June 1884

1 June 1884 • Sunday

Sunday June 1st 1884. I went to Provo this morning to attend conference. I expected that Bros. Albert Carrington, George Teasdale, and L. John Nuttall would be there as it had been advertised that they were going. I found however that neither of them had been there. Bro. Carrington and wife was on the same train as myself. We occupied the forenoon meeting between us, he speaking first and I following. The afternoon meeting I spoke first, and he followed. There was excellent attention paid and a good spirit manifested. Bro. Smoot entertained us kindly. His carriage was at the depot to meet anyone that might come, and it took us down again to the train

2 June 1884 • Monday

Monday June 2, 1884. I have had John Hoagland examine the Rye that we have sown to decide about the best method of cutting it. He thinks that if it was his, he would let it ripen as there will be a good yield should it not be drowned with water. I am inclined to take the same view, for I would have the grain and then the straw is very good feed, and it would be better than to cut the rye in the milk for hay.

At 3.35 p.m. I started with my brother Angus to visit his place at the Point of the mountain with the design to examine some ground that he had which he thought suitable for pasture if it were properly fenced. I tramped with him over his land and we rode also a part of the time. His place here is much more extensive and is really better than I thought it was. He offered me half the land with the fence on for $600, he doing the fencing and I paying him $600, or we would fence the land together I paying half and he half — and I have the use of it until he be able to pay me back that which I had advanced for fencing when my my rights would cease. He thought he could purchase about 30 acres or upwards adjoining, and if so I could either take half of the entire land, or he would pay half the fencing which would amount, if he bought this land to $450. I told him that under the circumstances I was so cramped that I would find difficulty in even paying half the fencing, but I would agree to do that. We stayed with Bishop Mousley and family who are occupying the upper part of my brothers house temporarily till they can finish their own dwelling.

3 June 1884 • Tuesday

Tuesday June 3, 1884. Returned to town this morning and reached there shortly after 10 oclock. Mrs Augusta Cobb Young, the widow of Prest. Young, has been pressing us as Trustees for an increased allowance in consequence of her position — her age and infirmities, and having received a letter from a lawyer by the name of Sprague upon <the subject,> I submitted it to Sheeks & Rawlings our attorneys in estate matters for them to make an appointment when Mr Sprague and themselves and Bro. Carrington and myself could meet and talk the affair over. We met today at half past 4 oclock, and after considerable conversation it was agreed to allow her $75 per month from the beginning of this year, our counsel assuring us that we had the right to discriminate in any one’s favor where we thought a necessity existed for giving them an increased allowance — that the will gave us this power. We talked with Sheeks & Rawlings also about the suit that has been commenced against us by the family of the late James W. Cummings for the property known as the late Deseret Mills which we had deeded to M. M. Young recently deceased. We stated the case to them and they said that they could not see how a suit could stand as we were not the parties to be sued.

The water still continues to rise in the river.

4 June 1884 • Wednesday

Wednesday June 4, 1884. I was detained this morning in consequence of the high water at my place.

I found Gerald Massey at the office, the English literateur and writer, in company with Mr George A. Meears. They were trying to obtain the Assembly Hall for him to deliver two lectures here one upon “Charles Lamb” and the other “the old sea Kings.”

Wrote a letter to Bro. John Wagstaff, the first Counsellor of our Ward, respecting visits of the Teachers to my wife Sarah Jane, at the instance of Sister Davies Roundy. The manner in which this affair has been conducted seems to me upon her almost like persecution. She <(Sister Roundy)> has been with the Teachers twice herself and they have been twice. I requested Bro. Wagstaff to advise me if the Teachers were to make another visit that I might be present, and I also added the request that in order to save time and to make the matter definite that the complainant write her cause of complaint, and state what she asks or expects my wife to do to satisfy her. The way this affair has been conducted seems almost to amount to persecution. I have held aloof from it thinking it better to let the matter be settled without my presence if possible.

Bro. Jesse W. Fox wrote a letter today to Prest. Taylor describing the condition of the river, and the danger there was to quite a section of property, and asking him to call upon the people through the Bishops for voluntary help. This letter was sent to Bishop Preston with a request that he would call a meeting of the Bishops and have 20 men from each ward with teams and tools called for. The meeting of the Bishops was held at 5 oclock for this purpose.

