October 1861

1 October 1861 • Tuesday

Tuesday, Oct. 1st/61. Wrote a letter to Bro’s. Amasa and Charles at Copenhagen and to Bro’s. Blackburn & Bull. In Bro. Amasa’s I enclosed a copy of a letter received yesterday from the President Young direct addressed to us in answer to ours respecting John Tobin. The news from home is cheering. The people dwelling in peace and quietness and progressing in their labors.

2 October 1861 • Wednesday

Wednesday, 2nd. Variously engaged.

3 October 1861 • Thursday

Thursday, 3rd, Writing an Editorial entitled [blank]

4 October 1861 • Friday

Friday, 4th. Received letters from home. Sarah Jane, Grandmother Hoagland, Grandma Goodfellow and Elizabeth’s brother John and wife Adelia all wrote; the latter forways sent us a likeness of our son John Q. and their daughter Alice; they look very natural. All are well at home and the children are doing well. I wrote a letter to the President Young, and one to Sarah Jane and Grandma Goodfellow. It was late before I finished. I have been troubled for a day or two with a burning, disagreeable sensation in my stomach. This evening I felt it very much, and, just after feeling it particularly bad, something came up in my mouth, and thinking it had a curious taste, I spit it out, and took notice of it, and found it to be bright red blood. For a little while I felt very bad; it shocked me very much, for I have always had a great dread of spitting blood.

5 October 1861 • Saturday

Saturday, 5th. Started this morning for Merthyr Tydvil, after a wearisome ride I reached there and was met at the station by Elders Jeremy, Bywater, Edwards and others. Stopped at Bro. Rees’, President of the Conference. The Elders were very pleased to see me.

6 October 1861 • Sunday

Sunday, Octr 6th/61. The usual day for holding our semi-annual Conference. We held the Conference in the Temperance Hall which our people hired for the occasion. As an instance of the change of feeling that has taken place in this place I may mention that efforts have been made in past times to get this Hall to hold meetings in and as much as £3 have been offered for its use for one day; but without avail. For this day’s use we have to pay only 15/-, and yet there has been no change in the owners. The choir sang beautifully in both Welsh and English. The congregation was very numerous and enjoyed the Spirit to a goodly degree; it was estimated that there were present about 2000 persons. Many strangers were present at all the meetings, particularly in the evening. In the forenoon the Conference was opened by President Jeremy making remarks and was followed by the presidents of Conferences after which I followed and had the Spirit. In the <afternoon &> evening I enjoyed an excellent flow of the Spirit and spoke with power to mine own and the people’s edification. We had an excellent time and the people rejoiced much.

7 October 1861 • Monday

Monday, 7th. Visited a large Iron Works this morning in company with the brethren and had a very interesting time in witnessing the manufacture of iron.

8 October 1861 • Tuesday

Tuesday, Oct 8/61. Started this morning about ten in the morn and reached Liverpool about ½ past 8 in the evening. It was a long, tedious ride. I found all well at home.

9 October 1861 • Wednesday

Wednesday, 9th. Busily engaged opening letters all day.

10 October 1861 • Thursday

Thursday, 10th. Writing. Sat up nearly all night writing an editorial. Twelve years to-day I left the Valley for the first time.

12 October 1861 • Saturday

Saturday, 12th. Started this morning for Leicester to hold Conference with the Saints there. Reached there at 4.30 P.M. having been 7½ hours on the road. Was met by the brethren at the Station, Bro’s Brown, Pratt and Welch. Bro. Brown’s health has improved much since I last saw him at Nottingham. We stopped at Bro. Abraham Orme’s, the Conference President’s house. There were five valley elders here, the three I have named and Bro’s Joseph F. Smith and J. C. Rich; they were here on a visit with Bro. Brown. It was what is called “Cheese Fair” at Leicester and in the evening I went out with the brethren to see the various shows which were congregated there. It was Babylon exemplified, and it was painful to witness the depths to which men and women will descend to mak obtain money. In front of every place of amusement was a stage or platform where the actors and actresses came out and paraded themselves before the gaping public tricked out in their tawdry finery with painted faces, impudent demeanor and every action or remark that would attract the attention or afford amusement to the silly and the vulgar. They were a degraded looking lot of creatures and their actions and language were very disgusting.

13 October 1861 • Sunday

Sunday, Oct. 13th/61. We met with the Priesthood this morning. Bro. Brown made a few introductory remarks and I followed, giving them a good many instructions and the meeting was an a <very> interesting one. In afternoon met with the Saints[.] Bro. Joseph F Smith spoke first and I followed and an excellent spirit of freedom prevailed. A good many strangers were present. In the evening the hall was crowded to overflowing. I spoke and had great freedom. The congregation listened with rapt attention. Bro. Brown followed bearing his testimony to what had been said.

