October 1863

1 October 1863 • Thursday

Thursday, Oct. 1/63 Writing a description of my visit to Scandinavia for the Star. Busy with Bro. Graham in looking through the Office books until late in the evening

2 October 1863 • Friday

(Recd letter from Father-in-law Insert)

{Friday Octr. 2.nd Received a letter from my father-in-law, Bishop Hoagland, which I insert, as follows:

G. S. L. C. August 28th 1863.

To my dear Son, G. Q. Cannon,

I received your letter on the 8th of August and felt thankful and do still of your progress in the Church and for the information of Elizabeth and C. W. West and others. C. W. West and young Brigham arrived safely at S. Lake last evening the 27th of August, he stayed at my house overnight. he left for Ogden about 12 o’clock this day. Mary was at my house. We are all enjoying pretty good health[.] I have been quite sick two weeks ago I was taken with the Cholera morbus and cramp quite bad there has been a good deal of sickness & a good many deaths this season we think it is in some measure owing to the dry season and warm weather your family is all well here we have heard from Elizabeth she is coming on safely we expect she will be in here in the course of 3 weeks[.] I thought to make arrangements to enlarge your Building. I went to see Prest Brigham Young about it he told me that they were fixing up the house which Bro Thomas Roads formerly owned that is a house that is on the north east corner of the centre block it is quite a large house 4 rooms below and 4 above with an entry through the middle it is very near a full lot they have put a new roof on it also a porch on the east and west sides there is also a barn on it they are fixing it up nice he told me this was for your family which will be room enough. All that I have told it to feel pleased with your new location I felt thankful to Bro Brigham and to my Father in heaven for his kindness to your family I will do the best I can for them I feel grateful for our location in these valleys for the peace we enjoy and for the surrounding blessings we enjoy our crops is not so good as they have been here on the account of the dry season but all will be right and for our benefit the Lord knows what is for our good we as a people are growing but not so fast as we ought to I fear but it is not for me to dictate but I speak the President’s own words we have very good meetings here I generally attend 4 meetings every Sabbath day that is when I am well C. W. West felt grateful to you for your kindness to him Bro Staines and others expressed the same please remember me to all the Elders especially those of the 14th ward I may be selfish in this I received a letter from one of my nephews in the State of New Jersey a few days ago he tells me of the serious times they have there at present on the account of the war and how they feel towards the Government he thinks it may be a battle field in that state very soon he says father is against son & son against father, he wished me to remember him Abraham Herder my Brother-in-law in the city of New York also wished me to remember him and write to him he is 89 years old but is quite smart & healthy for his age. I have nothing particular to write about I expect you hear from this place almost every week all your relations is well as far as I know I think it is more healthy than it has been it is getting cooler nights it is very dusty the streams are lower than they ever have been since we came in these valleys. Prest Brigham & Counsellors and a number has been on a Mission to Cache Valley but have returned again. Brother Orson Hyde preached to us last Sunday very interesting his location is in Sanpete. Bro Amasa Lyman’s location is in Iron County I expect you have heard all about it. I must bring my letter to a close we, that is, that I talk with wish to be remembered to you. Praying that the Lord will bless you as he has hitherto and more abundantly according to the rolling forth of his work.

This from your Father

Abraham Hoagland.}

Friday, 2nd Wrote a “correction” of some comments made by Bro. Shearman in 38 number of Star in which the two foundation of spots for Temples designated and dedicated in Missouri were confounded. Wrote a long letter to the President Young.

3 October 1863 • Saturday

Saturday Oct 3/63. Had a bath this morning and at 9 o’clock started for Nottingham, which place I reached and was met at the Station by Bro’s. J D Chase and Heber John Richards. I found Bro’s. Bull and Parley P Pratt at the house. Bros. Ross <and Oscar & Lyons> from Leicester, and Bullock from Lincolnshire and North & Stephen W. Alley from Derby came in to Conference to be held to-morrow. A great many Saints came in during the evening.

4 October 1863 • Sunday

Sunday, Oct. 4/63. We met in Conference three times to-day at the Assembly Rooms and had a large attendance and excellent meetings – a good <portion of the> Spirit being enjoyed by the Elders & Saints. Representations of the Conferences were made which were quite satisfactory. I occupied the most of the afternoon and <all the> evening in speaking to the people & was much blessed. The Saints kept our rooms crowded all the time and they appeared very happy. We administered to two sisters in the evening one named Sister Olive Smith & the other Sister [blank] We took dinner & tea to-day at Sister Burrough’s.

