August 1894

1 August 1894 • Wednesday

Tuesday <Wednesday>, Aug. 1, 1894. Prests. Woodruff, Smith and myself read a very lengthy and elaborate communication from Gen. J. S. Clarkson giving in some detail the description of the labors we have been performing in securing the passage of the Enabling Act. In this communication he recites at some length, and in language of high praise, the labors that have been performed by Col. Isaac Trumbo covering a number of years, and impresses President Woodruff with the great value of his services to the Latter-day Saints, and the great obligations we are all under to him for what has been done. He speaks modestly of his own labors and mentions the names of prominent men who have been of great service to us in securing for us the passage of this Act, and the high regard and warm friendship which we should entertain for them. He thinks the election of Col. Trumbo to the United States Senate would be no more than he deserves, and what he is entitled to at the hands of the people of Utah, and that his election would be the best for Utah that could be done.

The First Presidency had a conversation with Bros. McAlister of the Manti Temple and James Sharp of the Salt Lake Temple in regard to certain points of difference in the endowment ceremonies. We examined them and found them to be chiefly differences in expression only and not principle.

2 o’clock Presidents Woodruff, Smith and myself took the cars for Saltair to attend the celebration of the passage of the enabling act. I had been requested to make an address, but as it is a very difficult place to be heard I did not feel myself much inclined to speak, I therefore wrote my remarks and had my son John Q. read them. Preceding them, however, was the selection of Judge S. A. Merritt as Chairman, who made introductory remarks, and then the reading of the proclamation of the Acting Governor, C. C. Richards, by David McKenzie; and after my address was read, Dr. Iliff followed in quite a vigorous and happy speech. He was followed by John T. Caine, Mr. Dickson, and the Delegate, Hon. J. L. Rawlins, which closed the proceedings. Bro. Caine read his remarks; Messrs. Dickson and Rawlins spoke extemporaneously. Returned on the six o’clock train.

2 August 1894 • Thursday

Thursday, August 2nd, 1894 Don Carlos Young, my brother-in-law, has been very sick and is still, resulting from a violent attack of fever. Have called upon him several times and administered to him, and each time he has seemed to be benefitted. He is living at a distance from neighbors who can wait upon him, and it makes the labor very heavy on the family.

2 o’clock, First Presidency and President L. Snow, Brigham Young, F. M. Lyman, John H. Smith, and Heber J. Grant and Geo. F. Gibbs, our secretary, met at the Temple. The First Presidency and Twelve clothed themselves and offered prayer. Bro. Grant opened by prayer and I was called upon to be mouth at the altar. We attended to some business and adjourned.

I called to see my nephew, David Lambert who is suffering from an attack of what is called apendicites. I was summoned last Tuesday evening to administer to him, he was said then to be dying. Bishop Sperry was present and my nephew Lew. Cannon. We anointed him and laid hands on him. The Doctors were anxious to cut him open as they said he could not live without an operation; but we did not feel that this was the right thing to do, and he himself expressed a determination not to submit to it. After that, however, they still pressed for an operation. I called upon him today and found him much improved; and my sister, Mary Alice, his mother, was there as well as his own folks, and we all rejoiced in the blessings resulting from the administration of the ordinance. He appears now that he will, with care, recover.

3 August 1894 • Friday

Friday, August 3rd, 1894 Presidents Woodruff Smith and myself engaged all the forenoon listening to correspondence.

We appropriated $750.00 for the benefit of Bishop O. F. Whitney, it being an amount which he says he has earned and which was not paid to him by the History Company.

There had been application made through Bro. Grant, from the Grant Bros. Livery Company, to President Woodruff as Trustee-in-trust and to the First Presidency, to give a note for the benefit of the Livery Company for $35,000.00, the security being part of the real estate upon which the main building of the Livery Stables stands. When the matter was brought up a few days ago by Bro. Grant to me personally, I said to him that I would like myself to have, before any decision was reached on this point, a meeting of the First Presidency and all the members of the Twelve that could be brought together. I felt quite dark in my mind concerning it; It seemed as though the load was being piled up on the Trustee-in-trust and First Presidency almost beyond our strength to carry it; and I desired very much to hear what the other brethren had to say regarding it, for my mind was not clear. When we met President Woodruff was very emphatic in his expressions concerning this matter. He was averse to doing anything at all about it. During the meeting I sat quiet listening to the remarks of the brethren, and when appealed to by President Woodruff I said, in face of the emphatic declarations on the subject, that I did not feel to say one word in favor of it because I did not want to add to the weight of a feather to his already heavy load of responsibility. There was further conversation after this and some of the brethren dwelt on the disastrous effect which would naturally follow upon other institutions if the Grant Livery business were allowed to fail. I had been praying in my heart for the Lord to give us light as to what to do, and after further conversation on the part of the brethren this appeared clear to me, and I expressed it in the shape of a question to President Woodruff: Whether it would not be better for the Church by signing this note and thereby obtain two years’ time, to do this than for to allow this company to go down? That in two years it is possible that the real estate may increase in value and make the loss less, but even if it remained about at its present value the difference between that and the $35,000.00, with a portion of the interest which the Church may have to pay on this, would not exceed $15,000.00 at the outside. The question therefore in my mind was, Is it not better for us to run the risk of losing this $15,000.00 than to have a failure which would bring disaster and unsettle the foundation of all our business institutions? This appeared to strike President Woodruff and the other brethren, and it was finally concluded that it would be better to comply with the request of the Grant Bros. Livery Company. Today in consequence of other arrangements the proposition came up in a new form. It is to substitute the south part of their property for the north, and to secure our endorsement for $30,000.00 instead of $35,000. After some explanations by Bro. Heber J. Grant President Woodruff consented to this change and expressed his willingness to sign, with his Counselors, a note for $30,000, with the south half as security, instead of a note for $35,000, with the north half as security.

