May 1883

1 May 1883 • Tuesday

Tuesday May 1st 1883. At the Office. President Taylor received a letter from Bishop Thomas Taylor which exhibited no spirit to comply with the suggestions that I was told to make to him yesterday. I afterwards had an interview with him, and he seemed more mellow in his feelings, but still indisposed to comply fully.

In company with Prest. Joseph F. Smith and D. H. Wells, I ordained and set apart L. A Brim as a missionary to the Sandwich Islands.

President Taylor had a long conversation with Bishop Thomas Taylor in which he explained to him his plans, and the latter left feeling very well.

Dispatch was received from Prest. John R. Murdock, of Beaver, stating that the entire military post of Fort Cameron had been purchased with other property for a sum not quite equal to $6000.

2 May 1883 • Wednesday

Wednesday, May 2, 1883. President Taylor had been very busy all morning – with the assistance of Bros Nuttall and Reynolds – arranging exhibit of his plan for the iron mines. He had an appointed interview with Bishop Thomas Taylor at 12 oclock. The latter came at that hour, but peremptorily declined to have anything to do with the plan.

O. F. Due, who has two or three wives was arrested yesterday upon the complaint of his last wife for polygamy, and is trying to obtain bonds. But his conduct has been so unwise in quarrelling with his family that public opinion is very much against him, and it is more than probable that he will have to go to the Penitentiary, as no one is disposed to furnish bonds. I think probably it will be better for him to do so, as it will alay public prejudice and convey the impression to our enemies that he is not so much of a prize as they may imagine in proceeding against him.

At 2 oclock met with the Presidency and the Twelve at the Endowment House. Called upon my Aunt Eleanor in company with my brother, Angus. She is living at my sister Mary Alices.

3 May 1883 • Thursday

Thursday, May 3, 1883. At the Office. Drove to the Deseret Hospital in company with President Taylor and two of his wives to visit Sister Mary Ann Hyde who has injured her hip by an accident at St. George. The doctors give her no hope respecting her lameness, but think she will be a confirmed cripple. We administered to her and two other sisters who are sick.

In the afternoon, Prest. Taylor, Prest. Jos F. Smith and myself had an interview with Bro. Jennings respecting the affairs of Z.C.M.I. and spoke to him about continuing as Superintendent of the Institution. While there, Bros Jennings, Ferz. Little and James Sharp submitted to Prest. Taylor a proposition for the raising of funds for the university building. $15,000 is needed at the present time. They propose that the Church loan one half and that the remaining half be raised by loans from various individuals. President Taylor said he would take it into consideration.

In the evening with my wife Sarah Jane I attended a birthday party at Sister Berthsheba Smith’s, a wife of the late Prest. George A. Smith and had a very interesting time. Drove home after dark.

4 May 1883 • Friday

Friday, May 4, 1883. Remained at home superintending work most of the forenoon. Then prepared for journey to Logan and went to the city. At the office attending to business. At 3.40 started in company with President Taylor, W. Woodruff, A. Carrington, my brother, Angus, Bro. Irvine, and several other brethren for the Logan conference. We were met on the way by F. D. Richards & L. Snow. We reached Logan about 11 p.m. and my brother Angus, Bro. Nuttall and myself were entertained by Bro. W. B. Preston. He has a fine residence and elegantly furnished. Sister Preston is an old acquaintance of mine being the daughter of the late Hezikiah Thatcher and Sister of Moses Thatcher. I knew the family in California where Bro. Preston joined the church.

5 May 1883 • Saturday

Saturday May 5, 1883. Conference convened in the Meeting House at 10 a.m. The forenoon was occupied by Bros Carrington and L. Snow. In the afternoon Bro. Preston and the Bishops made reports and some business was laid before the conference. In the evening a concert was held in the basement of the house for the benefit of the brass band. I was present until about half past nine. The attendance today has been tolerably good.

6 May 1883 • Sunday

Sunday, May 6, 1883, The house was crowded this morning. The forenoon was occupied by Bros Woodruff, F D. Richards and myself. I occupied about 50 minutes. In the afternoon, after the authorities were presented and some reports read, Prest. Taylor occupied the entire time. In the evening we had a meeting at Bro. Moses Thatchers to talk over the mission among the Indians. Besides the First Presidency & Twelve there were present the presidency of [blank] Stake, my brother Angus and the following Indian missionaries: Bishop F. Zundell, J. W. Hess, H W. Hill, Josiah Terry and M. Wright.