5 October 1863 • Monday

Monday, Oct. 5/63. Breakfast Busy conversing with Elders & Saints. Went to Icing Green (? See Map) [Hyson Green] to Sister Bro. Naylor’s to dinner. We did not see him. Wrote to Liverpool explaining to them that I would not [be there] until Thursday instead of to-morrow as I expected when I left there. A tea-party and Concert was held at the Durham Ox room by the Saints, which I attended, that passed off very well.

6–7 October 1863 • Tuesday to Wednesday

Tuesday, Oct 6/63. Writing editorial. Afterwards called the Elders together and gave them some counsel and cautioned them against too great familiarity with the sisters. I had noticed two more of this disposition than I liked to see in one of the Elders particularly (blank) {<Oscar T. Lyons>} and I felt to reprove him, though to do so is not naturally pleasant to my feelings. He thanked me for doing so and all the rest said they would profit by what had been said. Left Bro. Marriott’s who keeps the House where the Elders stop & started for Mansfield with the intention of holding meeting. Went to the house of Mary Warren, who is not in the Church but who has kept open house for the Elders for years. Her neice Sister Jane “Cree” (?) lived with her. There was a spirit of peace here and I felt in my heart to bless them. I think Mary Warren is postponing her baptism until she goes to Zion. She could have gone before this; but she wishes her niece to go with her and they have not got the means yet to take them both. Had a good meeting in the evening with Saints & strangers. I addressed them. Slept at the hou Was warmly welcomed & entertained by the two sisters above-named. There were four of us together: Bro’s. Chase, Pratt, Ross & myself. Bro’s. Pratt & Ross slept at Bro. Dean’s where we all took breakfast on the morning of Wednesday, Oct. 7/63. We dined at Bro. Watson’s and then walked to Sutton on Ashfield for the purpose of holding meeting with the people there. Bro. Bullock brought me some letters from Nottingham which had been received <from L’pool> since my leaving there. I received They were from Bro’s. Brigham Jun. and Chauncey W. West. (Insert extracts)

{G. S. L. U. T. U. S. A.

Septr 1st 1863.

Dear Bro Cannon

According to promise I write you, but my present condition will not allow of my going into many details. I will try however and do the best I can. As you are aware we touched at Queen’s Town, left there at 4 P.M. met rather a rough sea, as I told you in my letter from Atchison, I will proceed to our journey across the plains. On the morning of the 17th we took the Stage and were soon rolling over the Great Western Prairies. I began to feel like myself once more yet I could scarcely realize that I was on my way home. Had a very tedious time in the stage. Bro West stood it better than I expected he would, and on the whole gained in health. We reached this city on the 27th at 7 P.M. I got the driver to go by father’s office. Mr Otus & Mr Street were in the Stage, one superintendent and the other pay master of the Overland Mail Co they were very willing to have the stage go that way. Father, Bro Wells, all of my brother & sisters and many more were gathered at the Office Gate to welcome me. You can far better imagine my feelings than I can write them. I did hug and kiss every one of them right there in the street. Never did man receive a warmer welcome, from a warm hearted people than I have, and it is in part owing to your good advice and example that I have been thus blessed. I never can think of you only with unbounded love and gratitude, for your kindness and patience with me under all and every circumstance, and if I know myself, with the assistance of my Father in Heaven, I will keep trying until I become what you wished me to be. Never did a young man have a brighter future before him than I have, I realize this to some extent & I do not mean to let the opportunity slip. I have said the same myself, the same you did when you commenced to labor in this Kingdom, “I give my whole soul to this work.” I think I can see it will be a hard task for me, but I have told some of the boys already that they need not expect me to come to them, or rather back to the old way, before I left, if they wanted to have me love them to not ask me to drink with them, nor chew tobacco, nor swear. Now George, I am well aware that there has some just as good men as I am and perhaps better, returned from their missions with equally as good resolves, & yet in a little time they returned like the sow, etc. I do not wish to do this. I desire your faith and prayers that I may not, I will call upon my father, and strive diligently to improve in the Kingdom, & tread the path of a Saint, & if God will give me that strength which I desire I will serve him all my days.”

Ogden City, Weber Co

Utah Territory

Augt 31st 1863.

