July 1892

1 July 1892 • Friday

Friday, July 1, 1892.

We had an opportunity of seeing the wreck this morning in daylight, and it certainly was what might be called a fortunate accident, if an accident can be called fortunate[,] for in looking at the engine and the tender it seemed impossible for two men to be on that and not be injured. How long we shall have to wait here does not appear clear.

Yesterday I dictated a letter to President Woodruff concerning our brethren taking an interest in the Chamber of Commerce, which I thought of great importance, and Brother Jos. F. Smith signed it with me. I also wrote a letter to my son Abraham, expressing the feelings of myself and President Smith concerning a proposition that Brother H. J. Grant had made before we left home for the firm of Cannon, Grant & Co. to take $25,000. more of sugar stock. We already are individually carrying so much of this stock that I felt it was not a wise thing, for me at any rate to take upon myself any more burden of this character, and I wrote to Abraham in this strain, advising caution in assuming any more than absolutely necessary of this stock.

About 12 o’clock the train came up from Albuquerque, and we transferred ourselves and baggage from the train we were on to the train that came up. We reached Albuquerque in the afternoon

2 July 1892 • Saturday

Saturday, July 2, 1892.

About 3 o’clock this morning we reached Holbrook, and were met by Brother Joseph Fish, who took us to his store while he wakened Brother Jesse N. Smith and Brother Hunt, a son of Bishop Hunt, of Snowflake, each of whom had brought a vehicle to carry us to Snowflake. We left there a little after 4 o’clock and drove to Woodruff, President Jos. F. Smith and myself riding with Brother Jesse N. Smith, and Brothers Reynolds and Winter riding with Brother Hunt.

At Woodruff, which is 12 miles distant from Holbrook, we stopped at Bishop Levi Savage’s, and after examining the dam, of which I have heard a great deal, and which is really a very stupendous work for so small a settlement, we partook of breakfast. This dam looks like a very solid structure, and it is hoped that it will withstand the floods of the Little Colorado. This Little Colorado runs within narrow banks, and it does not have the appearance of being a stream of any importance, but when there are floods it is a roaring torrent, it is said, and is almost irresistible, so far as dams are concerned.

We reached Snowflake about 12:30. The road was very rough and dusty. At Snowflake we remained some two hours and obtained a change of team. Bishop John Hunt took the place of his son in the carriage that carried Brothers Reynolds and Winter, and Brother Smith took his wife with him, and we started for Pinetop expecting that it would take us about 8 hours travel to reach it

I was quite pleased with the appearance of Snowflake. It is a much prettier place and with more substantial improvements than I expected to see. There are a number of very good houses here and a great many trees, and altogether it presents an attractive appearance. This is Brother Jesse N. Smith’s place of residence, and the Bishop of this Ward is Brother John Hunt, a son of my old acquaintance, Captain Jefferson Hunt.

The journey from Snowflake to Pinetop was very rough, in places especially. We reached a place called Fool Hollow, where Brother Theodore Turley lives, and we stopped there and partook of a meal and fed our animals. This point is 21 miles distant. We traveled at the rate of 5 miles an hour. The scenery shortly after leaving Snowflake is very fine. I was much delighted with the appearance of the country. The hills are rolling and covered with timber—cedar and magnificent pines—and it was parklike in many places in its beauty. The great deficiency is water. If there were water this could be made a most beautiful land. We ascended the Mogallon mountains. The ascent, however, was so gradual that one is not conscious of climbing. The rocks are volcanic in their character, and the ground is thickly covered in places with them.

We reached Pinetop a little after 11 at night, and were very glad indeed to get there. Beds were soon prepared, and I slept in a shanty that belonged to Bishop Hunt. We were very tired, as we had been traveling nearly 20 hours, including the time of stoppages, and had made a distance of nearly 70 miles.

3 July 1892 • Sunday

Sunday, July 3, 1892.

I did not sleep more than 4 hours last night, and was stirring about 5:30.

The location for this conference is very fine. The ground, however, is easily pulverized into dust, and in places is covered with volcanic rock, which are the objections to it. A very fine pavilion has been erected for the purpose of the conference, also a room which is called the Council room, which we are expected to occupy whenever we need it. The saints are gathered around in tents and wagons, and there were representatives from four stakes—the Snowflake, St. Johns, St. Joseph, and the Maricopa. Men, women and children have come to this gathering. From Snowflake there were 529 souls; from St. Johns there were 440 souls; from St. Joseph there were 116 souls; and from Maricopa there were 63 souls. The journey had been an exceedingly fatiguing and tiresome one for the Brethren and sisters and children who came from the Maricopa and St. Joseph Stakes. The roads were simply terrible, so they reported, and the weather was quite hot. Brother Robson and company had been 14 days on the journey, 12 of which they had been actually traveling, and had traveled 245 miles. Brother Layton and his company had been 5 days on the road, and they traveled 150 miles. Those from the Snowflake Stake had traveled from 20 to 50 miles, and the St. Johns people had traveled 50 or 60 miles.

The saints were quite delighted to see us, as they had heard of the accident which had befallen our train, and certainly we were delighted to reach there and to take part with them in the conference. I have long wished to have the opportunity of visiting Arizona, and I could not forego the present occasion of seeing so many of the saints together.

At 9 o’clock I called the Presidents of Stakes, their counselors and the Bishops together, to come to some conclusion concerning the order of business, and after talking over various matters, it was moved by Brother Jos. F. Smith that inasmuch as there were four Presidents of Stakes present, it would be proper for me to preside, which the brethren expressed themselves very pleased at. We arranged to have a marshal for the camp, who was Bishop John Hunt, to keep order and to look after all the police regulations of the camp. We also arranged to have the meetings commence at 10 & 2, and for a signal to be given for the meeting quarter of an hour before the time of assembling, so that the entire camp should be prompt in meeting. It was arranged also that the four Presidents of Stakes should make report of the condition of their Stakes to the conference.

At 10 o’clock we met in the pavilion, which was not sufficiently large to shelter the congregation. There were from all the camps 1152 Latter-day Saints present. There may have been more than this, but this was the number reported as being actually present. There were a number of outsiders also, so that, I suppose, the entire people who met in conference numbered about 1200.

After singing by the choir (Brother Holgate of St. Johns had gathered all the saints he could together to make a choir) and prayer by Patriarch Philemon C. Merrill, Prests. Jesse N. Smith and C. Layton reported the condition of their Stakes. Brother Layton’s report was quite glowing. He represented the fertility of the land which they occupied and the prosperity of the people. There is no doubt from his report that the saints occupy a land which is likely to be a very valuable place, and a place where money can be made in the sale of their products, for they are able to raise two crops of some kinds a year, and I gathered from his remarks that they found ready sale. Of lucerne they harvest 5 & 6 crops a year, and he says every acre will yield 6 tons. He has been a man who has raised a good deal of grain, and he says he never saw better grain than they have at St. Joseph Stake.

President Jos. F. Smith followed and occupied the remainder of the forenoon.

In the afternoon the sacrament was administered, and Brothers C. I. Robson and D. K. Udall reported the condition of their Stakes. The land where Brother Robson lives is exceedingly fertile, but it is a hot country, and they are surrounded by Non-Mormons, the Gentiles being about equal numbers with the Mormons.

On the whole, the reports were quite favorable. Brother Udall’s remarks pleased me very much. He is a man that I would think would make a very fine speaker with practice. He has quite an oratorical style for a young man with no more experience than he has had; in fact, he said that this was the largest audience he had ever addressed in his life.

After they got through, I addressed the conference and occupied the remainder of the afternoon, and gave a great variety of instructions.

The Relief Society met immediately after the close of this meeting, and at 5:30 we had a Sunday school meeting, which was largely attended, and the principal portion of the time was occupied by Brother Geo. Reynolds, who gave a great variety of instructions. I spoke about 20 minutes.