7 May 1883 • Monday

Monday, May 7th 1883. Programme of our proposed visit to the surrounding settlements having been arranged yesterday and published at the meeting, in accordance therewith Prest. Taylor, myself, Bro. Moses Thatcher, Bro. Preston, & Bro. John Irvine, & Bro. Card, left Logan this morning at 8 oclock. We held meeting at Hyrum at 10 A.M. where we also took dinner at the house of Bro. Unsworth, and at 2 p.m. had a meeting at Paradise. At both meetings I was the first speaker, Bro. Thatcher was the second, and Bro. Taylor closed. From Paradise we drove back to Logan in time for supper. Bro. Thatcher took us in his carriage and Bro. Preston took the other brethren in his. They are fine teams and they made the journey very quickly. After reaching Logan, Prest. Taylor and myself went through the Co.operative store he to examine as President and I as one of the Directors. Bro. Thatcher, who is also one of the Directors, accompanied us.

I called on Chas W. Nibley in the evening.

8 May 1883 • Tuesday

Tuesday May 8, 1883. We left Logan this morning shortly after 4 oclock. The train was a little late. Breakfasted at Ogden, where I was met by my son Franklin, who also met me on my way up. We reach Salt lake City at 11.55 a.m. My brother Angus took me in his buggy down home. I found all well, but was somewhat displeased at the manner in which my work was being attended to. The fact of my absence is very visible in the way in which the work is pushed. I returned to town with Angus; attended to some business at the office, and his son George drove me back again.

9 May 1883 • Wednesday

Wednesday, May 9, 1883. I am trying to build a Silo in which to preserve my feed for cattle. I find that I have to make a change in my method of feeding, and having heard so much about ensilage being good for stock and having seen such excellent reports respecting it, that I have concluded to build a Silo in which to keep fodder as an experiment. I hope it will be successful and have no doubt, if properly managed, it will be. Called on my sister Mary Alice to see the family and my Aunt Eleanor.

Met with the council at the Endowment House

At the Office. Dictated my Journal to Bro. Irvine.

10 May 1883 • Thursday

Thursday, May 10th 1883. Bishop Thomas Taylor came to see me respecting bonding the iron mines and coal belonging to us in Iron County to ex-marshal Shaunnessy, S. W. Sears having suggested that plan and having talked with Shaunnessy about it. Bro. Sears’ proposition was to have Shaunnessy pay $5000 as a forfeiture. Bishop Taylor intimated that he only thought of doing this on my account so as to relieve me. I told him I would consider the matter and let him know. I conversed with Prest. Taylor upon the subject, and while he did not profess to give me the word of the Lord his counsel was for me to hold on, and I told Bishop Taylor afterwards that under the circumstances I did not like the idea of it going into the hands of outsiders, and that I thought it would be better to hold on. This decision of mine involved the necessity of my paying $1800 which is due him on my note payable on demand. I told him I would raise it for him next day.

Called at Z.C.M.I. with Prest. Taylor, and among other business attended to, Prest. Taylor disposed of 10,000 bushels of wheat (to be applied towards the indebtedness of the Logan Temple) for $8500, to be credit on the account at Logan. I revised “Editorial Thoughts” and “Topics of the Times” dictated to Bro. John Irvine yesterday.

11 May 1883 • Friday

Friday, May 11, 1883. I brought Sylvester up this morning to spend the day with my daughter-in-law, Annie Wells Cannon, John Q’s wife. Attended meeting at Z.C.M.I. at 11 oclock. We had a very lengthy session and did considerable business. Among other things elected S. W. Sears a Director to fill the vacancy occasioned by the death of Prest. W. H. Hooper, and the election of Prest. Taylor as President of the institution.

At the office, and then at 4 oclock attended a meeting of the Regents of the University of which I am Chancellor. The Trustee-in-Trust having agreed to advance $5000 as a loan, in the absence of the appropriation which the Governor refused to sign, a subscription was taken up among the members of the Board and $7100 was subscribed for in addition, making in all $12,100 of the $15,000 needed. I subscribed $750 towards this. The conditions under which the subscriptions are made are: - That we advance this money either by loaning it ourselves or by borrowing it at interest with the expectation that the Legislative Assembly will repay the amount by making an appropriation. If not we are each to be personally responsible for the amount we subscribe. We have either to do this or the University must stop; for our accommodations are so limited that the pupils are becoming sick for the want of good air.

