December 1891

1 December 1891 • Tuesday

Tuesday, December 1st, 1891.

We moved from the Gardo House into the old offices, which have been fitted up. We spent the day in the Clerks’ office, as our room was not then ready for occupancy.

I was much shocked this morning at learning that a number of our brethren had given bonds to a syndicate to sell their flour mills in the north. It seems that this syndicate hoped to get possession of all the mills and control the prices. The Thatcher Bros, Brothers Mack and Peery, and perhaps others, are said to have agreed to this. I do not know when anything stirred me up as this did. Bishop Preston had communicated the facts to President Woodruff yesterday, and he came in this morning to repeat them to us. I said that as long as God would give me strength I would fight such a thing, and while I had tongue to talk I would go through this country and raise a fire that would astonish those who had joined in such a scheme. I said I had come here from California in 1857 with the expectation of going out to fight the army that was approaching, and I thought this deserved to be fought more than that, as I considered it more dangerous to the liberties of this people than even the coming of an army. It seems astonishing that when our brethren have such an important thing as this in hand they cannot ask counsel of the First Presidency about it. When they are in trouble and have heavy loads to carry and want to extricate themselves, then they are ready to come and ask counsel and push their loads upon us. This thing has been going on now for days, and we have never had the least hint that such a scheme was in progress. Brother Elias Morris came in (he is one who has signed the bond) and we talked very plainly to him. President Woodruff was very much worked up. I said to Brother Morris that the names of men who would do such a thing, if they were not careful, would be held up to execration among this entire people.

A young man by the name of [first and last name redacted], confessed to us that he had committed adultery and wanted to know what he should do. We asked him to come tomorrow and see us. In the meantime we sent for the Presidency of the Stake. My brother Angus is absent, but his counselors came and we referred the case to them and the High Council.

We had an interview with Brother Peter Reid, President of the Upper Canal, concerning getting water on a piece of land in which Brothers Clayton, Jack and Langford and the First Presidency are interested.

I dictated my journal to Brother Arthur Winter.

2 December 1891 • Wednesday

Wednesday, Dec. 2nd, 1891.

The First Presidency at the office.

We had a visit this morning from Bishops J. E. Booth, J. P. R. Johnson, R. S. Gibby and Evan Wride, of Provo. The object of their visit was to get the mind of the First Presidency concerning the Tabernacle square. After listening to their statements, we informed them that we had given no counsel for any portion of it to be sold. We had been requested by a committee from Provo to consider the subject, and had suggested that if any part of it be sold, the north part would probably be the better. These Bishops conveyed the idea to us that it was not the wish of the people of their wards to sell their rights in that square. If that were the case, we replied, we had no counsel to give upon the subject. We added, however, that it would be well under the circumstances to take proper precautions to preserve the property, so that it would not be attacked as being more than was necessary for religious purposes.

Brother Heber J. Grant has been trying to devise some means to bring money into the country. The banks are strained to the uttermost, and yet there is not money enough to meet the requirements. The suggestion is to get up an investment company. A meeting was called for 11 o’clock at Z.C.M.I. We held a four hours’ session with leading brethren to devise some plan for organizing a company and canvassed the situation very thoroughly.

3 December 1891 • Thursday

Thursday, Dec. 3rd, 1891.

The First Presidency at the office, and for the first time we occupied our own office. It is the old office which belonged to President Young, and in which for so many years he did business. Before his death he changed to the west office. In looking over the two offices we considered the east office would answer our purpose better, and the west would answer the purpose of the clerks better, and we had selected that and now occupy it. There is a feeling about these rooms that is exceedingly pleasant to me, and I think to all, especially to the older saints, who have been accustomed to see the First Presidency in these rooms, and I think no one regrets the necessity of our having to leave the Gardo House and come over here. The building is old, but the brethren have fitted it up very neatly, and almost elegantly.

The usual meeting of the First Presidency and Twelve was held today. Of the Twelve, Brothers F. D. Richards and A. H. Cannon were present. President Woodruff prayed.

After this I attended another meeting of the proposed investment company at the office of Z.C.M.I. I omitted to mention that yesterday I was selected to act as chairman of the meeting, and did so again today.

Brother Orson F. Whitney, accompanied by Brother F. D. Richards, came to see the First Presidency concerning some views that he had been putting on paper with the intention of making them a part of the history he was writing. He had come to the conclusion that President Young had had the United Order in view when he came here, and that it was his design to carry that out at the time he came here. There were other views also in connection with this that he expressed. President Woodruff and myself, being both familiar with the feeling at that time, gave Brother Whitney information on the subject, and suggested that he should not set forth that view in his work.

We had a little discussion concerning the form of baptism to be used in rebaptizing people for the renewal of their covenants; but before coming to a decisive conclusion concerning this Brother Gibbs was instructed to write to the different temples and learn from the President of each the form now used for the purpose.

4 December 1891 • Friday

Friday, Dec. 4th, 1891.

The First Presidency at the office.

I had quite a long conversation with Brother H. J. Grant concerning the subject which we had been discussing—the formation of a company to get loans of money on low interest from the East.

Mr. Theodore Bruback, who has been getting up a syndicate for the purchase of the flouring mills of the country, desired to see me, having been referred to us by Brother C. W. Penrose. He called upon me to explain his position. We listened to him; but I talked very plainly to him in relation to the matter, and said that we were disposed to meet this thing at the threshold, for we felt that it was dangerous to the country. He said that he would not proceed with the enterprise if he was going to meet hostility from us. He set forth a good many views on the subject, and finally it was decided that a meeting of the mill owners should be called, and that the subject should be laid before them. Bishop Preston was instructed to call the meeting.

The First Presidency received a very strong letter from Bp. Clawson concerning the failure of the B. B. & C. Co to comply with the terms which had been agreed upon for the dismissal of the lawsuit. I have felt very much exercised about this, for I have been entrusted by Messrs. Alexander Badlam and Isaac Trumbo with the settlement of this on their behalf, and the suit was dismissed with the understanding that Brother Clawson’s claim should be promptly settled. Months have elapsed and this has not been done.