We retired to bed quite early this evening, and the bed that I occupied was removed to the Council chamber, so that I would be freer from interruption.

A committee was appointed today to get up a programme of exercises for tomorrow, the 4th. of July, and Brother Jesse N. Smith was chairman, and I also suggested that he be made orator of the day. The committee was composed of two brethren from each Stake, which with the chairman made a committee of nine.

4 July 1892 • Monday

Monday, July 4, 1892.

We were awakened this morning about break of day by the firing of musketry and the playing of music. A very tall pine tree had been selected and trimmed for a flag pole, and a flag had been hoisted on it.

At 8:45 there was a peal of musketry. This was the signal for the people to assemble at the pavilion, which they did at 9 o’clock. The programme which the committee had prepared was not a long one, but it was quite interesting. Brother Jesse N. Smith was the orator of the day. There was singing by the choir and music, and I was called upon for a patriotic adress. I had made no preparation whatever for it, but I felt very free in speaking to the people about the Declaration of Independence and the effect it had upon the Colonies and upon the nation.

It was arranged to have a dance in the evening.

At 2 o’clock we met again in conference, and Brother Philemon C. Merrill delivered an address describing the enlistment of the Mormon Batallion and their journey to California, which was listened to with great interest. Brother Geo. Reynolds next addressed the conference, and occupied about half an hour, and then President Jos. F. Smith spoke about an hour upon the priesthood and its responsibilities.

The brethren had enlarged the shelter by building bowers on each side of the pavilion and at the end, which furnished shade for all and made it very commodious for all who were present.

As a dance had been arranged for, it was found that the natural ground would not answer, so arrangements were made to procure lumber this afternoon, and under the direction of Brother Frost a floor was laid and all ready before 8 o’clock in the evening. It was a large dancing floor, on which from 20 to 30 sets could dance. The brethren took hold of this with great alacrity, and the work was soon accomplished. At 8 o’clock the dance commenced. I danced one set, and then went to my quarters and retired to bed, but the dance was kept up until one o.clock, and all seemed to enjoy themselves.

There were a number of young people here who desired to be sealed, and in accordance with the action of the First Presidency upon this question some time ago, we decided to seal them. There were 8 couples sealed this afternoon, all new marriages, and they had their licenses. I performed the ceremony, it being Brother Smith’s wish that I should do so.

5 July 1892 • Tuesday

Tuesday, July 5, 1892.

I called the Presidents of Stakes and their counselors together this morning to decide upon the length of the time that we should hold the conference. The feeling seemed to be to get through today. Brother Layton and his company, I thought, were anxious to get off this afternoon, so that they could travel about 12 miles. Therefore we decided that we would only hold one general meeting today, and in the afternoon we would attend to other business that we had on hand.

We met in conference at 10 o’clock, and the general authorities were presented to the conference by Brother Geo. Reynolds, after which I occupied the time, and the conference adjourned at 12 o’clock.

A number of couples who had been married were sealed today by President Jos. F. Smith.

It was arranged today that we should visit all the camps, so that every person in the various camps should have the opportunity of shaking hands with us, as there were a great many young people who were desirous to see us and shake hands with us, and their parents were anxious also that they should do so. We commenced at one o’clock. The Snowflake Stake gathered all their people together in the pavilion, and there being 529 of them it took some time for them to pass before us and shake hand[s] with us. Brother Jesse N. Smith stood by my side and introduced each one, and they were also introduced to Brothers Smith and Reynolds.

This having taken longer time than we expected, and the people of the other camps being in readiness, the Presidents of Stakes proposed that they bring their people to the pavilion and let them shake hands with us there, and thus save time, which was done, and we shook hands with all the men, women and children. It was a very interesting occasion, and the people seemed to enjoy it very much.

After this we met with the Presidents of Stakes and their counselors, the Bishops and their counselors and the High Councilors, and talked over the situation of political affairs in Arizona, and explained to them the policy that we thought ought to be pursued and the care that ought to be taken in casting their votes so as to have them result in the greatest good to the people.

After this we had a long conversation with Moses Cluff, and with a Brother Howell.

Brother Layton left this afternoon with his camp, and Brother Udall with his, Brother Jesse N. Smith’s camp will start in the morning, also Brother Robson’s.

6 July 1892 • Wednesday

Wednesday, July 6, 1892.

We arose before daylight this morning, with the intention of getting away by 6 o’clock, but it was 6:25 before we rolled out of camp. President Smith and myself rode with Brother and Sister Jesse N. Smith, and Brothers Reynolds and Winter rode with Brother and Sister Hunt.

We stopped towards noon at the house of Brother Standifort. My stomach has given me a good deal of pain this morning, and I did not eat anything. We left here at 12:20, and after we traveled nearly an hour a very severe storm burst upon us. The rain poured down in torrents, accompanied by hail, thunder and lightning, and the hollows were filled with water, which soon became torrents. We were very much afraid that some of the dry washes would be rendered impassable for the people who were following after us. Brother Jos. F. Smith drove the team this afternoon and made very good time. We reached Snowflake in two hours after starting. We were gratified, however, to learn afterwards that most of the teams were far enough behind us to escape the violence of the storm, and that it was not near so severe when it broke upon them.

President Smith and myself were entertained by Brother Jesse N. Smith. I was very glad to get an opportunity to take a bath.

I dictated my journal to Brother Winter.

The saints expressed a great desire for us to hold a meeting with them, and we did so at 8 o’clock. The meeting house is a good-sized brick structure, but not yet finished. President Smith spoke 40 minutes, and I spoke 40 minutes more.

Before going to meeting I called, in company with Brother <Jesse N.> and Sister Emma Smith, on two of his wives, who are living in separate houses. One of his wives is named Augusta, a Scandinavian by birth, and is the mother of 9 children; the other is Janette, a daughter of the late Joel H. Johnson, and the mother of 14 children. She had 12 girls in succession, then had a son, and her present baby is a girl.

7 July 1892 • Thursday

Thursday, July, 7, 1892.

I awoke this morning, looked at my watch and found it was 10 mins. to 4. We went to bed last night with the intention of starting at 4 o’clock, but before we got on the road it was 25 mins. past 4. It was cloudy and cool. We reached Woodruff at 8:30, and were entertained by Bishop Savage, who provided us breakfast. We administered to his wife, who is quite an invalid, Brother Jos. F. Smith anointing and I being mouth in blessing. I felt led to promise her that she should have better health, and spoke encouragingly to her. Brother Gardner called on me while here. He is in his 80th. year, and is very hale and hearty. He remembers me when I was a “printer’s devil” in Nauvoo.

We called at the house of Brother Owen, who was formerly Bishop of this place. I knew him and his wife 34 years ago, when I was [in] Fillmore during the move, while publishing the Deseret News there.

We reached Holbrook at 12:30, and drove to the co:operative store. Brother Fish took us to the hotel, where we got dinner. About 5 o’clock our train came along, and we took our departure for the west. The train was about two hours behind, but we made up during the night.

After we left Holbrook my attention was called to St. Joseph, over which Brother John Bushman presides as Bishop, and which is on the line of the railway.

8 July 1892 • Friday

Friday, July 8, 1892.

The weather is very hot today and we passed through a desert country. Last evening we passed through considerable of a forest of pines. It was dark, however, and we could see out little. We reached Mojave about 7 o’clock. When the sun went down the weather turned cool and a breeze sprung up, which we welcomed with pleasure, as we had to remain there some time waiting for the train from the south. When the train was made up here it was a very large one. It contained a great many sleepers.

I dictated to Brother Winter a description of our visit to Pinetop for publication in the Juvenile Instructor.

9 July 1892 • Saturday

Saturday, July 9, 1892.

We were traveling this morning when we arose, with a good deal of rapidity, through the San Joaquin Valley. We breakfasted on a dining car, and it was the poorest meal I think I ever took on a dining car.