The Presidency and Twelve met in the Endowment House as usual this afternoon.

5 June 1884 • Thursday

Thursday June 5, 1884 — At the Office. Dictated to Bro. John Irvine an article for the Juvenile Instructor. Mrs Geo. B. Fletcher, who with her husband brought letters of introduction from Dr George Miller of the Omaha Herald, called upon me today, and asked for the loan of $250. I have already loaned her husband $200 which I had to borrow myself, and this out of kind feeling towards Dr Miller who has been a warm and intimate friend of ours. I have also secured Mr Fletcher employment as Asst. Attorney to the County and City Attorney<ys> — Judge Snow and F. S. Richards. I feel I have done enough. I did not refuse peremptorily, but <I said> I would write a letter to her within 24 hours on the subject. I also received a personal communication from John T. Caine that O. J. Averill, Clerk of the Third District Court, desired me to loan him $1000. He thought he was entitled to it for services he had rendered us while at Washington. Had some conversation with Bro. F. S. Richards respecting his remuneration as Attorney for the Church; the latter also had some conversation with Prest. Taylor and myself respecting forming corporations for our Temples. My wife Sarah Jane has been up two days to see the Surgeon about her arm, which is giving her great pain. Dr Jos F. Richards called in his brother and Dr Hamilton. The first named was in favor of giving chloroform, and as he said “limber the arm up”. The other two thought this had better not be done; that if necessary it could be done as well two weeks from now as at present, and they were in favor of letting the arm be. She suffered a good deal under the operation. I brought Emily up also to have a tooth drawn which has been troubling her for some time, and which required my authority to have her keep quiet while it was pulled.

6 June 1884 • Friday

Friday June 6, 1884. The City Council at Ogden is part owner of the water works at that place. It owns the majority of the stock. There is a great deal of friction between the City Council and the other owners, Mr E. H. Orth being the principal owner. They differed about the value. They want to buy Orth out, but he wants a price which they do not consent to give, and the Mayor has asked counsel respecting this matter. Bro. F. D. Richards was going up this morning by appointment to meet the Mayor and City Council having made an arrangement yesterday to that effect with the understanding that I would be there. At ½ past 7 oclock we started from the City. Bro. Richard J. Taylor met us at the Depôt and carried us in his buggy to the City Hall. We had a somewhat protracted interview, during which we heard all that the City Council had to say on the subject. We gave them some good counsel, and I told them that now having heard their side of the case I would submit it to Prest. Taylor and the brethren, and they would likely here from us respecting it. Got back to the City between 12 and 1 oclock. — Wrote some articles for the Editorial column of the Juvenile Instructor.

7 June 1884 • Saturday

Saturday June 7, 1884. At the office with Bro. F. D. Richards. Made a report to Prests. Taylor and Smith of our visit to Ogden and interview with the City Council yesterday, and it was agreed that the best thing that could be done was for the city to buy out Mr Orth on the best terms possible, and a brief letter was written to that effect and sent by Bro. Richards to Ogden. It was suggested also that it would be better <to submit> the question to the taxpayers before closing the purchase.

Bishop Sharp was in and reported the condition of the railroad; and he had some conversation with me respecting the salary of Bro. J. S. Richards as Counsel for the Peoples Party.

Wrote a letter to James H. Hart, New York.

8 June 1884 • Sunday

Sunday June 8, 1884. Went to Centreville this morning on the ½ past 7 train to attend the Conference today. Bros Carrington and Teasdale were there yesterday and addressed the people. Prest. Jos F. Smith and wife were also on the train, and Presiding Bishop Preston and Bro. Hardy came up by carriage. Bro. Smith and myself were met at the train by Prest. W. R. Smith who took us in his carriage to his house where we found Bro. Teasdale. Meetings were held at 10 oclock and 2 oclock. The forenoon was occupied by Bros F. D. Richards (who came from the north on the train); Bro. Jos. F. Smith and Bishop Preston. The afternoon, the authorities were submitted to the Conference. Bro. Hardy and myself then addressed the people. I have enjoyed myself exceedingly today. There was a good spirit, and I had personally great freedom in speaking, as all the brethren had, and the weather was all that could be desired though it rained slightly during the afternoon, but not enough to interfere with our meeting. There was a very large turn-out. The people came in their wagons and carriages from all parts of the County. Prest. W. R. Smith entertained me. Reached the City at 20 past 7 oclock. Remained in town all night

