November 1897

1 November 1897 • Monday

Monday, November 1, 1897

I had promised Prest. Petersen and Brother Noyes, the principal of the academy at Ephraim, that I would return there this morning and address the students. Brother Justeson took us and Sisters Allred and Bunnell over to Ephraim, ten miles distant. I addressed the students for some time, and Prest. Canute Petersen also spoke.

We partook of a meal at Prest. Petersen’s house, and took the train at 12:30 for Salt Lake City, where we reached at 5:30.

2 November 1897 • Tuesday

Tuesday, November 2, 1897

I suffered yesterday from an attack of Ives [hives], and I was not well. In the night I had to have my folks wakened, and my wife came and rubbed me with corn starch. I burned so that I could not rest. I have been confined to my bed nearly all day with this, and afterwards with colic, but towards evening I sat for a while downstairs.

This is election day for Mayor and other City officers and for City Council. There are four parties in the field – Non-Partisan, Republican, Democratic, and Populist.

3 November 1897 • Wednesday

Wednesday, November 3, 1897

I had a good night’s rest and feel better this morning.

Brother John Clark, the non-partisan candidate for Mayor, is said to be elected, and four of the non-partisan City Councilors. The non-partisan candidate for Auditor, George Swan, is also elected. The rest are Democrats and Republicans. Those who favored the non-partisan movement are generally satisfied at the results, as the men elected by the other parties are some improvement, in the most of cases, over the men we have had for a few years past.

At 11 o’clock there was a meeting of the Light & Power Co.

At 12 o’clock we had a meeting with Mr. Galt, of the Alberta Railway & Coal Co., and discussed with him the proposition to settle lands belonging to that Company. This business had been delayed because of my absence. We came to a conclusion that appeared quite satisfactory to Mr. Galt, and which we felt would result in good for us. We wrote him a letter, and also gave him a proposition in writing, which the First Presidency signed.

At 1 o’clock there was a meeting of Zion’s Savings Bank & trust Co.; but as the First Presidency desired to attend the funeral of Brother John Clark’s wife, we excused ourselves as soon as we could and went up to the funeral at Brother Clark’s house. Bishop Romney was in charge. He called upon Bishop R. T. Burton to speak, and he was followed by President Jos. F. Smith, then myself and President Woodruff, The spirit of the Lord was poured out upon us in our remarks.

4 November 1897 • Thursday

Thursday, November 4, 1897

The First Presidency and Brothers Lorenzo Snow, F. D. Richards, Brigham Young and Heber J. Grant met in the Temple to-day. We were greatly pleased to have Brother Grant with us. He has been sick a long time, but he is recovering rapidly now. He was mouth in prayer.

Returning to the office, I dictated to Brother Winter, and at 3 o’clock met with the Deseret Sunday School Union Board and had a very interesting meeting.

In the evening I had a meeting with several of my sons at my house.

5 November 1897 • Friday

Friday, November 5, 1897

Bishop Stevens and Brother John Watson, of the Utah Loan & Trust Co., came from Ogden to talk over the situation of that institution, and they remained about the office nearly the whole of the day. They had an appointment with President Smith at 10 o’clock, and they hoped I would be present also; but he did not appear, and they went away and came back again. We sent for the committee of Zions Savings Bank. Brother Webber is sick at home, but Brothers Geo. M. Cannon and L. John Nuttall met with them and us and talked over the situation, and suggestions were made to help the bank.

I had a meeting with Brother Le Grand Young and John R. Winder and Robert S. Campbell in relation to some coal property which Brother Le Grand Young is desirous to have us secure.

I met with the Board of Directors of the Wonder Mining Co., and it was decided to borrow some money to push the work, and to make arrangements with a Mr. McFarlane to do so.

My son Frank reached San Francisco on the 1st, and telegraphed from there; and to-day I got a dispatch from his secretary that he would be in Ogden to-night. In anticipation of that, my wife, his mother, with our granddaughter Dorothy, went up there to meet him.

6 November 1897 • Saturday

Saturday, November 6, 1897

My wife Caroline and our little daughter Ann and son Georgius are all suffering very much from cold.

I came to the office and dictated my journal and other matters to Brother Winter.