When we came to Berkeley, a town some 10 or 12 miles from Oakland, we saw a number of houses in different parts burning, and we could not account for their being on fire, as some of them were very wide apart; but we afterwards learned that a nitro-glycerine manufactory there had exploded and killed five men and set the whole place on fire. It was very fortunate for us that our train was not near the place when the explosion occurred, as there were <was> a succession of shocks and they were very violent, being felt over a large area. They would undoubtedly have thrown our train from the track, and it might have been destroyed. The shock in San Francisco was very severe and created consternation there, breaking numbers of windows and alarming the people, as they did not know whether it was an earthquake, the breaking out of a volcano, or the explosion of magazines.

When we reached San Francisco we put up at the Palace Hotel.

I have been suffering for some days from pain in my stomach, caused by indigestion, and I have felt quite unwell in consequence.

Upon examining the time tables we find that we can return by way of Portland, by sea, from San Francisco, and then by way of the Oregon Short Line home, and reach there in time, if we make close connections, to attend the conference at Provo, which I am expected to attend in order to lay before the people the financial condition of the B.Y.Academy, to have them unite in assuming the responsibility and relieving Prest. A. O, Smoot therefrom. So we made up our minds to return by way of Portland.

After taking a bath I walked around town with Brother Winter, who had never visited San Francisco before, and took the cars out to Golden Gate Park and listened to some music, and returned to meet Brother Reynolds at 5 o’clock.

Brother Reynolds had instructions from home, from Brother Seymour B. Young, concerning some people here who either had been baptized or wished to be baptized, and he had undertaken upon arriving here to find them. We learned from him that he had met a family who had been in Utah and had left there some years ago, and from them had learned the address of others. It had been suggested to him by Brother Young that he organize a branch here[.] Upon reflection, this seemed to me to be unwise, under present circumstances, unless he could stay here considerable time, because he was a stranger to these people, and as we intended to send Elders here to labor, I thought it better for him to leave the organization till they came and they could <become> better acquainted with the people and probably make a better selection; whereas if he were to select somebody, it might be an embarrassment afterwards to those who came here. President Smith agreed with me in this view.

Brothers Smith and Winter attended theatre in the evening, but I felt unwell and did not go.

I had a letter of introduction to Mr. Hitchcock of the Union Pacific, and I went this evening to see him, but he was not in his office. I secured berths, however, on the steamer “Columbia” which was to leave San Francisco for Portland at 10 o’clock on Tuesday, the 12th.

10 July 1892 • Sunday

Sunday, July 10, 1892.

After breakfast, President Smith, Brother Winter and myself took the car for the Cliff House, and spent the forenoon there, and then returned to the Golden Gate Park, where we spent the afternoon.

Brother Reynolds succeeded in finding some 7 or 8 people, and held meeting, I think, this afternoon.

11 July 1892 • Monday

Monday, July 11, 1892.

After breakfast I went to the Southern Pacific Offices and had an interview with Mr. Horsburgh. He informed me that they would refund the money that we had paid for our four tickets from San Francisco to Ogden. After which I called upon Mr. Hitchcock. He is an old acquaintance of mine, and as soon as he learned my wish he did everything in his power to arrange everything satisfactory for the trip. He proffered to send one of his young men down with me to the vessel, to have me select the berths, and I went and got Brother Smith to accompany me. The young man procured a carriage and took us to the steamship and gave us the best state rooms there were. Mine was #29, Brother Smith’s 26. Brother Winter occupied the same room with myself, and Brother Reynolds the same room with Brother Smith. The state rooms were large, with a double bed below and a single one above. I was to occupy the double bed, and Brother Winter the upper one. Both state rooms were alike. Mine opened into the dining room. Mr. Hitchcock told the young man that he must do everything in his power for us, and said he would like to put the whole vessel at our disposal. We were introduced to the steward, and he telephoned to ex-Governor Perkins, who is the agent of the line, that he wanted him to introduce me to Captain Bolles; in fact, they did everything that was possible for us, and even telegraphed to have our sleeping car arrangements at Portland.

From there Brother Smith and myself called upon Judge Estee and had an interview with him at his office. We were introduced to his partner, Judge Fitzgerald.

After this we separated, and I called upon Badlam Bros., sons of Mr. Alexander Badlam.

I dictated an article for the Juvenile Instructor to Brother Winter.

I found Sister Sophia King, an old friend of mine and my wife’s, waiting for me at the hotel. She had been waiting four hours in her anxiety to see me. I have not seen her for many years, and I was greatly pleased to meet her. She is over here visiting with her daughter.

Brother Brigham H. Young also called upon us, and Mr. Herbert Pembroke called to see me about the Salt Lake and San Francisco railway, to urge that we take hold of it with parties that were about to construct it, who would like to take an interest in the road.

Judge Estee called upon us in the evening, and we had another conversation. He was quite desirous to have us stop and visit his home, but our other engagements would not permit of our doing this.

12 July 1892 • Tuesday

Tuesday, July 12, 1892.

I secured tickets for Brothers Reynolds and Winter from this point to Salt Lake City at a reduced rate from Mr. Hitchcock. President Smith and myself have passes on the Union Pacific. While I was at the office Captain Bolles of the steamship “Columbia” came in, and Mr. Hitchcock introduced me to him, and requested him to show us every attention, as we were particular friends of the railroad. It is the railroad company that is running this steamship line. He also spoke to the Captain about giving us good seats at the table. Afterwards the Captain brought me four tickets, two on each side of his own table, and said I could distribute them as I pleased.

At the vessel ex-Governor Perkins came, having learned that I was aboard. I knew him some years ago. He came down and introduced me to the chief engineer and to the purser, and on ever [every] hand they seemed desirous to show us attentions. I felt almost embarrassed by the kindness which they displayed. There was a group of persons on the vessel, and Brother Smith overheard a lady point me out as Geo. Q. Cannon. It seems impossible for me to travel anywhere without being known. I thought on this trip I would surely not be recognized; but afterwards Professor Bishop, who formerly was a teacher in our university, came up to me and spoke to me. He also is going to Portland and home by the Oregon Short Lone. The Captain was exceedingly attentive to us, and pointed out the objects of interest as we went out of the Bay. Our stomachs were not disturbed until lunch, of which we partook at 12 o’clock; but soon afterwards we had a head wind which made the sea somewhat rough, and I found it necessary to lay down, which I did all afternoon, and did not take dinner, the dinner hour being 5:30. This was the condition of all of us. I thought President Smith and Brother Winter would escape, as I got the impression they were better sailors. Upon retiring it was a little rough, and I thought I might have to get up in the night.

13 July 1892 • Wednesday

Wednesday, July 13, 1892.

I awoke this morning after having about 7 1/2 hours sleep. The weather was fine and the sea by no means rough, but I felt qualmish. I partook of a light breakfast and light lunch, but laid down all the forenoon. In the afternoon, however, I got up and went on deck. The sea was some what smooth and I was not annoyed by any sickness. We sailed up the coast, in many places going quite close to it. It is a rough coast, the mountains coming down to the water’s edge, and numbers of little islets in different places along the coast, which would make it very dangerous; in fact, in a fog or in the night if a vessel kept very close to shore. The Captain told me that they kept away from the shore some distance in fogs or in the night.

14 July 1892 • Thursday

Thursday, July 14, 1892.

