January 1900
Events in George Q. Cannon’s journal for 1900
- 11 January
Birthday celebration and program concerning “a wondrous child of destiny”
- 17 January ff.
“There is quite a scare at the present time in relation to smallpox.”
- 23 January
- 2 February ff.
Business dealings with Sir Alexander Galt and Charles Alexander Magrath
- 5 February
- 6 February
- 10 February
- 12 February
- 17 February
- 5 March
Deliberations regarding building a canal in Big Horn country, Wyoming
- 6 March
- 15 March
Opposed erecting a public monument to President Wilford Woodruff
- 16 March
- 18 March
Mark, son of wife Caroline, chose not to enter into the Cannon family association
- 24 March
- 17 April ff.
- 21 April ff.
- 8 May
A letter to President Porfirio Diaz of Mexico and a translation of his reply
- 16 May
“It has been resolved to publish the History of Joseph Smith” and have “B. H. Roberts do the work.”
- 17 May
Disagreed to have the Assembly Hall in Salt Lake City converted into a college building
- 19 May
- 21 May
Had a horse in a horse race at Calder’s Park, Salt Lake City
- 11 June
- 5 July
The cost of support of missionaries “is becoming oppressive to the people.”
- 12 July
- 19 July
- 20 July ff.
“Proposed sale of Geo. Q. Cannon & Sons Co’s business to the Church”
- 25 July ff.
- 27 July ff.
- 7 August
- 8 August
- 10 August
- 13 August
- 17 August
- 22 August
Counseled William Budge concerning his candidacy for the Idaho Senate
- 9 September
- 10 September ff.
- 21 September
The arrival in Salt Lake City of Governor Theodore Roosevelt and party
- 23 September
- 27 September
“I am seriously thinking of turning over the Juvenile Instructor to the Sunday School Union.”
- 2 October
- 4 October
- 18 October
- 20 October
Presentation about “putting the Tabernacle organ in proper condition”
- 24 October
- 3 November
- 5 November
“We had taken no steps as a First Presidency to favor any candidate.”
- 8 November
- 17 November
Proposed that “everyone who could do so should be vaccinated”
- 22 November
- 26 November
- 29 November
Left for the Sandwich Islands to attend the semicentennial celebration there
- 1 December
- 3 December ff.
- 10 December
- 12 December
- 13 December ff.
- 17 December
- 18 December ff.
- 26 December
- 27 December
“I had many reflections this morning upon my first residents [residence] at this place.”
- 29 December
1 January 1900 • Monday
Monday, January 1, 1900
I spent to-day at home, and prayed with and talked to my family, pointing out to them the lessons of the past year and how we should resolve for the coming year.
2 January 1900 • Tuesday
Tuesday, January 2, 1900
Messrs. Miller and Bateman called to get an answer to their proposition. Upon being informed it was declined, they then offered to work for $1800 each a year and manage the business for us, if that would be acceptable. We viewed the proposition very favorably. President Snow seems determined to have a change.
3 January 1900 • Wednesday
Wednesday, January 3, 1900
At the office to-day, we had a meeting of the Salt Lake & Los Angeles Ry., to take into consideration the proposition made by Messrs. Miller and Bateman. After considerable conversation, it was decided that, President Snow being the largest stockholder should have some voice as to what should be done with this. He evidently is in favor of it; so when I suggested that his wishes should be accepted by the Company he suggested that he would talk with his Counselors and the Twelve, and would give an answer accordingly.
We had a meeting of Zion’s Savings Bank at one o’clock.
4 January 1900 • Thursday
Thursday, January 4, 1900
This morning we had a letter from Mr. Theodore Bruback offering to lease Saltair Beach and the railroad and to give $15,000 a year for the lease, or he would like to get an option on the property for $400,000.
