October 1899

1 October 1899 • Sunday

Sunday, October 1, 1899

Fast day. I attended fast meeting in the temple this morning. President Snow opened the meeting by relating a vision that he had at Mount Pisgah, when he was apparently at the point of death. A number of those present testified. Towards the close of the meeting President Snow wished me to make some remarks, which I did. There was a very good spirit in the meeting. This is the first meeting of the kind I have attended in the temple, having been absent every fast Sunday till to-day. In the afternoon I met with the saints in our ward. The meeting was given over to the saints to bear testimony. Many did. I made some closing remarks, occupying about 25 mins.

With my wife Caroline I went to dinner with Lewis M. Cannon and my daughter Mary Alice.

I made an appointment with John Q’s wife to have John Q. meet me at 6 o’clock, at his mother’s old residence, but he failed to appear. His wife telephoned that he was not very well; he had started to come down, but had given out.

2 October 1899 • Monday

Monday, October 2, 1899

I corrected an article for the Juvenile Instructor and attended to some correspondence.

The question of Brother John W. Taylor’s allowance was taken up, and it was decided to increase his allowance to $200 per month, and President Smith’s to $300 per month. His description of how his family lived showed that the amount he is now receiving is very pinching for his family. Brother Taylor reported to us his labors in Canada, from which place he has just come.

3 October 1899 • Tuesday

Tuesday, October 3, 1899

I received a dispatch this morning from my son Frank, informing me that William had arrived in New York, and asking whether he should sail to-morrow or not. I replied asking him who was with Preston and was Preston coming right through home. I said I thought William had better await his arrival, but to suit himself as to when he should sail.

The Deseret Agricultural & Manufacturing Society opened a fair at 2 o’clock to-day. A Catholic priest by the name of Kieley made the opening prayer. Secretary of State Hammond, in the absence of the Governor, made the opening address. He was followed by Col. John R. Winder, the President of the Society. Brother Winder took President Snow and myself through the exhibition. The display in some parts was exceedingly fine, though I do not think that there has been an increase in the variety of manufactures that there should have been in the years that have elapsed since the last fair was held. The display of horses was not so good, it seemed to me, but the cattle were very fine.

4 October 1899 • Wednesday

Wednesday, October 4, 1899

At 10 o’clock had a meeting of the executive committee of the Union Light & Power Co. Afterwards Brothers Le Grand Young and R. S. Campbell and myself had a meeting with Presidents Snow and Smith, at which meeting Bishop Preston was present also. The conversation was concerning the reorganization of the company and the manner in which it could be reorganized. It was decided that the three directors now representing our side – President Smith, John R. Winder and myself – should remain as directors in the reorganization, and that Mr. John Banigan should be the fourth. This left one vacancy to be filled, as there are nine directors on the board and we are entitled to five. I told President Snow and the brethren that I felt as though I wished to not be connected with the company any longer. I would not resign because there would not be any necessity of resigning, as this would be a new organization and I could decline appointment. President Snow objected to this, and Brother Le Grand Young said I was so well known in the east that he thought it would hurt the company for me to step down and out. I felt in making this profeer [proffer] that perhaps they had more confidence in me in the east than they had at home, the way things had gone lately.

There was a meeting of Zion’s Savings Bank & Trust Co. at 1 o’clock, at which the question of reducing the dividend from 12% to 8% per annum was considered. Brother Heber J. Grant has agitated this matter at many of our meetings, and I felt somewhat nettled because I have had the impression that he has not been favorable to Zion’s Savings Bank. I recall the time when he spoke very severely because I said that it was as good as gold, the bank’s paper. This was directly after President Taylor’s death. I have not liked his policy in regard to the bank. He thought it would strengthen the bank to have the dividend declared at the rate of 8%. President Smith thought the same as I did, and spoke very strongly against it. There was a great deal of talking. I spoke, and with some heat. I said, however, I would do just as President Snow said. If he thought it best to reduce the dividend I should favor it. A vote was taken on Brother Grant’s motion, seconded by Brother Lyman, and we all voted for it, excepting President Smith, and he voted against it.