Dear Bro

It is with much pleasure that I dictate a few lines to you as Brother Young wrote you from Atchison giving you an account of our travels homewards to that point, I will decline referring thereto but merely say that your promise was made good to me. I was not sea sick the first bit. My health when I left Atchison on the 15th Inst was very poor the warm weather was very oppressive which passing through the States. I stood the trip across the plains first rate. My health improved every day notwithstanding the road was very rough and we rode night and day. We arrived in G. S. L. City on the evening of the 27th. We had the coach stop in front of the President’s office where we found the President, his Council, and a large number of the Brethren waiting to receive us[.] I think I can say without exaggeration that we had a hearty welcome. Mary, Chauncey, & Joseph, Bro McGaw, Hammond, Gamble & Shirtcliffe were in the city, waiting to accompany me home. I called & saw your family and gave Sarah Jane your letter. They were very glad to hear from you but would have much more rejoiced could they have met with you they were all enjoying good health and high in anticipation of soon seeing Sister Cannon and the dear Babies. … I saw the President the morning of the 28th when we had a short interview he was in excellent spirits, he told me to go home for a couple of weeks & visit with my family and friends then come down and he would tell me what he wanted me to do. From what I can learn the prospects are that I am going to have a much heavier load packed on to me in regard to public matters than ever I had. He has lately visited Ogden twice, the first time he held a two days meeting, the second time as he returned from Cache valley he held a meeting. It is said that he scored very deep & hewed to the line all round. The particulars in relation to these matters I will give in my next. Betwixt 75 & 100 mounted men from this County came as far as Farmington to escort me home. When I reached Kay’s ward I was met by the martial band of this city in a Coach and four. After partaking of a sumptuous dinner which had been prepared by the Bishop of the Ward (Christopher Layton) We passed on home, as we ascended the sand ridge we met men and boys on horseback and continued to meet them all along until we reached this place, also wagon loads with men women and children, and when I reached home I found a large number assembled to welcome me. Certainly no man could receive a more warm reception than I did. I do not speak of these things Bro George boastingly but merely to give you an idea as we have talked a good deal together in reference to matters and things here. I can assure you that all this parade and excitement made me feel very small. I felt that my Brethren & Sisters were paying me more attention than I was worthy of and esteeming me above my worth. Yesterday we had a very good meeting our Tabernacle was well filled. There has been a great deal of division among the people here. At the late election they had several tickets & much confusion reigned. So far as I have investigated I have found my business matters better than I anticipated. … Some 2 weeks ago Briggs one of the Twelve of the new Organization under young Joseph and another Elder of that faith arrived in Salt Lake City they had impudence to walk right up on to the stand in the Tabernacle and took seats without any invitation whatever. After meeting Elder Taylor had a conversation with them they were very saucy and impudent they also called upon Prest Young and stated to him the object of their Mission which was to fetch the Church back to the true shepherd. President Young told them that they could go a head and do their work but he should not help them by opening our houses of worship or calling the attention of the people to them in any way whatever he did not doubt but what they could obtain some followers & hoped that they would for he wanted to get rid of every thief, (whoremaster, liar, and hypocrite[)] in the Territory. They became very saucy and impudent so much so that they came very nigh being kicked out of the his office they have been holding their meeting in Judge Drake’s House it is said they have very small congregations as yet. The Gold country north seems to very extensive. New mines are continually being opened which are said to be extremely rich. The Gentiles are flocking there by thousands. Hundreds of wagons are coming into our settlements to get supplies for the Winter. The Counsel from the President is for the Brethren to keep away from the Mines, but I am sorry to say that quite a number have gone and more desire to go and probably will unless they get rid of that desire soon. The word Gold seems to charm many and I am afraid a great trial for such persons is just at hand.

Matters pertaining to the army and soldiers here appear to move very quietly at the present time. Several large trains with army supplies are on the way to this Territory from the East. It is quite evident that they still anticipate giving us a brush, for this purpose they are laying their plans and making their arrangements so as to be ready as soon as the old gentleman gets his hands a little loose down East, so that he can turn his attention in this direction. The Saints generally have no fears, they are satisfied that all will come out right, if they do right. About 1/3 of the Morrisites have gone to California, the most of the balance are gone to Soda Springs with a portion of Col. Connor’s command, to establish a Military post & to open farms & build a City as they say” … }

This news from <for> them was very pleasing to me, especially to learn of Brigham’s determination to be a man of God and of Bro. West’s improvement in health. We stopped at Bro. Geo. Stringfellow’s and took tea and then went to meeting which was held in the large room of a tavern in the town. It was very amusing going and returning from meeting. We had to pass through a wood and a considerable distance in the dark from the house to the town and it was so dark that we could not see <our> hands if we held <them> out before us. I took Bro. Stringfellow’s arm and we took the lead but we ran against a gate that was across the road with full force not being able to see it and thinking it must be open. The meeting room was full and we had a good meeting. I sympathized very much with this family with whom we stopped. One of the daughters was a widow with three children. The parish has rendered her some assistance since the death of her husband; but has lately withdrawn a portion of it, and it appears impossible for her to support herself and keep out of the Poor House. The family would have all to stop for some time, to all human appearance, or leave her and her children behind. I told her that I would pawn my sleeve buttons (a pair of gold ones presented to me by Brigham, Jr.) for their value towards her outfit passage as well as a watch-ribbon with a gold hook, slide &c and I would part with something I could sell, or borrow the money to redeem the sleeve-buttons. The family were very grateful. I forgot to mention yesterday that two young women by the name of Betts, belonging to Mansfield, who had first plead with me to visit that place and who were much persecuted by their folks and had to work hard for their living, came and insisted on giving me half a crown to pay my expenses. Bro’s. Chase, Pratt, Ross, Bullock & myself all slept at Bro Stringfellow’s.