His letter and the other proposition of Miller & Bateman were submitted to the Council, which met at 11 o’clock. There were present besides the First Presidency, Brigham Young, F. M. Lyman, J. H. Smith, G. Teasdale, H. J. Grant, J. W. Taylor, M. F. Cowley, A. O. Woodruff and R. Clawson, of the Twelve. President Snow led in prayer and Brother John Henry Smith was mouth in the circle. It was thought prudent, after considering the affairs of the railroad and beach, to postpone any action upon it for the present, as there is pending at the present time an offer by the Kansas people who own shares in the Inland Crystal Salt Co. to buy that company out, and if it were known that we were making any changes it might disturb that business.
Brother Grant has been desirous of paying his debts by selling $51,000 of Theatre stock to the Church. Arrangements were made to-day by which this should be done, if it were agreeable to the Trustee-in-Trust, which seemed to relieve Brother Grant very much.
5 January 1900 • Friday
Friday, January 5, 1900
At the office attending to business.
6 January 1900 • Saturday
Saturday, January 6, 1900
7 January 1900 • Sunday
Sunday, January 7, 1900
Attended fast meeting in the temple this morning. A great many testimonies were borne and a very good spirit prevailed. I spoke for a few minutes.
After the fast meeting I spoke to President Snow and asked him when he wished to have the conversation with me that he intimated a day or two ago he desired to have in relation to the vacancy in the Twelve. After a little consideration we decided to go up to his house, where we could be alone. We occupied about an hour and a half in conversation. It was not the vacancy in the Twelve that he had so much to say about as the question of who should be President of the Twelve. President Snow seems to be imbued with the idea that the man who is the President of the Twelve would succeed to the Presidency of the Church in the event of his (President Snow's) demise, and this has given him some concern. He does not appear altogether clear on this point, yet very strongly inclined to that view. I have not held that view myself; still after hearing his remarks I became somewhat unsettled regarding my own view. He thought that the President of the Twelve, having the Twelve behind him, would, as the head of the organized quorum, naturally succeed to the Presidency. My view has been that the senior Apostle, though he were not President of the Twelve - say like my own case, one of the Counselors in the First Presidency - would be the President. Illustrating my view, I said Brother Heber C. Kimball was the senior Apostle next to President Young. If the latter had died before Brother Heber, it has always seemed to me that Brother Heber would preside over the Church, though he would not be at that time acting as President of the Twelve. President Snow seemed to think that if Orson Hyde had presided over the Twelve and had been fully recognized as such President, his being President of the Twelve would have made him President of the Church and excluded Brother Heber. Likewise in the present instance, if Brigham Young were put in as President of the Twelve, though I am the senior Apostle next to President of the Twelve, though I am the senior Apostle next to President Snow, his being President of the Twelve would give him priority over Brother Joseph F. Smith or myself. I alluded to the case of Brother Hyrum Smith. Brother Hyrum Smith had been Counselor to Brother Joseph after Frederick G. Williams was dropped. At the death of his father, however, he succeeded to the patriarchal office. In the revelation of Jany., 1841, the Lord says concerning Hyrum, "I appoint unto him that he may be a prophet, and a seer, and a revelator unto my Church, as well as my servant Joseph, that he may act in concert also with my servant Joseph; and that he shall receive counsel from my servant Joseph, who shall show unto him the keys whereby he may ask and receive, and be crowned with the same blessing, and glory, and honor, and priesthood, and gifts of the priesthood, that were put upon him that was my servant Oliver Cowdery." I said that it seemed to me that he received by that revelation more authority than any other man, excepting Joseph. At this point President Snow interposed and said, "But there were many others called prophets, seers and revelators". Yes, I replied, there were afterwards, but not at that time. After the endowments were given, the Twelve received the authority of prophet, seer and revelator; but, as I remember, it was Joseph's evident intention to push his brother Hyrum to the front. I heard him say things myself which I now understand better than when I heard them, respecting Hyrum, and it is evident to me that it was his wish that Hyrum should succeed him in the event of his death, in fact, I heard President Young say, after the martyrdom of the Prophet, that if Hyrum had lived he would have been President of the Church, because Joseph had ordained him to preside. It is apparent to me that President Snow is averse to putting Brother Brigham Young in as President of the Twelve Apostles; in fact, he so expressed himself.