7 November 1897 • Sunday

Sunday, November 7, 1897

This has been a day of rest to me. I attended fast meeting in my schoolhouse, and listened with pleasure to the testimonies of the saints. I also joined in bearing my testimony. The sacrament was administered, and we had a very interesting meeting. In the evening we had a short meeting. Brother Gold addressed the congregation. There have been a number of meetings held to-day, and I expect the people were tired, for there was a very small attendance in the evening.

I took dinner at Lewis M. Cannon’s, my son-in-law.

8 November 1897 • Monday

Monday, November 8, 1897

My son Frank called upon us. He looks very well, and says he never felt better in health in his life, though he is thinner than usual. He has had a very delightful time in the orient, and is full of interesting matter concerning Japan and China, what he saw there and the people he met. There have been propositions made to him of a very advantageous character which he wished to submit to us, and desired us to participate in if we felt like it, and to either encourage him to go ahead or to drop it. It struck us very favorably, if it can be practically carried out. The details he has not dwelt upon to any length, and wished nothing said about the matter till he could do more than he has done.

We held an adjourned meeting of the Union Light & Power Co. We have difficulty in reaching a satisfactory settlement of our affairs with the Salt Lake & Ogden Light Co. They have a misunderstanding in New York in relation to the bonds that they are entitled to, and they are mistaken also concerning the amount of stock that they were to have. I sent a dispatch on Friday last about the stock, and this they have corrected. We sent another dispatch over my name this evening respecting the bonds.

9 November 1897 • Tuesday

Tuesday, November 9, 1897

My son Frank stayed all night with us and breakfasted with me this morning, and came up to town with me.

At 12 o’clock the First Presidency met with F. S. Richards, H. B. Clawson and John R. Winder to take into consideration the situation of affairs at the Gardo House. The object of the meeting was to consider the best means to adopt to get possession of the house. After discussion, in which F. S. Richards told us what Mr. Dickson, Mrs. Trumbo’s attorney, said, and Brother Clawson told us what Mrs. Trumbo herself had said to him as the lessee of the Gardo House, and we had no means of learning where Colonel Trumbo is or what his action would be, I moved that Brother F. S. Richards be instructed to propose to Mr. Dickson, as Mrs. Trumbo’s attorney, that she should move from the premises all the furniture and articles that Mr. Trumbo and herself claimed and leave in the building that which belonged to it; that if she would do this and hand the keys to Bishop Clawson, and vacate the premises, she could do so. This was carried. Bishop Preston came in afterwards, and we related to him what had been done, and he acquiesced in it also.

I dictated my journal.

10 November 1897 • Wednesday

Wednesday, November 10, 1897

I attended a meeting of the Bullion-Beck Co.

My son Frank was in the office, and we had considerable conversation concerning business matters.

11 November 1897 • Thursday

Thursday, November 11, 1897

At 11 o’clock there was a meeting of the Union Light & Power Co., which consumed some two hours. From there I went to the Temple. We attended to some business there, and returned to the office to attend a meeting of the Pioneer Electric Power Co. at 1:30. This kept me engaged all afternoon.

12 November 1897 • Friday

Friday, November 12, 1897

I started to Provo early this morning for the purpose of attending the Brigham Young Academy and delivering an address to the pupils and to be present at a Board meeting. It is very interesting to stand before about 500 pupils, young men and young women of intelligence, and an excellent spirit prevailed. We had a very fine lunch, prepared for us by Sister Leah Dunford, a daughter of Susa Young Gates, who is in charge of the cooking department in the Academy. After the Board meeting, which was held in the afternoon, I returned to Salt Lake City.

13 November 1897 • Saturday

Saturday, November 13, 1897

At 8:30 this morning there was a meeting of the Sugar Company, which I attended; at 9:30 a meeting of the Pioneer Electric Power Co., and at 11 a meeting of the Union Light & Power Co.

I dictated letters and articles for the Juvenile Instructor to Brother Winter.

14 November 1897 • Sunday

Sunday, November 14, 1897

At 2 o’clock I met with the saints in the Tabernacle. I felt very timid and weak and very good-for-nothing; but I have not met with the saints in the Tabernacle since the Conference, and I felt it was my duty to address them. The Lord blessed me in speaking, and I enjoyed my remarks, the delivery of which occupied about 1 hour & 20 mins. I spoke very slowly the first part of the time.