9 June 1884 • Monday

Monday June 9, 1884. Busy at the Office all day. Had a meeting of the Deseret News Co. Attended to various matters of business among which was the proposition by Bro Stayner to form a Company for the manufacture of sugar, the capital to be $40,000. I suggested to him that the best plan would be to get his neighbors interested in the matter — they who knew him and knew what he had been doing in this direction. He thought well of the suggestion, and said he would see the Prest. of the Stake of Davis County and have a committee appointed to investigate the subject

10 June 1884 • Tuesday

Tuesday June 10th 1884. Today is the anniversary of my son Sylvester’s birth. He is 7 years old. It is also the anniversary of the birth of my brother Angus’ wife Amanda, and the folks are preparing a surprise party for her. At 11 oclock attended meeting of the Directors of Z. C. M. I. In consequence of some statements which I made that had been made to me by a party who is familiar with the Institution, a Comtee of Stockholders was appointed to investigate the condition of affairs with regard to the employees of the establishment, salaries of the Superintendents &c. The charge had been made that good influential men were being turned off and cheap men were being taken on in their place to the injury of the Institution, as these influential men were readily employed by rival establishments. The Comtee consists of John Sharp, George Romney[,] John R. Winder, myself and Bro. T. G. Webber.

Met with the Board of Regents at 2 oclock. Had quite a lengthy meeting, though not much was done.

At 6 oclock I went to my brother Angus’ with my family and spent the evening there.

11 June 1884 • Wednesday

Wednesday June 11, 1884. Took my wife Sarah Jane to the surgeons to have her wrist examined and waited an hour on the doctor, but he did not come, and I was compelled to leave her there.

Corrected a discourse for the press.

I have a dislike to going to circuses in this city but Prest. Taylor was going, and it was proposed that Bro. Jos. F. Smith and myself should go too. I therefore went and enjoyed myself very well.

We are preparing to go to Logan tomorrow.

12 June 1884 • Thursday

Thursday June 12, 1884. Drove down to my place on the River last evening and packed my valise and had Angus drive me back to town, where I stopped for the night. This morning at 7.30 myself and wife, Sarah Jane, and son Carl, took the train for Logan. Prest. Taylor and wife Sophia and his sister, Augnes, and daughter Leonora and Bro. L. John Nuttall, Bro. John Irvine, and Bro. Chas. Barrell were also on the train to go to Logan. At Farmington Bishop Preston joined the party and at Ogden Bro F. D. Richards joined it. We did not leave the latter place until 11 oclock. At Logan myself and wife were assigned to Bro. Moses Thatcher’s. We were very kindly received. He has not yet returned from his mission to Oneida Co, Idaho, to which he was appointed at our last visit. In company with Prest. Taylor and the other brethren visited the temple. My brother David is still helping here and is well. Had a very interesting private conversation with Prest. Taylor upon principle and the great things the Lord had revealed. [The Lord revealed to him that it was necessary for him to be ordained a king over the house of Israel as were Joseph and Brigham. He said that he had assisted in the ordination of Joseph. He shrank from this priesthood responsibility because it was of too much significance and glory, but the Lord has said to him that this ordinance needed to be done. I responded that I knew Jehovah had helped him, and it was clear to me that he was well acquainted with him, and he blessed his counsels and everyone that listened to him, and the church and the work of the Lord was blessed by his hands and through his presidency.]1

We had some conversation also about the Bernhisel place for Bishop Preston, also an increase of the allowance for Bro Jos. F. Smith, and I dwelt upon the propriety of his, <President T.> having a car of his own to travel in, and not to be in the position he was in this morning to scramble for a seat in a crowded car. If we made our President common and did not show him deference, others would take their cue from us to treat him similarly; that we are a numerous people now and self respect should prompt us to show our leading man the honor due to his position