Brother A. E. Hyde called upon me and reported the condition of the mine, he having just returned from it. I laid before him the necessity of having a meeting to attend to this business of Brother Clawson’s. A meeting was appointed to be held in our office, and Bishop Preston, Brother Hyde and Brother Beck came. We went over the whole ground in the presence of Presidents Woodruff and Smith, and I feared for awhile that the battle would have to be fought over again concerning the method of settlement; but finally a resolution was framed by Brother Hyde, and seconded by Brother Preston, as follows:

“Resolved that the President and Secretary be authorized to draw a warrant on the Treasurer of this Company for the sum of $10,000. 00, in favor of H. B. Clawson, in accordance with a resolution passed at a stockholders meeting held [blank], so soon as he furnishes the board of directors with a bond, acceptable to the board, indemnifying them against any damages they may sustain in the event of suit being brought against them by any stockholders of this company on account of carrying out this resolution. This bond to be binding until each stockholder has personally consented to this action.” Another resolution was adopted that in settling the ownership of the Caroline mine John Beck should have the privilege of choosing an arbitrator, and that I, on behalf of the Company, should choose another, and they two, if they could not agree, should have the privilege of choosing a third; each side to have the case presented by an attorney familiar with the facts.

I felt very much relieved at this result.

5 December 1891 • Saturday

Saturday, Dec. 5th, 1891.

Conference of the Davis Stake is to be held at Kaysville today and tomorrow, and I have agreed to go there. Before going, however, I came to the office and dictated some letters to Brother Winter, and had an interview with Brothers Preston and Hyde, and we agreed to declare a dividend of 30¢ a share. I was anxious to have a dividend declared, even if it were not a large one, as I had a note for $3300. due in the Deseret National bank which I had agreed to pay on the 12th, and for the means to do this I was depending on a dividend.

I reached Kaysville a little after 11. Was met at the station by Brother Barnes’ carriage, which carried me to the meeting. Brother Duerdon was speaking, and when he saw me enter he closed his remarks, and Prest. W. R. Smith desired me to occupy the remainder of the time, which I did.

After the meeting, a large number of us went to the house of Brother John R. Barnes, where we were entertained at dinner in his hospitable fashion; for he always has a large number of brethren go there when there is a conference. In the afternoon, President Smith spoke, and I followed, occupying a little over an hour. We had a most excellent meeting, and there was quite a large attendance for Saturday.

I went with Prest. W. R. Smith to Brother Thomas F. Roueche’s and stayed the night. I was desirous to visit this family, as I had spent nearly eight months with them on the “underground”, and it was where President Taylor died. I slept in the bed and in the room where he died, and it revived many memories connected with past scenes. This family were most kind and tireless in their efforts to make us comfortable, and my heart is full of blessings for them.

6 December 1891 • Sunday

Sunday, Dec. 6th, 1891.

The house was crowded, both during the morning and afternoon. The weather was cold but clear. Brother B. H. Roberts was at the meeting, also Brother F. D. Richards. I spoke to the latter about occupying the time. He preferred, however, to have someone precede him. Brother Roberts was called upon and occupied 80 minutes. He said he had forgotten himself during his remarks. He made a confession to the saints concerning his action upon the manifesto, that he had not received it and had not voted for it at first, but he had since obtained a testimony that it was from the Lord, and that President Woodruff had been inspired to issue it. He stated that when he first heard the manifesto it was like a flash of lightning that it was right, but he afterwards began to reason upon it, and then the more he reasoned the farther he got away. After he finished, the authorities were presented to and sustained by the conference.

I was again invited, in company with a number of the brethren, to take dinner at Brother Barnes’.

In the afternoon, Brother F. D. Richards spoke and occupied a little over an hour. My son Abraham afterwards spoke for about half an hour. It was about 10 mins. to 4 when they concluded, and I trespassed on the time of the saints by detaining them till 20 mins. past 4, in speaking to them upon matters connected with the Stake which I felt it was proper to mention at the conference.

Brother Thos. F. Roueche carried Abraham and myself down to the R.G.W. train, and we reached Salt Lake City shortly after six. Abraham carried me in his carriage to my house.

7 December 1891 • Monday

Monday, Dec. 7th, 1891.

The First Presidency at the office this morning but President Woodruff was taken sick early in the morning with an attack of bilious colic. He grew worse, and we administered to him, and he was finally taken home by Brother C. H. Wilcken in a close carriage which Brother Grant sent up from the livery stable.

There was a meeting of the Deseret News Co., at which I was present. Brothers Lorenzo Snow and F. D. Richards came in and I had correspondence read to them which had been sent to us from the Sandwich Islands concerning the conduct of the [name and identifying information redacted], also his letter to President Smith. The question was, who should go down there to arrange affairs. President Smith had expressed himself in the morning, in the presence of President Woodruff, that he thought I ought to go. To this President Woodruff demurred, but he suggested that President Smith go. President Smith now reiterated that one of the First Presidency or of the Twelve should go. I stated that I had not the least objection to go, if it was thought better for me to go; I would arrange to start that evening; but it seemed to me that the business resting on the First Presidency here was of so important a character that neither President Smith nor myself should leave. I might be called to Washington in relation to my bond case, and if so, and President Smith were to go, it would leave President Woodruff alone, which I did not think would be proper. It appeared to me, I said, that it was asking too much for one of the First Presidency to leave Zion to go down to an island of the Pacific to clean up such a nasty mess as [First, middle, and last initials redacted] had made there, when any Bishop in the Church ought to be able to straighten such a transaction out. It was thought that Brother Grant, who was on the point of going to San Francisco, and who contemplated going to the Islands if his wife’s health would permit, might go; but he afterwards told us that he could not go very well by the first steamer, as he would not have time enough to have a consultation with a surgeon concerning his wife before sailing; so it was decided to send a letter to Brother Noall, informing him of the condition of affairs, and asking him to send all the proofs back here, and that the First Presidency would attend to the case here. We also wrote a letter to [First, middle, and last initials redacted] requesting him to turn the business over [identifying information redacted], and to come home as quickly as possible.

8 December 1891 • Tuesday

Tuesday, Dec. 8th, 1891.

I called upon President Woodruff this morning. Found him confined to his bed. He had had a bad night, having been troubled very much with suppression of the urine.

President Smith came to the office, and we attended to the business that came before us.

I attended a meeting of the B.Y. Trust Co. at 10 o’clock. It consumed the time till 12. There had been a meeting appointed for a committee which had been selected for the purpose of taking up collections for the erection of a statue of President Young; but it was postponed until 3 o’clock, when a majority of the committee met in our office. I presented before them the object in calling them together and the purposes of the organization; and as President Woodruff had selected James Sharp to be chairman, I moved that he be chairman. It was adopted. H. M. Wells was elected secretary; Elias A. Smith treasurer. The meeting adjourned till Friday, at 4 o’clock. Before adjourning, however, a number of sub-committees were appointed.