In the evening, at 8:15, I came back to the Tabernacle and attended the celebration of the 11th anniversary of the founding of the Latter-day Saints College. There was a programme of vocal and instrumental music, an address of welcome by Elder C. W. Penrose, and an anniversary sermon by Elder B. H. Roberts. Everything passed off quite pleasantly. The Tabernacle was filled.

15 November 1897 • Monday

Monday, November 15, 1897

Had a meeting of the Union Light & Power Co. I also attended a meeting of the Wonder Mining Co., and was busy with other affairs in the office. Did some business with my son Frank.

16 November 1897 • Tuesday

Tuesday, November 16, 1897

Arranging this morning with John E. Evans, Manager of the Deseret News, and Hugh J. Cannon, of the Juvenile Instructor, in relation to printing. There is a tendency among some of our Elders in various missions on this continent, to patronize “outside” printers and get their work done by them, some of which is very shabby. Tracts which have been published are not in the least inviting to a reader, on account of the poor paper and the bad printing. I have felt that we should endeavor to put our prices so low here that we can supply the brethren in the various missions with the works they need, and thus obviate the necessity of patronizing cheap printing houses in various places away from home. The expression of the brethren was that they thought it could be done.

I had a meeting with Brothers Thomas Griggs, Geo. Reynolds, Hugh J. Cannon and John M. Whitaker, of the Sunday School Union Board, concerning a lecture that I had asked my son Frank J. to deliver to the Sunday school children, on Japan and China. To me his recitals have been exceedingly interesting, and it has appeared to me that it might be very interesting to our children. I therefore have asked him to not engage himself as to prevent his lecturing to the children if it should be desired. The brethren seemed to be quite pleased with the idea and expressed a hope that such an arrangement could be made.

My nephew, Geo. C. Lambert, called upon me to get counsel in relation to the condition of affairs that exist in the Canal companies across the river. I am a stockholder in the South Jordan Canal. Brother Gideon Gibbs is the Secretary of the South Jordan Canal. Brother Lambert is his successor in one of the other canals, and the discovery is made that $2500, which is credited on the Company’s books as having been paid to Dr. John R. Park (money which he loaned to the Company), has not been paid and he still holds the Company’s note for the amount. Other sums also have been borrowed by the Company and credited on the books as having been paid, yet the notes are in the hands of the creditors unpaid. This is a very bad condition of things, and is likely to lead to serious results. I counseled George to not allow himself to be put in the front in pushing this matter against Brother Gibbs. There has been a good deal of feeling concerning this in the past, because of his being auditor and having made discoveries which have been denied. I said to him that people might think he was prompted by unworthy motives in figuring in this against Brother Gibbs at the present time; and therefore I counseled him to keep in the background. There were others who knew about it, and let them act, so as not to create prejudice against himself, to add to that which already existed.

17 November 1897 • Wednesday

Wednesday, November 17, 1897.

I had a call from Judge Bartch to-day. He desired letters of introduction to some of our folks in the north, as he intended to go on a hunting expedition for recreation. I telegraphed to Brother Budge concerning his proposed visit and asked his good offices in helping him to have an agreeable time while there. I also wrote a letter of introduction to Bishop Wilford Clark of Montpelier, at which place he intends to stop, requesting him to extend any courtesy in his power to Judge Bartch. Judge Bartch is a man that has always been very friendly to us, and he has none of the anti-Mormon spirit which has been so common in office-holders. I esteem him as a fairminded, honorable man.

The First Presidency had an interview to-day with Brothers John R. Winder, James Jack, R. S. Campbell and Geo. M. Cannon, the financial affairs of the Church and to endeavor to formulate some plan by which we could obtain relief. My son Frank is the man through whom we expect to do the business. He has some very clear views on this subject, and the discussion took quite an interesting range. He explained at some length his ideas concerning the plan to be adopted. I was exceedingly gratified with the result of this meeting, as it is in the line that I have felt very much impressed about for a long time. If carried out and it shall meet with success, I think it will bring us relief that will be very welcome.