12 May 1883 • Saturday

Saturday, May 12th 1883. At the Office. Listened to the case of Israel Evans, which he brought up by request of his father, ex-Bishop Evans of Lehi. He had been cut off by the High Council of Utah Stake, and he considered that he had not been fairly treated. President Smith and myself listened to the case, but could make no decision until we heard the other side, and requested Israel to furnish us a transcript of the Bishops Court and High Council, which he promised to do

At 3.40 I started for Coalville to attend Conference there. On the way up I had quite a conversation with Mrs [blank] a Gentile lady who is renting Wm McMaster’s house and who introduced her to me on the train. I reached Coalville at 8 oclock. Was met at the train by Bros. Cluff and Beck. Bro. F. D. Richards had been there and was leaving to visit his son who lives at Wanship. I stopped at Prest. Cluffs.

13 May 1883 • Sunday

Sunday, May 13, 1883. Rained during last night and was showery today. The meeting house is entirely too small to accommodate the people. It was jammed, many standing outside. Three of the Bishops who had not reported yesterday made their reports today and some reports were read, and then Bro. F. D. Richard’s occupied the remainder of the afternoon, speaking about one hour and a quarter. In the afternoon the authorities were presented and some other business attended to, and I occupied the time, speaking about one hour and twenty five minutes. Was listened to with marked attention. A most excellent spirit prevailed. It is to be regretted that their accommodations here are not better. They have a new meeting house partly constructed, which they have been urged to complete. Bro. Richards spoke about it yesterday and again today. I spent the evening very agreeably at Bro. Cluffs. A number of brethren called in who conversed particularly about the Sandwich Islands, Bro. Alma Smith, Fred. Mitchell, Bro. Cluff and myself all having been missionaries to that land.

14 May 1883 • Monday

Monday, May 14, 1883. Left Coalville at 8 a.m. and reached Salt Lake City at 12 oclock. Busy at the Office all the afternoon.

15 May 1883 • Tuesday

Tuesday, May 15, 1883. At the Office during the forenoon. In the afternoon I took my aunt, Eleanor May, and my sister Mary Alice and my brother Angus down to my house. We had dinner and spent the evening visiting my family. I was desirous that my aunt, who is the only surviving sister of my father should see my children and family. We had a very interesting time.

16 May 1883 • Wednesday

Wednesday, May 16, 1883. At the Office during the morning. In the afternoon met at the Endowment House with the Council.

17 May 1883 • Thursday

Thursday, May 17, 1883. We arranged yesterday to go to the paper mill this morning, and I met President Taylor on the road at a point nearest to my house. I had my wife Eliza with me, and my little son Sylvester. He had his wife Maggie and young son. Bro. Joseph F. Smith had his wife and several children. My brother Angus and wife, Bro. Penrose and wife, Bro. Thos E. Taylor, and Bishops Hardy & Burton, were also of the party. I have not seen the paper mill since was laid. It is now running and paper is being made. It is a very fine structure, and I presume the cost will be about $60,000 for the building without the machinery. The water power is a very fine one, being about 250 horse power. We remained there until after 4 oclock and then returned

18 May 1883 • Friday

Friday, May 18, 1883. Presidents Taylor and Woodruff, and Elders Moses Thatcher and Wm B. Preston, of Logan, George Reynolds, George Gibbs, & John Morgan started South to attend conference at Sanpete this morning. President Taylor was accompanied by a son and daughter, Bro. Woodruff by his daughter and grandchild, and I had with me my wife Eliza. We got on the train at the end of our street. At Nephi we were met by Bro. Packsman who had us distributed to various places to get dinner before we started over to Sanpete. Myself and wife went to Brother [blank] where we were very hospitably entertained. The Sanpete train waited three quarters of an hour for us to allow us to get refreshment. We then started out for Wales, the end of the track. It was expected when the programme of meetings was arranged that Bro. Brigham Young and Bro. Wells would be of the party, but as they were not I took Bro. Brigham’s place with Bro. Preston and met with the Saints at Fountain Green. Drove thence after supper to Moroni, 8 miles distant, and held evening meeting. We both spoke at this meeting and had much freedom. Bro [blank] kindly entertained us at Fountain Green, and at Moroni we were entertained by Bishop Irons.