I got a message from President Woodruff requesting me to go down to his house. He had been quite sick, he said, and thought he was going to die when he sent for me. He was then feeling much better. The cause of his being so bad was he had not eaten anything for nearly two days and his stomach being empty he had become quite flighty; but upon drinking some buttermilk and taking some food the feeling left him. He said he desired me to look after his family in the event of his dying, as he was somewhat in debt. I promised him that I would do all in my power to care for his interest and for his family; but, I said, you are not going to die. Well, he said, he did not feel himself now that he was.

9 December 1891 • Wednesday

Wednesday, Dec. 9th, 1891.

I called again upon President Woodruff this morning, and found him much improved, but still weak.

Brother Reynolds read correspondence to President Smith and myself. Brother F. D. Richards was also in the office.

At 12:30 there was a meeting of the Savings Bank, at which we did considerable business.

At 2 o’clock there was a meeting of the mill owners at the Presiding Bishop’s office, which I attended. There was quite a number of persons present, and Brother Preston, on my motion, was elected chairman of the meeting. Mr. Bruback made his statement of the purposes that he had in view in endeavoring to buy the mills. After he had got through I explained my position upon the subject. The meeting was quite lengthy. I left before it closed, however; but I saw that the general feeling was in favor of the mills being sold to a syndicate, although there were many present who were not in favor of that project; yet the leading men were.

There was a meeting of the Deseret News Co.

At 6:10 I went to Ogden, in company with Brother F. D. Richards, for the purpose of being present at a conference of the Relief Society to be held in the Tabernacle at Ogden tomorrow. Sister Jane Richards, the President of the Relief Societies, and some others, with my son Frank, met us at the station. I went with Frank; and after supper, my son John Q. telephoned that Brothers David Eccles and D. H. Peery, Jr., would like to have me visit the Opera House and witness the performance. I desired to see the Opera House and accepted the invitation. My son Frank accompanied me. They gave us a very nice box, and my son John Q. called upon me there. Brother Eccles sat with us during the performance. I was very much pleased with the House. It is a very fine building, and a great credit to the city. Brother Eccles is half owner of the building. The performance was “The Burglar”. I enjoyed the play.

10 December 1891 • Thursday

Thursday, Dec. 10th, 1891.

After breakfast, Frank and I called upon John Q’s family, and from there went to the Utah Loan & Trust Co’s building, by appointment, to meet Brothers F. D. & F. S. Richards and look through the building. President Jos. F. Smith had also come up and he was with us. The structure is one of the finest, if not the finest, in the Territory. The stone of which it is constructed has been brought from Coalville. We took pleasure in going through it.

At 10 o’clock we met in the Tabernacle. Sister Jane S. Richards presided. She spoke to the people, and Sister Zina Young, myself and Brother Jos. F. Smith.

We dined with Brother F. D. Richards, in company with a number of the sisters. In the afternoon, Sisters Bathsheba W. Smith and M. I. Horne addressed the meeting which was a very interesting one, the house being nearly filled. I requested Brother Jos. F. Smith to follow, which he did and spoke at considerable length and with great power. There was no time left for me to speak, but at Sister Richards’ request I made a few remarks concerning the keeping up of their quarterly conferences, etc.

From there we were driven to the 2nd Ward Meeting House, where the children of the primary associations had been collected in order to give us a welcome and to have the opportunity of seeing and hearing us. When the appointment was made it was expected that President Woodruff would be present. I explained to the children, as I had done to the sisters, the reason why he was not with us, and also made some remarks to the children. President Smith followed. The whole time spent there was about half an hour.

We were carried to the train by Brother F. D. Richards.

I was met at Salt Lake City by my son David.

11 December 1891 • Friday

Friday, Dec. 11th, 1891.

I called upon President Woodruff this morning and found him much improved, but still confined to his bed and weak. He was free from pain, however.

President Smith and myself spent the day at the office.

A number of brethren met together today to organize a company for the purpose of using stocks now in their possession to borrow money on. The name decided upon for the company is that of Cannon, Grant & Co. I declined to have my name used, but the brethren said it ought to be used.

Brother Grant started for California in company with his wife and two children, today. Before they left, he sent a carriage to take President Smith and myself to administer to his wife. Brother Smith anointed her with oil, and I pronounced the blessing. Afterwards we set Brother Grant apart and blessed him, President Smith being mouth.

At 2 o’clock President Smith and myself went to St. Mark’s Cathedral to attend the funeral of a brother of Isaac Trumbo who was shot in California. We sympathize very much with the family, and out of respect for Col. Trumbo we deemed it proper to go there. President Woodruff would have gone had his health permitted. He let us have the use of his carriage to go in.

We had a call from Brother Francis Armstrong and Mr. Isadore Morris concerning amnesty.

At 4 o’clock I attended another meeting of the B.Y. Trust Co Brigham Young Memorial Association. I had dictated, roughly and hastily, an outline for a circular to be issued, which Brother Gibbs read from his notes.

I took dinner at the Templeton about 6 o’clock, preferring to do so than to go down home, as I desired to attend the theatre with my children. The play was “Ferncliff”, and the performance was very good.

12 December 1891 • Saturday

Saturday, Dec. 12th, 1891.

I saw Bishop Preston this morning in relation to the money that was due to Bp. H. R. Clawson from the B. B. & C. Co, and for which he was to give a bond. I have felt anxious that this matter should be settled. The company has not got money in hand, but it is due to the company from John Beck. I urged its collection, or if it could not be collected that it be borrowed, for Brother Clawson was in very straitened circumstances. Brother Preston promised to do what he could, and afterwards came and informed me that the money was raised if the bond was satisfactory. He wished to have it submitted to the lawyers.

Had interviews with different persons on business.

President Smith was not at the office today.

A petition for amnesty which had been prepared by Judge C. I sent down for President Woodruff to sign. I signed it myself, and then sent to President Smith to get his signature. It is the design to have all the Twelve sign it also.

I dictated my journal to Brother Winter.

13 December 1891 • Sunday

Sunday, Dec. 13th, 1891.

Attended meeting at the Tabernacle at 2 o’clock. It was quite cold and I got chilled through. I addressed the congregation, and felt the effect of cold for some time after arising, but gradually warmed up and had considerable freedom. I was surprised to find how long a time I had spoken—about 95 minutes. I do not like to keep the congregation so long, especially when the weather is so cold. Everybody seemed interested, however.

After the meeting, my brother Angus invited me to attend the meeting at the 17th Ward, there being a new Counselor to be selected and ordained for Bishop Tingey, in the place of Brother Albert Davis, who has been appointed Bishop of Center Ward. He and I drove down and saw President Woodruff, who was feeling better than he had been. He told me it was his intention to come up to the office tomorrow. From there we drove to my brother Angus’ wife Amanda’s house, where I had my dinner.