President Woodruff received to-day a letter from Colonel Isaac Trumbo, in which he expressed himself with some feeling and ill temper. He said some very unpleasant things in this letter concerning us and our treatment to him; and in another letter, which he addressed to Bishop Clawson, he made still more bitter remarks. The cause of this letter was the receipt by him of a notice from Bishop Clawson to pay rent and to pay for furniture and other improvements in the Gardo House. Bishop Clawson had received a letter from Bishop Preston to this effect, and he had sent a copy of it to Colonel Trumbo, and also had given him formal notice himself. The reason that Bishop Preston had addressed Bishop Clawson this letter was, it is he that had leased the house from Bishop Preston. Brother Le Grand Young, Bishop Winder and others were present at the reading of these letters and we had a lengthy conversation respecting the matter. I felt that we ought to have seen this correspondence before it was sent to Col. Trumbo. I considered it very unwise to write such letters, and blamed Brother Clawson for having sent them. He replied that he supposed we had seen and knew the contents of the letters. I took the ground that the claim for rent was entirely improper, because it was our understanding that he was to have the house without any charge for rent; and while I could not justify Col. Trumbo for using expressions such as he did in his correspondence, I could understand how angry he would feel at what he considered a violation of the understanding that had existed between us. In the course of the talk I spoke very warmly and kindly of Col. Trumbo. I said there were many things in his character that I could not admire or approve of, but I would be untrue to myself and to our people if I did not speak warmly in his favor for that which he had done for us. A man could not have labored more zealously and indefatigably than he appeared to do in my association with him, and I felt that I never wanted to forget what he had done. When I remembered the condition that we were in when he took hold of our affairs and enlisted others in our behalf, I felt there was scarcely anything that I would not be willing to give to avert such scenes as we then passed through, if it was the Lord’s will. When I thought of how the women and children of our community had suffered, and how the men had been hounded and harassed and imprisoned, and now looked around and saw the liberty that we enjoyed, I felt to thank the Lord with all my heart and to bless every man that had been in any manner instrumental in bringing this about. That is the feeling I had towards Col. Trumbo. But Col. Trumbo wanted to be Senator from Utah. On that point I did not agree. I could not conscientiously support him for that position. It had not been understood between us that he was to have that position, though there were certain circumstances that had taken place that gave color to his claim; but for a long period I had been desirous to know what he expected as a reward for the manner in which he labored for us, and had asked his cousin, Bishop Clawson, upon this and he had assured me that he had talked to Col. Trumbo, and that Col. Trumbo had no political aspirations. Afterwards, however, the idea had entered Col. Trumbo’s mind, probably suggested by others, that he ought to be Senator.

My remarks in favor of Col. Trumbo made quite an impression upon Presidents Woodruff and Smith and Judge Young. It has been debated for some days about Bishop Clawson going to California to see Col. Trumbo. I urged that no action on this should be taken this evening. I would like to think about it till morning, to which all consented.

18 November 1897 • Thursday

Thursday, November 18, 1897

Various plans had been suggested yesterday as to the best manner to deal with this Trumbo affair; but I have been thinking about this through the night, and as Col. Trumbo in his letter to President Woodruff states that he did not believe President Woodruff knew of this correspondence of Bishop Preston and Bishop Clawson, it suggested itself to me that that furnished a good opportunity for President Woodruff to write a letter to Col. Trumbo and tell him the truth respecting this – that he did not know, and that none of the First Presidency knew that any such correspondence had taken place. President Woodruff wrote a very kind, conciliatory letter to him, which I think will have a good effect. My reason for endeavoring to deal with Col. Trumbo in this manner is that I always think that is the best method of treating such affairs; but I was impressed with this from the fact that some of the brethren were inclined, because of a covert threat there was in his letter that he would undo all that he had done, to defy him to do his worst. It was these remarks that prompted me to speak as I did concerning the past, and that I for one did not wish anything to be done that would bring about a recurrence of such treatment and persecution as we had received. I felt that I would do anything that an honorable man could do to avert the re-enactment of such scenes. In speaking in this way I feel that I have shown by my conduct my willingness to endure whatever my brethren and sisters have to pass through, and do it without murmuring. I do not feel to indulge in the least in self-praise; but I do not recall a time in my life when I have shrunk from meeting any ordeal, and have gone to prison very willingly, and the Lord sustained me when I was in the hands of my enemies. But after all, if it is the Lord’s will, I would like our people, myself included, to be delivered from such trials and scenes.