Three of the five canal companies that had talked of having a suit against the Jordan Power Co. for the misappropriation of water, by their representatives came to the office and informed us that two of the canal companies had declined to enter into suit – the East Jordan and North Jordan canal companies. We referred them to Brothers John Henry Smith and Heber J. Grant.

5 October 1899 • Thursday

Thursday, October 5, 1899

I received a dispatch from my son Frank in New York, informing me that he had cabled Prest. Lyman at Liverpool concerning Preston’s companion, and he had received word that Lewis accompanied Preston, and they would land at Quebec. I have been anxious to know who was with Preston, but I believed that Lewis would be with him, because he has been attending him ever since he went to Hamburg. I received a letter from my wife Sarah Jane, expressing great anxiety about Preston, and asking me to telegraph her whether she should go to New York or remain in Chicago. She, of course, expects to return home with him. I telegraphed her that she had better wait a little, and that I thought it unnecessary for her to go to New York at the present.

At 11 o’clock we met in the temple as is our custom. The First Presidency and all of the Twelve were present, with the exception of President Franklin D. Richards, Brigham Young and John W. Taylor. After getting through the business before the Council, we partook of bread and wine.

I invited my brothers Angus and David to take dinner with me at my house. David has just come up from St. George and looks and feels well. My sister Anne has also come up to conference.

6 October 1899 • Friday

Friday, October 6, 1899

The Semi-Annual Conference convened this morning at the Tabernacle. The weather was very fine, and there was a large audience for the beginning of conference. President Snow made the opening address. He was in good voice. It seems as though his voice has grown stronger of late, and he can be heard more distinctly than formerly. Brothers Rudger Clawson, A. O. Woodruff and M. F. Cowley also spoke. I enjoyed the meeting, for the Spirit of the Lord was present.

Met again at 2 o’clock, and listened to Brothers A. H. Lund, M. W. Merrill, Heber J. Grant and Geo. Teasdale . The brethren spoke with remarkable spirit and the congregation was deeply interested. Several of them touched upon tithing.

My brothers David and Angus stayed at my house all night.

7 October 1899 • Saturday

Saturday, October 7, 1899

Conference opened again at 10 o’clock. President Snow occupied about an hour and spoke on the principle of tithing. Brother John Henry Smith occupied the remainder of the time, his principal topic being the Brigham Young Monument.

At 2 p.m. the conference again met, and Brother Lyman spoke with a great deal of power, touching upon the subject of tithing. He was followed by President Smith, who spoke a little over an hour on the same subject.

At 7:30 there was a priesthood meeting. The attendance however, was not so large as usual. Bishop Preston addressed the brethren; I spoke for about ten mins. (I did not feel much like speaking), and President Snow made some remarks afterwards.

The news that I have had about my son Preston has saddened me so that I have not felt like talking during this conference. The letters I receive concerning his condition harrow up my feelings. He has suffered attacks two or three times a day, and they are so severe that it takes two men to hold him, and he becomes delirious and unconscious while they last. He is now on the ocean with Lewis, expecting to land at Quebec. He has been a week on the water.

8 October 1899 • Sunday

Sunday, October 8, 1899

I felt very much exercised in my feelings all night and this morning as to what I should say to the conference. I feel completely empty. It seems to me that I am the most insignificant among my brethren. All the Apostles have spoken but myself, and President Snow intimated yesterday that he wished me to occupy all the time I wanted to-day. I have not anything on my mind. If there is any talking to be done, the Lord will have to prompt it.

We met at 10 o’clock. The house was tremendously full. I got up with fear and trembling, but the Lord condescended to hear my prayers and to assist me. I occupied about 68 mins., and felt very free in talking. I felt to praise the Lord in my heart for being so kind as to come to my aid. Brother J. Golden Kimball spoke about 20 mins. after I got through.

