December 1897

1 December 1897 • Wednesday

Wednesday, December 1, 1897

Attended a meeting this morning of Geo. Q. Cannon & Sons. Co.

Took Brother Winter down to the office of the Union Light & Power Co. and dictated letters to Mr. Banigan on various subjects.

Frank telegraphs that he expects to go through the city to Ogden this evening, and leave to-morrow morning for Washington.

At 11 o’clock we had a meeting of the Union Light & Power Co.

At 1 o’clock there was a meeting of Zion’s Savings Bank & Trust Co.

Dictated my journal &c. to Brother Winter.

2 December 1897 • Thursday

Thursday, December 2, 1897

Four natives of Hawaii called upon us this morning. They are a delegation chosen by their countrymen to go to Washington to protest against the annexation of the islands. Their object in calling upon us is to get our influence in their behalf. Their names are Col. John Richardson, James K. Kaulia, William Auld, and David Kalauokalani (which means “the leaf of heaven”). The last named is a member of our Church, and a very fine-looking young man. We had quite a lengthy conversation with them. Of course, being able to talk in their language, I was in a position to lay our views before them, and to get their views. Col. Richardson speaks English very fluently. The others do to some extent, especially Mr. Auld. The three first named are half whites. Col. Richardson is the son of a man whom I knew intimately when I was on the islands. He was a brother of Kitty, Napela’s wife, at whose house I lived off and on for years. I dictated letters for them to take to my son Frank, Senator Rawlins, Judge King, Senator Shoup of Idaho, and Senator Clark of Wyoming, which the First Presidency signed. I dictated a private letter to my son Frank also concerning them, and a lengthy letter to him concerning business matters.

The First Presidency met at the Temple with President Snow, F. D. Richards, J. H. Smith, H. J. Grant.

Afterwards we held a meeting of the Grass Creek Coal Company and attended to some business; among other things, authorized the President (myself) and Secretary to sign a note for $10,000.

I attended a meeting of the Deseret Sunday School Union Board, and we attended to considerable business. I laid before them with a good deal of emphasis my views as to the course we should take in teaching our children the Word of Wisdom.

3 December 1897 • Friday

Friday, December 3, 1897

I had interviews with J. H. Dean, D. M. Todd, and J. M. Mills.

Attended meeting of the Sugar Company at 10 o’clock, to take into consideration a proposition brought to us by Brothers David Eccles and Thomas D. Dee, of Ogden. They wish the Utah Sugar Co. to take stock with them in the new sugar company that they are organizing. A committee was appointed, consisting of Colonel Winder, Barlow Ferguson, T. R. Cutler and Geo. M. Cannon, to confer with Brothers Eccles and Dee to see how a junction could be effected between the two companies. They reported to a subsequent meeting this afternoon that we could not legally, as a Company, take stock in any corporation, and they recommended that we take no stock whatever. Brothers Cutler and Ferguson were in favor of our taking a majority of the stock, if we could do so. This, of course, Brother Eccles said would not be possible, as the feeling of the subscribers at Ogden was that the control should be kept there. We had considerable discussion on this subject, and for a while it seemed as though we would not be able to do anything looking towards co-operation between the two companies. I felt led, however, to propose that we take $25,000 of their stock, employing some individual to take it and then have it transferred to us, and have two men of our Board to represent this stock on the board of the new company. This was carried, and President Woodruff will take the stock in his name and transfer it to the two men whom he may select out of our Board. My object in proposing this plan was to secure union. These brethren have come to us and offered us two members on the Board if we would subscribe for stock, and this, I think, will lead to good results and prevent rivalry.

I attended a meeting to-day, by request, in the Lion House, of a number of sisters who are desirous to organize a chapter of the society known as the Daughters of the Revolution. Sister Susa Y. Gates has had letters from the east upon this subject, and I have been spoken to before about it, and I urged them to take the matter up. They wished me to address them, which I did briefly, setting forth the reasons that I thought ought to prevail with them in forming this organization. There is an organization of the Sons of the American Revolution, which my son John Q. has joined, after asking my counsel upon the subject. He is able to trace his descent from Colonel Quick, who was a Colonel in the war of the revolution. I dwelt on the effect that this would have among us. There is a disposition on the part of different nationalities to form organizations which I have not approved of. I think that foreigners coming to this country should identify themselves with Americans, and cease to look upon their former country as if they were not American citizens. I thought the organization of this society would have the effect to develop patriotism, and would furnish advantages for those who wished to learn about their genealogy, and would have the effect on the nation to show that we were not a horde of foreigners, as a great many of our maligners have industriously circulated in the past. There are many young women who can join this society, and I feel it would be attended with good effects.