4 August 1894 • Saturday

Saturday, August 4th, 1894. Called at Bro. Don C. Young’s and administered to him. He is feeling somewhat better.

Ten o’clock, met with Bros. Langford, Jack and President Smith in relation to raising some money to help Bro. Langford to pay for some machinery.

At eleven o’clock had an interview with Dr. Jos. S. Richards who seems to consider himself wronged in the sale that was made to him some time ago of land opposite the temple on the south. I suggested to him that probably the better way to get at this would be to write a letter to the First Presidency setting forth his claim and whatever evidence he had on the subject.

6 August 1894 • Monday

Monday, August 6th, 1894 The First Presidency met with the attorney[s] of the proposed Utah Company, James Jack and N. W. Clayton and did all we possibly could towards effecting and completing its organization. Immediately afterwards we met with Bros. Orson Smith, Jere Langford, Hyrum N. Smith and Hugh Cannon directors in the Stirling [Sterling] Mining and Milling Co., and attended to considerable business. Busy in the afternoon with business connected with the First Presidency. As I rode home this evening I felt somewhat faint and could not account for it until I recalled the fact that I had been so driven during the day that I did not have time to taste food at the usual lunch hour, and had not eaten since early breakfast. (See Friday for meeting of Bullion Beck & Champion M. Co.)

7 August 1894 • Tuesday

Tuesday, August 7th, 1894 Presidents Woodruff, Smith and myself took the train for Ogden this morning, our destiny being to meet with the people of Huntsville and Eden to talk over the enterprise of the building of the reservoir by which some of their land would be submerged. On reaching Ogden we found carriages awaiting our arrival and we were driven to Huntsville, to the house of Bishop McKay, reaching there twenty minutes to one o’clock. After dinner we attended a meeting in the meeting house, which is a very commodious structure. Presidents Woodruff, Smith and myself occupying about one hour addressing the people on spiritual matters and briefly alluding to the business which brought us there. After the meeting was dismissed the parties interested in the land likely to be inundated were invited to remain. We were accompanied to Huntsville by Mr. C. K. Bannister, civil engineer of the Company, and Judge Patten, one of its directors; also by Mr. Don Maguire, who is employed by the Company to make contracts with the people about their land. We spent nearly an hour explaining matters to these interested parties. There was a good spirit manifested. Later in the evening they themselves were to meet and appoint a committee and by Saturday be in a position to meet Mr. Maguire on behalf of the Electric Power Company. President Woodruff took two hours’ rest, and stood the trip wonderfully well. We returned to Ogden in time to take the evening train home, reaching the city at 8:10 in the evening.

8 August 1894 • Wednesday

Wednesday, August 8th, 1894. This forenoon the First Presidency engaged with LeGrande Young and the members interested in the Utah Company. At one o’clock I attended a meeting of the Directors of Zions Savings Bank and Trust Company. After this meeting we had a very lengthy interview with Col. Trumbo, Bishop Clawson being present also. In this interview the Colonel related the principal incidents connected with the labors of himself and Gen. Clarkson in securing the passage of the Enabling Act.

9 August 1894 • Thursday

Thursday, August 9th, 1894. Had a very severe attack of cholera morbus through which I suffered great pain, and this morning early I suffered so from pain that I came very nearly fainting. I was able to come to the office by twelve o’clock.

Two o’clock, First Presidency met with the following members of the Quorum of the Apostles at the Temple: Lorenzo Snow, Brigham Young and H. J. Grant. The principal business attended to was an authorization given to Bros. H. J. Grant and Francis Armstrong (who also met with us part of the time) to negotiate for the purchase of the Parsons’ Ranch property in Nevada. Bro. Brigham Young was mouth in prayer.