13 June 1884 • Friday

Friday June 13, 1884. Went to the Temple. [My younger brother David sealed Karl J. Q. Cannon, the grandchild of both Sarah Jane and myself, to us. He is a son of our child Franklin.]2 Spent the day at the Temple in company with Prest. Taylor and his wife Sophia and his sister. Endowments were given to a company of saints, principally for the dead. My wife Sarah Jane and Karl were there also; she enjoyed the opportunity very much and he was very good. She had her arm administered to, Brother David anointing and Bro. McAllister being mouth, and Bros Merrill and Card and myself joining in laying on hands. She felt greatly benefitted. We took supper with David and Bro. F. D. Richards at Bro. Card’s. Met with High Council in the evening and was kept in session till about 11.20 p.m. The occasion was a novel one. A woman whose maiden name was Clifford had married a man by the name of Thos Andrews with whom she went to California where he was found dead in the road partly eaten by hogs. She returned here and married her present husband named Hansen with whom she had lived 8 years and had one child by him, having two by the former husband. She wished to be sealed to Hansen for the reason that she had doubts about the formers faith &c. He had yielded somewhat to drink and was weak in the faith. Prest. Taylor thought the case should be brought before a proper tribunal and the evidence be heard as to these statements (there being a number of witnesses who knew them before they left for California) that the dead should not be deprived of any blessing upon exparte testimony. Much was said, and the High Council stood 9 to 3 in favor of Prest Card’s decision that she should have her choice in selecting her present husband as her partner for eternity.

Received a very interesting and pleasing letter from my son Franklin at Washington.

14 June 1884 • Saturday

Saturday June 14, 1884. Spent several hours with Prest. Taylor at Bishop Preston’s attending to various matters of business, among others whether this Church should purchase a ranch on Battle Creek in Idaho from a Bro. Roscoe for $2400 — the place being 9 miles from Oxford and very suitable for Church stock. At 2 p.m. met with Prest. Taylor, Bro F. D. Richards, Bishop Preston, and Presidents C. O. Card and J D. T. McAllister, M. W. Merrill, Bishop D. H Cannon, Bros L. John Nuttal, John Irvine, Saml Roskelly and Jas Leishman to arrange for the workers in the Temple. It was decided to have a President of the Temple (M. W. Merrill) and an assistant; a Recorder (Saml Roskelly) and an Assistant (Jas. Leishman) an Engineer (J. Crowther); a janitor (Bro. McNeil) and a night watchman, all of whom are to be paid by the Church. The assistant and the night watchman are not yet designated. The President Bro. Merrill is to receive $1800 per ann; the assistant not decided upon; the Recorder $1500; the Assistant $1300; the Engineer $75 per month, and the janitor and night watchman $60 per month apiece. Besides these there will be 17 men and 16 women needed as workers in the temple and to care for the grounds. These, it is proposed, to obtain from the various Stakes as Missionaries — persons who are in a position to come and work and sustain themselves for 3, 6 or 12 months without pay.

Rode out with my wife and Bro. Thatcher and wife after meeting

15 June 1884 • Sunday

Sunday June 15, 1884. At 10.30 this morning met in the Tabernacle with the children of the Sunday School and their parents. The occasion was one of great interest. The exercises were pleasing. I addressed the children for about 20 minutes and was followed by Prest. Taylor who upon request gave a recital of the circumstances preceding the massacre of Joseph and Hyrum Smith, the prophet and patriarch, and the particulars of that dreadful occurrence, in which he also was a victim.

At 2.30 P.M. we met in General Meeting and Elders F. D. Richards, Moses Thatcher, L. John Nuttall, myself and Prest. Taylor addressed the congregation. The latters remarks were very pointed and produced very solemn reflections. Spent evening at Bro. Preston’s where we took supper.

16 June 1884 • Monday

Monday June 16, 1884. Dictated Editorial Thoughts and Topics of the Time for the Juvenile Instructor to Bro. John Irvine. Reviewed with Bro. Taylor & Bro. Nuttall the ceremonies of the Endowment. Pres. Taylor decided that Sister Hansen alias Andrews nee Clifford have the privilege of electing which of the two husbands she shall be sealed to in eternity. If she selected Bro. Hansen, then the children and former husband be sealed to them in their family, and they do what they can to get a wife sealed to him. This was decided after the proceedings of the High Council in the case had been read. Bro. N. C. Edlefsen was, on my motion, seconded by Bishop Preston, appointed assistant to Bro. Merrill in the Temple, to have a thousand dollars a year for his services. With my wife and Bro. and Sister Thatcher took supper at Sister Zina Y. Williams. Her mother and Aunt Prescinda, Sister Minerva Snow and mother Farr were also there. Had interesting conversation with Sister Zina.