Brother John Clark, Mayor-elect, called once or twice to-day to see me, but I could not see him at first; afterwards Presidents Woodruff and Smith and myself and Brother Heber J. Grant had a long interview with him in relation to the officers whom he is to appoint. I was greatly pleased to see the disposition which he manifested to obtain counsel on these matters, and also to hear him express himself so resolutely concerning retrenchment.

4 December 1897 • Saturday

Saturday, December 4, 1897

The carpets in our office are being cleaned to-day, and I took refuge at the office of the Union Light & Power Co., and dictated articles for the Juvenile Instructor, my journal, and correspondence, to Brother Arthur Winter.

5 December 1897 • Sunday

Sunday, December 5, 1897

This is fast day. I attended testimony meeting in the schoolhouse this afternoon, and sat and listened to the testimonies till about 20 mins. to 4, when I arose and made some remarks, in which the people were very much interested. We had an excellent meeting. I was greatly pleased to hear the testimonies of the brethren and sisters.

The evening meeting was turned over to the Mutual Improvement Association (Ralph Chamberlain is the Prest.), and the commencement reminded me a little of the Salvation Army way of doing things. Six of my children played on the mandolins and guitars; they had a lecture from my son Joseph, and a recitation from my daughter Rosannah. The Bishop spoke, upon invitation, on mutual improvement. The meeting would then have closed, but I responded to the invitation and spoke for about half an hour to them.

My daughter Emily has two ladies visiting her from Logan. One is the daughter of Prof. Foster, of the Agricultural College, and the other is her aunt, who has been at Logan visiting for some little time, but whose residence is in Texas. Emily has had them a number of days and has been showing them every attention.

6 December 1897 • Monday

Monday, December 6, 1897

I had an interview with my nephew John M. Cannon this morning, in which we talked over Abraham’s affairs.

Col. Winder, R. S. Campbell and Le Grand Young came to the office and we talked over the situation of affairs in Ogden. Our company is trying to obtain the contract for lighting Ogden. Another company – the street railroad – has proposed to do it for less than we have, and Brother Le Grand Young represented that the members of the City Council felt delicate about giving us the contract at a higher rate than these other people offered. I saw a disposition to take the same view of the proposition, and that perhaps we were asking too much of our brethren in the Council to give us a higher price than these other people wanted to do it for. I expressed myself very strongly on this subject. I said the offer of these people has behind it a proposition to get a franchise from the city. They were willing to furnish the light at this losing rate so that they could obtain the franchise. They are ready to lose, say $2000, for the sake of that which they will obtain. Now, I said, we are not in a position to do anything of that kind. We offer our light at a reasonable price. We are not in the business of furnishing electricity at a loss; but we are here to stay, and we have done a great deal for Ogden, and Ogden should be reminded of this. Before we ever entered into this enterprise, there was a meeting of leading citizens of Ogden, over which the present Mayor presided, at which promises were freely made and some enthusiasm manifested towards the enterprise. Mr. Banigan, who was intending to put the money up, was present and heard the expressions and promises. The Chamber of Commerce also promised us $30,000 as a bonus. Land also was promised us. But up to this moment we have never received one cent in any form from them. When the Directors have had occasion to visit Ogden, we have ate our lunch at the club house, and have paid for it. They have never even given us a meal of victuals. Now, I feel, I said to the brethren, that Ogden ought not to beat us down and expect us to furnish light at a loss. It is unreasonable and wrong. Before I got through, the brethren took the same view that I did of this business, and they went away fortified with arguments to lay before the City Council.

My little son Georgius is quite sick with fever.