At the afternoon meeting President Snow desired me to present the authorities. For the first time the general authorities of the Associations were presented in addition to the general authorities of the Church, which occupied considerable time, and which required a good deal of exertion to make the congregation hear. After this Brother J. W. McMurrin was called upon to speak, and spoke very spiritedly for 15 mins. President Joseph F. Smith then addressed the congregation at some length and spoke very well. In the course of his remarks he alluded to prayer, and I felt led to add a few words on that subject after he had finished.

This concluded the conference, and we adjourned for six months. At 7 in the evening the Semi-Centennial Jubilee of the Sunday schools was held in the Tabernacle. I reached there about half past six, and found the doors closed and the people in large numbers outside. I wanted to know why the doors were not opened. They were not prepared to admit the congregation, they said; but I soon had the doors opened, and the rush of people into the Tabernacle was almost like an overflowing river. I never saw the Tabernacle filled so quickly before. It was filled to its utmost capacity. At 7 o’clock we commenced and the following program was rendered:

[Attached printed program]


Tabernacle, Salt lake City, Oct. 8th, 1899.


From 7 to 7:30 p. m. selections will be rendered by HELD’S MILITARY BAND, Prof. John Held, Leader.

1—Singing, “Our God we Raise to Thee,”………………Tabernacle Choir and Congregation

Evan Stephens, Conductor

Jos J. Daynes, Organist

2—Prayer….Assistant Superintendent Karl G. Maeser

3—Singing, “For the Strength of the Hills we Bless Thee,”….Tabernacle Choir and Congregation

4—Roll-call of Stakes… Gen’l Sec’y George D. Pyper

5—Introductory Remarks…….………..General Superintendent George Q. Cannon

6—Paper on the Sunday School Movement, illustrating its growth………..Elder Francis M. Lyman

7—Introduction, by General Superintendent Geo. Q. Cannon, of the living members of the first Sunday School established in the Rocky Mountains, and distribution of special badges prepared for them, by a committee composed of their daughters.

8—Incidents of the first Sunday School, related by one of its members…..Elder Angus M. Cannon

9—Song, ″Zion’s Sunday School Jubilee Hymn,″ (words and music written for this occasion)

Tabernacle Choir

10—Presentation of gold medal, awarded to Emily H. Woodmansee for the best hymn: also gold medal to the Rev. W. Daunt Scott for best musical composition. Presentation by Elder Heber J. Grant; medals to be pinned on the winners by Sisters Mary Alice Hoagland Cannon and Maggie Peart Cardall.

11—Polyglot Recitation of Articles of Faith under the direction of Elder George Teasdale:

Article 1,

Swiss and German, representatives of Bear Lake Stake.

Article 2,

Danish, representatives of Sevier Stake .

Article 3,

Mexican, representatives of Juarez Stake.

Article 4,

Lamanite (American Indian) representatives of Malad Stake.

Article 4,

Maori, representatives of Salt Lake Stake.

Article 4,

Samoan, representatives of Salt Lake Stake.

Article 4,

Hawaiian, representatives of Iosepa Colony.

Article 4,

Society Islands, representatives of Salt Lake Stake.

Article 5,

Swedish, representatives of Box Elder Stake.

Article 6,

Netherlands, representatives of Weber Stake.

Article 7,

Welsh, representatives of Bingham Stake

Article 8,

French, representatives of Salt Lake Stake.

Article 9,

Italian, representatives of Cache Stake.

Article 10,

Norwegian, representatives of Sanpete Stake

Article 11,

Icelandic, representatives of Utah Stake.

Article 12,

Turkish, representatives of Salt Lake Stake.

Article 13,

Irish, representatives of Salt Lake Stake.

Article 13,

Scotch, representatives of Morgan Stake.

Article 13,

United States, representatives of Davis Stake.

English, representatives of Wasatch Stake.

Canadian, representatives of Alberta Stake.