8 October 1863 • Thursday

Thursday, Oct. 8/63. We dressed very hurriedly this morning, as we had nearly overslept ourselves and started for the Station. I reached Liverpool, and found all well, at about 3 P.M. I found Bro. Joseph Felt here, he having come in with Bro. Thos Taylor from the Manchester Conference to labor in the town of Liverpool in the stead of Bro Joseph Romney who had been taken by me from the duties of the ministry, to labor in the place of Bro. Shearman, as assistant editor of the Star, Bro. Shearman’s health having failed so much as to require a respite from his duties. My mind has been upon the resurrection to-day and I have had singular reflections respecting my daughter Georgiana. I caught myself thinking how she would look as a child in the resurrection. <The brethren thought I looked bad as though I was sick or had bad news.> This evening when I went up to bed my bedroom had no light in it but that which came th was reflected from the lights in the street and I fancied my wife <Elizabeth> was in the room, and when I lit my candle which stood on the stand by the bedside I looked around the room almost expecting to find her there.

9 October 1863 • Friday

Friday, Oct. 9th/63. This day has been one of extreme sorrow to me. The first letter I opened this morning was in Bro. Peacock’s handwriting and was as follows: (Insert letter)

{Greeswood Creek

Idaho Territory

Sept 4th 1863.

Dear Brother Cannon

It becomes my painful duty to inform you of the death of your daughter Georgiana. She died on the Platte (last company) on the night of the 2nd at 9 P.M. Immediately I set to in search of something that the body could be conveyed in to Salt Lake & procured two Tin Churns sufficiently large to slip over the body and by cutting the ends of each churn, one slipped over the other, then soldering around in the middle made it quite safe then packed the tin case in a box. I think there will be no difficulty in getting the body through. The particulars of her sickness and death are these[:] She had the measles when at Florence after leaving she took the whooping cough yet we hoped that she would soon be over that as she kept very smart, but on Friday the 28th of August she was taken very ill with fever we anointed her and administered the ordinance and she seemed to get some better but relapsed again. Every thing that could be done was done exercising all the faith we were master of administering to her three and four times each day. On the 1st of Septr we had bright hopes as she appeared so much better but towards noon of the 2nd she was taken very bad and continued so. We camped about noon and laid over. I watched over her, prayed for the Lord to spare her; but found she gradually sank. About an hour before her death she called my name, “Mr Peacock,” afterwards said “Ma,” and spoke no more, although she suffered through the day the last few hours of her illness was not painful and she died without a struggle. You may be assured that Sister C. is much fatigued and worn down seems to sink under the trial[.] we try to comfort her all we can. Bro’s Little and Cluff came up yesterday, bringing two letters from you to her[.] I think they were dated 7th and 24th of July which seemed to cheer her up.

Bro Little takes Sister Cannon, the babe, and Rosa on with him this morning, also the corpse, and will reach Salt Lake in 8 days. We sent a Telegram from Platte Bridge to President Young and one to John Hoagland to come out & meet us so most likely in about four days, Sister C will meet some one from Salt Lake. The babe has the Whooping cough but as yet he seems to stand it well as he looks and grows fine. We have had a great deal of sickness and 16 deaths in our company one sister killed by lightning the deaths were mostly old people and children. Bro Little reports the back companies getting along first rate not much sickness and but few deaths. The season is one of the dryest that had ever been known on the plains dust is very bad as the roads are cut up in a bad manner making the roads rough Bro’s Needham & Bigler have not been well since we left Florence, until within a few days the camp duties have mostly fallen upon me which has worn me down considerably having lost about 25 lbs yet I have good health & as the brethren are getting better I hope to ease up a little, aside from the duties after camping I have walked most of the way from Florence the girls Hannah & Eliza are well at present although Eliza has not been very healthy but she will improve as we get into the mountains the girls wish to be kindly remembered to you and the rest of their acquaintances. Bro’s Bigler and Needham join me in kind love to you and the boys in the office. Ever praying the Lord to bless you and aid you by his Spirit, I remain