14 October 1861 • Monday

Monday, 14th. At 12 at noon started for Liverpool, reached there at 6 p.m. Found all well.

15 October 1861 • Tuesday

Tuesday, 15th, Writing &c.

16 October 1861 • Wednesday

Wednesday, 16th. Correcting discourses delivered at Nottingham Conference.

17 October 1861 • Thursday

Thursday, 17th. Writing an editorial on “Parental Duties.” Finished about 4 a.m. on Friday morning. Wrote a letter to my Aunt Ellinor, Ramsey, Isle of Man.

19 October 1861 • Saturday

Saturday, 19th. Arose early in the morning to go to Southampton to keep an appointment to meet with the Saints in Conference; but through an error in the “Guide” I was an hour too early. I reached Southampton at 11½ p.m. having been from 8. A. M. on the way from Birkenhead. We were detained about about 5½ hours on the road. I reached there quite tired with my long journey. I was met at the Station by Bro’s. Bramall, Henriod and Barnes. They gave me a warm welcome as did also the Saints. We stopped at St Mary’s cottage at Bro. Perrin’s where the Elders have a room.

20 October 1861 • Sunday

Sunday, Oct. 20/61. Met with the Saints this morning at the Polytechnic Hall. The financial report was read and was quite satisfactory and the report also of the Condition of affairs. Met in the afternoon and evening and there Saints were present from many branches. I spoke morning, evening and afternoon and had freedom in morning and afternoon; but in the evening I was much bound and had but little liberty. I gave way to Bro. Bramall who spoke for a little time and I followed again and had more freedom.

21 October 1861 • Monday

Monday, the 21st. Writing journal, conversing with the brethren & Saints. At 5 p.m. the Saints had their tea-party in their little chapel at which large numbers of the Saints attended. The tea was an excellent one and an excellent spirit prevailed throughout the evening. Recitations and songs were given for <to> the amusement and edification of all present. I spoke about ¾ of an hour and had excellent liberty. The Spirit rested powerfully upon me and the people and it was a pleasure to speak to them. Among other principles I touched upon <was> that of faith and the necessity of exercising it to escape from Babylon. I illustrated my ideas by illustrating the case of Nephi and the faith he exhibited when he was called upon by his father at the command of the Lord to go up to Jerusalem to get the plates containing the genealogy of his fathers. His elder brothers, Laman & Lemuel, had murmured at the request of their father; but Nephi expressed his willingness to go saying that “the Lord God never giveth a commandment unto the children of men save he prepareth the way whereby he shall fulfil that commandment.” They went up and they tried once, twice and the third time before they succeeded in getting the plates. Nephi exemplified his faith and his confidence in the sentiment which he had uttered to his father by continuing to persevere until he accomplished what the Lord had commanded. I would like, I said, this sentiment to be engraven on the hearts of every Saint that they might act in accordance with it. If this were the case, Saints would not be found <continuing to> residing reside in these lands ten, fifteen and twenty years, after obeying the Gospel, without gathering, God having commanded them to gather they would go to with their might and strive <to> do so having faith that he would prepare the way before them. that they

22 October 1861 • Tuesday1

Tuesday, Oct. 22.61. Started at 7 <o’clock> this morning for Liverpool and after a tedious journey including stoppages and changes (there being five of the latter) of thirteen hours duration, I landed at Liverpool. Was met at the Landing stage by Bro. Perkes. Found Elizabeth and Georgie and well. Among other letters I received the following from President Young dated Sept. 18th.

{“Your welcome favor of Aug. 17, with inclosures, is at hand, and the business contents are noted.

I was pleased to learn that br’s Amasa and Charles continued to enjoy themselves in their labors, and that there [their] health is usually good, and trust that their health will improve during their trip on the Continent.

I approve of your purpose to release br James S. Brown to spend next winter with his father, in case his health continues poor, as he can be of much service in taking charge of the immigrating operations next season at any point where his services will be most needed; and in conducting a company across the plains.

I do not and have not felt that you were in the least unduly importunate in the matter of wishing more Elders from here realizing how properly anxious you are for the advancement of the cause in your field of labor, and shall expect you to always frankly communicate your views and feelings pertaining to matters connected with your Presidency, for, as you are fully aware, it is our constant desire and labor to do our utmost to promote the welfare of the Church and kingdom of God on the earth, not only here, but throughout the world. Please have no fears in freely communicating your views and plans, that if not for the best they may be corrected or dispensed with, otherwise sanctioned and carried out.