I was awakened this morning with the word that we were close to the mouth of the Columbia river. We enterd the mouth of the harbor about 7 o’clock . The Captain was very attentive in pointing out objects of interest, describing the effect which the jetty which had been recently constructed had had upon the mouth of the river, making it much better for vessels to enter.We reached Astoria a little after 8 o’clock, and as we were going to remain there an hour and a quarter, President Smith, Brother Winter and myself took car to see Mr. Kinney’s salmon cannery. It was very interesting to see the process of canning salmon. Nearly the whole work is done by Chinamen. I think the whole business is done in as cleanly a manner as possible. The fish are very carefully washed, the heads and tails taken off, then cut in a certain thickness by specially arranged knives, one fish being cut at a time; then the Chinamen take these slices and cut them to suit the size of the cans; they are then packed in cans, and soldered, and boiled and dried, varnished and labeled. The whole work of making the cans, soldering them and closing them up, etc., is done on the premises—everything except the making of the tin itself. A large number of people are employed and it would appear to be a successful establishment. We were requested to enter our names in the visitors’ book. After we returned from there a gentleman by the name of Glass, who is a passenger on the boat, came and spoke to me and said Mr. Kinney was very desirous to see me. He heard that I was there, and he regretted that he had not met me, and that he was coming to the boat to see me and to bring me some cans to take home with me. Just as the signal was given for the boat to cast off, he did come, but was unable to get aboard, and spoke with me from the wharf. He said that he would like to send me some specimens of their fish by express.

Brother Reynolds met his brother-in-law, George Reed, here, he and his sons being here on a visit.

We left Astoria at 10:35, and had a pilot on board to take charge of our vessel up to Portland.

It was interesting to see horses at work in the water on the bars, hauling the seines in which salmon are caught. They had stables also, built on piles, which the horses got into by ascending a graded way from the bar.

We had a beautiful view of Mt. St. Helens and Mt. Adams, also Mt. Hood in the distance. The scenery on the river is very picturesque. We had an ebb tide to contend with, and the river itself was very high, which delayed us somewhat; but the Captain seemed very anxious, and I heard him conversing with the pilot about getting there in time for us to make the connection. The pilot assured him that he thought we would make it.

There are a great number of canneries on the river. The pilot pointed out to me the first cannery that was established. It was owned by a Mr. Lowe. He did but little at the business now himself, though he did all his work with white men, not with Chinese.

The Columbia river is a mighty stream, and we passed great numbers of islands. The mountains on either side are thickly studded with pine timber. The whole country is full of timber, and its manufacture into lumber seems to be the chief industry in connection with the canning of salmon.

We reached Portland shortly before 7 o’clock. We entered the Willamette river 12 miles below Portland.

Mr. Hurlburt of the Union Pacific had sent a man down to meet us. He had engaged a carriage and we were taken by it to the depot. Mr. Hurlburt himself called upon me on the train before we started.

15 July 1892 • Friday

Friday, July 15, 1892.

We traveled all night last night through a timber region and a part of this morning, but we soon reached timberless country and the heat was oppressive.

16 July 1892 • Saturday

Saturday, July 16, 1892.

We rolled into Ogden at 7:50 this morning, and expected to leave at 8:05, but were detained 40 mins. We ran down in less than the hour to Salt Lake City.

I was met by my sons Abraham and Lewis, and went direct to the office, where I found President Woodruff, who was <is> enjoying good health. I opened my letters and attended to a number of items of business.

Mr. Paulson, an architect, a partner of Brother Samuel Whitaker, had conversation with me about the proposed university building.

I drove home and was happy to find my family all in the enjoyment of good health.

I had a visit from Brother Penrose and wife, who called to see me on some special business connected with the unfortunate incarceration of a relative of one of his wives in the Colorado penitentiary, under sentence of five years. I promised to aid him all I could, and wrote him a letter of introduction to the Governor, J. L. Routt.

17 July 1892 • Sunday

Sunday, July 17, 1892.

The First Presidency went to Provo this morning to hold conference with the people.

President Smith and President Woodruff occupied the forenoon. President Smith spoke with unusual plainness concerning the authority of the priesthood and the respect which should be shown to the President of the church, and intimated in his remarks that there were some of the authorities who did not pay that respect and ask that counsel which they should do. I suppose that a great majority of the people had the idea that his remarks were directed to Brother Moses Thatcher of the Twelve Apostles, though in his remarks he said he would not mention any names. President Woodruff bore testimony to the correctness of his teachings.

Immediately after the forenoon meeting we had a meeting of the priesthood, to bring before the brethren the condition of the B.Y.Academy, and to devise some means by which the indebtedness now resting upon that institution would be elevated <lifted> from the shoulders of the Board of Trustees, but particularly from Brother A. O. Smoot, whose health is very precarious at the present time. It was finally decided that the responsibility of it should be borne by the people generally, and that the Presidency of the Stake appoint a committee to take the steps necessary under the circumstances, so that the end sought for might be accomplished.

I took dinner with the brethren at Prest. Smoot’s.

Sacrament was administered in the afternoon, and I occupied all the time of the meeting, and had considerable freedom, especially during the last half of my remarks. I spoke upon the situation of affairs and the importance of our giving heed to the counsel of the men whom God had chosen and whom he had endowed with such power, and made explanation concerning remarks that had been made in the forenoon, with a view to clear up any wrong impression that might exist in the minds of the people through a lack of explanation as to what was intended concerning union and division on political matters. Some of the brethren afterwards told me that they were greatly pleased to hear what I said, because until they heard my explanation they were confused a little in their minds as to how far the remarks that had been made extended.

We returned by the 4:10 train to Salt Lake City. My son Lewis met me at the station with a buggy.

18 July 1892 • Monday

Monday, July 18, 1892.

Came to the office this morning. President Woodruff and Smith were also there.

Brother Rasmus Larsen, of Logan, came down to see me to get some information concerning Mexico, where he intended to go to reside, and he might need the services of a guide. His case was a peculiar one.

Sister Lucy B. Young had received a letter from her son-in-law, Judge Hagan, of Idaho, in which he requested her to come up and use some influence with her daughter Rhoda Mabel, who had gone on a visit to his wife, but who had left his house and gone to Spokane. Sister Lucy had ben [been] counseled by me not to go to her daughter, but this information caused me to say that perhaps she had better go now. She desired to be blessed, and Brother Lyman was requested to attend to it.

The question of whether it was proper to let the Hawaiian saints raise dogs for food or not, was submitted by Brother H. H. Cluff to us. The natives have a peculiar breed of dogs that they raise for cooking, and it would require a very close observer to distinguished them when cooked from young pigs, and doubtless they are as cleanly. But we felt that it would be imprudent to have them raise dogs for food, as it would be looked upon as barbarous, and therefore told Brother Cluff that the practice should be discontinued.

We had a long interview with Colonel Trumbo and Bishop Clawson today, in which the Colonel, who has been absent for a number of weeks in the east, described the political situation and the occurrences at the Minneapolis and Chicago Conventions.

Brother John Morgan brought to our attention the attitude of Sheriff Burt towards the First Presidency. He had boasted of being our confidential agent and had been entrusted with various duties by us, some of which he alleged were of a criminal nature. There appears to be a strong feeling between Brother Morgan and Brother Burt, because of the application of Brother Morgan’s daughter, who is Andrew Burt’s wife, for a divorce. We assured Brother Morgan that we were not in any manner compromised as he said Brother Burt alleged. We had had no association with him of the character he described, and if he stated that we had employed him to do anything that was improper or illegal, it was without foundation in truth. I heard afterwards, however, from Brother C. H. Wilcken, that Brother Burt’s quarrel was with Brother Morgan, and that he made no threats against us.