It seems that through some representations that the new Hawaain government have taken steps to provide for the return of the native Hawaain Saints who had emigrated to this country. I regard it as a manifestation of the old missionary spirit which prevailed there and which has always been strongly opposed to us. A number of the men who are prominent in the new government are sons of the early missionaries, and they have no doubt imbibed the prejudices of their fathers towards us as a community. They authorize their consul at San Francisco to pay the return passage of all those who wish to return to the Islands, and he has written to the natives here to this effect, and some are ready to go back, so we were informed by Bro. H. H. Cluff this morning.

10 August 1894 • Friday

Friday, August 10th, 1894 First Presidency held another meeting this morning with the attorney and the other members of the Utah Company, among them being W. W. Cluff, who had come from Coalville on this business. We instructed him to secure another quarter section of coal land which is now ready for entry because of the action of the government in vacating the patent of the U. P. Company to these lands. Busy this morning, preparing to leave for Sanpete by the R. G. W. 2:30 p.m. train.

At half past three o’clock on Monday attended a meeting of the Bullion Beck & Champion Mining Company, at which meeting a dividend of 50 cents a share was declared. An attack was made upon Bro. Farnsworth, president of the Company by Mr. Bamberger, one of the Directors who presented a resolution to deprive Bro. Farnsworth of the executive powers held by him, he and Bro. John Beck voting for the resolution, myself and H. S. Young voting against it. The attack, to my mind, was not well sustained; and as the intention of Mr. Bamberger was to put in Bro. John Beck as manager of the mine I could not, in view of past experience, vote for such a measure.

At 2:30 p.m. I started by the Rio Grande R.R. for Mount Pleasant, and reached there at 6:41. I had for companions on the journey, Brother Le Grand Young to Provo, and Brother Lorin Farr, who was going to Manti. Two young men who were companions of my son Lewis in Boston got on the cars at Provo and rode as far as Mount Pleasant—Brothers Jensen and Davis. They are both engaged as teachers in the B.Y.Academy.

I was met at the station by Bishop Lund and Brother Geo. Farnworth, and was taken by the latter to his residence. I received quite a warm welcome from him and wife.

11 August 1894 • Saturday

Saturday, August 11, 1894 Conference opened at 10 o’clock. There was a large attendance for the first day. The people had been led to believe that the First Presidency would be present, and I suppose this was one cause of their being a larger turnout than usual. We met in a bowery. Four of the Bishops described the condition of their wards, and Brother C. Peterson, the Prest. of the Stake, described the condition of the Stake. After which I spoke upon the storing of grain and other subjects connected with it.

In the afternoon the authorities were presented, and I occupied the remainder of the time.

In the evening a meeting of the priesthood was held, at which many sisters were present. I occupied all the time. Prest. Peterson said he did not want my remarks to be weakened by anyone speaking afterwards.

12 August 1894 • Sunday

Sunday, August 12, 1894. Met with the Sunday school at 9 o’clock. I addressed the children.

At 10 o’clock Conference opened. They had to build an addition to the bowery yesterday afternoon, in anticipation of the increased attendance. It was the largest congregation I ever saw in the Sanpete Stake.

Brother Cyrus Wheelock, whom I visited yesterday and who is in a dying condition, insisted on being taken to meeting and sat through the services, and arose and dismissed the meeting by prayer, his voice being clear and strong; in fact, he said that attending the meeting had done him good.

I occupied the whole time, and it is seldom in my life that I enjoyed a greater flow of the Spirit or spoke with more power than I did on this occasion; in fact, in all the meetings I had a great outpouring of the Spirit, and I felt exceedingly thankful to the Lord for the variety of counsel which He gave me to impart to the people. Afterwards the people crowded around full of love and manifesting their affection. I had spoken so much and the time being so precious at home, that I thought it better to return on the 1:27 train, and the visiting brethren would have an opportunity by my returning home to occupy the afternoon. I had for companions to Provo the two young men who came down—Brothers Jensen and Davis.

13 August 1894 • Monday

Monday, Aug. 13, 1894 The First Presidency had a lengthy interview with Colonel Trumbo and Bishop Clawson. The object of the interview was to set before us the claims of a law firm in San Francisco who had agreed to secure to the Church the return of its personal property for 17 1/2 per cent of its value. At the time this agreement was entered into everything looked exceedingly dark. It seemed that we should lose the property, and the offer to obtain it for us on these terms was considered at the time quite a good one. The First Presidency were at San Francisco when this was made. This was some years ago. They have been, as Col. Trumbo asserts, working steadily to accomplish this, and through their exertions, as he claims, the obtaining of the property has been made comparatively easy. We have felt that they had not done as much as they should have done. What they have done has not appeared on the surface, and they may have done much more than we have had reason to think. The agencies that we have employed—our own attorneys—would no doubt, if they were made acquainted with the claim of these people, scout the idea that they were entitled to it; for they have considered that it was through their exertions that the personal property has been restored to us. Undoubtedly the change in public sentiment has had much to do with this, and that change has been brought about by the issuance of the Manifesto, because the very reason that was urged for the withholding of the property from us, namely, that we used this property for missionary purposes and for the teaching of the doctrine of polygamy, was completely removed by the issuance of the Manifesto. Col. Trumbo claims that this change in public opinion has been one of the results, in part at least, of these people’s exertions, and that he himself is in a very awkward position in relation to the matter, for these parties look to him for the payment of their percentage, and it has been put off from time to time until the present.