There was a meeting of the Union Light & Power Co. this morning, which detained President Smith and myself for half an hour after President Woodruff had left for the Temple.

At the Council meeting in the Temple there were present, beside the First Presidency, President Snow, F. D. Richards, B. Young, J. H. Smith, G. Teasdale, H. J. Grant, A. H. Lund and A. O. Woodruff. The case of Brother Christopher Layton, who presides over the St. Joseph Stake, was taken up. Some of his family had reported to Brother Brigham Young that his condition of health was such that they felt he ought to be relieved from the duties of the President of the Stake. We have felt for some time that we should have a change in the Presidency of that Stake, and it was moved and carried that Brother Andrew Kimball be appointed to preside in that Stake.

The death of Prest. William Paxman leaves a vacancy in the Presidency of the Juab Stake, and it was moved that his son, James W. Paxman, should be appointed, which was carried unanimously.

Brother Geo. Teasdale was mouth in prayer.

At 2 o’clock there was a meeting of the Directors of Z.C.M.I., at which the monthly report was read, which was quite satisfactory.

19 November 1897 • Friday

Friday, November 19, 1897

I was engaged in a meeting of the Union Light & Power Co. all forenoon.

As President Woodruff and myself intend to go to Deseret this afternoon I left the office early, and with my wife Caroline started on a special car, at 6 o’clock, in company with President Woodruff and his wife, and Brothers C. H. Wilcken and L. John Nuttall.

We slept in the car at Oasis till morning.

20 November 1897 • Saturday

Saturday, November 20, 1897

We breakfasted at Brother Day’s, who keeps a house of entertainment at Oasis. There is himself and wife, and mother-in-law, and a son. They are very nice people, and much pleased to have us under their roof and partake of their hospitality.

Some of the brethren brought carriages and we were carried around the site of the reservoir which is being constructed here, and for which we have borrowed money. It is a very excellent natural site for a reservoir, and very extensive. It will undoubtedly hold a very large body of water, and if it is securely built will be of great service in the furnishing of water for the cultivation of the land. I took up 640 acres myself, and then was compelled to take up the same amount which my son John Q. had attempted to carry, but which he could not. I have expended probably $7000 here, and I am quite desirous to have this made a success. President Woodruff and President Smith and a number of other brethren have also expended considerable means here. We were taken from the site of the reservoir around to Hinckley, and Bishop Pratt of Hinckley was with us, and he took President Woodruff and myself, with our wives, to his house, where we enjoyed the kind hospitality of himself and wife.

21 November 1897 • Sunday

Sunday, November 21, 1897

Brother Ira N. Hinckley, the President of the Stake, had met us at the train yesterday, and I had ridden with him in his buggy, and he came this morning to help carry us over to Deseret. I went ahead in order to meet with the Sunday school and address the children.

At about 10:30 the conference was opened. Prest. Ira N. Hinckley gave a report of the condition of the Stake. He was followed by Bishop Yates, of Scipio. I followed Bishop Yates, and President Woodruff followed me.

We were entertained at Deseret by Brother Henry Hales, who drove us to and from his house, which was about three quarters of a mile distant.

In the afternoon, Brother Nuttall spoke, and I followed.

In the evening there was a priesthood meeting, which I attended. President Woodruff did not think it prudent to be present on account of fatigue.

I do not know that I ever enjoyed myself in speaking better than I have done to-day at these three meeting[s]. I had an uncommon flow of the Spirit, and spoke with a great deal of power, and rejoiced exceedingly in the Spirit that was poured out.

22 November 1897 • Monday

Monday, November 22, 1897

The Presidency of the Stake addressed the saints this morning, followed by President Woodruff, who spoke very clearly and distinctly, as he did yesterday.

In the afternoon the authorities were presented, and Brother Walker (son of William Walker), who had just returned from a mission to England, addressed the conference, and spoke very well. President Woodruff then requested me to occupy the time, which I did, speaking for about an hour on a great variety of subjects.

We ate supper at Brother Hales’, and were taken to the car.

23 November 1897 • Tuesday

Tuesday, November 23, 1897

The train picked the car up about 2 o’clock this morning, and we reached Salt Lake City between 9 & 10. I drove home, but afterwards returned to the office.