Brother Morgan also brought to our attention a letter which he had received from the assistant district clerk of Conejos County, Colorado, in which the writer stated that Brother Morgan had been indicted for illegal voting, and he thought he would perhaps be indicted for unlawful cohabitation, and this writer stated that this had been done on the testimony and at the instance of Elder Silas S. Smith. I cannot credit this latter statement. I have too high an opinion of Brother Smith to think for a moment that he would betray his brethren. While we were conversing upon this[,] Brother Lyman stated that Brother Silas S. Smith had complained to him that he had not had a chance to defend himself against the charges which had been made against him in a letter written by Brother John Morgan, and which three of the Twelve—Lorenzo Snow, M. W. Merrill and A. H. Cannon—had carried with them to Colorado when the change was made in the Presidency of that Stake. On the strength of this I made a motion that these three brethren be sent back to finish the work which we had entrusted to them. Subsequent inquiry developed the fact that Brother Smith had had the fullest opportunity to have his affairs thoroughly examined, and that Brother Snow said to him that he and his brethren would stay there three months, if it were necessary, to go to the bottom of everything, but that Brother Smith had not availed himself of the opportunity.

We had a visit from Brothers J. R. Winder and Don Carlos Young concerning the material to be used in the casting of the oxen, also the character of the elevators that we should use, and the kind of washtubs and washbasins. It was decided that the oxen should be cast in iron and then be finished with copper guilt <gilt>; that the washtubs should be porcelain-lined and the washbasins onyx, and that the elevators should be about $750 apiece. After this conversation we went directly to the Temple, to look at some points, especially the metal finish that was proposed for the front of the gallery and stands.

19 July 1892 • Tuesday

Tuesday, July 19, 1892.

Had a call this morning from Hon. Franklin Landers, ex-Member of congress from Indiana. I introduced him to President Woodruff, and we had quite a lengthy conversation. I had a carriage procured and requested Brother W. C. Spence to accompany him and his wife and a Mr. Taylor and his wife, who are traveling with him, around the city and show them the different points of interest. Mr. Landers insisted on my taking lunch with him, which I did. Brother Spence spent the afternoon with them.

We had an informal meeting of the Saltair Railroad Co., and examined the plans which had been made for a pavilion, bathhouses, etc., for bathing purposes, and were much pleased with the plans.

A Methodist preacher by the name of Miller, of Iowa, called on President Woodruff to make inquiries concerning our belief. The conversation became somewhat general.

We had another call from Colonel Trumbo and Bishop Clawson on the subject of establishing a Republican newspaper. The brethren requested me to send for my son Frank from Ogden to talk with him about the removal of the “Standard” from Ogden to Salt Lake City. Frank came down in the evening, and we had a long conversation with him on the subject, and I learned from him that it was out of the question for the “Standard” to come down from Ogden, as it would be of no value if it did come. Its Associated Press franchise was confined to Ogden, and if they lost that they would lose the value of their paper. The material also was not of a kind to use for such a paper as ought to be published. He suggested that if the design was to establish a paper of that kind that a hundred men be found who would subscribe $1000 each, or who would join with others and subscribe $1000 between them, and in that way start a paper that would be able to run without question as to finances for two years. By that time, if it were properly managed, he believed it would be self-sustaining; and if it should receive recognition by the Republican National Committee and the “Herald” receive the same from the Democrats, between the two the “Tribune” could be crushed.

At 3 o’clock this afternoon I went down with Brother C. H. Wilcken to Westover. My wife Carlie and little daughter Annie accompanied us, as I thought the child’s health would be benefitted by the ride. The crops are looking very well, and I was much gratified to think that they had succeeded in sinking a well that furnished much better water than had been on the place before.

20 July 1892 • Wednesday

Wednesday, July 20, 1892.

First Presidency at the office.

Brothers Winder and Young came up to show us some plans concerning the arrangement of the stands in the upper assembly room in the Temple, and after explanations we approved of them.

Dictated my journal to Brother Winter.

21 July 1892 • Thursday

Thursday, July 21, 1892.

The First Presidency at the office this morning.

We had a call from Mr. Holmes, the proprietor of the Knutsford Hotel, who came up with Mr. L. G. Hopkins. The latter had a letter of introduction to me from Mr. H. K. Burras, of New York. We had been invited by Mr. Holmes to attend a banquet at his hotel this evening in honor of Mr. Hopkins. President Smith and myself had signified our desire to attend, but President Woodruff had declined the invitation on account of his age and his dislike to being out of an evening. But these gentlemen were so anxious to have him present that he waived his objections and consented to go. Mr. Hopkins is a capitalist, who has come here to live and to invest his means, and seems like a very pleasant man, and is highly recommended.

Brother John W. Taylor came in to learn whether the remarks made by President Smith, President Woodruff and myself at the Provo conference last Sunday were intended to apply to him in connection with his purchases of land in Alberta Territory, Canada [.] He said that he had some conversation with Presidents Woodruff and Smith on this subject, and had done what he had under the impression that it was all agreeable to the First Presidency. I remarked that I was away in the east at the time that he brought this matter up, and I knew nothing about it only that he was engaged in a large land speculation. I would like to know, I said, something about what was being done. He then proceeded to state that he had, through Mr. Gault, a very prominent man in that region, secured from the railroad company a very large tract of land, amounting altogether to about 600,000 acres. He intended to pay tithing equal to about 10,000 or 12,000 acres, but as he did not wish this to be separated, he had concluded that it would be better to give the church the value of the land in stock in companies that were being formed. He said that all the land that he had contracted for had been disposed of to different individuals, and there were only 150,000 acres that had not been transferred, and he was contemplating attending a meeting <this evening> in Davis county, where he expected a company to be formed that would take this amount also. The terms upon which this land had been obtained was that two cents an acre should be paid each year for two years as the price of the lease. Then $1 an acre had to be paid as the purchase price of the land, and this was to be paid in 8 years, in equal annual payments. Brother Taylor had disposed of this land to different companies, who assumed the responsibility of the purchase, and he merely stood as a trustee between them and the railroad company. He received the land at $1 per acre, but he sold it to the companies at $1.25. According to this, he would receive a profit on this transaction of $150,000. This $150,000 he expected to invest principally in the companies that were formed, who would take sheep and cattle in that country, and from which he expected to derive large profits. I said to him, Is not that an enormous profit to make on a transaction of this kind? He said he did not think it was in view of the trouble he had to take and his responsibility. I asked him what the responsibility consisted of; that according to his own statement the companies that he was organizing would take all the responsibility and if there was any failure they would be the losers, and not himself. I said to him that all the influence that he had in securing this tract of land from the railroad company was due to the fact that he was a prominent man in the church—one of the Twelve Apostles— and the influence he had with the people in forming these companies was due to the same cause; and it struck me, I said, as being an improper thing for one in his position to attempt to do. I said that the Twelve had an amount decided upon as payment for their services. It was made liberal because it was considered that their time was valuable, and that if they were well paid they could devote their whole time to their calling; and I felt that it was an improper thing for one of the Twelve, or any of us who held authority, to use our influence for our private benefit in such a way as this, and as one of the First Presidency I could not conscientiously approve of such a thing.

We had quite a lengthy and plain conversation on this subject. I expressed myself with considerable freedom, because I felt that it was due to him, a young man, starting out, so to speak, that he should have a clean record in regard to these matters. I told him that I had had hundreds of offers whereby I could make money, because of my name and my influence, but I had felt that it would be a very wrong thing to do. I am satisfied that the conversation opened his eyes, and he saw his position as he had not seen it.

Presidents Woodruff and Smith agreed with me in the views that I set forth. But we all felt that there should be no failure on his part to carry out the contract and to go ahead as he had started. The question as to what should be done with the profits we told him we would decide upon and write him a letter in relation to it.

He had another project in contemplation also, namely, the building of a canal on St. Mary’s river for a great many miles, for which there would be an appropriation of land made, and he had talked about going to Ottawa, Canada, to secure this. I felt that this whole business ought to have been understood before it was started, and he should have asked counsel about it, especially about the disposition of the profits. We would be in a dreadful condition in a little while if everyone of the First Presidency and the Twelve was to enter into speculations of this character. He manifested a willingness to do whatever we should say about the matter. He plead as a justification for this attempt to make money in this way, the debts that he had contracted in trying to make brick, to carry out what he supposed was the policy of the First Presidency in furnishing employment to the people.