I explained myself the in a few remarks concerning the transaction. I stated how little information was had to satisfy us that they had done the share of work that it was expected they would do.

Then the subject was taken up by Brother Jos. F. Smith, who spoke with a great deal of feeling, and urged very strong objections to the payment of this percentage to these people. He said that he could not consent to it; it would bring dishonor upon him and ruin him, for one, before the people, if we were to consent to do such a thing. He and Col. Trumbo argued the matter at considerable length, and President Smith was very emphatic in his expressions.

I said but little, and President Woodruff spoke a few times, and he seemed to be in favor of doing something to meet this demand. I produced the agreement, and he felt that there was no other alternative but to meet it. He spoke about what we had done in various directions in spending money, and that this was as proper as any other acts of the kind. We had done it to save our property, and this was the ground on which we had justified ourselves. Of course, it was understood at the time that the influences they would use would be of such a character as not to appear on the surface.

I did not say anything, but I thought there must be some compromise on this matter. It would not do for us to reject this claim entirely; for while we did not know all these parties had done perhaps, I knew they had done considerable at one time, and were therefore entitled to something, though I had felt that to give them the whole amount would be really more than was deserving, according to the knowledge we had of what they had done; still we could not but admit that they may have done more than we supposed they had. It would never do for us to allow publicity to be given to this affair.

Mr. Don Maguire called upon us, and reported the results of labor. The prices asked for some land in Huntsville and Eden are very exorbitant, some of it being charged at three times its value. I was disappointed at this. It leaves us in the position where if we cannot make satisfactory terms we shall either have to have the matter arbitrated or the land condemned. The latter we wish to avoid.

14 August 1894 • Tuesday

Tuesday, August 14, 1894 I took my wife Carlie to her sister Emily’s. She is improving gradually, though quite slow.

The First Presidency had an interview with Mr. Kletting, the architect, concerning his claim against the Saltair Beach Co. He is the architect of the Pavilion, and has an unpaid amount of $3000. He wanted the First Presidency to endorse his note. I explained to him how much this would embarrass us, because there were other debtors creditors who would undoubtedly claim the same guarantee. I explained to him the reason why we had guaranteed the lumber men. We had made a promise to them before they started in that we would stand behind them.

I received a dispatch from my son Frank, informing me that he was to have answers to personal matters tomorrow and the Pioneer business promising, and he intended to start home tomorrow, and requested me to advise Mr. Bannister.

I had to advance $4000 today to take up a note in the State Bank which bore my name, but which ought to have been paid by Geo. Q. Cannon & Sons Co. I have been dunned for the payment of this by Brothers P. T. Farnsworth and C. S. Burton.

We had another lengthy interview with Col. Trumbo and Bishop Clawson, and talked over the subject of yesterday. I suggested that President Smith see one of this firm of lawyers and set forth our views and endeavor to get a compromise settlement.

Colonel Trumbo makes a proposition to us, that as there are a great many friends of Utah who expect to be entertained by us, if we will lease the Gardo House and furnish it, he will do the entertaining and furnish all the supplies. He had made another proposition to the effect that if we would furnish the house and supplies he would contribute $1500 towards it. I did not like this, and suggested that the proposition be made that we will furnish a certain sum and then he do the rest. This is his last proposition. It strikes me more favorably, from the fact that it is definite and it is not an open thing that we canot [cannot] tell anything about. General Clarkson and Col. Trumbo have made so many promises to their friends of which he read to us, that we are going to be under many obligations. I have dreaded this very much. I have felt that it was like a mortgage upon us and upon our children, the obligations that we are placed under because of friendship that has been extended to us through these gentlemen. They have been filled with zeal to have us become a state, and they have used every influence in their reach to accomplish this purpose. No men that I ever saw have worked harder than they. At the same time, it is putting us in a position where we shall have a number of obligations to meet.

I dictated my journal to Brother Winter.

15 August 1894 • Wednesday

Wednesday, August 15, 1894 The First Presidency went through the Gardo House this morning in company with Bishop Clawson and Col[.] Trumbo. It has been shamefully treated by the occupants. All the furniture is spoiled. It will require considerable means to put it into a habitable condition, for such a purpose as is contemplated by Col. Trumbo.