At the 17th Ward Brother Walter J. Beatie was chosen by the Bishop as his First Counselor, the people accepted him by vote, and my brother Angus, Brother Jos. E. Taylor, Bishop Tingey and Counselor A. E. Hyde and myself laid hands upon him, and I ordained him a High Priest and set him apart as First Counselor, after which I addressed the saints.

14 December 1891 • Monday

Monday, Dec. 14th, 1891.

President Smith and myself were at the office today, but President Woodruff did not come up. There was a biting wind, and I thought that perhaps he did not think it prudent to venture out.

Judge Estee and Col. Trumbo have been in and we have had interviews with them today and talked over the situation of affairs. The Judge has come on to see us, and it was intended that he should go to Washington, but having received information concerning the speedy adjournment of Congress for the holidays, we have decided that it will be better for him not to go till about the 10th or 12th of January. He expressed a wish to have one of the First Presidency, and mentioned my name, to go with him.

At noon there was a meeting of the Directors of the Literary and Scientific Association, and the affairs of the institution were talked over in connection with the Museum. It was proposed that at as early a date as possible after the return of Brother Moses Thatcher the Board and a few of the leading men of the association meet together and digest some plan of operation in regard to the future of the association. My son John Q., who is Secretary, came down from Ogden to attend.

The petition for amnesty which had been prepared by Judge C. was engrossed and the signature of President Woodruff was obtained to it. President Smith and myself also signed, and we got the signatures of some of the Twelve, and telegraphed for Brothers Merrill and Lund to come here today. Brother Lund did come; Brother Merrill did not. Brother Spence went to Brigham yesterday to secure the signature of Brother Lorenzo Snow, and called and saw Brother F. D. Richards, who did not sign it at Ogden, but came down today and signed it.

15 December 1891 • Tuesday

Tuesday, Dec. 15th, 1891.

President Smith and myself were at the office today. President Woodruff also came up later in the day, though he was quite feeble. We had interviews with Judge Estee and Col. Trumbo again today. At the last one President Woodruff became so sick that he had to leave and was taken home.

A meeting was held of the Directors of Z.C.M.I. at the President’s Office. There was a meeting also of the sugar company, which I attended.

Col. Trumbo and myself had an interview with Brother A. E. Hyde this morning to talk with him about selling the Bullion-Beck property. We wished to get him to see the advantages of selling in order that he might use his influence with Brother John Beck. A meeting was arranged to take place at 3:30 in the afternoon, at which Brother Beck was to be present. We held the meeting and discussed the proposition that had been made. It was that the property should be sold for three million dollars, less 2½% for commission. President Woodruff spoke very plainly to Brother Beck on the subject, advising him to consent to the sale of the property. He finally said that if he could get two millions for the sixty thousand shares he would be willing to sell. This would leave one million for the forty thousand shares. I was so disgusted with his selfishness that I did not say a word. I felt as though I did not want to express myself. When President Taylor and myself bought into the property he was so poor that he could not do a thing and we carried it. Now because he has got in a position where he can squeeze the rest, he does so without any compunctions. Col. Trumbo talked to him about it.

As we had an appointment with Judge Estee, we separated, and shortly afterwards a message came for Bishop Clawson, who was with us. It seems that after separating Brother Hyde had talked very plainly to Beck about his proposition, he thinking it a very improper one, and had got Beck to consent to take two millions and pay the whole commission, which would amount to $375,000., out of it. This would leave $25. a share for the rest of us, and he would get for his between $27. and $28. a share. This arrangement was finally agreed to. I was asked what my feeling was about dropping the Caroline suit; and I consented, if this sale went off, to say nothing more about the Caroline suit, and Col. Trumbo also consented the same.

16 December 1891 • Wednesday

Wednesday, Dec. 16th, 1891.

I drove round by President Woodruff’s this morning, and found him quite weak. His stomach had troubled him during the night, and he had not slept much. He could not retain anything on his stomach, but would vomit whenever he ate or drank. A mustard plaster on his stomach had stopped the nausea. He said he intended to come to town today to attend the bank meeting. I tried to dissuade him from doing so.

President Smith and myself were at the office. Brother Reynolds read correspondence.

Col. Trumbo and Brother Rowe came in, and had conversation about establishing a Republican newspaper.

At 10 o’clock I went to a room of the Juvenile Office with the brethren to see Judge Estee. Spent some time with him there.

At 1:30 the Directors of Zion’s Savings Bank met and transacted some business. President Woodruff expressed himself in regard to the late movements in the bank so as to draw out explanations concerning what had been done.

In the afternoon we had another interview with Judge Estee and F. S. Richards, at which the bill that had been prepared by them to introduce into Congress concerning our affairs and to bring relief to the disfranchised class, was read and approved.

My son David and my daughter Mary Alice and her husband invited a number of their friends to my place to have a dance this evening. The young people had a very pleasant time. All my children over a certain age were invited also. The Night was very beautiful.

17 December 1891 • Thursday

Thursday, Dec. 17th, 1891.

President Smith and myself listened to the reading of correspondence until 10 o’clock, when we had a meeting of the Saltair Beach Co and attended to business.

At 11 o’clock I attended a meeting of Geo. Q. Cannon & Sons Co. The company was not in a position to pay a dividend, but I urged that something be done in that direction, because I wanted to keep up the interest and confidence of those who were connected with it. A motion was made that a dividend of 2½% be made, payable when the funds be in hand. We had explanations of the condition of affairs made by Abraham, who is in charge, and learned also concerning the History of Utah which we are publishing, and the pecuniary obligations connected therewith. Abraham made the statement that he would not have taken hold of the work if it had not been for the counsel of the First Presidency, as he did not have a great deal of confidence in it; but he believed we would save ourselves in the work, though it was a heavy load to carry. He reported also that he had bought the Life of President Taylor from the Taylor family, at their request, and had agreed to pay $1500. in three payments for the work.

We had a meeting of the First Presidency and Twelve, and attended to considerable business. Brother John W. Taylor was mouth in prayer.

I have not mentioned the fact that President Woodruff did not come to the office this morning. His health was not sufficiently good to admit of his coming. We prayed fervently for him.

I wrote some letters.

Afterwards had a meeting with Judge Bartch, Brother W. H. Rowe, John Morgan, John Henry Smith, and President Jos. F. Smith, and we took into consideration the best course to be pursued concerning a Republican organ. At their request, I expressed my views upon the subject.

I dictated my journal to Brother Winter.

18 December 1891 • Friday

Friday, Dec. 18th, 1891.