There is another question in connection with this that will probably have to be decided before long, and that is, Which precedes in rank, Brother Joseph F. Smith or Brother Brigham Young? Brother Brigham was ordained to the Apostleship by his father in 1855. I suppose his two brothers, Joseph A. & John W., were ordained at the same time. This was without any action on the part of any of the authorities. When a vacancy occurred in the Twelve through the apostasy of Amasa Lyman, Brother Joseph F., who also had been ordained an Apostle, was selected to fill that position, and thus became a member of the quorum of the Apostles, upheld by the people, before Brother Brigham. Subsequently, George A. Smith, President Young's first counselor, died, and Brother Brigham was selected to fill the position made vacant in the Twelve at that time. We were in the Historian Office when the selection was made, and I remember asking President Young whose name would precede in the quorum – Joseph's or Brigham's? I made this inquiry because I knew of Brigham's ordination. President Young very promptly answered that Brigham's name would precede. I understand that Brigham says his father insisted that his name should precede when he himself expressed the feeling that Joseph F's name should take the lead. This has never been settled beyond this. I understand that Joseph F. feels that it is his right, because of his being a member of the quorum of the Twelve before Brigham, to precede Brigham. On the other hand, Brigham feels that he comes first. The selection of Joseph F. as counselor in the First Presidency has obviated the necessity of deciding this question heretofore, but now that there may be a question arise as to the successor in the Presidency it is important that some conclusion should be reached upon this point. I think that the majority of the brethren will feel that Joseph's name ought to precede, because before Brigham had ever been mentioned in connection with the Twelve Joseph had been acting as one of the Twelve, upheld by the votes of the people.
President Snow did not express himself as to what course should be taken. He seemed to be more desirous to know my mind on the subject. I said to him, Of course, if it is your understanding that the President of the Twelve succeeds to the presidency of the Church, in the event of the President dying, then I suppose I would have to be put in as President of the Twelve. He said, Yes; you are the senior Apostle next to myself, and in that position you would preside over the Church if anything happened to me.
This matter has given me very serious reflection. It is a time when the mind of the Lord should be known, and that which we do should be done with the utmost care, for we must not furnish those who follow us with any precedent that will not be correct or that would lead to confusion. My own feeling has been, as I remarked, that the senior Apostle would succeed to the Presidency, even though he were not acting as President of the Twelve. But further reflection upon this subject causes me to perceive the force of President Snow’s view when he says that the President of the Twelve, being sustained by the quorum of the Twelve, which is the presiding quorum when there is no First Presidency, becomes by virtue of his holding that position the president of the Church. Hyrum Smith’s case, of course, would not be governed by this view, because, according to Brother Brigham’s statement, he was chosen and ordained to hold the position of President of the Church.
8 January 1900 • Monday
Monday, January 8, 1900
I was at the office.
A committee of the Brigham Young Trust Co. whom I had appointed, consisting of Wm. A. Rossiter, L. H. Young and Andrew Brixen, waited upon President Snow to learn what he proposed to do in regard to the offer which had been made by the Company to him of the offices at present occupied by the First Presidency. It resulted in President Snow accepting the offer which they had made to sell the ground at $250 a front foot. They told him he might take what time he wished to pay it in, and the interest would be 6%. It was decided by the First Presidency afterwards that President Snow should give a note for the amount, half payable on April 20, 1901 and the other half in 1902. The Lion House also was accepted at the price they offered it.
Mr. Geo. Y. Wallace, of the Bell Telephone Co., called in and informed us of the Company’s intention to build a telephone line to St. George, and asked us to take stock in it. He thought that we might do away with the Deseret Telegraph line, because it must, he said, entail considerable expense upon us. I asked him if it was fully decided upon that the telephone line would be built, and when. He said it was almost certain, and that it would be built in the spring, and pass through all the settlements south.
9 January 1900 • Tuesday
Tuesday, January 9, 1900
Meeting of the Utah Light & Power Co. this morning; also meeting of the Brigham Young Trust Co.