17 June 1884 • Tuesday

Tuesday June 17 1884. At 9 oclock this morning went to the temple with President Taylor, Bros Richards & Thatcher and other brethren. Had an interview while there with Bro. James Quayle and gave him counsel as to the course to pursue in a difficulty which existed between him and his Bishop — that he should be pliable and do anything that the brethren would require of him rather than to lose his standing in the Church. Bro. Card was present and I suggested to Bro. Card that he bring the matter before the High Counsel and have the Bishop and Bro. Quayle present, and ask Moses Thatcher to meet with them if convenient to him. Bro N. C. Edlefsen was afterwards chosen as the assistant to the President of the Temple, Bro. Merrill, and instructions were given by Prest. Taylor of a very instructive character. At 1.30 p.m. we took the train for Salt Lake City. We had to change at Mendon to a car which was brought from Ogden for our use. (Bro. Thatcher and wife accompanied us in his carriage to the Station at Logan. I feel under obligations to these kind friends for their hospitality, and the attentions that they have shown us). Our Engine broke down after leaving Mendon, and we had to return to Mendon Station and telegraph for a locomotive to come from Logan. We reached Ogden one hour and forty minutes late; but through the kindness of the railroad officials, at my request, a special train was furnished us to Salt Lake City, the regular having left one hour before our arrival. While at Mendon I received a dispatch from Bro. James H. Hart informing me that my son John Q. and wife had landed at New York at 2 oclock this afternoon. This was very pleasing news, especially to learn that they were both well. Myself and wife stopped at my son Abraham’s tonight.

18 June 1884 • Wednesday

Wednesday June 18, 1884. Drove home this morning. Found all well. The water in front had receded somewhat, though the river still continued high. Returned to the city. At 2 p.m. met with the First Presidency and Twelve in Council. Afterwards went to Bro. Lorenzo <Alonzo> E. Hyde’s, accompanied by Prest. Taylor, and administered to sister Hyde, the daughter of Prest. Taylor, who has been sick for a good while. I felt well in administering to her and promised her she should recover. I was mouth in anointing.

19 June 1884 • Thursday

Thursday June 19, 1884. The Hoar Bill passed the Senate yesterday. The vote was 33 in favor and 15 against, the 15 being Democrats. A number of the Democrats voted for the bill. The Republican party is determined to crowd us to the wall and if possible to destroy us. Many of the Democrats feel as they do, or are too cowardly to vote against any proposition they <may> make which affects us. Had a conversation with Bishop Thos Taylor concerning the Iron Works, he having returned from the south on Tuesday evening.

Dictated letter to Lieut. R. W. Young at the request of Prest. Taylor. He has submitted the question of his resignation from the army to us. My views have always been clear upon this point, that none of our brethren who have gained positions in the army should resign the same unless there were more cogent reasons for so doing than yet appear. I consider it advantageous to our people to gain influence and position in every branch of the public service; and while my sympathies were very strong in favor of Richard’s coming home, because I know it would be more pleasant for him and his people, still my views of the importance of such a position as he occupies is such that I think it would be unwise for him or Willard Young to resign their positions. Prest. Taylor decided that for the present he should remain, and that his mother should be assisted to live so as not to be dependent upon him.

Bro. Archibald Gardner and Charles Smith (son of George A.) called today and represented the condition of the water in Utah lake. The people of Utah Co. are very much stirred up about the dam that has been placed in the Jordan by Salt Lake Co. The propriety of buying all the submerged land along the margin of the Utah lake was talked over, and it was suggested by Prest. Taylor and myself that this was the best solution, and that the lake should be made a resevoir to hold the water needed by Salt Lake Co.

20 June 1884 • Friday

Friday June 20, 1884. Last night for the first time I think in my life I had something like neuralga in my face and suffered considerably. I did not sleep very soundly in consequence. It was due I think in part to a tooth that I broke. Bro. F. M. Lyman, in the afternoon, extracted it for me, this being the second tooth I ever had drawn. He broke it six times, and gashed away in my mouth in a manner that seemed as though it would break the jaw; but I was releived afterwards by the tooth being taken out.