We had an interview with Brother Martin Woolf, of Millville. He is first counselor to Bishop Pitkin, and has preferred a charge against the Bishop before the High Council, because the Bishop has not sustained him in the appointment which he had received to regulate dancing parties. He had done so for some time and had been sustained; but a brother of the Bishop made himself disagreeable and was ejected from the house, and the Bishop had taken the part of his brother against Brother Woolf, and for this cause he had feelings. We had been approached by Brother Orson Smith, the Prest. of the Stake, to have this case tried before some of the Twelve, so as to avoid scandal and publicity. Brother Pitkin’s wife is Brother Woolf’s aunt, and the difficulty involves family affairs, which the Prest. of the Stake thought it better to keep from the public. But Brother Woolf insists now upon having a trial before the High Council. We told him that that was his right, if he so wished, and promised that we would write to the Presidency of the Stake to give him an opportunity of appearing before the High Council and presenting his case against Bishop Pitkin.

I talked very plainly to Brother Woolf, for I discovered in him an obstinate spirit, and I think that unless he changes he will be involved in trouble.

I was deeply grieved today to hear of the death of Elder John Morgan, one of the Seven Presidents of Seventies. I felt very badly about his sickness, and I have feared that it might terminate fatally, because he left here very much depressed and worn out in body and mind. His depression was caused by the loss of almost all he had—a property of considerable value, and he was literally stripped of everything. I do not know a man that we could put our hands on at present that would fill his place. I almost feel as though it was a public calamity.

Judge Patton, of Ogden, came down to see us in relation to Pioneer Electric Power Co. business. There is an opportunity to obtain the notes and mortgage on what is called the Fremont Canal, that we need to carry out our plans. After considerable conversation, we decided that as Frank would be likely to be here in a few days, it would be well for the Judge to close for the purchase of the notes. If we did not do this today, other parties were going to foreclose, and this would add considerable to the expense of our securing the canal.

We had an appointment to meet Col. Trumbo at 2 o’clock, and before doing so, we felt that we ought to see Bishop Clawson, and explain to him the situation of affairs in regard to the railroad. Bishop Clawson has made a remark to me on two occasions since his return, in answer to my remarks concerning the obligations that we were under to Gen. Clarkson and Col. Trumbo, that it would be all right if railroad matters were in a condition to suit them. I had not explained to them fully what we had done; but I knew that they indulged in great expectations concerning the railroad. We had a lengthy interview with him, and explained to him what we had done in making contracts with Messrs. Purbeck & Co. He expressed to us the disappointment that this would cause on the part of Gen. Clarkson and Col. Trumbo; for they had been building on this project and using it for all it was worth with their friends, making promises to them concerning the interest they would have in the road. He felt very badly about it, and we did, because of the disappointment that our course when known would create in the minds of these gentlemen. Personally, I had nothing to regret; but I did regret that they had gone so far in these matters and had counted so much on this railroad project. That which had been done had been done with the best intentions, and I felt myself that it was better to have it in this shape than the shape that they propose to have it now, because I think we will have better control. While I have great respect for both these gentlemen, because of the zeal they have shown in our cause and the labors they have performed, I feel that it will not do for us to be subject to any one’s dictation in these matters. Col. Trumbo is a man of such a turn that unless he can lead he is not very happy, and he will cut out work for the First Presidency to do that would keep us busy all the time to carry out his plans. I think this is all wrong. I think it is our place, as the Presidency of the Church, to preside, and not have any man dictate to us or plan work for us; and as I remarked to the brethren, he is a man that would not play second fiddle to anybody, and if he got the lead in these matters we should find it very difficult to assume and maintain our proper position.

I have dreaded this business very much. It has oppressed me beyond my power of description. I am exceedingly sensitive concerning obligations in my private affairs; but for us to be put under obligations of a public character of such importance as this, it has caused me a great deal of serious thought, and I have lost considerable sleep over it. I know that my position having been the one so active in bringing these things about, is the one that will be most questioned.

16 August 1894 • Thursday

Thursday, August 16, 1894 I was attacked in the night with something like vertigo, and I laid in bed the greater part of the day. I moved downstairs in the parlor in the afternoon and laid on the sofa.

I had a visit from President Woodruff, who came down quietly to see me. Brother Smith had not been at the office, he said, all day, and he had to do the work alone, and Brother Clawson had had a lengthy interview with him which evidently had worried him, and he came to see me about it. He said Bishop Clawson wished him to have an interview with Col. Trumbo. I said to him, I hope you will not have an interview with anyone on these subjects until your counselors can meet with you. I am opposed to your being burdened with these things, and I hope you will excuse yourself, and say that in the absence of your counselors, you do not wish to have any interviews upon this subject. I suggested that instead of going to the office, that he go to the Temple, as our regular Council meeting was to be held at 2 o’clock. He said he would do that. I felt sorry that I was not able to be up, so as to relieve him from the uneasiness and worry that these things gave him. I promised him, if possible, I should be at the office tomorrow morning.