19 May 1883 • Saturday

Saturday, May 19, 1883. I had a visit last night after meeting from the wife of Bro. Joseph Jolly. She is in trouble over his taking another wife and appears determined to leave him. I advised her not to do so, but to bear patiently with the trouble she had to contend with. Her husband is a good, faithful man, but she is tried very much by his second wife. She does not bring any charges against him, only for tolerating this woman. Brother Irons drove us in his carriage to Manti this morning, which we reached just before the morning meeting dismissed at noon. Bro. Mabane took myself and wife to his house where President Taylor and daughter were stopping. Bro. John B. Mabane does all in his power to make us comfortable. His wives are excellent housekeepers and everything is clean and neat and yet elegant as one could desire. The new meeting house here has just been completed, and it is a very fine building. It is well furnished and will seat about 1400. The only trouble we had on the present occasion is that its capacity is not sufficient to accommodate the throngs who are here. Myself and Bro. Woodruff occupied the afternoon meeting. After the meeting we all went to the Temple which is nearly up to the Square. It is a very grand and imposing building and occupies a most commanding position. The Nephi brass band which had come over to participate in the conference ascended the highest part on the east end and played a number of tunes. In the evening the band and the quoir came to Bro. Mabane’s and serenaded us. A number of the brethren had gathered in and we had a very interesting conversation.

20 May 1883 • Sunday

Sunday May 20, 1883. Our meetings were very crowded today. The morning meeting was occupied by Elders Thatcher, Morgan & Preston, and in the afternoon, after the presentation of the Authorities and the sacrament, by myself and Prest. Taylor. At the close of the afternoon meeting Bishop Anderson to Ephraim who was accompanied by his wife and little daughter took myself and wife from Manti to Ephraim. He entertained us very hospitably. Attended meeting in the evening. The house was well filled. Brother Packsman spoke 20 minutes, and I followed for the same length of time, when the meeting was dismissed.

21 May 1883 • Monday

Monday, May 21, 1883. We breakfasted early and started about 1/2 past 6 o’clock for Wales. Bro. Nelson drove a team which carried us over. We reached Nephi in good shape and remained there nearly three and a half hours. Stopped at Brother Prings where we got dinner. At 2 oclock we took train for the city. My son Angus met us with the buggy.

22 May 1883 • Tuesday

Tuesday, May 22, 1883. At the Office. Had a call today from the Rev. K. Beecher, brother of the Rev. Henry Ward Beecher who expressed his pleasure at meeting me. Elder Wm Burnett of the New Zealand Mission called in. I spent two or three hours during the afternoon at my house in the 14th Ward.

23 May 1883 • Wednesday

Wednesday, May 23 1883. As President Taylor was absent at the paper mill this morning I remained at home arranging my accounts. I took my wife Eliza with me to the City, which I reached in time for Council at the Endowment House. There were present: Presidents Joseph F. Smith and W. Woodruff; Elders F. D. Richards, J. W. Young, Brigham Young, D. H. Wells, and L. John Nuttall who acts as clerk of the council. After attending to business Bro. Wells desired to be excused from dressing. There had been an unpleasant scene between Bro. Brigham and he at our last meeting, and Bro. Brigham supposing that he might not be willing to dress on account of this, went and asked what his reason was for not dressing. Bro. Wells acknowledged that he could not dress with the feelings that he had, and that he would not have gone to Sanpete conference because of this feeling, though that was not the reason of his not going there, business prevented him. Considerable feeling was manifested by him at remarks which Bro. Brigham had made at the last meeting, and Bro. Brigham manifested some heat today, but finally asked Bro. Wells to forgive him and he would make any reparation in his power if he had hurt his feelings, though he had not done so intentionally. Bro. Wells did not seem satisfied at this and kept up his conversation until considerable feeling was again raised, and Bro. Brigham and I had to insist on Bro. Wells not speaking any more; that it would not be proper to go into an investigation of the matter there as some of the brethren who were present at the last meeting were now absent, and I should prefer that they be present. The scene was very painful to us who were witnesses of it, and something will have to be done by them to al[l]ay it for it is not proper that such feelings should exist among men of their standing.

Hon J L. M. Currey, an ex-member of Congress before the war and now general agent of the Peabody Fund, called at the office. I had known him before the war; and after Prest. Taylor came in we had a very interesting conversation. An appointment was made for tomorrow at 10 o’clock to take him around to show him the tabernacle and other places of interest.

24 May 1883 • Thursday

Thursday, May 24, 1883. Prest. Taylor and myself took Dr Currey and his wife around his morning to the Temple, Tabernacle, and Assembly Hall, and then to the Boot & Shoe Factory and the Clothing Factory of Z.C.M.I. and then through the main store, at all of which they seemed much gratified. I afterwards sent him a copy of the “Voice of Warning” and “Spencers Letters” and “Mormon Doctrine” by Bro. Penrose.

I accompanied Prest. Taylor in his carriage down to my brother-in-law’s Charles Lambert’s, for the purpose of bringing my sister Mary Alice and my aunt Eleanor to the Gardo House. I had to be excused as I had a good deal of business.