12—Recitation of 6th and 7th verses, 14th chapter of Revelation, in English, by representatives of the nations, under the direction of Elder George Teasdale.

13—Naming of other nations where the Gospel has been preached but not here represented,……………………….Elder George Teasdale

14—Recitation of ″The Lord’s Prayer″ <O’ my Father>…………Pupils of the Deaf Mute Sunday School <Lorus Pratt>

15—Bible Reading…………..<Joseph Hodges>…………….Members of the Sunday School for the Blind

16—Introduction of all who have been teachers and workers in the Sunday Schools of the Latter-day Saints for 45, 40, 35, 30 and 25 years, and distribution of badges by the daughters of the members of the first school.

17—Music……………………………….Held’s Military Band

18—Remarks…………………………..First Presidency of the Church <Prests. Snow & Smith>

19—Singing, ″Gather Round the Standard Bearer,″

Tabernacle Choir, Held’s Military Band and Congregation.

20—Benediction………………………………………Elder John B. Maiben

Dismissal to music on the grand organ…………………………………………Prof. Jos. J. Daynes

[End of attached program]

I think everybody was delighted with this Jubilee. It seemed to me that it was the grandest sight we had ever had in the Tabernacle, and I was immensely pleased, for it seemed to me the crowning consummation of the labor of a great many years. I returned from Europe in the fall of 1864. I had been absent almost continuously for 15 years on missions, and had become convinced that there was a grand field for missionary labor at home, and I determined in my feelings that with the blessing of the Lord I should do something for the children who were growing up at home. The young men who came on missions to fields where I was furnished evidence of the necessity of some training in the principles of the Gospel. That winter 1864–5 I organized a Sunday school in the 14th ward, where I lived. There was no school in the city at that time. The next winter 1865–6 I commenced the publication of the Juvenile Instructor, a little periodical published semi-monthly in the interests of the children. That has been published continuously ever since. A great deal of the time I have had to sustain it out of my private funds. It is the only publication that we have had in this city of a religious character that has not had Church support. It prepared the way for the organization of the Sunday School Union and the spread of Sunday schools throughout the Territory. I have been the general superintendent from the beginning, and have endeavored to give shape to this institution, and especially to take pains not to have it burdensome to the people or to become a begging institution in any form. A disposition to ask for aid by means of collections has been exhibited a number of times, but I have invariably repressed this. I desired the Sunday school organization to be self-sustaining, and not to be burdensome in any way to the people. The only concession that I have made upon this point has been to allow what is called the Nickel Sunday – a Sunday in the fall of the year when every pupil and teacher contributes a nickel towards a fund to supply charts, leaflets and other things that the Union furnishes gratuitously to the schools. I felt, therefore, this evening in watching this grand gathering, to thank the Lord for the opportunities I have had to help in this great movement, and for the spirit that He has given me to labor as I have had the opportunity in extending these schools throughout the entire Church at home and abroad; for in missions away from home they have Sunday schools now and it has become a great institution and one that is doing a vast amount of good.

I have had a great deal of labor to-day, and I felt considerably tired at the close; but it has been a happy day to me.

9 October 1899 • Monday

Monday, October 9, 1899

At 10 o’clock there was a meeting in the Assembly Hall of the Presidents of Stakes and Counselors, High Councilors, Bishops and Counselors, Patriarchs, Presidents of temples, the First Seven Presidents of Seventies, the Twelve Apostles and the First Presidency, at which a good deal of instruction was given.

I received notice that I was wanted at the Union Pacific meeting at the Company’s office, at 12 o’clock. It is a meeting of the stockholders to vote upon some changes in relation to taking stock in other roads. There were present at the meeting, Winslow S. Pierce, Judge W. R. Kelly, Alexander Millar and Le Grand Young, some of the officials of the road and myself. We got through with the business about half past two.