17 August 1894 • Friday

Friday, August 17, 1894 First Presidency at the office. I felt sufficiently improved to come up, although I was not well.

Brother James E. Talmage returned from Europe, made a report to us of the manner in which he had been received by different learned bodies and universities which he had visited. He has been treated with great distinction, and he is likely now to become a member of the Royal Society of Edinburgh—an unusual honor to be conferred upon a foreigner. His visit, I think, will do good; for he has an opportunity of meeting with a class of people which our Elders do not often come in contact with.

Mr. Justice Howell Jackson, a member of the Supreme Court of the United States, called upon us with his wife and son and daughters, and Dr. [blank] and a Mrs. Baxter and daughter. They were brought up by Judge Judd. I had known Mr. Jackson when I was a Member of Congress, and he was then Senator from Tennessee. He remembered me very well, and expressed the great pleasure it gave him to meet me again. We had a very pleasant interview with these people. President Woodruff and the Judge had quite a long conversation.

We had an interview with Col. Trumbo and Bishop Clawson. We went over all that we had done in relation to the railroad. I told Col. Trumbo that we had no idea of the manner in which they were using the railroad as a means to get statehood or to create interest in the minds of prominent men in Utah affairs. Gen. Clarkson made a contract with us in October, 1893, and that contract had not been fulfilled. I had gone East to meet gentlemen whom Gen. Clarkson had endeavored to negotiate with for the purchase of rails and other materials, and those visits, as he knew, had failed. The last interview that we had had at Philadelphia with the Bethlehem people was in some respects a disappointment, because when they were interrogated closely it was found that all they were willing to do was to furnish steel if we would pay the money; and I said I felt wonderfully relieved at being freed from the danger I thought we were in of being asked to guarantee the bonds that we should sell, and I think Bishop Clawson, who was present, felt also that the Lord had delivered us. Now, I said, I thought that the contract was off that we had made with Gen. Clarkson, and that the parties h[e] had attempts talked of interesting in this could not be relied upon. He had spoken of getting the Rockfellers, Mr. Hunt of the Northern Pacific, Mr. Jones of Pittsburgh, and the Carnegie people interested, and all these people had failed to come forward in a way that would make our alliance with them satisfactory; in fact, they either wanted the money or else they appeared to want what we could not give, perhaps the entire control of the road. I had therefore looked upon our contract as having ended, and that it was our duty to do our best to carry out this project. Feeling as we did after the interview with the Bethlehem people, I came up to New York and was introduced to G. A. Purbeck & Co. Mr. Purbeck appeared to me to be the man suited for our purpose, and it really appeared to me to be providential that we met him. His ideas of the way this work should be done seemed so feasible that I felt greatly relieved at the prospect there was of entering into some terms with him. I said that Bishop Clawson and myself had returned from New York (no doubt, the Bishop would remember it), feeling very elated over this new connection. Now, I said, I regretted to hear that there were feelings on this subject. We had done no wrong in this matter. I asked Col. Trumbo if Gen. Clarkson expected to be our financial agent. He said, no. I asked him if he expected to control this business, or whether we should control it. He said we were expected to control it. Then, said, I, why find fault with us? We had employed a financial agent, and we have only done it with the view that we were to have control of it. At the same time I have felt that Gen. Clarkson’s and his interest should be respected, and I had repeated on more than one occasion, that if it required all the interest that I had in this enterprise they were welcome to it, if they could not be satisfied in any other way. I did not want them to be wronged or deprived of anything in the least that we could do for them. I wanted them to share with us in this business, and if there is any profit connected with it, for them to have their full share.

Col. Trumbo stated at some length what they had done, and the pledges they had made, and they had counted on this railroad and on the contract being still maintained, we to have 51 shares as against their 49, and they had enlisted men in this and held out hopes to them concerning what was to be done; in fact, had entered into agreements with different parties for various interests, and had urged our being so reliable as a reason to induce them to join with us. They had used our character for honesty and probity and fair dealing to effect these combinations[.] He said that Gen. Clarkson would be awfully disappointed and feel that he had not been treated well. He asked, after I related to him that we had entered into a contract with Mr. Purbeck as our financial agent, where they were to come in—that is, Gen. Clarkson and himself. I said, you will come in on precisely the same terms as we do. He then related a great deal that they had discovered concerning Mr. Purbeck and his antecedents, all of which, however, we were familiar with, Mr. Purbeck having told us about his origin and the different occupations he had followed. I told him, however, that I had made inquiries, and I had not heard one word of doubt thrown upon his probity or honor. Of course, he did not profess to be a rich man. It was not with his own means that he effected what he did, but with other people’s.

Col. Trumbo asked if we would renew the contract that had been made; if so, it would be entirely satisfactory to Gen. Clarkson. I told him we did not know whether we could do this or not.