President Snow absent at Brigham City to-day; President Smith at Logan.
10 January 1900 • Wednesday
Wednesday, January 10, 1900
President Smith returned last night; President Snow still absent. I attended to matters of business at the office.
11 January 1900 • Thursday
Thursday, January 11, 1900
Brother J. E. Talmage called at the office this morning. He has been in California, and reports that Brother Nye's influence in the Mission there has almost entirely gone, in consequence of his temper and his method of dealing with questions. I infer that he considers Brother Nye tyrannical. We have felt for some time that Sister Nye does not exert a good influence in her position there, but Brother Nye himself has been highly thought of. It is said, however, that he is subject to fits of temper.
We had our usual meeting in the temple. It being the quarterly meeting of the Twelve, we fasted, and after attending to various matters of business, partook of the sacrament together and had a very enjoyable time.
At half past one I went home, it being my birthday, and my family were desirous that I should be home by two oclock. It was after two when I got there. At 3 o’clock we sat down to dinner. There were three tables as full as they could hold, as there were 83 persons present of my own family. After the food had been disposed of, which had been excellently prepared by my daughters, a program was entered upon, my son John Q. being master of ceremonies. I insert the program here, so that it may be seen what we did, but I cannot fully describe that which took place. A stage in the back parlor had been elaborately prepared and presented a beautiful appearance. The folding door between the front and back parlor (it being my wife’s wife Sarah Jane’s house) was closed, so that we had no idea of what was on the other side of the door till it was opened. After music by the children and prayer by the Bishop, the door was opened, with all the children and the grandchildren arranged on the stage as a chorus. They impersonated fairies and elves. John Q’s oldest daughter was the queen of the fairies. They sang a song concerning a wondrous child of destiny, after which Abraham’s daughter Elizabeth came in representing my mother, and my son Espy impersonated me. They had conversation - all in rhyme - she seeking this fairy dell in order to learn about the child’s future. In the meantime the fairies had been singing the destiny of this wondrous child. After the conversation had taken place between the mother and the son, the son retired with the understanding that he was to return in a[n] hour or two to see what his mother had dreamed. Then the queen of the fairies introduced herself and told the mother if she would lie down she should learn concerning her son and his destiny. After this the operetta went on to describe my life. The different phases of my career were represented by the children, and each sung his or her part in rhyme, the chorus joining in at times The whole thing was most effective. My tears flowed copiously. I had no idea whatever of this being in preparation, and it was a complete surprise; in fact, it took me a little time after it commenced to see clearly that it was referring to me and my life. The children performed their parts admirably. They must have been very well drilled. I sat filled with wonder as to who of my family could have had the ability to do this, because the rhymes and the tunes were so appropriate. I made inquiry about it, and learned that it was John Q.’s wife. It was surprisingly clever, and I was deeply touched by it. After, John Q. gave a description of our old homestead on the Isle of Man and the genealogy of the family, which was also most effective, and he had tableaux at different points in the narrative, which were exceedingly beautiful.
Altogether it was one of the most effective things I every saw in an amateur affair, and all, I think, were delighted. I cannot express the feelings of gratification and joy that I had. I was simply overpowered. Letters also from Frank and wife, from William and Sylvester and others were very touching.
[Attached program:]
[Handwritten:] <Father>
George Quayle Cannon,
Birthday Anniversary,
January 11,
Aunt Sarah Jane’s.
2 p.m.
Music……………………….Musical Club
Operetta, “Child of Destiny”
Fairy Queen………………..Louise
First Fairy…………………..Mary
Journalist………………..Frank Q.
Fairies and Elves
……Children and Grandchildren
Letters from Absent Ones…….Brigham
Sketch of Cannon Family and Their Home, Past and Present……Jno. Q.
(with tableaux)
Isle of Man………………..Hester
Great Britain………………Carol
The Original Jno. Cannon and Wife……Read and Vera
Capt. Cannon………………..Hugh
The Emigrants……Preston and Grace
Veal Soup Crackers
Celery Salted Almonds Olives
Cold Turkey Sliced Ham
Cranberry Sauce
Creamed Mushrooms in Timbale Cases
Thin Bread and Butter
Celery and Cabbage Salad
Cheese Wafers
Bombe Glacé Assorted Cakes
Jno. Q., Hugh, Hester.