Called and saw President Woodruff this morning on my way to the office, and found him much better. His wife was quite sick and confined to her bed. He did not think it prudent to leave his house today, and said he intended to keep close until Monday, when he hoped he would be able to come up to the office.

President Smith was at the office.

We listened to correspondence, read by Brother Geo. Reynolds. John M. Cannon came in and reported concerning the suit at Independence between the Hedrickites and the Josephites for the Temple lot. He read communications from Mr. C. Hall, President of the Hedrickites.

Elder James S. Brown called to give us information concerning the Society Islands, where he labored as a missionary forty years ago. We desired to get what information we could, so that we could forward it to President Lee, at The Samoan Islands, for the benefit of the missionaries there who were going to labor on the Society Islands.

Elder F. M. Lyman reached here today from the South.

I dictated letters to Brother Winter.

At 1 o’clock President Jos. F. Smith and myself went to Brother Edward Stevenson’s in the 14th Ward, and took dinner with his wife and the leading members of the Relief Societies, there being a general conference of the Relief Societies in the 14th Ward Assembly Rooms. After dinner, we met with the sisters. President Smith spoke about 45 minutes to them, and I occupied 35 minutes. We both had excellent liberty, and the meeting was very interesting.

I had a call from Mr. Gillespie and Col. Woodrow, the latter of London, who came to see me concerning the sale of the Bullion-Beck. Col. Woodrow wishes to have the opportunity of placing it on the London market. He thought it was a good property, etc.

My son Lewis succeeded in completing the heating apparatus in my late wife Elizabeth’s residence. He has been working at it for about three weeks. I think it will be a great improvement, though it is rather an expensive arrangement, but one cannot have much comfort without some expense.

I forgot to mention that yesterday Brother Wilcken took me down to visit Brother John Carlisle. We called at the house of the mother of my wife Carlie and took her with us down there. Brother Carlisle’s had been a place where President Taylor and myself had stayed for some time in hiding. The family won our esteem by their kindness to us. Afterwards my wife Carlie, when she had to secrete herself, lived there, and our son Clawson was born there.

The family were very much pleased to see us. We ate supper with them, and stayed about an hour and a half.

19 December 1891 • Saturday

Saturday, Dec. 19th, 1891.

President Smith and myself were at the office.

We hear that President Woodruff is much better this morning, and his wife’s health is also improved.

I dictated to Brother Winter and attended to different business matters, and listened to correspondence which Brother Reynolds read to us.

An appointment was made for President Jos. F. Smith, John Henry Smith and myself to have an interview with Gov. Thomas and Judge Zane, at 7:30 this evening, at the residence of Gov. Thomas. The object of this meeting was to submit to them the following petition, which had been signed by the First Presidency and all the Twelve, except Brothers B. Young and G. Teasdale, both of whom are absent:

We, the First Presidency and Apostles of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, beg respectfully to represent to your Excellency the following facts:

We formerly taught to our people that polygamy, or celestial marriage, as commanded by God through Joseph Smith, was right; that it was a necessity to man’s highest exaltation in the life to come.

That doctrine was publicly promulgated by our President, the late Brigham Young, forty years ago, and was steadily taught and impressed upon the Latter-day Saints up to <a short time before> September, 1890. Our people are devout and sincere, and they accepted the doctrine, and many personally embraced and practiced polygamy.

When the Government sought to stamp the practice out, our people, almost without exception, remained firm, for they, while having no desire to oppose the government in anything, still felt that their lives, and their honor as men were pledged to a vindication of their creed,<faith> and that their duty toward those whose lives were a part of their own was a paramount one, to fulfill which they had no right to count anything, not even their own lives, as standing in the way.

Following this conviction hundreds endured arrest, trial, fine and imprisonment, and the immeasurable suffering borne by the faithful people, no language can describe. That suffering in abated form still continues.

More, the government added disfranchisement to its other punishments for those who clung to their faith and fulfilled its covenants.

According to our creed <faith> the head of our Church receives from time to time revelations for the religious guidance of his people. In September 1890, the present head of the Church in anguish and prayer cried to God for help for his flock, and received the permission to advise the members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, that the law commanding polygamy was henceforth suspended.

At the great semi-annual Conference which was held a few days later this was submitted to the people—numbering many thousands, and representing every community of the people in Utah—and was by them in the most solemn manner accepted as the future rule of their lives.

They have since been faithful to the covenant made that day.

At the late October Conference, after a year had passed by, the matter was once more submitted to the thousands of people gathered together, and they again in the most potential manner ratified the solemn covenant.

This being the true situation, and believing that the object of the government was simply the vindication of its own authority and to compel obedience to its laws, and that it takes no pleasure in persecutions, we respectfully pray that full amnesty may be extended to all who are under disabilities because of the operation of the so-called Edmunds and Edmunds-tucker laws.

Our people are scattered; homes are made desolate; many are still imprisoned; others are banished or in hiding.

Our hearts bleed for these. In the past they followed our councils, and while they are thus afflicted our souls are in sackcloth and ashes.

We believe there are nowhere in the Union a more loyal people than the Latter Day Saints. They know no other country except this; they expect to live and die on this soil.

When the men of the South who were in rebellion against the government, in 1865, threw down their arms and asked for recognition along the old lines of citizenship, the government hastened to grant their prayer.

To be at peace with the government and in harmony with their fellow citizens who are not of their faith, and to share in the confidence of the government and people, our people have voluntarily put aside something which all their lives they have believed to be a sacred principle.

Have they not the right to ask for such clemency as comes when the claims of both law and justice have been fully liquidated?

As shepherds of a patient and suffering people, we ask amnesty for them and pledge our faith and honor for their future.

And your petitioners will ever pray.

Salt Lake City, December 1891.

Brother Francis Armstrong had had an interview with Judge Zane upon the subject, and he had expressed his willingness to sign this petition, but he wanted the Governor also to sign it, and thought if a meeting could be arranged, at which both could be present, that the Governor might be induced to join in recommending to the President the clemency asked for in the petition. I opened the matter to them and told them our wishes in calling upon them. The Governor then read the petition aloud, and both he and the Judge expressed themselves favorable to signing it, thought it was a good petition and one that ought to be granted. The question arose as to how it should be endorsed, and the Governor said he would draw out a letter to the President for himself and the Judge to sign. The Judge said he hoped he would make it a strong one. The Governor said he would; for he did not believe in engaging in anything of this kind without making it successful. We left the petition with them, with the understanding that they would draw up a paper that they would sign and append to it. The Governor suggested the idea of getting the signatures of the Utah Commission, which he thought he could do; but we were anxious to have the petition forwarded as soon as possible, this being the wish of Judge C. C. Goodwin, who had written the petition, and who is acting for us in this matter secretly. He has had this matter in hand now for a little while, and though we have had two petitions prepared by our friend Judge Estee, we felt upon receiving this from Judge Goodwin that as it was a very well worded and covered the points, and he was the party that was actively engaged in trying to get the thing accomplished, we had better accept his petition and sign it. He felt confident that the Governor, if asked to sign the petition, would come to him to get his views about it, and he would recommend it. He did not want anyone to know of his agency in connection with it, because, as he expressed it to Brother Armstrong, his friends the Liberals, our enemies, “would raise the roof of hell if they knew of it.”