I was greatly gratified about 1 o’clock by some one in the office informing me that a cousin of my wife Elizabeth was outside in a carriage and wished to see me. I stepped out and was introduced to Mr. & Mrs. Reeder, who had just arrived from their home in Michigan. Mr. Reeder is an invalid and is on his way to California to spend the winter. He broke down some years ago, and has been unable to attend to business since, and his wife, who appears like a very capable woman, looks after his affairs. I gathered, from what was said, that they are quite wealthy. They stopped here on a venture, not knowing whether they could find us, or, if they did, whether we would receive them. They had never been brought in contact with any of our people and, of course, had strange ideas about us. All they knew they derived from the newspapers. I welcomed them very warmly, and told them I was very glad indeed to see them, because they are the first of my wife’s kindred, either on the Hoagland or the Quick side, that has ever been here, to our knowledge. Mrs. Reeder is the daughter of John Quick, a Presbyterian minister, who is the brother of Margaret Quick Hoagland, my wife’s mother. I learned a fact that impressed me very much and made me sad. The Quick family are, in some respects, rather superior to the ordinary run of people, in physique and in other directions. They are large, strong, powerful people physically. There were eleven children, of which my mother-in-law was one – six boys and five girls; and these people tell us that the probability is there will not be one male left to bear the name of Quick in a few years. There is one of my mother-in-law’s brothers still living – Joseph Quick; he is 82 or 83 years of age. A number of them have been preachers. One, Calvin Quick, is still living, a son of Dennis Quick, but he is dying of cancer. These people all felt dreadfully shocked when “Deacon” Hoagland (he was a deacon in the Presbyterian church) joined the Mormons and took their sister away to Nauvoo. They felt disgraced, and that great wrong had been done. How much better it would have been had they received the Gospel! Their name would have been preserved.

I got my son-in-law, Lewis M. Cannon, to take them in the surrey around the city and show them the points of interest, and then had them taken to my house. My daughter Mary Alice is without help in her house, and I had her and her husband and children come over and stay at my house. We made them very welcome, and they seemed greatly pleased and almost surprised.

24 November 1897 • Wednesday

Wednesday, November 24, 1897

There was a meeting of the Wonder Mining Company this morning, afterwards a meeting of the Union Light & Power Co., which occupied considerable time.

I was occupied the whole of the afternoon out of the office attending to various matters of business.

25 November 1897 • Thursday

Thursday, November 25, 1897

This is Thanksgiving Day, and I spent it at home. Lewis M. took our visiting friends in a carriage to the Hot Springs and to the waterworks and various places of interest. We had Thanksgiving dinner together, and in the evening I arranged for my wives and children to come to the farm house, and the children played mandolins and guitars and the piano, and also sang, and we spent a very interesting evening.

I have explained to these people my domestic relations, and they think that my children are very superior. They are impressed by their healthy appearance, and also by the general health of all of us.

26 November 1897 • Friday

Friday, November 26, 1897

My son Frank and the committee of which Brother Winder is chairman met with the First Presidency to-day, and we had quite a lengthy talk over the situation and that which Frank would require in going east to carry out the purpose that we have in view in raising money.

The First Presidency had a meeting with my son Frank, N. W. Clayton and James Jack, the executive committee appointed to look after our syndicate matters. They made a report to us concerning the manner in which they had arranged the Coal Company’s affairs.

We afterwards had a meeting with these same brethren and Brother F. S. Richards to consider the contract between the Salt Lake & Los Angeles Railway and the Oregon Short line Railway. The attorney of the latter Company has presented a supplemental contract, which they ask us to sign, and which we declined, and a resolution was passed accordingly.

Brother Andrew Kimball came in, and the First Presidency had a long conversation with him about his situation and the duties that are required of him as the President of the St. Joseph Stake. He is in debt, and it looked as though he might not be able to accept this appointment at the present time. By talking with him, however, a way was suggested which he thought might be feasible to enable him to go.

Mr. Bamberger called on me in relation to the Bullion-Beck affairs.

Mr. & Mrs. Reeder and my children visited my wife Emily’s, who is also a cousin of Mrs. Reeder, and took dinner there and spent the evening. Mr. & Mrs. Reeder are enjoying their visit exceedingly.