Your Brother in the Gospel

Geo Peacock.}

I was only able to read the first lines. I was completely stunned and overwhelmed by this dreadful news. For a short time it seemed as though I could not comprehend it. After this stupor passed off my feelings overpowered me and my distress was terrible. It seemed as though I had lost all control of myself. I remained for a few hours alone in this condition; but my feelings finally became finally so wrought up that I thought I would lose my senses unless I had relief and something to divert me from the thoughts which oppressed me. I rang for Bro. Shearman who came up, thinking that his society would help me; but I continued to get worse and I then started down stairs to the Office as near crazed as I well could be and retain my senses. I knew not what to do for relief; but bethought me of being administered to. As soon as the <brethren> laid their hands upon me I felt soothed and by the time they had finished speaking and took their hands off I was quite calm. They had some difficulty in speaking on account of their own emotions, first one and then another starting but breaking down, their voices failing after speaking a few words. My grief was heightened by the fear that Elizabeth’s health had probably broken down under the shock of Georgianna’s death and that she might not be able to live. I <have> always been aware that grief had a great effect upon me; but I never knew my weakness in this direction so much as I do now. This dear child was so lovely and engaging and had been so from her birth that I loved her with all the strength of my mind. In my eyes she was perfection. Could I have had the power I would not have known any point <mentally or physically> which I would have altered with the expectation of improving her. She was intelligent far beyond her years and gave promise of being a very superior woman, should she live. I did not think of her dying, though I have tried since the death of my first child — George Quayle — to hold all my family in my affections so that if they any of them should, in the providence of the Almighty, be taken[,] that I might not be entirely unprepared. It will be a very severe blow to Elizabeth, deprived as she is of my society. I would feel far worse than I do, if I did not know that my motive in sending my family away was pure and that I had been led to do so by the promptings of the Spirit. Dictated several letters.

10 October 1863 • Saturday

Saturday, Oct. 10th/63 Wrote a letter to Bro. Isaac Bullock appointing him President of the Scottish District and requesting him to pay a visit to Glasgow and see how matters were there as I had received a letter from one of the brethren intimating that the Travelling Elders had feelings against the President of Conference. Wrote a letter to my wife Elizabeth and also to Sarah Jane. Started in company with Bro. Shearman to London at 3.45 P.M. to attend Conference there. We <were> met at Highbury station by Bro’s. Bentley and Bull and found Bro. Sims & Sis. Griffiths at 30 Florence St. I felt very depressed & sad and unfit for society.

11 October 1863 • Sunday

Sunday, Oct. 11/63. Though I felt better and more cheerful to-day I still felt more like retiring to some secret place than appearing in public. We met with the Saints in Conference in the afternoon and evening and had the largest turnout of Saints there has been seen for some time <years> in London. Bros. Bentley, Sims, Bull, Bird & Shearman & myself spoke in the afternoon. I presented the authorities and spoke for a short time. We had a very good meeting. Took tea at a Coffee House with a number of the Saints. In evening I spoke. I did not have that freedom in the beginning that I had afterwards. I had difficulty in concentrating my thoughts and mind and seemed incapable of grasping my subject. I improved as I proceeded, though it was only from a sense of duty that I attempted to speak at all.

12 October 1863 • Monday

Monday, Oct. 12/63. Wrote to Liverpool to the of Bro. Graham and to Bro Warren S. Snow, Southampton. In evening attended a Concert given by the Choir, under the direction of Bro. Geo. Careless, to the Elders and Saints at Albion Hall. The only drawback to the pleasure of the evening was the smallness of the Hall, all who wished to enter not being able to do so. The Concert was quite a success.

13 October 1863 • Tuesday

Tuesday, 13/63. Went out to Woolwich in company with Bro’s. Bentley, Bull & Shearman, to visit Bro. Payne and family. Took a long walk round the Common, Barracks &c. In evening Sister Audrey Payne sang & played on the Piano. We returned to London in the evening. Mr. Anthony Godbe, a brother of Wm S Godbe, called upon me at the Office to have a cheque <on me> in his Mother’s favor cashed.

14 October 1863 • Wednesday

Wednesday, Oct. 14/63. Wrote an Editorial “The voice of God in the earthquake.” Afterwards in company with Bro’s Bentley and Bull went out of town to the suburbs to visit a family consisting of a man & wife, the latter was is in the Church, the former is not, though friendly. Their name is Smith. Had a very agreeable visit and returned to the City late in the evening.

15 October 1863 • Thursday

Thursday, 15th. Bro. Wiscombe called to see me this morning about entering into the ministry again. Bro’s. Bull & Sherman and Sims started to-day for various places; the first for Bedfordshire Conference; the second to Birmingham Conference, and the latter to his field — Essex. We <Bro. Bentley & myself> started in company with Bro South for on a visit to the Kent Conference. We reached Brighton about 4.30 P.M. and repaired to the house of Bro. Stoner. Sister S. soon had a meal ready for us. We held meeting in the evening at 7 o’clock. Several strangers were present. Bro Bentley spoke for a few <about twenty> minutes and I followed at some length. There was a very good feeling and spirit in the meeting. We slept at an inn[,] none of the Saints having accommodation for Bro. Bentley and myself.