After this interview was ended, President Smith and myself went and administered to a member of Brother Armstrong’s family who is very low. My son David came up with the buggy for me and took me down home.

20 December 1891 • Sunday

Sunday, Dec. 20th, 1891.

The day was very stormy, but I attended meeting at the Tabernacle and found a larger congregation than I expected, as the weather was so inclement. I called upon Brother John Henry Smith to speak, which he did.

At 6:30 a meeting was held in the new meeting house at Farmer’s Ward, of which ward some of my family are members, and a number of us attended. We had a most interesting time. I was called upon to dedicate the house by prayer, which I did. The Presidency of the Stake and Bishop Burton spoke to the people and gave very interesting instructions. I was requested to speak, but the time was so short and so much had been said that I deemed it better not to say anything. The house is a very nice building. I have contributed $800. to its erection.

21 December 1891 • Monday

Monday, Dec. 21st, 1891.

I called upon President Woodruff and found him better, but still suffering from cold.

President Smith and myself at the office, and listened to correspondence, read by Brother Geo. Reynolds.

Brother John Henry Smith brought to me this morning a communication which had been signed by Gov. Thomas and Judge Zane. The following is a copy of the document.

Salt Lake City, Utah, Dec. 21, 1891.

To the President:

We have the honor to forward herewith a petition signed by the President and most influential members of the Mormon Church. We have no doubt of its sincerity, and no doubt that it is tendered in absolute good faith. The signers include some who were most determined in adhering to their religious faith while polygamy, either mandatory or permissive, was one of its tenets, and they are men who would not lightly pledge their faith and honor to the Government, or subscribe to such a document, without having fully resolved to make their words good in letter and spirit.

We warmly recommend a favorable consideration of this petition, and if your Excellency shall find it consistent with your public duties to grant the relief asked, we believe it would be graciously received by the Mormon people and tend to evince to them what has always been asserted, that the government is beneficent in its laws, and desires all law-abiding citizens to enjoy all the benefits and privileges of citizenship. We believe it will be better for the future if the Mormon people should now receive this mark of confidence.

As to the form or scope of a reprieve or pardon, granted in the exercise of your constitutional prerogative, we make no suggestions. You and your law advisers will best know how to grant what you think should be granted.

We are, very respectfully,

Arthur L. Thomas,

Governor of Utah.

Charles S. Zane,

Chief Justice.

The following is a copy of a private letter written by them to the President:

Salt Lake City, Utah, Dec. 21, 1891.

To the President:

Our endorsement of the enclosed petition states that we do not presume to advise you as to the form or scope of a reprieve or pardon, but we beg respectfully to suggest that were full amnesty granted to date, that date would be coupled with your name and in the future the Mormon people would turn to them as does the colored race to Abraham Lincoln and the day of Jan. 2, 1863; and if, as we believe, the promise made by your petitioners will be fully kept, it will associate with your administration the final end of the work to which the republican party was solemnly pledged by its first national convention which assembled in Philadelphia in 1858.

We are, very respectfully,

Arthur L. Thomas,

Charles S. Zane.

Brother John Henry Smith said that they had urged him to go and see Judge Goodwin and Pat. Lannan, and thought that if they were informed about what is being done they might not attack the proposition in the “Tribune”. Brother Smith had seen both of them. His interview with Goodwin was as though he was entirely ignorant of Goodwin’s agency in the matter; but before they separated, Judge Goodwin communicated the fact to him that he was the author of the petition, and that he was working for it. Mr. Lannan also seemed to take a favorable view of the petition, and was evidently pleased at Brother Smith, who is an old acquaintance of his, communicating to him what was being done.

The Governor and Judge Zane had been quite curious to know who was going to take the petition, but, of course, Brother Smith did not know anything about this. Judge Goodwin, however, forwarded all the papers by mail today, so we were advised afterwards by Brother Armstrong, who said that they all seemed very favorable to the idea. He said that Mr. Isadore Morris was the most pleased and delighted man he ever saw at the shape this business had taken.

I received a very touching letter from Sister David M. Stuart, of Ogden, in which she described the condition of herself and family. She made an appeal to me for $25. a month to assist her. Brother Stuart is broken down in health, and she also, and he has been a very faithful, devoted man, and I think deserves assistance. Upon the letter being read, President Smith suggested that we appropriate $30. a month for their relief, it being the same amount that we had appropriated a few weeks ago for the benefit of Brother Henry Grow, who has since died.

I have been very busy all day attending to various matters.

22 December 1891 • Tuesday

Tuesday, Dec. 22nd, 1891.

I called at President Woodruff’s this morning and found him sound asleep. I did not disturb him. His family said he was much better.

President Smith and myself listened to correspondence at the office this morning.

We had a long and wearisome meeting today of the Deseret News Co. The company is in a very bad condition financially. My feelings have been that there must be an entire change in this business, or we shall be very heavily involved. A proposition was made to wind up the business, but some of the Board were not in favor of that. Brother Jos. W. Summerhays was selected, however, to go east and endeavor to find out, by examining paper mills, what can be done with our mill—whether it can be made to pay or not. There having been some remarks made concerning the Juvenile Instructor office publishing Church works, I sent for my son Abraham, that he might explain to the company, as I think there has been feeling on this subject. His statement threw a good deal of light. He showed that they had been for a long time unable to buy any books at a time when there was great demand for them among strangers. On one occasion the Grand Army of the Republic was here and there was not a Book of Mormon to be bought in the city, and the News had even refused to sell books to the Juvenile office when they had them in stock. The Juvenile bill sometimes had amounted from $200. to $500. a month, and they had actually sold the books at a loss because the News would not give them any discount more than to the small dealers. At the present time there was a demand for our books in the east, and Abraham said he had opened correspondence with booksellers there, but he could not supply them at the figures he would have to pay the News, and therefore they had published a variety of works, some of which they had paid royalty for to the Pratt heirs.

Geo. Cannon and L. G. Hardy called and reported the condition of the Templeton Hotel. At the present time they are losing money very fast.