7 December 1897 • Tuesday

Tuesday, December 7, 1897

There was a Sugar Co. Meeting held at the office this morning, at which the price of sugar was discussed. The Sugar Trust has made a cut and is selling sugar 37¢ lower per hundred than they have been selling it. Some of the Company thought we ought to meet the cut. The Manager was inclined to take this view. Others thought that if we would hold our sugar, we could sell it at a proper price and we would be able to pay the interest that we would have to pay if we carried it. A resolution was finally adopted, giving the Manager authority to sell a limited supply and see what the effect would be, and instructing him to see the patrons of the Company and explain to them the situation.

On last Saturday, President Woodruff was seen as to what his wishes were concerning the two members that the Utah Sugar Co. is to have on the Board of the new Ogden company. He selected Brother John R. Winder and myself to act.

Brother F. S. Richards came in with letters which he had received from the attorney of the Oregon Short Line, P. L. Williams, and also a letter which Mr. Williams had received from Mr. Nichols in Boston. It looks now as though our deal with that Company, over which we have spent so much time, is likely to fall through. It seems now that they wish us to sign a contract agreeing, if they cannot secure title to the Beach lands, to enter into the deal without that, and paying the $300,000 as originally stipulated; but if they can secure the title, they will transfer the property to us. This is entirely a new feature. They have written letters conveying the idea that this was the original idea; which is untrue. We would be very silly to sign a contract to give $300,000 for the mere pavilion and right of way. It is the beach that we want, so that rivalry may be stopped. The idea of agreeing to give this amount of money and leaving it optional with them whether we shall get 5 miles of beach or not is a most extraordinary and absurd proposition. No man of any sense would agree to such a thing. But they evidently want to put us in the position of rejecting the contract by raising this point, as though it were an original proposition. I have written to President Samuel Carr, and we decided that until a reply came to that letter we would not take any steps about this.

Brother F. S. Richards informed us that he had been instructed by Bishop Preston to take some further steps about getting possession of the Gardo House from Colonel Isaac Trumbo. President Woodruff showed Brother Richards the letter that Col. Trumbo had sent to him, and suggested that he take no further steps about it. Brother Clawson came in afterwards, and he was requested to write to Col. Trumbo and tell him that we wanted the matter settled, and did not wish to take any legal steps whatever, but have an amicable adjustment.

A question came up before us, being raised by Brother Gibbs, as to the payment of Mr. O’Meara for services which he claimed he rendered to us in paving the way for our securing money from Mr. Banigan, by introducing us to Mr. Abbot, &c. Frank had explained the situation to Brother Joseph F. Smith, who was not present at the interview with Mr. O’Meara and Father Malone. President Woodruff and myself and Frank had felt that something ought to be done to satisfy Mr. O’Meara’s claim; if not the amount he claimed, $1800, at least something. President Smith was very peremptory in his remarks concerning it. He would not pay him a dollar, and he spoke very strongly against him. He proposed that if we would leave it to him he would see Mr. O’Meara and tell him we would not give him anything. We had some further talk about it, in which feeling was displayed, and finally President Woodruff said that he thought Brother Smith had better see Mr. O’Meara and tell him.

My son Georgius is still quite sick.

8 December 1897 • Wednesday

Wednesday, December 8, 1897

There was a meeting of the Union Light & Power Co. at 11 o’clock this morning, which occupied nearly two hours.

I had some conversation with Brother Spencer Clawson, in which he explained to me how it came about that the Church had endorsed his $40,000 that had been obtained from Mr. Claflin, of New York. The explanation, so far as he was concerned, appeared all right; but I did not feel clear as to why this was done in this fashion. Brother Clawson is in embarrassed circumstances, and not in a position to pay this, and it assumes a serious aspect.

I dictated my journal to Brother Winter.

9 December 1897 • Thursday

Thursday, December 9, 1897

Bishop Preston and Le Grand Young came to the office this morning, and brought to the attention of President Woodruff and myself the case of Thomas Taylor, who had given a mortgage on his iron properties to Bishop Preston in favor of the Church. The general feeling was that it was not worthwhile to foreclose the mortgage, but let it go for the present.

At 11 o’clock we went to the Temple. There were present, beside the First Presidency, President Snow, John Henry Smith, Geo. Teasdale and Heber J. Grant of the Twelve Apostles. Brother John Henry Smith offered prayer. Brother Teasdale reported having set Brother J. W. Paxman apart as President of the Juab Stake, to fill the vacancy created by the death of his father.

