operative Stock Herd. Bro. Naile spoke to me about the principle of adoption. He desired to be adopted in my family.

30 April 1884 • Wednesday

Wednesday April 30, 1884. Started at 8 oclock. About 5 miles from Tokerville my carriage upset, and we were all thrown to the ground. Fortunately I was on the underside, and David who was driving fell upon me. Mary Alice was on the underside also, and my wife Sarah Jane fell on her, and in her endeavor to prevent herself from falling heavily upon her dislocated her wrist. It was most remarkable that the horses did not move after the carriage turned over, for the team, especially Warfield, are very spirited, and he is liable to run away. The entire company gathered around and much sympathy was expressed. Bro. L. John Nuttall, with the assistance of Prest. Taylor and my brother Angus, put the bone as well as he could in place. During the rest of the day the roads were very rough, and she suffered much from the jolting, though I drove as carefully as I could. Mary Alice road [rode] in the carriage of Bishops Preston & Burton. At Kanarra we stopped at Bro. John W. Berry’s. My brother Angus and wife stopped there also. Meeting was held in the evening, and myself, Bishop Preston, Bro. M. Thatcher and Prest. Taylor, addressed the people. A cloudy stormy day and evening.

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April 1884, The Journal of George Q. Cannon, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-q-cannon/1880s/1884/04-1884


  1. [1]Translated from Hawaiian: Ua huhu Ka’u wahine hope ia’u a nui Kona mau olelo Ku e ia’u

  2. [2]Translated from Hawaiian: Ua mare akula au Joane Irvine me ke Kaika-wahine Ka bihopa o Cedar. Kana wahine elua ia. Ua Kamailu au me Kana wahine mua no ia mea before leaving the City, a ua ae ae oia a ua olulolu oia.