August 1857

1 August 1857 • Saturday

Saturday, Aug. 1st/57. Bro. Fred. Hurst and Aaron Thatcher arrived this morning, and in the course of <the day> a good many of the Saints gathered together. We held <council> meeting in the afternoon, and in the evening had a testimony meeting.

2 August 1857 • Sunday

Sunday, the 2nd/57. Conference convened this morning. I spoke; votes were then taken to sustain the various authorities; the expression was unanimous. In afternoon I again spoke, and dwelt on the reformation, the object of it and the necessity of it being partaken of by all. I spoke to them in great plainness and energy upon the duties which they ought to discharge and the course they ought to take to show that they had the spirit of the reformation. I had come up purposely to see them and lay these things before them, that I might be clean from their blood, and that they might know the mind and will of the Lord concerning them. Several of the saints had to return home after this meeting; I was sorry that they could not stay, as Conference had scarcely commenced. It required two or three meetings to warm them up and interest them so that they could be taught. In evening had an excellent meeting; a good many strangers were present; I spoke.

3 August 1857 • Monday

Monday, August 3/57. Held prayer meeting, and at 10 o’clock Conference commenced. I spoke, and was followed by Bro. Shearman. I spoke on the subject of building up the kingdom of God, our Father, on the earth, etc. and touched upon the measures which we had deemed wisdom to adopt relative to a press for the Sandwich Islands and the passage <money> of the Elders. In afternoon Elder Shearman spoke and I followed. We held another meeting in the evening. I spoke on the nature of the evidence in favor of “Mormonism” and the proper and infallible method of testing its truth. I had the Spirit and felt well. All the Elders followed in testimony and we had a good time. A good many strangers were outside. Conference adjourned sine die.

I omitted to mention that on Saturday <evening> we were joined by Bro. Wilkie who had just arrived from Carson Valley whither he had accompanied Bro. &Sis. Curtis and Sis. King. They arrived there all right, and Sis. King had been taken along by the Company; one taking one portion of the family; another, another portion; and another, herself and babe. She was in good spirits.

4 August 1857 • Tuesday

Tuesday, August 4th/57. Bro. Shearman and myself left Salmon Falls for Union Town; and after travelling about nine miles reached Mr. Hicks’ where we stopped all night. Mr. H. was absent; his wife is a daughter of Ezra Chase. We were treated kindly.

5 August 1857 • Wednesday

Wednesday, 5th, Started after breakfast for Union Town. Turned off to visit Father Wimmer’s; but could not find it. After wandering some time among the hills, somewhat bewildered and lost, we at last found the road again. This deviation cost us several miles travel. We reached Sister Plumtree’s, Union Town, by about ½ past 12 Noon, and were heartily glad to have so good an opportunity of resting and refreshing ourselves. The weather is very warm up here, the roads dusty, and I being unaccustomed to trudging around on foot, it worries me much. Sister P. is married; but her husband does not belong to the Church. She was baptized by Bros. Stewart and Shearman. She attended our late conference at Salmon Falls, and while there was taken sick; we administered to her, and she was immediately made whole. Bro. Dykes anointed her and I was mouth in administering.

After our arrival Bro. Shearman wrote out notices for public preaching in the evening, and stuck up round town. Previous to John Hyde’s trip through the mining region, oppos<ing> the work, the people in this place were favorably inclined; but he came, and told his abominable and damnable falsehoods, and the people were turned from the truth and filled with prejudice. Since that time they have in nearly every instance that meeting has been held here by the Elders, disturbed the meetings by making noises, thumping the sides of the house and throwing beans etc. at the speakers. Last This evening, however, whether in consequence of the absence of the rowdies who had produced these scenes, or their enjoyment of a better spirit, we were undisturbed, and in speaking, I had liberty. The congregation paid very good attention. Another meeting was appointed for to-morrow night.

6 August 1857 • Thursday

Thursday, August 6/57.1

Cows went with Carloses heard from 18 June

Mrs Edington comenced getting milk 16 June

1 pint

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1 ~ ~ ~

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August 1857, The Journal of George Q. Cannon, accessed October 16, 2024


  1. [1]While this heading is in ink, the remainder of this entry is in pencil. The wording of this entry implies that this note was written before the heading.

  2. [2]After this entry, one leaf was cut from the journal.