Brother Heber J. Grant presented the situation of the Mutual Improvement League, its indebtedness of upwards of $2000.00, and the necessity there would be, if it continued in operation, to have $100.00 a month furnished it from some source. The object of presenting this was to enlist the support of the Church. There was considerable discussion on this subject, and the conclusion was, although no action was taken, that the Church was in no situation to render this institution the aid that it asked for.

I attended a meeting of the Sunday School Union Board, and had a very interesting meeting.

10 December 1897 • Friday

Friday, December 10, 1897

I spent considerable time to-day at the office of the Union Light & Power Company, attending to various matters of business. Brother Arthur Winter came down, and I dictated correspondence and articles to him.

Brother Winslow Farr and his wife came to the office this afternoon. She wished to have her side of the story told, so that we might better judge of the propriety of calling him on a mission to Mexico, where he has been for some years, and is Bishop of one of the wards there. She seems destitute of hope, and looks at the dark side of everything, and presented serious problems to us by the attitude which she took. She did not think Brother Farr was capable of making a living here, nor in Mexico. He had two families, one in Mexico and one here. If he moved his family from Mexico up here, there was no home to which they could go, and she was determined that she would not go to Mexico, for the reason that he could not support her if she should go. So the matter was presented by her in such a shape that there was no way to extricate him from the dilemma in which he was placed. If he stayed with her, then his family in Mexico would be neglected. If he stayed with them, then she would be neglected. It is scarcely possible to reason with a woman or a man either, who has such a feeling as she entertains - utterly devoid of confidence in her husband, and apparently in the Lord.

11 December 1897 • Saturday

Saturday, December 11, 1897

A dispatch came last night from my son Frank concerning the business we had entrusted to him, and letters came this morning, which I opened and proceeded immediately to take steps to have the work done that he required. This kept me at the office all forenoon.

In the afternoon I attended the Salt Lake Stake Conference in the Assembly Hall, and spoke for about half an hour to the people.

12 December 1897 • Sunday

Sunday, December 12, 1897

Attended Conference at the Tabernacle all day, and in the evening attended sacrament meeting in the Ward meeting house. I was much interested in hearing the report of the Bishops in the forenoon. They occupied all the forenoon, excepting about 15 mins., during which I spoke. I was invited by President Woodruff to go and take dinner with him at Ovando Beebe’s, his son-in-law. In the afternoon, after the authorities of the Stake were presented, President Woodruff addressed the congregation, and spoke with much strength and clearness. His voice was strong and easily heard. He was followed by Brother Brigham Young, and I occupied the remainder of the time and enjoyed great freedom.

13 December 1897 • Monday

Monday, December 13, 1897

I spent some time this morning at the office of the Union Light & Power Co. We held an informal meeting. The object of the meeting was to submit the question to the Board whether they would endorse the paper of the Ogden Standard, which wanted to make a loan of $3000. It was discussed at some length, and a resolution was passed for which all voted, excepting L. S. Hills. Our attorney informed us that if a stockholder objected the endorsement could be repudiated, as we had no authority under the law to do such a thing. This was a great disappointment to Mr. Bannister, who was anxious to have this done. He asked me to endorse it, but I told him I could not under the circumstances.

I was very busy getting off some documents to Frank in the east.

At 2:30 I left the office to catch a car to go to Brother John R. Winder’s where I and my wife had been invited to take dinner at 4 o’clock, it being his 76th birthday. Presidents Woodruff and Smith were also invited. Myself and wife were the first arrivals. There was quite a good-sized company assembled to partake of an excellent repast which had been prepared by his family in honor of his birthday. It is the first time, we were told, that he had ever had his birthday celebrated. The evening was delightfully spent. He gave us a brief narration of his life. His parents were in reduced circumstances, though they were of a good family. His grandmother was a titled woman, one of the nobility of England. President Woodruff, myself President Smith, Bishop Preston and Brother Jos. E. Taylor also spoke. A fiddle having been sent for, Brother John McDonald made some very nice music, and I suggested to Brother Winder that it would be something for his children to tell about that he had danced on his 76th birthday, in company with the First Presidency of the Church, one of whom was within a few months of 91 years old. There were a number of dances, and all appeared to enjoy themselves.