Mary Alice, Annie,
Amelia, Mary E.
Emily, Carol, Grace, Vera.
Sarah A. J., Miriam,
Brigham, Read,
Jno. Q., Angus, Hugh
[End of attachment]
12 January 1900 • Friday
Friday, January 12, 1900
Dictated my journal to Brother Arthur Winter and attended to some other business at the office.
13 January 1900 • Saturday
Saturday, January 13, 1900
At the office and attended to various matters.
14 January 1900 • Sunday
Sunday, January 14, 1900
Attended meeting at the Tabernacle. Brother Wm. T. Jack (President of the Southwestern States Mission) and Brother J. M. Knight spoke. I enjoyed their remarks very much. I followed and spoke about 40 mins.
In the evening I went to the ward meeting, partook of the sacrament, and listened to two home missionaries, one of whom was Brother Knight, who had spoken at the Tabernacle. I am impressed with this young man. He is a forcible speaker and seems to have the fire of the Holy Ghost in him.
15 January 1900 • Monday
Monday, January 15, 1900
Attended a meeting of the Sugar Co.
Mr. Geo. Y. Wallace called upon the First Presidency again about the Deseret Telegraph line and taking stock in his telephone business. He proposes to give us $10,000 in cash for our telegraph line, if we will take $50,000 worth of stock in the telephone. President Snow spoke to him about taking half the amount. In that case he would only give $5000 for the telegraph line. No decision was reached.
16 January 1900 • Tuesday
Tuesday, January 16, 1900
Attended meeting of the executive committee of the Utah Light & Power Co.
17 January 1900 • Wednesday
Wednesday, January 17, 1900
Dictated my journal to Brother Arthur Winter, and spent some time with my son John Q. in looking over our family record and arranging for work to be done by our kindred.
Yesterday it was decided to close the temples for awhile, in consequence of the appearance of smallpox in our midst. There is quite a scare at the present time in relation to smallpox, and a good deal of contention in regard to vaccination and anti-vaccination. I have had all my children vaccinated, and it has resulted successfully.
I had considerable conversation this morning with President Snow in relation to matters pertaining to the Godhead and to spiritual existence.
18 January 1900 • Thursday
Thursday, January 18, 1900
The First Presidency and Twelve met in the temple at 11 o’clock. Besides the First Presidency, there were present, Brothers Lyman, Smith, Teasdale, Grant, Lund, Cowley, Woodruff and Clawson, of the Twelve. Brother Grant offered the opening prayer, and Brother Teasdale was mouth in the circle. The decision that the First Presidency had come to respecting closing the temples was brought before the Council, and a motion was made that the conferences now pending for Sunday next should not be held.
This afternoon I attended meeting of the Sunday School Union Board, and we did considerable business; among other things, considered the propriety of closing the Sunday schools next Sunday, and it was unanimously decided that unless there should be some action taken by the City authorities respecting the closing of Sunday schools, we should hold ours as usual.
19 January 1900 • Friday
Friday, January 19, 1900
Miss Mabelle Biggart interviewed the Presidency this morning for the purpose of writing an article for a new magazine, The Success. She seemed like a very bright, intelligent woman. Of course, it is difficult to say what such people will write.
At 3 o’clock the General Board of Education met and attended to some business.
20 January 1900 • Saturday
Saturday, January 20, 1900
At the office; attended to various items of business.
A very foggy, disagreeable day, and I felt the effect on my lungs.
21 January 1900 • Sunday
Sunday, January 21, 1900
I met with the saints in the Tabernacle at 2 o’clock, and listened to Elders Brooks and Pugmire, returned missionaries, and Benjamin Goddard. There was about half an hour remaining, and I spoke about 25 mins. My subject was one that I should have been pleased to have enlarged upon, if time had permitted, it being an attempt on my part to show how the revelations which the Lord had given to the Prophet Joseph had illustrated most clearly the characteristics of our Father in heaven, showing that he was the same being that the prophets of old had represented him to be. I explained the difference between endless torment and the consigning of the soul to torment endlessly, as revealed in Section 19 of the Book of Doctrine and Covenants.