I met with several members of the Sunday School Union and leading representatives of the Deseret Hospital to talk over the proposed concert in the Tabernacle on the Twenty Fourth. Afterwards, Presidents Taylor, Smith and myself and my brother Angus drove to Brother George [blank]. We were accompanied each of us by our wives. I took my wife Sarah Jane. We had a very elegant repast and enjoyed ourselves.

President Taylor and myself had an interesting interview with Bro. Wm Jennings upon matters connected with Z.C.M.I.

25 May 1883 • Friday

Friday, May 25, 1883. I passed a very bad night last night. I had an attack of pain in my stomack which kept me awake nearly all night. Had a visit from my brother Angus this morning. Afterwards drove to the City and was at the office all day. Dictated “Topics of the Times,” and also my Journal to Bro. John Irvine.

26 May 1883 • Saturday

Saturday, May 26, 1883. I am busy building a silo which occupies a good deal of my attention. Am sinking it into the ground down to water at 3 ft 8 ins and building it of concrete. I shall have to cement the floor and the walls up to the surface of the ground. It is the first building of the kind that I know of being put in this Territory. My object is to preserve ensilage as green food for my cattle. I am so situated that I must change my method of feeding my stock as there is no opportunity to send my cows out to graze and I must raise the food for them, and this strikes me as being the best method which I can adopt. I have made the building a little over 30 feet square in the inside and I shall have it from the bottom about 18 feet high, or about 15 feet from the surface of the ground.

At the Office.

Meeting of the Deseret News Company was held this morning, there being Presidents Taylor, and Smith, my brother Angus and myself present, as also Supt. Thos E. Taylor. It was decided to send my brother and Thos E. Taylor back east for the purpose of purchasing a new machine for the manufacture of paper and four engines.

Selected seats for the First Presidency and Twelve in the large tabernacle for the Thomas’ concerts, commencing the 15th of June.

I drove down home and returned with my son Abraham and stopped at my room in the 14th Ward.

27 May 1883 • Sunday

Sunday, May 27th 1883. My brother Angus drove me down this morning and breakfasted with me. I came up to meeting with my children, and at the request of Prest. Taylor spoke. There was a large number of strangers present who listened very attentively. I had considerable freedom in speaking, though my mind was a blank when I arose.

In the evening attended meeting in the 12th Ward and had considerable liberty in speaking to the Saints.

I remained in town all night.

28 May 1883 • Monday

Monday, May 28, 1883. My son Abraham drove me down home this morning. Breakfasted. Returned to the office and spent the day there. Dictated Journal.

29 May 1883 • Tuesday

Tuesday, May 29, 1883. Today was spent at the Office and accompanying D. Henkle, ex-member from Maryland, who was accompanied by a Mr. Naisbitt of Missouri, to see the Tabernacle, the Temple and our other public buildings, and also to the office of Bishop John Sharp to learn from his son William a mining expert who could be recommended to accompany Dr Henkle to examine a mine or mines at Butte City, Montana. While I was absent a letter was left for me from Mr Frankland of Sidney, New South Wales, introducing Lord Walter Gordon Lennox son of the Duke of Gordon and Richmond. He afterwards called upon me accompanied by a Mr [blank] Mr [blank] son of the eminent London Banker, and Mr & Mrs Park. Lord Gordon Lennox is a young man not exceeding 20 I should judge from his appearance. I spent the afternoon with them in showing them around and afterwards took them to President Taylor’s residence with whom they had some conversation.

I had an interview with Prest. Taylor and Brother John Beck of Lehi.

30 May 1883 • Wednesday

Wednesday, May 30th 1883. This is Decoration day and a general holiday. At the request of President Taylor I came to the city at 9 oclock this morning and spent the forenoon with him and Brother Beck. Bro. F. M. Lyman came in about noon and stopped to dinner with Prest. Taylor. He had just returned from a mission to the Indians of the Uintah Reservation.

At 2 p.m. I met with the First Presidency and Twelve at the Endowment House, and afterwards again met with Prest. Taylor and Bro. Beck at the Gardo House.

31 May 1883 • Thursday

Thursday, May 31, 1883. A Mr. Ryrie and two daughters and a niece came introduced to me by Lord Gordon Lennox and I arranged for them to meet some of our ladies. Brother Musser took them with a letter from me to Sister Emiline B. Wells, who arranged for them to go to the Lake with some of our folks. At 2 p.m. I attended the closing exercises of the University of Deseret, of which I am chancellor, and with others addressed the pupils.

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May 1883, The Journal of George Q. Cannon, accessed October 16, 2024