December 1879

10 December 1879 • Wednesday

Twenty-five years ago to-day Elizabeth Hoagland and myself were married. What events are crowded into that space! We indulged in reminiscences of the past and talking over the changes which had occurred since then.

Burrows of Mich., a nephew of Sylvester Smith, introduced a Bill to-day to amend the Constitution of the U. S. “Sec. 1. Polygamy shall not exist within the limits of the U. S., or in any place subject to their jurisdiction. Sec. 2. Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.”

Michigan seems to have taken the morals of Utah in charge. Willets of Mich. could not let the President’s message be assigned the other day by the Com. of Ways and Means without displaying anxiety and zeal as to the Com. polygamy should be assigned to. If these men are not a brace of hypocrites then I am greatly mistaken.

11 December 1879 • Thursday

At the House. Call of the Committees. Two appropriation Bills introduced. The Senate agreed to the House Resolution to adjourn on the 19th inst. until the 6th prox. Attended Denton’s last lecture of the course this evening. I was so drowsy did not enjoy it much.

12 December 1879 • Friday

Willets of Mich. has been inquiring of Gen. Maxwell, who is here, respecting my domestic relations, with a view, he says, to getting me expelled. I learn this through Mr. Harmon, Maxwell’s attorney.

At the House. Adjourned till Monday.

13 December 1879 • Saturday

Variously engaged. Called at the Dep’t. of Justice to see Mr. Chase concerning the case of Geo. Reynolds. He was out of town. Saw Judge Gray. At the Land Dep’t. At the House.

14 December 1879 • Sunday

A very rainy, disagreeable day. I have been longer here this time, I think, without me ka pule ole i ka lole hemolele [without praying in my temple clothing] than at any previous time. This has been due to it not appearing to be convenient. I commenced this evening. I should prefer the morning, but I cannot get the fires lighted in time, so I have to do the next best. Received a very interesting letter from Bro. Woodruff.

15 December 1879 • Monday

Call of the States and Territories for Bills, &c. Willets <of Mich.> introduced three for our punishment. One upon bigamy, one making it a cause of challenge, &c for jurors and one excluding polygamists from the rights of suffrage.

Answered Bro. Woodruff’s letter.

16 December 1879 • Tuesday

At the House. Com. on Public Lands occupied the morning hour.

17 December 1879 • Wednesday

At the Dept. of Justice and had a conversation with Mr. Chase about our affairs. He will do what he can towards a pardon for Geo. Reynolds. At the Pension Office looking after the Land Warrant claimed by Jas. S. Brown.

At the House. Passed the Military Academy Appropriation Bill.

18 December 1879 • Thursday

I had written to John W. Garrett, Esq. of the Baltimore and Ohio R.R. for a Pass for myself to Chicago and Return. I expected it this morning, but it did not come, so I gave up the idea of going home, which I had been debating in my mind from some days. My wife had expressed a wish that I should <could> go home when she learned how long an adjournment we had taken, as she was desirous to have me see David and Sylvester and how they were doing in her absence.

19 December 1879 • Friday

This morning the Pass came to hand, also a letter from Bro. W. W. Riter informing me that himself and Sis. R. and children had given up coming by Washington as he had written me they intended to do.

I made up my mind to start for home this evening, hoping to fall in with Bro. Riter and folks by the way, they having started from New York this morning. I never left for home with more reluctance than this time. I had not expected to go, though I had plenty to do there; but the parting with my wife and children was painful.

Had for <fellow> passenger on the train Mr. Updegraff of Ohio with whom I had a long and interesting conversation. We sat talking till about midnight. He introduced me to Mr. Mack, an Editor of Sandusky, who, he insisted, must talk with me to-morrow, he himself getting off the train in the morning.

[Undated miscellaneous notes]




Take steps to have time in Desert Land

Act for building canals enlarged from 3

to 5 years. Cite case of Bro. Geo Stringfellow, Bishop Rawlins Canal

15 miles long; cost 200,000 probably 100 of 1000s of acres

Mr. Chas Popper’s bill. Have Sen. Com of Mil Af. Rep. on Bill 740 brought to attention of House Com.


Chas L. Flanagen

1625 Vine St


G. K. Chase, Dep’t of Justice, or

12 Bridge St., New York.

“Addy” Ko’u

“Stephens” Kona

28 words include the word sent and

the word selected. In sending

count back; in translating count


[Note on scrap of paper inside back pocket of journal]

Address. Mr Chase.

P. D. Reed.

114. East 54th St.

N.Y. City.

M. K. Chase

351. West. 19th St.

New York City –

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December 1879, The Journal of George Q. Cannon, accessed October 16, 2024