16 October 1863 • Friday

Friday, Oct. 16/63. Bro Braby, the President of the Branch is a cab-driver and he brought his cab around and took Bro’s. Bentley, South and myself out on to the esplanade and round the town. Brighton is on the Channel and has a beautiful situation, though rather hilly. The houses are very fine, and the view drive on the road fronting the beach is superior. We took dinner at Bro. Gilbert’s and Sis. G fed us on a dish that I never <tasted or> saw before, namely, “a toad in the hole.” It was meat prepared, seasoned &c and put into a dish and batter poured over it some two inches thick and then baked. We walked out in the afternoon and saw the <visiting> population all out on parade in carriages and afoot. I never saw such an assemblage of fashionables before. The horses & carriages were in many instances very elegant and1 attractive. We took tea at Bro. Gilbert’s and spent the evening at Bro. Stoner’s. Bro. & Sister Fry who spent last evening with us were there again to-night.

17 October 1863 • Saturday

Saturday, Oct. 17/63. Wrote a brief letter before starting this morning to Elizabeth and Sarah Jane. At 11.30 A.M. we <Bro’s. Bentley, South & myself> took train to Norwood Junction and thence to Beckenham where we took train to Faversham at which latter place we arrived near 5 P.M. and found Bro’s. Wm Sanders, President of the Conference, Ensign I. Stocking and Thos Priday, at Bro. Gemmet’s.

I found a letter from President Young for me here, under date of Sept. 11th, 1863. The following extracts therefrom: (insert here)

Dear Brother

[asterisks] Bro Eldredge informs me that collecting the railroad fares in Liverpool is a much better plan than collecting them in New York, and I am of the same opinion.

The new likeness in the plate of the First Presidency and Twelve gives me entire satisfaction, and I think will improve as the sharp lines mellow down by use. Please accept my thanks for the care of labor you have bestowed on the matter.

[asterisks] The ten trains sent from here to Florence for freight and the poor started back as follows:— J. R. Murdock, June 29; J. M. Sanders, July 6; W. B. Preston, July 9; P. Nebeker, July 25; Mc Arthur, Augt 6th; H. C. Haight, Augt 8; J. W. Woolley Augt 9; T. E. Ricks Aug 10; R. Hyde Augt 11; White Aug 15. The following independent companies also left:— Patterson, June 30; J. R. Young July 7; There may be other independent companies on the road, that we are not advised of.

Captn Murdock and company arrived on the 29th ult., Capt. Paterson on the 4th Captn Sanders on the 5th, and Capt Preston on the 9th instant. Captn Haight passed Laramie on the 5th Capt. Woolley on the 6th and Capt. Ricks on the 7th Inst. At the rate the trains have travelled on their return this season, it is expected that Captn White, rear train, will reach here about the middle of October.

After a safe passage across the ocean, the immigration this season were signally blest at New York and on the route from that city to Florence. After bro Eldredge wrote you what amount to collect for railroad fares, a combination of the companies on the route increased the rate some five dollars for each adult, which would seriously have interfered with arrangements, but he succeeded in closing the contracts at the price he had previously spoken about to the Agent, which enabled all to come through.

And at the strike for wages at the time going on in Albany our people, by passing their own baggage at the connection there, proceeded without detention or interruption; and the companies on the Cynosure and Amazon arrived in New York just at the close of the serious riot in that City. In short, on the ocean, on the railroads, and on the plains, so far as they have arrived & we learn, the hand of the Lord has been extended with manifest and choice blessings and protection in behalf of this year’s immigration.

Bro’s F. Little and Lewis Hills passed Rock Independence on the 4th. inst. with Sister Cannon and her youngest child, the telegram adding the painful intelligence that her oldest child died on the 2nd. inst.

Our northern settlements being now pretty strong and this year’s immigration pretty numerous, bro C. C. Rich is about starting to form new settlements on Bear River east of Cache Valley. Not much is expected to be done this fall further than to select locations, build forts, survey lots, and prepare for winter, but they will thus be on the ground in readiness for a vigorous prosecution of operations next spring.”}

Also letters from Bro. Shearman and Mrs. [first and last names of man redacted], G. S. L. City. The former containing the copy of a letter written by Elder R. H. Parker to Bro. Pixton advising him of his reasons for leaving his field and starting to L’pool; the latter respecting her husband who she had heard had refused to return home when he had been released from his Mission and was living with another woman.