14 December 1897 • Tuesday

Tuesday, December 14th, 1897

Busy with Brother Winder and Brother Jack getting our financial affairs into shape so that we can make a complete showing of how we stand, and I wrote a long letter to my son Frank, giving him details of our affairs.

Brother Wm. L. Hansen came in from the Grass Creek Coal mines and had a conversation with us about the situation of affairs there. Brother Cluff, who has had charge there, seems reluctant to relinquish his authority and let Brother Hansen take hold, as we suppose had been arranged. No action was taken, as it was deemed best to wait till Brother N. W. Clayton returned.

15 December 1897 • Wednesday

Wednesday, December 15, 1897

I received several letters from Frank, containing information and requests which required answering.

There was a meeting of the Union Light & Power Co., which occupied some time.

I dictated correspondence and my journal.

16 December 1897 • Thursday

Thursday, December 16, 1897

At 11 o’clock the First Presidency went to the Temple and met with President Lorenzo Snow, Brigham Young, John Henry Smith, George Teasdale and Heber J. Grant. The question was discussed whether children born of parents who had been sealed by the authority of him who holds the keys, but who had not received their endowments, would have to be sealed to their parents, as though they were not born in the covenant. This called forth considerable discussion, which was more lengthy in consequence of it having been stated to us that President Brigham Young, in answer to a question propounded to him at St. George, had said that children born under those circumstances should be sealed to their parents. The general feeling was that if President Young had had that question propounded to him properly he would <not> have made that reply. President Woodruff was very clear on the point that where parents had been sealed by the authority of the Holy Priesthood for time and eternity, even though they had not received their endowments, their offspring was born in the covenant and there was no further necessity for an ordinance to bring them into the covenant. The sealing power consisted in the authority of the Priesthood, not in an altar, not in a temple; though of course, altars and temples are necessary and should be used whenever possible to do so. It was felt that it would be almost a senseless proceeding for parents to be sealed for time and eternity as many have been of late in places remote from temples, if it did not legitimatize the offspring and bring them into the covenant.

The question also came up whether a white man who was married to a woman having negro blood in her veins could receive the Priesthood. I explained what President Taylor had taught me when I was a boy in Nauvoo concerning this matter; he had received it from the Prophet Joseph, who said that a man bearing the Priesthood who should marry or associate with a negress, or one of that seed, if the penalty of the law were executed upon him, he and her and the offspring would be killed; that it was contrary to the law of God for men bearing the Priesthood to have association with that seed. In this case submitted to us a white man had married a woman with negro blood in her ignorantly; yet if he were to receive the Priesthood and still continue his association with his wife the offspring of the marriage might make a claim or claims that would interfere with the purposes of the Lord and His curse upon the seed of Cain.

An application was made by Brother Heber J. Grant for an appropriation to be made to the Mutual Improvement League. After some discussion an appropriation of $25.00 was made for one month, with the understanding that it would be continued for six months if the League was able to meet its expenses.

At 2 o’clock we had a meeting of Z.C.M.I., and at 3 o’clock a meeting of the Co-op Wagon & Machine Co.

17 December 1897 • Friday

Friday, December 17, 1897

I was engaged at the office of the Union Light & Power Co. to-day endeavoring to unravel a lot of business that had taken place connected with the Rhodes Bros. Contract. Mr. Banigan had written me a personal letter, calling my attention to certain matters, and I have been endeavoring for some time back to get these elucidated, but have failed. A joint letter was written to me, at my request, by Mr. Bannister, Mr. Murray Shepherd (Mr. Bannister’s clerk) and Brother R. S. Campbell; but their letter was not clear to me, and I thought Mr. Banigan would not understand it if I did not. I therefore have devoted myself to the examination of these intricate matters, and it has required a great deal of labor and thought. I have not had to take hold of anything so complex as this before. I went without lunch, and finally got the business pretty clear in my mind.

18 December 1897 • Saturday

Saturday, December 18, 1897

This day was devoted to a continuation of yesterday’s labors, and in the writing of a letter to Mr. Banigan, explaining everything to him. I went home more exhausted than I thought I was. I first went to see my daughter Rosannah and administered to her. I felt faint, as I had had nothing since breakfast, and only a light breakfast at that, and I could scarcely eat anything.