We had quite a long conversation with Col. Trumbo today, in which he described the situation of affairs in the East and a great many things that had taken place at both the conventions and the influences that were operating to bring about the nomination of Harrison and Cleveland.

Prof. Cluff, of Provo, spoke to us concerning theological lectures being given once a week at the Provo Academy, and desired to know if there were any objections to Brother B. H. Roberts being the lecturer. It was thought that Brother Roberts’ other duties would interfere with this. He desired President Smith and myself to agree to give one or two lectures each there.

In the afternoon there was a meeting of the First Presidency and Apostles John W. Taylor and A. H. Cannon. Brother Taylor offered prayer. It was decided that Brother W. B. Dougall, Jr., should go to Liverpool to take the place now occupied by Brother James H. Anderson on the Millennial Star. We had a conversation with him upon the subject and notified him of his appointment.

22 July 1892 • Friday

Friday, July 22, 1892.

The First Presidency at the office this morning.

At 9 o’clock we had an interview with Colonel Trumbo and Bishop Clawson concerning the publication of a Republican newspaper in this city.

A gentleman by the name of Osborne, from Georgia, was desirous to see us. President Woodruff being out, I had a somewhat lengthy conversation with him.

There was a meeting of Zion’s Savings Bank at 1 o’clock. The question of the salaries of employees came up. Two letters were read, one written by L. M. Iversen and the other by L. M. Cannon, who receive salaries alike, and he feeling appeared to be The feeling of the Board was that Ovando Beebe, L. M. Cannon and L. M Iversen should receive salaries alike, and it was felt that $125 per month would be a proper compensation; but the entire question was referred to the executive committee.

23 July 1892 • Saturday

Saturday, July 23, 1892.

I remained at home till about 2 o’clock, when I came up to the city, preparatory to going to Grantsville, to attend the Tooele Conference. I went to the office and attended to some little business.

Just as I was on the point of leaving for the train, three selectmen of the County met me and expressed the wish that I would deliver an address at the laying of the cornerstone of the joint city and county building, on Monday, Pioneer Day. I expressed my regrets that a previous engagement would prevent my complying with the request. They then said they wished me to suggest someone. Brother Clawson took me to the train and we talked the matter over and I suggested Brother W. W. Riter.

President Smith and myself reached Garfield at 4:40, and we were met by Brother Gustav Anderson, who carried us in his carriage to Grantsville. We stopped at his house and took supper, and then went to Priesthood meeting in the Academy building. The principal business was the discussing of plans for the starting of the Church Academy.

Brother Charles Anderson, a brother of Gustav’s and a Counselor to the President of the Stake, pressed us to stop at his house. On condition that he would make it right with his brother we did so.

24 July 1892 • Sunday

Sunday, July 24, 1892.

Meetings were held today in the Pavilion. President Smith occupied the forenoon.

In order that we might reach the train which left Garfield at 5 o’clock, it was decided to commence meeting again at 1 o’clock.

Sacrament was administered, the authorities were presented, and I addressed the people for an hour, and had considerable freedom.

These meetings I enjoyed very much.

Brother Gustav Anderson again carried us, with Brother Maeser, to Garfield in time for the 5 o’clock train, and we reached the city at 5:40, and was met by my son Lewis with a buggy.

25 July 1892 • Monday

Monday, July 25, 1892.

I was awakened very early this morning by the ringing of the bell, which rang the second time before I got out of my room. The children were all excited about going to Westover to spend the day. I succeeded in getting all off before 7 o’clock.

I had invited President Smith, my sons John Q., Frank and Abraham. John Q. could not come, but Frank and Abraham with their wives and children were there. President Woodruff I invited also, but he had engaged to go to Wasatch.

We had a most delightful day, there being 77 souls present. We had plenty of food and ice cream. The children amused themselves part of the time by running races, jumping, etc. One of the most amusing things was a tug of war, in which most all the male children engaged.

We left there shortly after 6.

26 July 1892 • Tuesday

Tuesday, July 26, 1892.

President Woodruff did not come to the office this morning.

President Smith and myself spent a good deal of the time today talking with Brother H. J. Grant , who had just come down from Soda Springs, where he left his wife, who is improving.

In the afternoon we had a meeting with Brother Jesse W. Fox and Mr. Burke.

27 July 1892 • Wednesday

Wednesday, July 27, 1892.

Presidents Woodruff and Smith were at the office this morning.

Bishop Winder called and presented to us the necessity of having a night-watchman in the Temple, and the name of Alexander Burt was mentioned by him as a man suitable for the position, if his health would admit. He was instructed to see him.

There was a meeting of Cannon, Grant & Co, which occupied two hours and a half.

I received a letter from my son David, which I read to Presidents Woodruff and Smith and Brother H. J. Grant , and asked their views concerning the course he had taken. Presidents Woodruff and Smith were quite free in their expressions of approval, and said they would exercise their faith in his behalf. Brother Grant said he had never been on a mission, but he confessed he did not feel at present to do what David proposed to do, but he did not know how he would feel if he were in the field. The following is a copy of the letter:



Berlin, 12th July, 1892.

My Dear Father:

I received a letter from you a day or two ago, which pleased me very much. I have read it and re-read it, and it gave me great encouragement.

I have not yet received an answer to my last letter, and probably will not yet for sometime, as you state you must go to Arizona for a short time, and it would probably arrive during your absence. The thoughts of my heart therein written have not left me, but in spite of my endeavor to crush some of them, they have arisen again, and I cannot but listen to them. I refer to traveling without purse and scrip. They arose very strong when I wrote my last letter, and I felt then, as I have always felt, that if it were necessary and were right, I would gladly travel without purse and scrip. But this has been the constant question in my mind, is it right for me to tempt the Lord, and travel without purse and scrip, and with one suit of clothes, when I know I could have what I needed? I say, this question has bothered me considerable, and I confess that I almost wished I had nothing to live on, and that I was then called upon to preach the Gospel, for then I would know my duty, and would be glad to go through hardships, feeling that I was in the line of my duty

You may wonder why these feelings have so beset my mind. This is the reason. I see a lack of earnestness in preaching this Gospel that sometimes causes me to feel badly, when I think of what our fathers have gone through to establish it, and this is most apparent in myself. At times I feel that I could stand up before the whole world and proclaim it, but when I attempt to converse and talk to strangers, I sometimes feel condemned for not preaching in the power that I know I should preach, and I can see why they cannot accept it, because it is not preached to them accompanied by sufficient of the Spirit of the Lord. I have read carefully the duties of Elders, in order to enjoy the Spirit of revelation, and the power to preach the Gospel. As far as my acts go, I can say that I have endeavored to conform with the instructions, for to you I can say, knowing it will go no further, that I have lived as plainly as possible, have helped the Saints with all the means I could spare, and have avoided allowing my mind to be withdrawn from the object for which I have been sent as much as possible. This has been a great help to me, in learning what I can of the language, etc., but father, there is the power of God lacking to preach this gospel as I should preach it. Try as I would to excuse myself for not enjoying this power, by thinking I had not yet learned the language, and could do nothing until I had learned it, I have not been satisfied. I have been told of other missionaries who have not spoken for so many months after arriving here, and have tried to take comfort from it, but have received none. I have read carefully concerning the instructions to the Elders in former days and have compared their labors with the labors of the Elders in later years, and I can see a great difference. With the same number then as now, and the same power, I know much more could be accomplished. And yet undoubtedly many are as diligent now as then.

But to return, and speak only of myself. I have felt that I was sent forth to preach this Gospel, and as Paul says, wo unto me if I did not preach it. And in order that I can preach it, I must do it, not alone by giving advice and counsel, and good selections from the Bible, but through the medium of revelation to me from the Lord. And for this gift, I have felt that I would gladly sacrifice all I have in the world.