10 October 1899 • Tuesday

Tuesday, October 10, 1899

To-day has been a busy day for me. In the first place I had a meeting at 9 o’clock of the Brigham Young Trust Co. Then I had a meeting with Mr. Bamberger at 9:45, and at 10 o’clock a meeting of the Bullion, Beck & Champion Mining Co. At 12 o’clock I met with the Union Pacific people at the office of the Company, at which a Board of directors was elected. There was no change in the Board except the substitution of Mr. Hyde for his deceased father. I was re-elected. I was kept at this meeting till 2:35.

I had arranged for the First Presidency, Twelve Apostles and Presiding Bishops to come to my house at 2:30 to partake of dinner, we having adjourned on the 10th of April last at Brother Winder’s to meet at my house. I found a number of the brethren and sisters there when I reached home. The First Presidency, nine of the Twelve and the three Presiding Bishops were present. All had their wives, excepting Brothers Lyman, Merrill, Lund and Woodruff. Brothers Richards, Young and Taylor, of the Twelve, were absent. I had entrusted the getting up of this meal to my daughters Emily, Carol, Grace and Vera, and they did excellently. The meal was as good a dinner as I ever partook of at any hotel. The girls had done it all themselves. I had thought of having it in the schoolhouse, thinking there might not be room enough in any of my houses, but it would have been inconvenient on some accounts, and my wife Carlie arranged tables in her dining room in such a way as to furnish room enough for all; in fact, we could have seated ten more than were there. The tables were arranged so that everyone could face President Snow and myself, who sat together in the centre. We had a most delightful time. A good many toasts were drunk, and remarks were made. We adjourned to meet again at my house six months from to-day.

In the evening it commenced to storm, and heavy rain fell.

11 October 1899 • Wednesday

Wednesday, October 11, 1899

The ground received a very thorough soaking last night, and it still threatens rain.

At 10 o’clock I met with the Board of Directors of the Union Light & Power Co. and transacted considerable business.

I had two conversation during the day with my nephew Edwin Loose concerning the Grand Central Mining Co. and its stock. I am anxious to sell some portion of it to pay my debts; in fact, I have been very much impressed of late to get out of debt. I have therefore sold stock of Z.C.M.I., of Grand Central and of Bullion-Beck. I am, however, selling Grand Central at a little more than half what I could have sold it at some time ago, but then I felt under obligation not to sell because of a promise that I had made respecting it.

I am preparing to leave for the east. I had thought of starting to-morrow morning, but from remarks made by President Snow I concluded to defer my departure till Friday morning.

I have been anxious about my son Preston, and have received from Frank the following dispatch: “Lewis is well. Preston is not dangerous, but needs immediate and efficient surgical attention. We all go to New York to-day. Have wired Hugh to engage private rooms for mother, Lewis and Preston. Your rooms are engaged at the Plaza hotel for yourself and party. Have wired mother fully. Lewis and I have decided as we think you would decide if here. We will await your coming at New York or your wired instructions there.” The dispatch is dated at Quebec, and it brought me relief; for I did not know what effect the voyage would have on Preston.

12 October 1899 • Thursday

Thursday, October 12, 1899

Dictated my journal to Brother Arthur Winter.

At 11 o’clock the First Presidency met with Apostles F. M. Lyman, J. H. Smith, H. J. Grant, A. H. Lund, A. O. Woodruff and R. Clawson at the temple. Attended to various items of business. Brother Woodruff was mouth in prayer. I asked the brethren to remember me in their prayers while I am absent, which they all promised to do.

13 October 1899 • Friday

Friday, October 13th, 1899

Although I had intended to start east yesterday, I found that I had enough to do to occupy my entire time and I was only barely able this morning to take my departure. I left home a few minutes after six, my son Read taking our trunks and our hired boy driving with myself and wife to take the carriage back. The weather has been so stormy and wintry for the past few days that I thought it safe to put on my usual winter underwear, but the day proved warm after proceeding a few hundred miles, so warm that the clothes became oppressive.