So far as the management of the printing department is concerned, I am not now aware of any suggestions occurring to me in relation thereto, but feel to trust its conduct and arrangement to your judgement, holding myself ready to answer such questions thereon as you may at times wish to propound, and to offer, it requisite, suggestions upon any plans you may think proper to propose. But your familiarity with the conduct of that class of business and your access to the guidance of the same Spirit whose counsel we seek, will doubtless wisely direct you in its management. Br Wm H. Shearman was called upon to go on a mission, but declined going <up> on the grounds that he was troubled with the piles. Whether we are able or not to send any one from here to supply br. Whittall’s place, whenever you see proper to release him to emigrate, will probably matter but little, as no doubt you will be able to find the right persons when needed.

I have advised our Delegate, Dr. J. M. Bernhisel, to deposit his money with you, telling him that, upon his writing to you, you would inform him what course to pursue to most safely and profitably accomplish the object.

Elders Pratt, Snow, Jones, Gates, and Spencer, and all our immigrating companies, except br. Joseph W. Young’s, have arrived, and as each company arrived they almost immediately scattered among their relatives and friends. The oxen that were sent from here and returned this season, as a general thing, suffered far less loss by deaths and looked very much better than those purchased in the States, showing that in this, as in other cases, it is the Lord that giveth the increase. The Companies have been pleased with their Captains, and the Captains with their Companies, and this season’s immigration have been signally blessed all the time from their departure from their former homes to their new homes in our peaceful vallies.

The telegraph Agents are busily occupied in erecting poles preparatory to stretching the wires, and expect to be able to transmit intelligence across the continent on or before the 1st of December next. I would be pleased to have you, as soon as you can, appoint a suitable person to take charge of the Scandinavian Mission, that br. Van Cott may have a chance to return to his home at the earliest practicable date.

Bro’s Amasa and Charles are at liberty to tarry as long as they may please, and of course to return when they please, a period which three of the Twelve need have no difficulty in properly determining.

Please write often, and give us the prospect for our next season’s foreign immigration, that we may be advised, as early as possible, of something near the number of teams that will be wanted to be sent to Florence next Spring. I also wish you, from time to time, to make inquiries as to the best place for landing our immigration next season, and the best route to Florence from such seaport as may be selected. If it is possible that Boston will be the best port and then proceed by way of Chicago and Iowa City; though circumstances may so change as to leave New York and this season’s route still open and the best; upon these points I wish you to keep a careful watch, and advise us of your views thereon.

Your family and friends and those of bro’s Amasa and Charles are well, so far as I know, as are the people generally.

Your Brother in the Gospel,

Brigham Young.}

23–24 October 1861 • Wednesday to Friday

Wednesday to Friday Busily engaged in Office duties and writing editorial headed “The divisions and revolutions that threaten Babylon.”

25 October 1861 • Friday

Friday, Oct. 25th/61. Wrote a letter to President Young in answer to his of Sept. 18/61. Received a letter from Brother Amasa advising me of his and Brother Rich’s contemplated return to England. They were to start for Copenhagen on the last of this or beginning of next week.

26 October 1861 • Saturday

Saturday, 26th. Started to-day at noon for Sheffield to attend Conference to be held on the morrow. Reached there at about ½ past 4 p.m. Was met by Bros. Joseph F Smith, Clark and Hibbard. We took tea at the house of the latter. He pressed us to go to a place of amusement which he said was very respectable and would be interesting. I enjoyed it only tolerably well. Slept with Brother Saml H. B. Smith, whom we found <awaiting us> at Brother Clarks.

27 October 1861 • Sunday

Sunday, Oct. 27/61. Met in the morning[,] attended to business, heard reports from the Elders and made some remarks myself. Dined with Bro & Sis. Allen, whose daughters we accompanied home. Afternoon Bro. J. H B Smith spoke and I followed. Took tea with Mr. & Sis. Adams[.] Spoke in evening. Had not so much freedom at the beginning but got more liberty gradually and spoke for about 2 hours and with the Spirit and power.

28 October 1861 • Monday

Monday, 28th. Started for Liverpool about ½ past 9 a.m.[;] reached between 12 & 1 O’Clock. Found all well.

29 October 1861 • Tuesday

Tuesday, 29th. I was gladdened this afternoon by the arrival of Bro’s. Rich and Lyman. They are well and have enjoyed themselves very much in their visit to the Saints throughout Scandinavia.

30–31 October 1861 • Wednesday to Thursday

Wednesday and Thursday. Variously engaged. Writing &c.

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October 1861, The Journal of George Q. Cannon, accessed March 9, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-q-cannon/1860s/1861/10-1861


  1. [1]The daybook serves as copy-text for this segment, with changes—primarily additions—from the subsequent journal marked with braces ({}).