I therefore sought, not long after sending my last letter to you, very earnestly to the Lord for a better and clearer conception of the duties I must perform, in order to please Him. Father, I feel that when the power of God rests upon me, I would willingly lay down my life for the sake of the Truth.

My mind was directed more and more towards abandoning everything that would tend to have me rely on anything else than the power of God to sustain me—that that was my duty in my present condition, that is, if I wished to have the spirit of revelation. This became so strong within me that I communicated it to another Elder, who informed me, in an indirect way, that it was true we served the same God today as in earlier days, but that circumstances have changed—that in earlier times men have started from Salt Lake City without a cent, and have worked their way and have performed splendid missions, and returned, because they had nothing; but today the Saints here [are] blessed with plenty, and it had been the custom for the last ten or fifteen years for the Elders to provide themselves with money, at least to reach their destination, and thereafter they were supplied by their friends with means with which to live. Thus they use not only their time, but means.

I was made happy for about one day, for I felt that now I had learned my duty. I could serve the Lord, and still retain all my clothing, and depend on money from home to live on, and to help the poor out as well. But this happiness was not lasting. I determined to seek the Lord through fasting and prayer, and get light from Him, and trust to no one else. I fasted day after day, only eating that which was necessary to keep hunger from disturbing me, and I was led to seek after more knowledge about traveling without purse and scrip. I learned that the chief judge, Alma, who must have had much means at his command was an hungered when he met Amulek, having fasted many days because of the wickedness of the people, and probably because there were none who were righteous enough to feed him, and after he had waited patiently for the Lord, Amulek was miraculously raised up. And that Amulek forsook his riches and traveled with him, and from the very nature of their journeyings and trials, they depended entirely on the Lord. I also learn that King Mosiah’s sons suffered many privations undoubtedly because of their not providing themselves with means, but that their privations were swallowed up in the joy of Christ. Later, the Book of Mormon plainly states that when Alma prayed in faith, he clapped his hands on these men, and they went forth in power, trusting in the Lord to provide them food and clothing, and a place to lay their heads.

But our own revelations are so very plain that no one can withstand them, only by saying that it is the counsel for the authorities in these days that men should provide themselves. But is it their counsel from the Lord, or have they not been told by the missionaries that it is impossible to leave comfortable homes and trave[l] without purse and scrip, when they themselves have plenty at their command, and their friends at home, are, I might say, living in luxury, and are perfectly willing to send them a few dollars, which will keep them for a long time?

I found, to my surprise and pleasure, the article you wrote for the Juvenile last fall, among some old Juveniles sent here by Hugh to Brother Musser some time ago. I read it with the greatest pleasure. I am not sure but that you referred to it later, and may have altered it, but that I did not wish to find.

All these thoughts passed through my mind in the course of several days. I however decided that for me there was but one course to pursue, if I ever realized the blessing pronounced upon my head by my brother Abram, a man I know to be a servant of God—that inasmuch as I obeyed the commands of the Lord, I would perform my labors to my own satisfaction, to the satisfaction of those who presided over me, and to the acceptance of my Heavenly Father.

The next question was, how was I to act? I did not possess sufficient faith to go out without purse and scrip, and how was I to get it? I read very carefully the Prophet’s words, that faith comes only through sacrifice, and that a religion that did not call upon a man to place his all upon the altar, and risk his own life, was not and could not be a religion that would enable one to take hold of eternal life. I felt willing to do this, but I must first know that I was accepted of God. I read a little farther that when a man had done this, believing that he was doing the will of the Lord, he does know most assuredly that God does and will accept his sacrifice and offering, and that he does not and will not seek His face in vain. This came to me from a man whom I know was a Prophet of God, and I learned that it was only through sacrifice. And of course we must make the sacrifice strictly in accordance with the commands of God, which we can read in plain language.

I am a human being, as the sons of Mosiah were beings, and I have sinned I know, or I would not have to struggle so much with myself. But they and others have been forgiven for their sins, and perchance if I can place myself in a proper condition I shall be. I can scarcely think of such a great blessing—it is beyond my comprehension, but after one of the greatest struggles of my life with Satan and darkness. I covenanted with the Lord that if He would open my way to go wherever I might be sent, but somewhere away from Berlin, where the Saints are not in the habit of keeping the Elders—some entirely new place, I thought—or any place where I may be directed to go, if He would give me strength to carry out my purpose, I would dedicate to Him all the income that I have at home during my entire mission, my credit in Berne, my money here, every bit of clothing that it was not necessary to use, and go forth, trusting Him entirely for the food that goes into my mouth. Satan tells me that it is impossible, but I have told him that I am willing to die, if I cannot serve the Lord my God, and though I realize what I am entering through the trials I see a light gleaming that bears me up and fills me with calmness.

The Lord has opened up my way. He has given me the opportunity, for Brother Bahr, our president of Northern Germany, has visited us, and after a three or four hours’ conversation, he cannot counsel me to go, but can say, if I wish to go, he will send me, and say “God bless you”. With the help of the Lord, and with His help alone, I will leave here day after tomorrow with my little valise, and an address or two in my pocket, and be deposited in some little place that Brother Bahr has not told me, without a cent, but I hope and believe with the Spirit of God. I will have one suit of clothes, and enough for a change or two of underclothes, and the rest given to the poorer Saints here.

Therefore, I wish to ask you, if not asking too much, that you will see that every single cent that is mine, and that I would receive on this mission, be paid either to the Bishop of the Church, as the revelation of God directs, or to the support of poor families whose fathers are on missions, or whatever other way you feel that the money belonging to the Lord, and to Him alone, should be used. Lou will probably have $23. about October for me. This must be used in this manner too. If you are owing me anything for my horse, which I remember you said you would place to my credit in Berne, this belongs to the Lord. If I am rightly entitled to some of the house money, which you have written of, it too belongs to the Lord. And I would earnestly request that all this be paid just as promptly as it is due—just as promptly as it would be sent to me, that when I return home I may not have one cent to my credit, because I have tried to go without using it myself.

If anyone feels that they should send me something, let them pay it into this fund, and they will receive the same blessing.

I only ask you to exercise all the faith possible for me before the Lord, and never forget me in your prayers.

After all was decided last night, I retired to bed, but closed my eyes in sleep at daylight this morning. I was very peaceful and calm and felt to praise the Lord with all my heart. This conclusion is not arrived at hastily, nor in enthusiasm, but after much thought.

You may not believe what an effort it has been for me to write this letter. If I ever felt an influence in my whole life, it has been the influence of Satan to prevent me from writing this letter. But I cannot go back—that is impossible, and with the help of the Lord I am going to try and overcome.

Tell Mamie her welcome letter came with forty marks, for which I am very thankful. I shall try and use it and have used most of it, in a proper manner. I cannot write to her now, but will later.

Please do not expect to hear from me too often, or too quickly, but exercise faith in my behalf, for it is only through that I have lived and can live in the future.

With the best and warmest love to you and all the family, and trusting you will be very careful in regard to this letter,

I am

Your hopeful and loving son,

(Signed) D. H. Cannon.

P.S. You must understand, father, that all above written is written in my weakness, knowing that I cannot do one single good thing without the help of the Lord, and if He is pleased with me, to Him forever will be the glory and honor, for I have been driven to this, and it is my only door.

My daughter Mary Alice read the letter and wept over it, and expressed her fears that he might suffer; but I told her the Lord was as able to provide for him now as He had all the Elders.

28 July 1892 • Thursday

Thursday, July 28, 1892.

First Presidency in the office today.