The interview, which I thought would be a fiery one perhaps, was quite mild on his part. I had got an impression, from what Brother Clawson had said to President Woodruff, that they were on the warpath about it. Perhaps if he had been and had spoken warmly, we might have made a stronger defense than we did; but he had tact enough to avoid saying anything unpleasant, and dwelt upon the works that he and Gen. Clarkson had performed, the sacrifices they had made of time and money, and how they had labored zealously and with singleness of purpose for Utah’s redemption and for the benefit of the Mormon people. Speaking in this strain, therefore, as he did, put us in the attitude of defending ourselves against an unjust and ungrateful thing. There are, however, many things connected with Col. Trumbo’s associations that are not altogether pleasant. It is singular how strong the prejudices are among many of our people against him, and I think many of them unjust and unfounded; but there is one thing that I am conscious of, and that is, that he has cut out a great deal of work for us to do which has been very costly in carrying out his plan of campaign, and I would like, if possible, to have things so arranged that we shall control matters, and lead and not be led. I expressed myself in this way to Presidents Woodruff and Smith, and they both thought it was the only course we could take. It seems we are somewhat in a dilemma in consequence of our course in this matter, and these gentlemen certainly will be disappointed in this business being put in the hands of G. A. Purbeck & Co.; but for myself I do not feel to regret. I acted in this matter to the very best of my ability, and with constant prayer to the Lord. I speak of myself in this because I have had to take the lead and stand, to a certain extent, as responsible for what has been done. I never in my life felt more desirous of knowing the mind and will of God in any business than in this, for I have felt the great responsibility resting upon me.

Col. Trumbo said that Gen. Clarkson, being a friend of Inspector Byrnes, the head of the police force in New York, had engaged him to learn concerning Mr. Purbeck’s operations and had found that he had been poor, had been in different occupations, and had failed in one place to pay $200 in rent. His partners, he said, were young men of good family. I was not favorably struck with the idea of Gen. Clarkson taking such a course. I think Col. Trumbo was surprised when he learned that we knew all about the different employments he had been engaged in.

18 August 1894 • Saturday

Saturday, August 18, 1894 The First Presidency had an interview this morning with Professor Talmage, and listened to a circular which had been prepared to be published over our names, in relation to school matters.

At 12 o’clock we went to the Assembly Hall to attend the funeral services of Elder John Morgan. President Seymour B. Young, of the Seventies, took charge of the meeting, and called upon Brothers B. H. Roberts, J. G. Kimball, C. D. Fjelsted, John Henry Smith and Geo. Goddard, after which he spoke, and on behalf of the First Presidency, Presidents Woodruff and Smith desired me to make some remarks. The remarks of the brethren were very pertinent, and it is rarely a man receives higher encomiums than our deceased brother did from all who spoke. The Assembly Hall was well filled. A number of non-Mormons were present, for he was a man that was highly respected by all who knew him, and had been a gallant soldier in the Union army during the civil strife.

I dictated my journal to Brother Winter.

19 August 1894 • Sunday

Sunday, August 19, 1894 I spoke to my sons Reed, Joseph and Sylvester and Willard concerning their education. I said to them that I assisted all my boys and girls thus far at the time they became of age to some little means; which would they prefer—to have it when they were of age, or to have me spend it on their education? They all said they would prefer having the means spent on their education. Reed and Joseph desire to be attorneys; I think Willard had better be a mechanical engineer, as he is very ingenious in mechanics; Sylvester I have thought might make a good mining engineer.

At 2 o’clock I repaired to the Tabernacle. President Woodruff was also present. Dr. Hinsdale, a professor from Ann Arbor University, Michigan, who has been teaching the summer school at Provo, addressed the congregation for about an hour on the primordial agents of education.

20 August 1894 • Monday

Monday, August 20, 1894 The First Presidency were busy at the office until about 2 o’clock, when we left for Saltair. I had secured a private car, which the First Presidency and our friends occupied.

The proceedings at Saltair were quite interesting. There were [blank] pioneers present, each of whom was introduced to the audience by Brother C. R. Savage and made a few remarks. Brother James S. Brown was also introduced as a member of the Mormon Batallion and one of the discoverers of gold in California. There were fancy dances and some singing. President Woodruff desired me to make some remarks, which I did for a few minutes. Afterwards the pioneers were invited by the committee to take lunch. I did not eat anything, but waited on the table. We returned on the 6:20 train.

21 August 1894 • Tuesday

Tuesday, August 21, 1894. The First Presidency listened to a most interesting narrative by Brother Karl G. Maeser, who has just returned from California, where he has been representing our educational interests at the Midwinter Fair and also acting as President of the Californian Mission.

