June 1863

4 June 1863 • Thursday

Our next and last vessel sailed from London, on the 4th June, with 896 souls of the Saints, under the charge of Elders William Bramall, E. L. Sloan and R. Palmer. This is the first ship load of Saints which has sailed from that port. It was quite unavoidable to change our port of embarkation.

Mr Smith, of the firm of Tapscott, Smith & Co endeavoured to obtain a ship to sail from Liverpool, but could not do so — they were all engaged in some way or other. An offer was made to him by a London firm for us to have the “Amazon.” After some conversation, with Mr Smith, I concluded to accept this offer, as it appeared the only course I could adopt to get the emigrants on the other side in time for starting over the plains. While in London engaged in shipping the people, I learned from various sources, for the first time, that Elder Eli, B, Kelsey, while President of the Conference, many years ago, publicly predicted that ships would leave the port of London, laden with Saints. This seemed, at the time, a thing unlikely ever to occur; but by the departure of the “Amazon,” it was partially fulfilled. The total number of Saints who emigrated this season by our own chartered vessels & other vessels in small bodies, is, in our General Summary estimated as 3,666. June 18th Elders Matthew Lyon, Charles, S. Kimball, Finley, C. Free, S. L. Sprague Jr, and J. A. Cunningham arrived by the “Great Eastern,” from New York, on missions. Sunday 21st I addressed the Liverpool Saints in their meeting room.

24 June 1863 • Wednesday

June 24th my wife, Elizabeth, with Georgiana, and George, H. and in company with Elders Joseph, F. Smith[,] George Peacock and Sisters Hannah Howard, Eliza Lyons and Rosina Matthews sailed by the “City of Washington,” for New York, en route for home. I have deemed it wise to send my family home in advance of myself, having been led by the Spirit to do so. I have thought that in the event of any difficulty arising between England & America, or anything else, arising to cause my instant return home, together with her own impaired health, it would be wise and safe perhaps to send her home. It was not, however, without painful feelings that I thus parted with her and the children. On the 28th. I visited the Wigan and Upholland branches, near Liverpool, and addressed the Saints at their meetings.

I had the house and offices about time, thoroughly cleaned, inside, as they had got very filthy and therefore, rendered the place unhealthy. The rooms were painted and hung with paper. The outside of the house, was also painted, which greatly improved its appearance. On the 11th July I left on a visit to the London and Kent Conferences and returned to Liverpool on the 20th. On returning I visited the Eastern Glamorgan Conference, Wales. During my absence the following missionaries arrived from Zion in health & good spirits. W. S. S. Willes, Elnathan Eldredge, Junr John E. Evans, Junius S. Fullmer, Robert Watson, J. C. Wixom, John Gray, Henson Walker, Harry Luff, George M. Brown, Wilford Woodruff Junr, F. W. Cox, Isaac Bullock, A. Lee, C. A. Benson, W. H. Waylett, J. K. Whitney and J. S. Dolten. On the 25th Elders B. J. Stringham, John Sharp Junr S. H. Hill, Heber, J. Richards, Franklin Merrill, Jonas, N. Beck, Joseph Romney, E. A. Richards, Ensign Stocking, C. W. Stayner, Stephen W. Alley and Oscar F Lyons arrived from home on missions, by the “Mersey” from New York. On the 28th July Elders C. W. West and B. Young Junr returned to Liverpool from their tour through France, Italy, Switzerland, Germany and Denmark. On the 29th Elders David P. Kimball, and R. H. Parker arrived per the “Neptune,” from New York, on missions to England; Also Elders Martin Wood, W. W. Riter, and C. M. Gillett per “City of Washington.” On Friday evening the 31st I held a meeting in the Office, of the Elders recently arrived on missions, and apportioned them their fields of labor and gave counsel and instruction pertaining to the duties which would devolve upon them while engaged in their missionary labors.

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June 1863, The Journal of George Q. Cannon, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-q-cannon/1860s/1863/06-1863