22 January 1900 • Monday
Monday, January 22, 1900
Dictated my journal to Brother Arthur Winter, and attended to various items of business.
23 January 1900 • Tuesday
Tuesday, January 23, 1900
The executive committee of the Utah Light Power Co. held their usual meeting and attended to considerable business.
The First Presidency had interviews with Brother Rigby, Brother Todd and Brother Jacobs in relation to the drawing of settlers from different parts of the State and having them settle in the Teton country, in the Fremont Stake. A folder had been published by the railway company which these brethren had been sending around for the purpose of setting forth the advantages of that country, and they wanted to have our approval of their labors. Brother A.O. Woodruff, of the Twelve Apostles, was also present. He is engaged in endeavoring to collect settlers for the Big Horn country, and there is a probability of the two propositions coming in conflict before the people. We had considerable conversation on this point, and the brethren were charged that if they went out among the people to be very careful and not offer improper inducements, but if they could collect any settlers such as they stated they heard were numerous among the people - that is, those who had no land and who were spending their time unprofitably - there could be no objections to inducing them to move into that region.
There was a meeting of the Grass Creek Coal Co., and we had a very full and free conversation respecting this property.
24 January 1900 • Wednesday
Wednesday, January 24, 1900
To-day at the office the question, In what person or persons shall the title to the Canadian lands belonging to the Church vest? was brought forward by the Presiding Bishopric and F. S. Richards. Brother Richards favored the selection of three trustees up there to hold the land. While I have felt that there may be some reasons why this plan should be adopted, I am strongly in favor of the title to all the Church property being held by the Trustee-in-Trust. I think it better to concentrate our property in that manner, and not divide it out, making different persons trustees, because in so doing we lose to a certain extent the control of it. Brother Richards, however, thought this could not be done under the laws of Canada, and it was suggested that as Mr. Galt and Mr. Magrath were coming down we had better defer any further action until they arrive, and then consult with them.
25 January 1900 • Thursday
Thursday, January 25, 1900
The First Presidency and the Apostles met at the office of the Presidency this morning, as the temple is closed. There were present, the First Presidency and Elders Lyman, Teasdale, Grant, Lund, Cowley, Woodruff and Clawson, of the Twelve. President Snow desired me to make a statement to the Council concerning the proposition of Mr. Wallace, President of the Rocky Mountain Bell Telephone Co. After listening to all that could be said upon the subject, the feeling expressed by the Council was in favor of disposing of the telegraph line, if it could be done on good terms; but President Snow and all felt that we had not money to invest in the telephone company. Brother Lyman had been appointed to act as committeeman with Brother Lund on the question of dividing the Salt Lake Stake, in the absence of Brother John Henry Smith. They have obtained an expression of feeling from the Sugar House and the Farmers wards, and both wards, by a majority vote, expressed a wish to join the new Stake - Granite. This led to considerable discussion, in which Brother Joseph F. Smith expressed the feeling as to the manner in which the people in these wards had been led to take that action. He himself favored the division on 13th South Street, in which feeling I agreed; but I have no wish myself to have the wards go in any direction other than that desired by the majority of the people. After hearing a circular from the Forest Dale ward, in which they expressed their willingness to go wherever the Presidency of the Church desired, it was decided that these three wards should be part of the Granite Stake, and the Cannon ward (the people of which desired to remain with the Salt Lake Stake) should remain as it is. On voting for this the Council were all in the affirmative, excepting President Smith, and he voted, No. He said he did so to express his feelings; at the same time he was in accord with his brethren.
Brothers Lyman and Lund reported that they had organized the Jordan Stake, and had a very fine time. Brother Orrin P. Miller was selected as the President of the Stake.
26 January 1900 • Friday
Friday, January 26, 1900
No particular business.