Brother Penrose also called in and asked some counsel about matters that had come to his knowledge of a rather filthy character concerning the conduct of the accusers of Marshal Parsons. We admonished him not to publish such filthy stuff at present in the News.

23 December 1891 • Wednesday

Wednesday, Dec. 23rd, 1891.

Quite a violent snow storm this morning. My son David drove me up in my sleigh to the office.

President Woodruff’s health, as he writes me, is improving.

A committee of the Patriotic Order of the Sons of America called upon us this morning with a letter from President Woodruff, in which he had consented for them to have the Tabernacle for their exercises on Christmas Day in the presentation of flags to the schools, if we, his counselors, had no objections. We assented; but we think the assurance these people display is something extraordinary; for they have in their meetings spoken contemptuously of us as a people. In doing this to them, however, we return good for evil.

I was very much shocked this morning to learn that Bishop John Sharp had died about 4 o’clock this morning, through stoppage of the bowels. A very worthy and estimable man, faithful to the truth, and bearing a fine reputation among all classes, has passed away from this mortal scene. He was a man for whom I entertained a very high regard. His sickness only lasted one week.

President Smith and myself listened to the case of Job Pingree vs. Nathan Tanner, Jr, which had been brought before the Bishop’s Court and High Council of Weber Stake. Brother Tanner had written to us concerning this case and was very much exercised about it. From Prest. Shurtliff’s description of what had occurred between these two brethren, it seems that there is a very bad condition of feeling existing, and the people of the Church are much scandalized at what has taken place. His description of Brother Pingree’s conduct shows that he has acted very violently, has knocked Tanner down on two different occasions, and has been very violent in his language. I expressed myself very freely on this subject. I said his conduct was utterly unworthy of a Latter-day Saint, and no person who appreciated his position in the Church could sanction such language and conduct. Brother Reynolds was instructed to write a suitable letter to Brother Tanner.

We held a lengthy meeting of Zion’s Savings Bank, in which I expressed myself very plainly concerning the situation of the Bank, and I felt we should do something to strengthen it by having others join with us.

The sleighing is very good, and I rode backward and forward in my cutter.

24 December 1891 • Thursday

Thursday, Dec. 24th, 1891.

I called at President Woodruff’s this morning, and was pleased to find him almost completely restored. He complains a little of cold, but otherwise he is in good condition. The weather, however, is so severe that he deems it prudent not to go to town today.

Brother James Sharp called, in company with Bp. Romney, to explain why the family declined the offer of the Assembly Hall for the funeral services of his father. Brother John Sharp had left a request with his son James, also with one of his wives, to the effect that he preferred being buried from his private residence.

At 9 O’clock there was a meeting of the Board of Directors of Z.C.M.I., at which I was made chairman, to take steps for the framing of a series of resolutions in memory of Director John Sharp. The Secretary was appointed to do this, and was also instructed to procure proper floral offerings and furnish conveyences for the members of the Board.

At 2 o’clock President Smith and myself and Elders F. M. Lyman, J. H. Smith and A. H. Cannon met together and attended to some business. Brother Lyman offered prayer.

25 December 1891 • Friday

Friday, Dec. 25th, 1891.

This is Christmas Day.

I had invited all my children and grandchildren to take Christmas dinner with me, and they were all present today excepting my son Hugh, whose wife visited me, but could not stay. My dining room was full. There were sixty-five sat down to dinner, each branch of my family at a separate table. All enjoyed themselves very much. We had a beautiful Christmas tree, and it was loaded with presents for the children, and in the evening the little wax candles were lit, which made the tree very brilliant. My gardener, John Young, plays very excellent music, and we all had a dance, which kept up till about 10:30.

This has been a day of very great enjoyment to me, and I think it has been to the entire family, as all expressed themselves to that effect.

26 December 1891 • Saturday

Saturday, Dec. 26th, 1891.

Brother Heber J. Grant called at my residence this morning before I left for the city. He returned yesterday from California, where he has left his wife. It is expected that she will undergo a surgical operation in about two weeks from now. He was undecided till he saw me as to whether he should go east as far as Chicago to try and raise money, or let someone else go. My feeling was that he had better rejoin his wife, as I thought his presence with her would have a good effect in preparing her for the operation, which was likely to be quite a serious one.

John Q. and Abraham and their families remained till this morning, and Frank and his family started back to Ogden with John Q. His wife and children will remain a day or two here.

I received a very nice letter from Sister Stuart, in which she informed me that my letter had been received by her with weeping and joy, and thanking me very much.

27 December 1891 • Sunday

Sunday, Dec. 27th, 1891.

I went in my sleigh to the President’s Office at 11 o’clock, where I met some of the Directors of Z.C.M.I., and Supt. Webber and Treas. Carlson. They had provided vehicles for us to attend the funeral services of Brother John Sharp, one of our fellow Directors. The funeral was held at his private residence. President Smith and myself and some of the others were seated where we could hear but very little of the proceedings. Brothers Dunbar, Puzey, John Henry Smith and Bp. Romney spoke.

In conversation with Brother James Sharp a few days ago, he had suggested that none of the First Presidency should speak at the funeral, because by so doing they might expose themselves and the family to attacks from the “Tribune” in consequence of former action that had been taken against Bp. Sharp in removing him from the Bishopric. I should have thought such feelings very puerile and cowardly had I not known that several of the family were not in the Church and were very sensitive to comments made by the “Tribune.” After the services we drove to the cemetery, and from there went to the Tabernacle. Brother Andrew Kimball was speaking when we went in. He occupied about 50 mins., and spoke excellently. The meeting then closed.

I called upon President Woodruff on my way home and found him in good health.

28 December 1891 • Monday

Monday, Dec. 28th, 1891.

We were gladdened this morning by having President Woodruff come to the office. He spent the day with President Smith and myself.