19 December 1897 • Sunday

Sunday, December 19, 1897

I was attacked about 1 o’clock last night with a violent diarrhoea, and I have been suffering from it all day, and feel very sick.

20 December 1897 • Monday

Monday, December 20, 1897

I am still suffering from diarrhoea, but I found it necessary to go to the office to attend to business matters. I did not stay as late as usual, however. My family thought I ought not to have gone out at all, but there were several matters of business that required my attention.

21 December 1897 • Tuesday

Tuesday, December 21, 1897

I am still quite unwell. We have $43,000 of interest to raise to meet the coupons on the bonds of Mr. Banigan. We sent for some of our brethren who are members of the Board of Directors of the Deseret National Bank; they were, Geo. Romney, W. W. Riter, John R. Barnes and John C. Cutler. We desired Brother James Sharp also, but he was not found. We explained our position and our wish to obtain a loan from their bank of that amount, on the security of 38 prior lien bonds and 50 consolidated bonds. We thought this security good. They seemed to entertain our proposition rather favorably. They said they would talk with Brother Le Grand Young and Brother R. S. Campbell, who were present at this interview, so that they could learn more of the details without trespassing upon our time.

I had a long conversation with John M. Cannon about Abraham’s estate affairs.

22 December 1897 • Wednesday

Wednesday, December 22, 1897

The Union Light & Power Co. held its usual meeting at 11 o’clock, and attended to a good deal of business.

I am still suffering from cold. It seems that my system, having been exhausted last Saturday, was unprepared to resist any attack, and I have been suffering from severe cold since the diarrhoea ceased.

23 December 1897 • Thursday

Thursday, December 23, 1897

Brother Heber J. Grant called to see me this morning in relation to a $40,000 transaction in which Spencer Clawson is involved. It seems that when $200,000 was borrowed from Mr. Claflin, for which he charged us $50,000 bonus, $40,000 of this money was paid to Spencer Clawson – or, rather, paid to the State Bank to his credit. The Church had to assume this, and Cannon, Grant & Co. were called upon to endorse it. Brother Spencer Clawson is unable to pay this, and now Cannon, Grant & Co. are asked to give new notes endorsing this amount. I have felt very much stirred up about this, as I consider it is very wrong that the Church should be put in such a position, or that Cannon, Grant & Co. should be required to endorse it. We have not a dollar’s interest in the matter in any shape.

The First Presidency met at the Temple with Brothers Lorenzo Snow, F. D. Richards, Brigham Young, John Henry Smith, Geo. Teasdale, Heber J. Grant, and (part of the time) John W. Taylor.

After this meeting, and before leaving the Temple, the First Presidency had an interview, by appointment, with Brothers Geo. Romney, James Sharp and John C. Cutler, who are Directors of the Deseret National Bank. Our object in seeing these brethren was to appeal to them as Latter-day Saints to come to our help and not permit us to be driven to the necessity of going to strangers for the aid they could render us in the matter of this interest we have got to send to Mr. Banigan. They apparently were averse to the loan that we asked for. There was no warmth, much less enthusiasm, manifested in response to our appeals. President Woodruff appealed to them strongly as servants of the Lord, describing how we were carrying loads, and we wanted our brethren to help us take part in these matters. President Smith laid the matter before them in the first place, and described the securities we had to offer, which we felt were quite ample for the purpose. Afterwards I appealed to them, and before they left I said to them that I hoped they would exercise faith and see if they could not move the loan committee of the bank to take the right view of this, and blessed them that they might do this. They shield themselves behind the fact that the loan committee has to decide as to whether a loan is a proper one or not. This committee consists of the President, L. S. Hills, the Cashier, H. S. Young, and James A. Little. Brother Winder was present also, and he joined with us in representing the condition of affairs. I hoped that they would take the right view of this. Such an appeal as was made to them by the First Presidency, one would have thought they would say to their loan committee, “we will stand behind this; let the money go.”