14 October 1899 • Saturday

Saturday, October 14, 1899

We were about three hours behind time, but we made connection with the Northwestern train. I mislaid my annual pass for myself and wife, and though the conductor was very kind he was under the necessity of taking $25 from me for our passage, for which he gave me a receipt.

15 October 1899 • Sunday

Sunday, October 15, 1899

I found the pass which I had mislaid, but we had changed conductors and I could not get my $25 back. I was told that I would have to apply at the office. We were 5 mins. too late to connect with our train on the Pennsylvania road, which went out at 10:30. Leaving our hand baggages at station we started out to find Brother Brigham Young, whose headquarters were at the Grand Pacific hotel. We found that he had left Chicago and gone east, but we found his son-in-law, C. H. Kraft, who was kind enough to do me several messages, and on whose bed at the hotel I lay two hours and enjoyed the rest. I have been a very sick man since I left home and I am somewhat concerned about my condition. Before I left home I felt that I must get away in order to get a much needed rest. I was overworked. At 3 o’clock we took train for New York. I telegraphed Frank and the others at New York.

16 October 1899 • Monday

Monday, October 16, 1899

We reached Jersey City at about 8, and to my great joy and relief were met by my sons Frank, William and Lewis. We had to hurry to get on the ferry in time, and I was partly carried by the boys. It seemed as though I could not go another rod without fainting; I was completely exhausted. If I looked as badly as I felt, I must have presented a frightful spectacle to the boys and my wife. I sank into my seat with a feeling of the utmost relief and thankfulness.

The hotels in New York are very much crowded, but Frank had secured us a room at the Plaza, and immediately upon reaching there my son William had me stripped and put to bed. I was greatly pleased to find him here, as I knew I should receive his best attention and skill. Sister Cannon had been expressing the hope that we should find him here, for she felt that I needed help that she was incapable of giving. It was with inexpressible satisfaction that I learned that my son Preston had been successfully operated upon this morning, and that he was doing and feeling very well. His mother is here with him. The surgeons who operated upon him are eminent in their line – Drs. Coley and Bull. I found Frank and his wife here and enjoying themselves in their labor. Frank seems quite hopeful concerning his prospects, but not over-sanguine.

17–20 October 1899 • Tuesday to Friday

Tuesday to Friday, October 17–20, 1899

During these days I was compelled to keep my bed, except for a short time each day while I sat up to have my bed linen changed. I received the best attention, everyone doing all that was possible for my comfort and ease. Brother Brigham Young has called several times to administer, and to-day (Friday) he and John W. Young came in. Brother Robert Easton and his wife Nettie were also here. Elder Robert Garret, one of the missionaries here, also called and administered to me. Others probably would have called, but I have no desire to have it known that I am here sick. To satisfy my feelings, William invited Dr. Coley to call and see me. Frank also had a conversation with him. He examined me pretty thoroughly and assured me that I was doing very well, and that I would soon be out of bed. He thought William’s treatment had been very good. I felt quite pleased with his visit. Mr. & Mrs. Meyer, of St. Louis, or Mrs. Meyer, had been corresponding with my wife and knew of this intended visit. They had been at Niagara and came down on purpose to see us. They made several calls on us. Frank and his wife were invited to dinner by them and to the theatre. Mrs. Meyer brought me a magnificent boquet of roses and other flowers, which must have cost a number of dollars.

21 October 1899 • Saturday

Saturday, October 21, 1899

I passed rather a bad night. Toward 5 o’clock this morning I had my wife call Frank, who in turn called up Dr. Coley by telephone. The latter, after looking me over, advised that Dr. James James, an eminent specialist in pneumonia, be called in to assist him and William in my case. This was done, and in consultation they suggested that a second nurse to change off with Miss Macdiarmind was a necessity. Accordingly Miss Hudson was secured to take the night watch. William is also present most of the time, night and day, to take general charge. To carry out all these suggestions we were obliged to move on to the seventh floor, where we obtained two rooms together. A cot was brought in for William. Dr. James concurs in the diagnosis of William and Dr. Coley that I have pneumonia. Judge Le Grand Young visited me to-day, but I was not allowed to talk with him as much as I would have liked.