27 November 1897 • Saturday

Saturday, November 27, 1897

Busy all day attending to various matters.

28 November 1897 • Sunday

Sunday, November 28, 1897

This has been a day of comparative rest to me, and I have enjoyed it. At two o’clock I attended meeting at the Tabernacle, and called upon Elder C. W. Penrose to speak. He delivered a very fine discourse, one that I enjoyed very much, and I think everyone did, for the congregation listened with rapt attention. In the evening I attended a lecture, at the Tabernacle, by my son Frank J. Cannon, on Japan and China. The Tabernacle was crowded in every part. He spoke for about an hour and a half, and delivered a very interesting lecture.

Mr. & Mrs. Reeder attended our Sunday school in the morning, and the Tabernacle in the afternoon and evening, and expressed the pleasure they had. Mrs. Reeder spoke to the children in Sunday school. She said to me that our children were superior to theirs in the attention they paid and their behavior. In speaking about my family, she said I ought to be very proud of my children and grandchildren, for they were very superior, bright, good-looking and healthy. I said I was very thankful for them. She said I had reason to be.

29 November 1897 • Monday

Monday, November 29, 1897

Mr. & Mrs. Reeder left this morning for California. They have enjoyed their visit very much, and we were pleased that they had. They said they had never visited any place in all their travels where they had enjoyed themselves as they have here, and they were gratified at what they had learned about the Latter-day Saints.

At 9:30 there was a meeting of the Brigham Young Trust Co.

I had interviews at different times with Jesse Knight, Leonard G. Hardy, Mr. Simon Bamberger, and John W. Hess.

30 November 1897 • Tuesday

Tuesday, November 30, 1897

Held a meeting of the Pioneer Electric Power Company this morning to hear the report of the committee which had been appointed to examine the General Summary of $125,000 which Mr. Banigan had rejected as part of Construction a/c.

We had a meeting afterwards of the Salt Lake & Los Angeles Railway Company, to consider dispatches that had been received from Mr. Nichols, the attorney of the Oregon Short Line Co. in Boston, concerning the closing of the contract. They are proposing now that we shall close the contract without having any of the Garfield Beach lands, there being a dispute at the present time between the Oregon Short Line and the Union Pacific as to the ownership. I wrote the following letter to Mr. Carr on the subject:

“Hon. Samuel Carr,

President, Oregon Short Line R.R. Co.,

Boston, Mass.

Dear Sir:-

After consideration of the telegram from your counsel, Henry G. Nichols, Esq., to Vice President Bancroft, asking ‘whether the Salt Lake & Los Angeles Railway Co. wish to give up the deal because of impossibility to transfer Mink and Harris lands,’ prior to January 1st, 1898, the Board of Directors of our Company unanimously adopted the following resolution:

‘Resolved, that the representatives of the Oregon Short Line Railroad Company be notified that we do not wish to give up the deal because of their inability to give us title to the Garfield Beach lands before the 1st of January, 1898, but are willing to give them a reasonable time in which to perfect the title to the same in order to convey the lands to us; and that the President of the Company be instructed to communicate this action of the Board to the Oregon Short Line Railroad Company, with such explanations as he may deem proper.’

In explanation of the foregoing, I will say that we do not know what took place in the consultation that was held by the representatives of your company at the Knutsford Hotel, when you withdrew to consult together as to the terms of the agreement; but when you returned to the room in which we were sitting, Mr. Coolidge, in speaking about the title to these lands, as we distinctly remember, expressed himself to the effect that although time was to be allowed, say till the 1st of January, to secure the title, he had no doubt that the title would be secured; and it was with that clear understanding on our part that we agreed to the contract, especially to the last clause of it. At no time till the supplemental contract was presented to us was there ever any question, that we heard of, concerning the lands on the Beach. The matter had never been mentioned in any of our conferences, and we did not know till the conference at the Knutsford that the title was in the hands of trustees; nor was it understood by us that the Garfield lands in the hands of Mink and Harris, trustees, could probably not be transferred at the present, and were only to be transferred in case title came to the Oregon Short Line Railroad Company.

I am, Very Respectfully,

Geo. Q. Cannon,


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November 1897, The Journal of George Q. Cannon, accessed October 16, 2024