I had a call from Brother Arthur, who had been working in the Bullion-Beck mine. He had communicated to me by letter a plan that the foreman had revealed to him to lower the value of my stock, in order that John Beck would be able to make a trade with me which he proposed—to give me the Hot Springs in exchange for my stock in that mine. I have mentioned this to the Board of Directors, and although I had taken the greatest pains to conceal who it was that had written to me, somebody had communicated this to Dennis Sullivan, the foreman, and between him and the others inquiries had been pushed until suspicion rested upon Brother Arthur, and Sullivan asked him if he had written such a letter. He said that he had, and after that he felt that he could not stay there any longer, and left. I promised to do what I could to secure him employment.

The Burke Mining Co. was organized today.

Brother B. H. Roberts called to inform us that the manuscript of his proposed work on theology would be ready in a week for a committee to examine and pronounce upon. We advised him that we would notify him as to who the committee should be. He desired an educator on the committee, and also (inasmuch as it was intended to be used in the Seventies) one of the Presidents of Seventies[.]

At 2 o’clock the First Presidency and Apostles F. M. Lyman, H. J Grant and A. H. Cannon met and A. H. Cannon met and made appointments for Sunday. Brother Grant was mouth in prayer.

I dictated my journal to Brother Winter.

We had some conversation in our council meeting concerning political affairs, and a letter was read from Brother Wm. Budge, of Idaho, in which he set forth the political condition of the Latter-day Saints in that State.

Afterwards Brother Grant brought to the attention of the brethren the load that Cannon, Grant & Co were carrying. Individually 14 members out of the 17 that composed that firm had already taken upwards of $90,000 in stock of the Sugar Co, and they had endorsed Sugar Co’s paper for nearly $300,000. The amount of stock owned by the members of this firm was fully half of all that had been bought by the entire people of the Territory, and Brother Grant represented that if anything happened to the Sugar Co—if it did not prove a paying investment—Cannon, Grant & Co would be crushed. He, therefore, thought that something ought to be done to distribute the stock among the people, and in the event of anything happening, the Church should stand behind Cannon, Grant & Co; to all of which President Woodruff assented, and said it was clearly right that that firm should not, because of their willingness to assume such a responsibility in order to assist in this praiseworthy business, be suffered to be crushed financially. It was suggested that Brother Morris, President of the Co, T. R. Cutler, the Manager, and Wm. H. Rowe, one of the Directors, should state in a letter, as strong as they conscientiously could, the favorable condition of the factory and the present prospects, (These brethren are very sanguine concerning the success of the business.) and that when this statement of theirs is obtained, the First Presidency should address a general letter to the Saints, asking them to come forward and take stock, and referring to this letter of Brothers Morris, Cutler and Rowe to show that the investment was one that would be likely to be at least reasonably remunerative.

I had a call from Mr. E. St. John, Manager of the Chicago and Rock Island R.R., who is here with a special car, accompanied by his wife and sister and others. Mr. St. John is an old acquaintance of mine and upwards of 20 years standing. I have not seen him for a number years. I was with them at an organ recital at the Tabernacle. He gave me a pressing invitation to be sure and call upon them at Chicago when I passed through and he would be glad to do what he could for me.

29 July 1892 • Friday

Friday, July 29, 1892.

Presidency at the office today.

Brother Evan Stephens called upon us to learn something concerning the ceremonies of the dedication of the Salt Lake Temple. He desired to know what part the choir would take in the ceremonies and what preparations would be necessary. We talked the matter over at some length, but President Woodruff expressed the wish that the First Presidency and the Twelve should take the matter into consideration and come to some definite conclusions respecting it. It was suggested that it would probably take 8 services in the Temple to give the people who would come the opportunity of witnessing the dedication. There would be some inconvenience likely to arise if this plan were adopted, and it would become very monotonous for those who had to take part in officiating. Another suggestion, therefore, was made by me that perhaps one dedicatory service might be held in the Temple, at which the Priesthood would be present, and that after that the services might be conducted in the Tabernacle. But we came to no conclusion, as we thought the matter worthy of grave consideration.

Brother Reynolds read considerable correspondence to us, and answers were suggested.

President Woodruff expressed a wish that I would take time to write a letter to Brother John W. Taylor on the land question that we had talked of. President Smith remarked to me that the more he thought about the views I had expressed concerning Brother Taylor’s course and the duties of the Twelve, the more clear it appeared to him that I was entirely right.

I took my son Abraham down to Brother Wilcken’s, where he and his wife Mary, and myself and my wife Carlie had been invited to take dinner. We spent a very agreeable time, and had an excellent meal.

30 July 1892 • Saturday

Saturday, July 30, 1892.

President Woodruff was not at the office today. President Smith was there, and we sent for Brothers John Nicholson, Geo. Reynolds and James E. Talmage, to converse with them upon the subject of listening to and examining carefully the manuscript of the work which has been prepared by Brother B. H. Roberts. We selected these three brethren as the committee to examine it, with Brother Nicholson as chairman.

I dictated articles for the “Juvenile Instructor”.

Brother Moses Thatcher called upon us, having just returned from Colorado. He is desirous that President Woodruff and myself should attend the conference at Logan, which will be held tomorrow and Monday; but President Smith and myself had made a prior engagement to go to West Jordan, and President Woodruff did not feel able to go. Brother Thatcher made a report of affairs in the San Luis Stake, and said that there was great danger of there being a split among the people there on politics. He evidently felt that Brother John Morgan’s statements concerning Brother Silas S. Smith were not sustained by facts, and he proceeded to defend and eulogize Brother Silas S. Smith, and he seemed to think that he ought not to have been removed from his position as President of the Stake. Brother Lyman was present as well as President Smith and myself. President Smith then entered into conversation with Brother Thatcher concerning his action in political matters, during which strong expressions were used, sometimes of a personal character, and it lasted about two hours. Brother Lyman and myself sat and listened without saying anything. I did not wish to interfere in the conversation, as it was upon matters chiefly personal to themselves, although President Smith did tell Brother Thatcher that his course was not approved by the First Presidency.

It is painful to me to see brethren come in contact with each other as these brethren did on this occasion; but there have been a number of causes operating which have brought these things to their present head. Nothing short of a thorough explanation and interchange of views will settle these feelings. I could not help but recall former scenes, and it brought to mind statements which had been made about me wherein I was charged with doing a great many things of which I was entirely innocent. Five years ago about this time President Taylor died, and the attacks commenced upon me. Those were days of deep sorrow, and I may say of anguish, for I know of nothing scarcely so painful as to be misunderstood and be wrongfully accused by one’s brethren. It seemed then as though I should be overwhelmed; but it is amazing to me how the Lord stood by me, and sustained and defended me, and I give Him the praise therefor.

31 July 1892 • Sunday

Sunday, July 31, 1892.

Brother C. H. Wilcken called with a carriage this morning for me, and brought with him President Jos. F. Smith. We left my place at 8:15 and drove to the West Jordan meeting house, we having appointed two meetings to be held there today. The people had erected a very nice bowery, and a large congregation was comfortably seated. I occupied a part of the forenoon and felt exceedingly free in speaking. As there was nearly half an hour left, Brother C. H. Wilcken was called upon to occupy the time.

We were taken to Brother Hyrum Goff’s for dinner.

In the afternoon, President Smith spoke spiritedly for about 85 minutes. Although the usual time was exhausted, I took the liberty of speaking for some five or ten minutes on the necessity of the saints refraining from controversies and from engendering ill-feelings and animosity over politics.

I felt impressed, as there were three Bishops present, to have them and their Counselors and a few other leading men, remain after the meeting while we spoke to them on the policy that the First Presidency was endeavoring to pursue, so far as they could use their influence, in political matters in the Territory. The brethren expressed the pleasure that they had at what we said to them. There seems to be a great deal of bigotry in the minds of many people concerning this question of politics, and we find it principally, if not altogether among the Democrats.

We had supper at Brother Goff’s before going home. We went home by a new road, and we enjoyed it.

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July 1892, The Journal of George Q. Cannon, accessed March 9, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-q-cannon/1890s/1892/07-1892