22 October 1899 • Sunday

Sunday, October 22, 1899 (Written by Lewis T. Cannon).

John W. and Le Grand Young visited me to-day to inquire after my condition. Our interview, on account of my shortness of breath, was of necessity quite brief. I learned that Frank felt quite indisposed, but he himself did not say anything about it. The very best of reports from Preston continue to reach me; he is convalescing rapidly and satisfactorily, and I am spared anxiety and worry in his behalf. There has not been any very marked change in my condition to-day, I think. Mrs. Nettie Easton called and brought a fine piece of cake. It looked real tasty, so William decided it was not safe for me to eat it.

23 October 1899 • Monday

Monday, Oct. 23, 1899

I passed a good night and felt better until shortly after dinner. Then my respiration became more frequent and my temperature shot up, the doctors say. William was quite anxious and was glad when toward evening Drs. James and Coley put in their appearance. They ordered flaxseed poultices and a double layer of flannel. Le Grand Young called again, but I was asleep and did not see him. Lewis talked with him and told him my condition. I had Frank, Lewis and William administer to me in the evening.

24 October 1899 • Tuesday

Tuesday, October 24th, 1899

I was somewhat better to-day, I think, though my temperature went up in the afternoon.

25 October 1899 • Wednesday

Wednesday, October 25, 1899

Quite an improvement this morning. Passed very fair night, but temperature again very high in the afternoon. Have been kept very quiet the last few days. Doctors came this evening and changed somewhat the treatment. The night nurse, Miss Hudson, is not nearly so satisfactory as Miss Macdiarmid.

26 October 1899 • Thursday

Thursday, October 26, 1899

Steady improvement has now set in, I think. Willard Young and wife called in the evening.

27 October 1899 • Friday

Friday, October 27, 1899

We allowed Miss Hudson to go. I am so much improved that Miss Mac. is able to perform the duties of nurse alone from now on. Dr. James came during the evening and was pleased at my improvement; said I might sit up to-morrow. It was his last visit. I was greatly pleased with him. He impressed me as a judicious and sensible man; allowed me more latitude than either Dr. Coley or my son William. Willard Young and wife called; they intend to take their departure for home to-morrow.

28 October 1899 • Saturday

Saturday, October 28, 1899

Dr. Coley came and said not to sit up to-day. I spent the balance of the day on the cot. Am still quite weak. Frank came in and read an article from the Cosmopolitan – a very funny one. Lewis also read to me.

29 October 1899 • Sunday

Sunday, October 29, 1899

Had a very nice visit from my friend Mr. L.C. Hopkins. Elders Snow and Whittaker, two of the missionaries here, called and administered to me in the evening.

30 October 1899 • Monday

Monday, October 30, 1899

Sat up for the first time for half an hour. Also took one meal sitting up. John Q. arrived shortly after noon. I received a telegram of sympathy from Mr. Burt, President of the Union Pacific R.R. The many evidences of kindness which I have received from various gentlemen have touched me very much. Mr. Richard Delafield, of the National Park Bank, has sent up a special messenger several times to learn my condition, and offering to do anything in his power to serve me. Mr. Gibbs, Treasurer of the New York Life Insurance Co., has just completed a residence, furnished and equipped with servants, and he had tendered it to me to occupy till I get fully recovered, and he and his family to remain at the hotel in the meantime. During this sickness I have received every attention I could desire.

31 October 1899 • Tuesday

Tuesday, October 31, 1899

I suggested the plan that Preston return to Germany with Lewis without going home. The doctors say he can do so with safety in about two weeks. I sat up an hour.

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October 1899, The Journal of George Q. Cannon, accessed March 9, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-q-cannon/1890s/1899/10-1899