18 October 1863 • Sunday

Sunday, Oct. 18th/63. We held Conference to-day and had three meetings. In the morning Bro’s. Court, Smithen, Simons, Barnes, Cooke, Allsworth and Goodsell, Presidents of branches [spoke], and Bro’s. <Elders> Sanders, South, Priday and Ensign I. Stocking followed. I also made a few remarks. In the afternoon Bro Sanders gave a financial & statistical report of the Conference; Sacrament was administered and Bro. Bentley spoke for about an hour and I followed. Bro. Jemmet came home with his barge from London. He had made great exertions to reach here for the Conference & had been much blessed with <a> favorable wind. In the evening I spoke and enjoyed excellent liberty.

19 October 1863 • Monday

Monday, 19th. After breakfast we <Bro. Bentley and I> started for London. We reached Florence St. about 1 P.M. From the Deseret News forwarded to Bro. Bentley I received the pleasing news of the arrival of my wife Elizabeth in the City at home in company with Elders Little and W. W. Cluff, on Saturday the 12th of Sept.

Went to Bro. Groves’ and had dinner & tea in one meal. Bro. Bentley and I spent the evening there. Wrote a letter to Bro. John L. Smith and another to Bro. Graham after our return. Sat up in company with Bro. Bentley and Sister Griffiths until quite late, or rather early in the morning, speaking on principle.

20 October 1863 • Tuesday

Tuesday, Oct. 20/63. Arose at 5 O’clock this morning to start for Birmingham. Bro. Bentley accompanied me to the Station. I started at 6.15 and reached at 9.30 A.M. and was met at Birmingham by Bro’s. Kay and Shearman. They and Sister Kay were well. Wrote an Editorial entitled: [blank] {“The Past season’s Emigration — Potency of Faith & Prayer.”} In evening went over to Bro. Napper’s in company with Bro. & Sis. Kay and Bro. Shearman and took supper there. We had a pleasant conversation.

21 October 1863 • Wednesday

Wednesday, 21st. Wrote Commenced a letter to Brigham, Jr. Started at 1.45 p.m. to Liverpool[,] which place I reached a 5.40 and found all well. Bro. R. H. Parker is here waiting to see me about going to the States to urge his father and mother and brothers to emigrate to the Valley. He says he has felt very unhappy and miserable and has not had the Spirit of his mission in consequence of his anxiety on their account. He denies, upon my asking him, being in transgression. I have reasoned with him on the impropriety and folly of indulging in such feelings and have pointed out to him how injurious the non-fulfilment of his present mission would be to him. I have told him that if he had would do his duty here he would have faith with God to plead in behalf of his relatives.

22 October 1863 • Thursday

Thursday, Oct. 22/63. Bro. Parker has not been influenced by all I have said, in addition to what the other brethren have said to him, sufficiently to make up his mind to stop. He besought me this morning to let him go. I told him that I could not prevent his going, of course. He said he knew he could do no good if he stayed, and he might as well go; and if he did not find his folks willing to pick up and go to the Valley he would come back. He engaged his passage to-day on the “Adriatic” for New York. He received a letter to-day from Bro. David P. Kimball in which he appealed to him with power & pathos not to go and warned him of the consequences of such a foolish step as he heard he was taking. He affected to be much hurt at David writing as though he (Parker) was likely to leave the Church or apostasizing apostatize; but he seems to be so blind, notwithstanding all that has been said to him, that he cannot see that the step he is now taking—going in direct opposition to the counsel of the servants of God and the plain requirements of duty—lead directly on to the high road to apostacy. Dictated letters and attended to other business.

23 October 1863 • Friday

Friday, Oct. 23/63. I requested Bro. Parker to give me up his letters of appointment. He did so without expressing any reluctance or regret and without making any remark that would lead me to suppose he felt bad about it. An Elder, who felt the importance of his Office and calling and valued his position as he should, would rather give have his life required of him than his papers and authority as an Elder. The loss of honor would be worse, in his estimation, than the loss of life. I am compelled to think that this young man is in transgression. I have told him that he must expect that constriction to be put on his conduct. Men who have wives and children and whom they love with all the affection <of which> the human heart is capable <-->and <wives and children> who are dependent on them alone<--> will be unable to understand how why he, if he is not in transgression, can feel such an intense desire for his parents, who are not dependent on him, alone and who have four other sons, three of whom are older than himself, and from whom he could stay away before two years, before he came on this Mission that he must run away from his mission to look after them. If he could stay away two years from them two years before coming here, they without feeling so miserably anxious about them, they will not be able to understand why he cannot do so now, especially as he had so recent an opportunity of seeing and conversing with them and enforcing upon them the necessity of gathering. He went on board at 12 noon. I wrote letters to Bro. Jesse N. Smith, and Bro Cox and Bro’s. D. P & Chas. Kimball. Attended the Went and saw a very fine comic actor named J L. Toole at the Prince of Wales Theatre in company with Bro’s. Joseph Romney and John C Graham. I enjoyed his acting in the three pieces that were performed — The Good for Nothing, George de Barnwell and Ici on parle Francais — very much indeed. I think he is one of the best, if not the best, actor I ever saw. I had Saturday, Oct. 21/63 the great pleasure of receiving a letter from Bro. Bentley in which he informed me that his wife had called upon my wife Elizabeth after her arrival home and had found her well and the baby “fat and fine.” This was very pleasing <and relieving> news to me.