27 January 1900 • Saturday
Saturday, January 27, 1900
Mr. Wallace, of the telephone company, came in, and President Snow and myself had further conversation with him concerning the Deseret telegraph line. President Snow offered him the line and all its belongings for $5000 in cash. Mr. Wallace would like us to take it in stock, but President Snow said, Cash only. To this Mr. Wallace made no definite reply, because he has to submit the question to his Board of Directors, which meet on Monday. The telegraph line has been very useful in the past; but the necessity for it does not appear to be so pressing at the present time. Our mail service is very good, and we can get answers very quickly by mail, and it costs the Church about $3000 a year to run the telegraph line over and above its earnings.
28 January 1900 • Sunday
Sunday, January 28, 1900
I had an interview this morning with my son Willard and daughter Carol and their mothers, in relation to their proposed marriage. I had not exactly been suited with the spirit in which they had received my offer of the house that I bought from Brother Wilcken. I offered them this house as a residence, and in conversation with them upon the subject some time ago I had said there would be a difference between that which I ought to allow them (and which I had allowed my other children) and the cost of the house, and spoke about this difference being made up to me in some form. I did not like the spirit in which they received this. They appeared to me to talk as though they would be conferring a favor on me to accept what I offered them. I stated my feelings very plainly at this meeting, and their mothers joined in saying that they thought I had treated them very liberally. The children manifested a very good spirit to-day. I told them what I would do towards starting them. Later in the day we all went through the house and examined it.
At 2 o’clock I attended meeting in the Tabernacle and listened to a discourse by Brother J. E. Talmage, after which I spoke for about 25 mins.
In the evening I attended ward meeting and listened to Elders Bowers and John T. Caine, who both spoke well, especially the latter.
29 January 1900 • Monday
Monday, January 29, 1900
A son of the late Bishop Lorenzo D. Young came in to see us about getting the use of the Assembly Hall for the funeral services of his brother Dr. Harry Young and nephew John G. Young, who were killed on the Phillipine Islands. We discussed the matter, and Sunday, Feby. 11th, was appointed as the day for the funeral, and in view of the large attendance that probably would be present, the Tabernacle was decided upon as the place to hold it.
Mr. Galt, Mr. Magrath and Mr. Anderson had an appointment with us at 10 o’clock this morning. They did not reach here in time to occupy that appointment, but we afterwards had a meeting at 2 o’clock, in which we went over a great many points connected with the work in Canada. The meeting on the whole was very pleasant, more so than I had expected.
30 January 1900 • Tuesday
Tuesday, January 30, 1900
We met again with Mr. Galt, Mr. Magrath and Mr. Anderson, and had further discussion on Canadian affairs.
I invited President Snow and wife, President Smith and wife, Mr. Galt, Mr. Magrath and Mr. Anderson to take dinner at my house at 4:30 to-day. I expected to have Brother Le Grand Young and wife, but he is absent at Omaha. My son John Q. and daughter Emily completed the party, numbering twelve. I sent my carriage for the Canadian gentlemen. We partook of dinner towards 5 o’clock, and had a very pleasant time. They stayed till half past seven. My daughter sang a number of songs, and John Q’s wife gave several recitations. All expressed themselves as highly pleased with the affair.
31 January 1900 • Wednesday
Wednesday, January 31, 1900
Brother William Budge had conversation with President Snow and myself to-day about political matters in Idaho, and we gave him some counsel.
I received a letter from my son Hugh to-day, informing me that he had obtained a certificate for 42,500 shares in the Liquid Air Company, with the understanding that I must not sell any of these shares till after all the treasury stock is sold. The understanding previously had been that I was not to get this stock until a year had elapsed; but in view of their being in New York at the present time the Company was willing to issue it on the understanding that I would not dispose of it before the treasury stock was sold. I have no desire to dispose of it. I do not know what it will be worth, because it is a new project. I am not sure whether this stock all belongs to me, or whether half of it belongs to Frank and Hugh.
I dictated my journal to Brother Arthur Winter.