I went to Ogden at ½ past 7 oclock this morning at the instance of Prest. Taylor in consequence of an interview which we had which we had with a member of the City Council of Ogden last night — Richd W. Taylor — who informed us that Bro. Joseph Stanford, who owned 20 shares of stock in the City Water Works, did not wish to sell. If he did sell he would take $1500 for his 20 shares, but would <not> consent to have the case submitted to the vote of the people. Prest. Taylor thought I had better have an interview with him. I asked Bro. F. D. Richards to accompany me as he was familiar with affairs in Ogden. We had an interview with Bro. Stanford who thought that he was entitled to some remuneration for his services as Secretary and Treasurer in addition to what he had already received. After some conversation I asked if he would take $1100 for his stock. He said he would, or would take whatever we said he ought to take. We closed at that, much to the satisfaction of two of the City Council — Bros Taylor and Hyrum S. Young. I returned on the 11 oclock train to the City. Bro. Richards stopped to attend Female Relief conference. On the train I met Bros Brigham Young and F. M. Lyman who were just returning from Arizona.

At 3 oclock we had meeting of the Iron Co. and had considerable conversation about its condition, and Prest. Taylor spoke out plainly to Bishop Taylor about the spirit he had manifested, and the course he had taken

21 June 1884 • Saturday

Saturday June 21, 1884. Bro. Sanders my School teacher had put off his school examination until today at my request. I spent the forenoon in the school room in company with my wives listening to the programme of exercises. They were most interesting to me, and the children showed a progress that is very gratifying. My daughters Mary Alice, Hester, and Emily read essays, one on Rhetoric, one on Physiology and Hygiene, and one on Philosophy. Mary Alice read also the closing address, all of which surprised me, they were so well written. The girls display talent that I was scarcely prepared for in this direction. Rose◊◊◊◊ [Rosannah] also read an essay on grammar, which for a girl 10 years old was a creditable production. She also gave a recitation — Moses and the children of Israel crossing the Red Sea — which took us all by surprise. She has had no teacher and yet her elocution was surprising for one so young who had never been taught. Altogether it was a very pleasing time for all of us. The little boys show considerable progress. In the spelling class Sylvester spelled down all the others. His confidence, though naturally bashful, was very amusing in his spelling exercises. He seemed to be perfectly master of the situation and had no fear. This I suppose arose from <the> knowledge that he understood what he was about. The Jordan River is higher today than it has been any time this season

22 June 1884 • Sunday

Sunday June 22, 1884. I found the river running over its banks north of my place this morning making quite a stream across the road. I attended meeting at the Tabernacle. I brought up my wife Martha, my daughters Mary Alice and Emily and my little son Sylvester. The other children came in another conveyance. Bro. Brigham Young spoke for half an hour, and Prest. Taylor requested me to follow, which I did. I spoke for 40 minutes. First Presidency & Twelve met in the Endowment House. At 6.30 I kept an appointment which I had made of meeting with the Saints in the 15th Ward School House. The building has just been renovated inside and presents a very handsome appearance. Bro. Joseph F. Smith and my brother Angus were present. I asked Bro. Smith to speak which he did and occupied about 40 minutes, and I followed and had considerable freedom. Remained in town all night.

23 June 1884 • Monday

Monday June 23, 1884. My son Abraham took me down home this morning. I found the whole place afloat. The river has broken out over the levee on Bro. Bull’s land above me. I found a stream probably 25 to 30 feet wide running through the levee and flowing on to my land also and spreading around my houses. I can only pass from house to house by means of a buggy. My wife Eliza had a fine lot of young turkeys drowned. Upon arriving in town I brought the condition of affairs to the attention of Bro. Jesse W. Fox who with his son Jesse will now do all they can to get men and teams to stop the break. Bro Wilcken brought word to the Office about one oclock that my family had moved out and were going up to town. I started out to meet them, but was prompted to go in to Bro. Savage’s art gallery to make inquiries respecting the taking of the School with Bro. Saunders their teacher in a group, and to my great delight I found them all there. The wagons containing my children had caused people to imagine we were moving out. Prest. Taylor took me with his wife Jane to what is known as the Cannon House to show me what rooms there were my family could use if they would move to the City.

I arranged this afternoon for a car to go up on tomorrow morning’s train to take up friends and relatives who wished to meet J. Q. and his wife. He telegraphed yesterday to Bro. Dougall that he would be in Ogden tomorrow morning at 10 oclock.