24 October 1863 • Saturday

Saturday, Oct. 24/63 Wrote a letter to President Brigham Young and attended to other business. Started at 4.20 P. M. in company with Bro. Joseph Felt to attend Conference at Manchester. Bro. Thos Taylor, E. Eldredge Jr. and Bro’s. Lythgoe, Alexander & Machin were in the city and we met them at a Concert, at the Temperance Hall, where the Saints sang, recited and the band played music. Bro. Thos Taylor and myself stopped at Bro. Boardman who with his wife and family treated us very kindly.

25 October 1863 • Sunday

Sunday, Oct. 25/63 Met to-day in Conference with the Saints three times. The attendance was very good. In the morning the Presiding and traveling Elders spoke and represented the condition of the Conference. I added a few remarks. In the afternoon the sacrament was administered and I proposed the authorities and spoke at some length. The room was very hot and the people, as a consequence, sleepy[,] and I had to labor hard during the first portion of my remarks. I spoke in the evening also and had considerable liberty. We dined with Sister Cutler and her sons at the boarding house of the latter. The Young men were not in the Church but inquiring. Took tea at Bro. Cunliffe’s. In evening I addressed the Congregation and had very good liberty. Returned to Bro. Boardman’s and ate supper.

26 October 1863 • Monday

Monday, Oct. 26/63. Called upon Sister Cutler in company with Bro’s Taylor & Felt and found her quite sick with cold in bed. Afterward went to the Sheffield & Lincolnshire Railway Station to see Mr. Bradley, the Superintendent, about making a contract to bring the Scandinavian Saints from Copenhagen direct to Grimsby. Saw Mr. Hart but was not able to accomplish anything. In afternoon took train into Liverpool in company with Bro. Felt. Spent the evening at meeting at Bro. Graham’s.

27 October 1863 • Tuesday

Tuesday, Oct. 27/63 Wrote to Sis. Day of Bedford, Bro’s. Jeremy and C. A. Benson. {Elders Felt, & W. Woodruff Junr called.}

28 October 1863 • Wednesday

Wednesday, Oct. 28/63 Wrote an editorial entitled “Excommunicated Members —How to Baptize &c — Suspension of Priesthood.” Went with Bro Joseph Romney and spent the evening at Sister Spencer’s.

29 October 1863 • Thursday

Thursday, 29th. Wrote an Article on “Book Debts — Subscription to Star and Journal” and another on Excommunicated Members – How to baptize &c – Suspension from Priesthood. Wrote several letters. {Elder George Halliday returned from his visit to the Irish Mission. Elders Taylor, Felt & Woodruff called.}

30 October 1863 • Friday

Friday, 30th. Finished a letter to Brigham Young Jun. In evening Bro & Sister Graham and Sisters McManus & Spencer & Mary came and took tea and remained the evening which was spent very pleasantly. Wrote a letter to Bro. Shearman and several others. {Elder Halliday left for Birmingham on his way to Bristol.}

31 October 1863 • Saturday

Saturday, Oct. 31/63. Started at 7.25 A.M for Sunderland and reached there about 4 P.M. I was very much annoyed and insulted by an a <drunken> Irish cattle drover who rode with me about two hours. I rode 3rd Class. This I have been more tried by riding in third class carriages than by anything else I have had to meet since I have been in this country. I have been brought in contact with lower characters than I ever met with in any other capacity. Poverty that is decent I do not mind; but many of those I can take no exception or offence to it. But to the poverty is frequently added filth — both in person, in clothing and in language, and miserably low vulgarity and smoking &c. When I reached Sunderland I found Capt. Stevens, with whom the brethren stopped, had moved completely out of town. Fortunately I found him nearby and he guided me to his house where I met Bro’s. Farnsworth, C. A. Benson, J. A. Cunningham and S H Hill.

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October 1863, The Journal of George Q. Cannon, accessed March 9, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-q-cannon/1860s/1863/10-1863


  1. [1]At this point, entries for the remainder of 1863 were copied from daybook v. 4 into a journal with this archival label:

    No. 5

    GQC. Journal



    [debossed on spine:]



    OCTOBER 17TH 1863


    [blank] [Last entry: June 6th 1864]