November 1879

25 November 1879 • Tuesday

I drove my wife Elizabeth and her two daughters, Mary Alice and Emily up to the Depot in her carriage. John Q. and Dan. Jones, the gardiner, was driven up in his spring wagon by Geo. C. Lambert. The parting this morning was a painful one. I always avoid such scenes if possible. Mary Alice and David, as well as their Mother, felt badly; but Sylvester and Emily did not realize the character of the separation. I felt it more deeply than I usually do, as the grief of the my wives and children affected me greatly. I could hardly control my emotions in praying with them this morning. My son John Q. accompanied us to Ogden. Just as I was leaving the city this morning I received a letter from my son Franklin who is living at Logan in which he described his circumstances and financial [Sentence ends with 4 blank lines remaining on the page.]

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November 1879, 25 November 1879 • Tuesday, The Journal of George Q. Cannon, accessed October 16, 2024