I was dreadfully shocked this morning, before leaving home, by learning that Brother Frank M. Anderson, a young man who has been paying attention to my daughter Rosannah, was killed last evening, a few minutes after six, while on his way to my house to take my daughter and my nephew Frank Woodbury’s wife to a meeting to be held at Brother Andrew Kimball’s of the brethren who had been laboring in the Indian Territory. Brother Anderson had been one of these missionaries, and a very efficient one, and Frank Woodbury is now on a mission there. There was a very severe storm broke upon us a little before six last night and the snow was so blinding that the train which killed him could not be seen at any distance away. His horse was not injured, but his buggy was broken to pieces, and he was struck in the head by the engine and rendered unconscious, though it is said he breathed for some time afterwards. My folks had seen the horse, but did not recognize whose it was. When Angus came home about 11 o’clock he knew it was Brother Anderson’s horse, and he got on another horse and went up immediately to the house, thinking that something serious had happened, but was not prepared to find him cold in death. The shock was a terrible one, as they were very intimate companions, and my daughter Rosannah is completely prostrated. I have some fears of the results upon her health. On my way from home to the office my son David took me round by Brother Anderson’s. I called in and said what words of comfort I could to the grief-stricken family. I do not know when I have been so shocked by anything that has occurred as by this terrible accident. I felt it more perhaps because he was on his way to my residence, and to see my daughter, when it occurred. He is spoken of in the highest terms by all who knew him, and a young man of considerable promise. He was a good printer, and was quite intellectually inclined.

Prest. Geo. C. Parkinson, of the Oneida Stake, called to see us concerning his accepting the office of notary public. We favored his doing so. He thought before doing so he had better find out from the Judge of the District and the prosecuting attorney what their views were concerning the propriety of his taking the oath.

We had a bank meeting this morning which occupied some time, in which the affairs of the bank were discussed fully. In order to have Brother Heber J. Grant on the Board of Directors, Brother Le Grand Young resigned his position as Director. He appeared very willing to do so, and said that as he was the attorney of the bank he would still meet with us, for his services were at our command. In view of this, his resignation was accepted, and Brother Grant was elected a Director in his place. We were visited by Brothers John Beck and A. E. Hyde to get our views concerning their company, which is a branch of the Keely Institute for the curing of inebriates, renting the Gardo House. Some of the brethren were opposed to renting it for that purpose. Afterwards Mr. Bamberger and Mr. Eisenbaum called and explained more fully the character of the business. President Woodruff felt to waive any objections he had had, in view of what they said. Mr. Bamberger said that he would not rent it if we were opposed to it.

There was a meeting of Cannon, Grant &Co. held for about two hours, during which considerable business was done. It was felt that we should have a pledge from each member that he would not endorse any notes for anyone, without the written consent of this company. This was agreed to by all. Concerning the admission of other partners, I told the brethren very plainly that I thought there should be no hesitation in expressing ourselves frankly upon this question; that while we might like men and have confidence in them, we might not, on the other hand, desire to make partners of them, and if there was any feeling on the part of any of the brethren against the bearer of any name that should be proposed, he ought to have perfect liberty to express it, and it should be kept absolutely secret by all of us.

29 December 1891 • Tuesday

Tuesday, Dec. 29th, 1891.

My daughter Rosannah is in a bad condition and gives me some concern. I have talked to her and tried to cheer her up. She seems to be in a stupor almost, and does not eat nor sleep.

I had considerable conversation today with Brother Heber J. Grant concerning the firm of Cannon, Grant &Co.

Brother Clawson had a long conversation with the First Presidency regarding political matters. He read us letters that he had received from the west. Elder Fred Stauffer called upon us today, and we had a very interesting visit with him. He has just returned from Constantinople, where he has been laboring in the ministry and throughout Asia Minor. He is an interesting young man and seems to be very able, and has no doubt done a good work, considering the difficulties that are to be contended with in those lands. He has acquired a knowledge of the Turkish language and while there traveled as a Turk, assuming their dress, so as to escape attention and perhaps robbery. At 12 o’clock a meeting of the trustees of Young University was held at the office. Considerable business was attended to.

The First Presidency went down this afternoon in my sleigh to Brother Dinwoodey’s store to examine some pictures on exhibition there which had been painted by Col. James Fairman.

Another meeting was held of Cannon, Grant &Co, and afterwards the sugar company held at meeting.

30 December 1891 • Wednesday

Wednesday, Dec. 30th, 1891.

The First Presidency at the office today. Brother Smith soon left, however, to go on a visit to Davis County.

At 10 o’clock there was a meeting of the Church Board of Education, which occupied till about 1 o’clock. I then proceeded to the Bullion-Beck office to a meeting that had been appointed to consider a resolution for the sale of the mine. Judge Marshal met with the company, and we passed the resolution. At 1 o’clock there was a meeting of Zion’s Savings Bank. I was not present, however, until some time afterwards. It was decided before I got in to have Geo. M. Cannon take the place of cashier, Brother Webber having resigned that position for this purpose. It was also decided to increase the Board of Directors to 13, and instructions were given for a meeting of the stockholders to be called for that purpose. The names of Brothers Lorenzo Snow, F. M. Lyman and John Henry Smith were suggested as Directors. I felt greatly relieved at this action; for I felt that we were in a bad condition, if anything should happen to President Woodruff; but with the addition of these three brethren, we will be strong.

There was a meeting of Cannon, Grant &Co, as Brother Grant intended to go to California this evening, and there was considerable business to be attended to.

31 December 1891 • Thursday

Thursday, Dec. 31st, 1891.

The First Presidency at the office today.

Brother B. H. Schettler called to see us in relation to the change that had been made in the bank. He felt that perhaps his resignation was desired, and he expressed himself as having an idea that I had had feelings against him. I told him I had not the least feeling against him personally, but I had not been satisfied with the condition of the bank, owing to statements that had been made by the bank examiner some time ago, and now repeated. I told Brother Schettler, however, that I had spoken more plainly in the meeting concerning the condition of the bank that I had ever spoken anywhere else. He said that the bank examiner had told him that the bank seemed to be run in the interests of the Cannons. I said I wished I had known that, because I did not think that I, at least, was in debt much there. I had no notes that I knew of that were due, and I did not think that I ought to be blamed for all the Cannons. There were Jones, and Brown, and Smiths, but it would not do to blame one man bearing the name for the shortcomings of all who bore the same name. What he said, however, stirred me up, and I went and saw Abraham and talked to him upon the situation. I have a horror of debt, and I am determined, by the help of the Lord, if I have got anything to sell, that I will not remain in debt. The debts though that are there, I find, are principally of other bearers of the name; and while I dislike to be in debt, or to have any of my people in debt, I think it is far better for them to be stirred up and kept in mind of their obligations than for silence to be observed, which has been too much the case with our bank. People have not been reminded of the indebtedness that has been due.

The First Presidency and Twelve met today. There were present: President Woodruff, myself, and Brother Smith part of the time; Brothers F. D. Richards, J. W. Taylor and A. H. Cannon.

We had another interesting interview with Elder Fred Stauffer.

I wrote a letter to Brother Grant, also to Mr. Geo. M. Landers, to whom I sent a copy of “Wonderlands of the West”, by Judge Carlton.

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December 1891, The Journal of George Q. Cannon, accessed October 16, 2024