24 December 1897 • Friday

Friday, December 24, 1897

I was very busy to-day trying to raise what money I could towards the $43,000. I succeeded in raising $20,000 on my personal credit, and enclosed it to Mr. Banigan, telling him that I would telegraph the remainder to him in time to meet the coupons before the first of January. I was exceedingly gratified at being able to raise this money. I felt that the Lord opened my way. I may say in this connection that I have not been troubled at all with any anxiety about raising this money. I felt that we would get it in time.

25 December 1897 • Saturday

Saturday, December 25, 1897

Christmas day. I remained at home very quiet all day; in fact, I was confined to my room and laid down most of the day.

26 December 1897 • Sunday

Sunday, December 26, 1897

At home all day.

27 December 1897 • Monday

Monday, December 27, 1897

I came up to the office this morning feeling pretty well, and was kept very busy. Dictated my accumulated correspondence to Brother Arthur Winter.

28 December 1897 • Tuesday

Tuesday, December 28, 1897

I came to the city, but I was very sick all day.

I attended a meeting of the Sugar Company, and also a meeting of Zion’s Savings Bank & Trust Co.

Brother Frank Armstrong, when appealed to to-day by us, went to his bank and obtained $11,000 for us, for which we are very grateful, and which helped us out very much.

Had a meeting of the Salt Lake Literary & Scientific Association to-day.

The First Presidency had an interview with Le Grand Young, John R. Winder and R. S. Campbell on a coal proposition that is offered to us.

29 December 1897 • Wednesday

Wednesday, December 29, 1897

I was at a meeting of the Union Light & Power Co. this forenoon; after which I was busy trying to raise $5000. Geo. Q. Cannon & Sons Co. owe me that amount, and I wanted to have them borrow it so as to let me have it to add to the $20,000 I had previously raised. This the Company succeeded in doing for two days from Zion’s Savings Bank.

I had an amusing thing occur to me last Friday. I was owing a $5000 note at the Deseret National Bank, which I supposed was overdue. I thought I had borrowed it for three months. Instead of that I had borrowed it for six months, and it was not due till the 2nd of February. I did not notice this, however, when I got the note; in fact, the Cashier put it in an envelope and I put it in my pocket, where it remained Christmas day and Sunday, and was not taken out by me till Monday morning, when, to my surprise, I found that I had paid the note about six weeks before it was due. My action had surprised the Cashier, Brother Young, and he supposed that I did this because I was displeased at their refusal to loan us the $43,000 or any part thereof. I saw Mr. Hills to-day, and explained to him how it had occurred, and told him what a good joke I had got upon myself. They all had surmised that there was something wrong, indeed that I was offended, and took this way of showing that I was offended. When I explained the matter these feelings were removed.

Brothers A. H. Lund and F. F. Hintze were set apart this afternoon for their mission to Palestine. Presidents Woodruff and Smith and Brother Grant had commenced when I came into the office. I laid my hands on with them. President Smith was mouth in setting apart Brother Lund, and I was mouth in setting apart Brother Hintze. Afterwards I dictated a long letter of instructions to them, which Brother Winter took down in shorthand. I was greatly pleased at being able to dictate these instructions without having to alter a single word; for in my present condition I felt that I was scarcely capable of thinking straight; but Presidents Woodruff and Smith and Brothers Richards and Lund (who were all present) were greatly pleased at the letter. I thank the Lord, for to him be the glory.

There was a meeting of the Bullion-Beck at 3 o’clock.

30 December 1897 • Thursday

Thursday, December 30, 1897

I had an interview with my son Hugh and my nephew John M. Cannon.

The First Presidency and Apostles held their usual Thursday meeting in the office to-day, the Temple not being heated this week. The meeting was attended by the First Presidency, Franklin D. Richards, Brigham Young, John Henry Smith, George Teasdale, Heber J. Grant, John W. Taylor and Owen Woodruff. A number of items were attended to, and Brother Brigham Young was mouth.

A dispatch was sent to my son Frank in relation to the Clarkson matter.

31 December 1897 • Friday

Friday, December 31, 1897

I still feel unwell. Dictated some letters to Brother Arthur Winter. Had conversation with Judge Ritchie. At 3 o’clock attended a meeting of the Bullion-Beck Co.

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December 1897, The Journal of George Q. Cannon, accessed October 16, 2024