January 1856

Events in George Q. Cannon’s journal for 1856

28–31 January

Finished Hawaiian translation of the Book of Mormon; first child born

5 February

Blessing of baby George Quayle Cannon

28–31 January 1856 • Monday to Thursday

The Book is finished, the last form went was worked off on Monday, the 28th <of Jan. 1856.>; it was a 12 mo form, composed of the title page, preface and index. The body of the Book was finished two or three weeks before this, but we could not finish it <the remainder> until the type arrived – Brevier &c – that we had sent for to New York. While waiting for the type, I wrote an eight-page pamphlet, giving an epitome of the history of the discovery of the plates, their contents, and the applicability of the Book to them as a people, with a few words of exhortation to them. After the Book was finished, we had two copies bound in morocco – one for Bro. Brigham and one for Bro. Dennis – and sent Bro. B’s by the mail which left for the Valley on the 31st of Jan., 1856.

I went up to Salmon Falls on the 25th of Jan. to spend Sunday and hold meeting. While I was gone, Elizabeth, my wife, was safely delivered of a fine boy, weighing 11 lbs. He was born at 20 minutes to 8 o’clock in the morning of Tuesday, the 29th of January, 1856. His mother had not a very hard time, and when I got home – 11 o’clock p.m. Tuesday night –they were both doing well.

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January 1856, 28–31 January 1856 • Monday to Thursday, The Journal of George Q. Cannon, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-q-cannon/1850s/1856/01-1856