24 June 1884 • Tuesday

Tuesday June 24, 1884. At ½ past 7 o’clock this morning in company with a number of friends and relatives I went to Ogden to meet my son John Q. and wife. Prest. Joseph F. Smith and wife and wife and Bro. Brigham Young and wife <and his sister Caroline> accompanied us also. We remained in Ogden about two hours before the train arrived during which time I procured a box of strawberries and regaled the company to strawberries and sugar and also lemonade. John Q. and wife look exceedingly well. John says when he left he weighed 208 lbs. I fancy he has grown in height as well as weight. He measured with Bro. F. M. Lyman and I think stands 6 ft. 2½”. We had a very delightful trip. All seemed to enjoy themselves[.] I took John up to the office to pay his respects to Prest. Taylor. We then dined — myself and wife Sarah Jane, Mary Alice, David, Emily and Sylvester — with John Q. and wife at Bro & Sister Wells’. Afterwards I met with the comtee who regulate the canals of the county to consult with them respecting the best means to prevent difficulty with some of the Utah County people who had threatened if the planks were not taken out of the dam of the Jordan to commence a law suit immediately. Bro. Joseph F. Smith also at my invitation attended the meeting. We suggested to the brethren that they call a meeting of all parties interested in this county, representing the people, the City Council, the Judge of the county, the selectmen, and the representatives of the various canal companies. An arrangement was made to meet at the City Hall in the evening after the adjournment of the City Council. Bro. Joseph F. Smith and myself were present. My son John Q. accompanied me also. We had a full discussion, and a motion was made that steps be taken towards the purchase of the land in Utah County now submerged by the water with a view to making a reservoir of Utah Lake. The comtee was appointed, one man representing each interest. — I stayed in town all night.

25 June 1884 • Wednesday

Wednesday June 25 1884. At 6 oclock this morning John Q. and myself drove down to my home. I wanted him to see all my family. At the instance of the sub-Comtee that was appointed last evening, Bro. Smith and myself telegraphed to Bro. Smoot, Turner, Johnson, Madson, of Provo, Packer, of Springville, Snell, of Spanish Fork, and Cutler of Lehi, informing them of the meeting to be held tomorrow at 11 oclock at the City Hall and inviting them to attend. Favorable responses came from them. Attended meeting of the First Presidency and Twelve at the Endowment House. Afterwards accompanied Prest. Taylor & Smith to examine the old Constitution building with a view to its being repaired. Took supper with my son Abraham in company with my wife Sarah Jane and John Q. and wife. We had a very delightful time, but it was too short in consequence of having to drive home before dark.

26 June 1884 • Thursday

Thursday June 26, 1884. Had an interview with Bishop Thomas Taylor concerning the Iron Company. He feels dissatisfied with his position and wishes to sell his stock. I told him I could not counsel him to do so; that if he did so he would be sorry for it.

At 11 oclock met with the Comtee and the Bishops and President of Stake of Utah County at the City Hall. Prest. Joseph F. Smith was also present for a while. We had a very interesting meeting. The matter was fully discussed, and on motion by Bro. Smoot it was decided that he himself and the Bishops present do all in their power to effect a settlement by the purchase of the land, that being in their opinion the best plan.

At 3 oclock met with the First Presidency and Twelve. Took into consideration the condition of our titles to property. I made a motion that Corporations be organized for our Temples of a literary, scientific and educational character.

27 June 1884 • Friday

Friday June 27, 1884. Water in the river still continues high, though I think not quite so high as it has been. This morning another meeting was held in the Endowment House when this motion was discussed. I urged in favor of it that if we organized companies to hold our Temples as places of worship we would invite attack, because our enemies would say that they were places where treason was taught through the Endowments and marriages solemnized in violation of law, and being so valuable they would seek to have them confiscated or escheated to the Government. They were places that were much hated, and already remarks have been frequently made how much better it would be for people to spend their means in school houses and for education than in rearing such costly piles for such purposes as they were used for. But God in the revelations had commanded the saints in Kirtland to build a house of learning, among other things, a house where wisdom through the best books could be obtained by teaching. The first Temple that we had ever occupied undisturbed till we came to these mountains — that of Kirtland — was used for this purpose. Many of the brethren acquired a knowledge of Hebrew and other languages and of the sciences therein. We could devote our Temples to this purpose and pay taxes on them and declare that they were educational establishments. It seems as though circumstances were forcing us to do this to protect ourselves and at the same time advance our people in all true education. The question was discussed fully and finally carried by unanimous vote. Three gentlemen from Germany dined with Prest. Taylor today, and we had a very interesting time with them. Prest. Taylor sent for my son John Q. to join the party, and he was able to converse with them in German, the knowledge of English of two being very limited.

Prest. Taylor afterwards spoke to me respecting his son George who he said had spoken to him about giving up his position on the News which he had taken on the departure of John Q. for his mission, in order that John might again take it. He said that he had told George there would be room enough for them both. I then said that John Q. and myself had met George, and George had made the same proposal, to John Q, but that he (John Q) said on no account would he accept the place. He would not think it right, and I <had> said that I thought he ought to be able to obtain employment without being put in the position of an object of charity. He could go somewhere else where he could command employment. Prest. Taylor said he wanted the News to be made a first-class paper and when I told him that John Q. had been offered a place on the Herald, he said he must not go there (I may say here that he was offered the Chief Editorship of the Herald if he would accept of it, but he declined). Prest Taylor sent for his son Thomas E. Taylor, who is manager of the News, and for Bro. Penrose, Editor, and arranged with them for John Q. to go to work on the News. — I wrote a letter for Prest. Taylor to send to Lieut. Richd W. Young, Governors Island, N. Y. in answer to inquiries made by him respecting his resignation.

28 June 1884 • Saturday

Saturday June 28, 1884. At 11 oclock met with the First Presidency and Twelve at the Endowment House. Myself and Prest. Jos. F. Smith were appointed to comtee to look after the titles to the property of the church and see that everything is square in view of the raid that our enemies contemplate making upon us to despoil us. The Twelve were required to act in this matter under our direction. I was also appointed under the direction of Bro. Carrington and George Reynolds to look into the P. E. Fund Corporation with a view to preparing for the attack which was contemplated in the Hoar Bill which has passed the Senate. Governor Murray has been re-appointed, and we hear that our enemies are pushing the Hoar Bill into prominence in the House with a view to having it passed before they adjourn. Spent the afternoon at the office, passing the time examining into the P. E. Fund.

29 June 1884 • Sunday

Sunday June 29, 1884. The anniversary of my daughter Rose Annie’s birthday. She is 11 years old today. Most the family breakfasted at her mothers, and we had a very interesting time. Attended the Tabernacle in the afternoon. My son John Q. spoke first; was followed by Prest’s Woodruff and Taylor. The latter’s discourse was very admirable. I enjoyed it very much. My son John Q. spoke very well, and I was much pleased with his remarks and spirit as I think all were who heard him. Held meeting with the First Presidency and Twelve at the Endowment House. I took supper in company with my brother Angus at Sister Emiline B. Well’s where John Q. and his wife are stopping.

Afterwards accompanied my son to the 17th Ward meeting, calling on the way at Bro Groesbecks and administered to him. He was in a dying condition. Remained in town all night.

30 June 1884 • Monday

Monday June 30, 1884. Drove down early this morning. Returned. At the Office. Attended to various matters in the forenoon, and at 3 o’c met with the Presidency and Twelve in the Endowment House

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June 1884, The Journal of George Q. Cannon, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-q-cannon/1880s/1884/06-1884


  1. [1]Translated from Hawaiian: Ua Loike mai Ke akua ia ia e pono nona e ordained he alii Maluna o Ka hale o Isreala e like me Joseph a <a> me Brighama. Ua i mai oia, ua Kokua oia ma Ka ordination o Josepha. Ua shrunk oia mai Keia oihana, no Ka mea, he mea nui a hanohano ia; aka ua olelo mai o Ke Akuna ia ia e pono uo Ke hanaia. Ua i aku la au ia ia, ua ike au ua Kokua o Jehova ia ia, ua akaka ia’u ua launa pu Oia me ia, a ua hoopomaikai i kona counsels a me lakou a pau i lohe ia ia, a ua hoopo maikaiia Ka ekalesia a me ka hana a ke Akua ma kona mau lima a ma o kona presidency la.

  2. [2]Translated from Hawaiian: Ua sila mai la o Ka’u Kaikaiua Davida ia Karl J. Q. Cannon, Ka moopuna o maua me Sarah Jane, ia maua. He Keikikane oia a ka maua keiki o Franklin.