It was decided today by the First Presidency that we would furnish the Gardo House, without rent and properly furnished, to Col. Trumbo, where he could entertain prominent men who shall visit this country and expect to be entertained by us. Although our circumstances are straitened, yet I feel that this is probably as cheap an arrangement as can possibly be made for the purpose of entertaining friends. The Alta Club, composed of our former enemies, (some of who have no love for us yet) take pains to entertain every prominent man that comes to the city, and from that club they get a version of affairs there that is very prejudicial to us. My experience has taught me that no public man ever came to this city and received hospitality at our hands that was not more or less favorably impressed, and the only person that I met in Congress who manifested bitter feelings in my personal relations with him was a man from Indiana who was, as he said, slighted here. We owe it to ourselves, therefore, it has always seemed to me, to take some pains to entertain prominent visitors and have them brought in contact with our best people, so that they may see us as we are and not be dependent for their information on the misstatements of others. Col. Trumbo proposes, if this house be furnished for him, to do all the entertaining at his own expense. He estimates it will cost him from $1000 to $1500 per month the most of the time.

It was decided to request the Presidency of Salt Lake Stake to permit Mrs. J. Ellen Foster, a very noted lecturer, to occupy the stand of the Tabernacle on Sunday afternoon next. She is quite famous in the country and is considered a very strong woman. She comes here with very friendly feelings towards us, and our friends are very desirous that she should have attention shown to her while here.

22 August 1894 • Wednesday

Wednesday, August 22, 1894. The morning was occupied by listening to correspondence.

My son Frank arrived during last night from the East, and came down from Ogden this morning. We had a meeting with him and listened with much interest to his statement of the labors that he had been performing in the East in connection with G. A. Purbeck & Co. I was much gratified to hear him say that his association with Mr. Purbeck had not lessened his confidence in him; in fact, it had, if anything, increased it. The man is doing all that appeared possible for a man to do, though at the present time nothing much can be done in the way of raising money, because our business is not in a position to enable Mr. Purbeck to proceed with his efforts towards disposing of securities.

We had a meeting with Judge Patton, who came down from Ogden, and there were present, Presidents Woodruff and Smith, Bishop Winder, A. H. Woodruff, F. J. Cannon and myself. A resolution was adopted authorizing us to borrow $6800 to pay for the Fremont Canal, and it was expected that I should go to Ogden to borrow the means, if possible.

23 August 1894 • Thursday

Thursday, August 23, 1894 President Jos. F. Smith and myself went to Ogden this morning by the 9:30 train. The object in going was to endeavor to secure a loan of $6800, with which to purchase a mortgage on the Fremont Canal. We had decided upon this, but to be sure that every point was saved, I suggested to my son Frank, who met us at the station, that we see Mr. A. R[.] Heywood, the attorney of the Co. and get his judgment concerning the best course to pursue. We accordingly waited upon him, and he thought our proceeding was a safe one, if we were sure that we had the first lien. After that we went to the office of Mr. Bannister, where we met with Judge Patton, and we waited upon the Cashier of the First National Bank, Brother James Pingree, made our proposition to him, and he made an appointment to have us come to the bank at 2, when he would give us an answer, as he wished to lay the matter before the executive committee. We took lunch at my son Frank’s, and at 2 went to the bank. Brother Thomas D. Dee was there, but he could not do anything in the absence of the two other members of the executive committee, viz., David Eccles and Joseph Clark. We laid the subject before him, but there was no encouraging response. I felt unpleasant at being placed in the position of a borrower. It would seem as if there should be a little more public interest taken in this matter by Ogden people than was manifested by Brother Dee. He enquired of Brother Jos. F. Smith, with whom he talked after we got through, where we expected to get the money to take this up, and his whole manner was distrustful. We examined the maps drawn up by Mr. Bannister with a great deal of interest, and returned to Salt Lake City, my son Frank accompanying us.

24 August 1894 • Friday

Friday, August 24, 1894 After I returned from Ogden last evening I stepped into the Bullion-Beck office, where they had been holding a meeting, and while there Brother Farnsworth asked me what I thought about his selling out his claim that he had on John Beck for money advanced to Mr. Knox, a banker here. As there were other parties in the office, I did not care about talking before them, and this morning I sent my son Abraham and asked him to request Brother Farnsworth to let me know where I could see him. In the meantime, however, he came to the office to see me, and we had a full conversation on the subject. I told him I did not like many things about the property at the present time. While it was doing well, there seemed to be a constant agitation, which did not bode good for the property. It seemed as though the adversary was determined to make trouble for it. On the board of directors there was only John Beck and myself and himself who had any stock whatever in the property. I did not like to have property managed by men who did not own it. The only interest they had was in their money that they had advanced, and I did not feel to say, in response to his request about selling it, that it would be a prudent thing to do at present. I wished him to remain there, at least for the present, and I felt a little inclined, if I could get a good offer for my stock, to sell it out, as I did not like my associations. Brother John Beck is an unreliable man, and I would like to sever my business relations with him as quickly as I can do so without too great loss. I asked him what the prospect was for selling. He replied that he did not know whether my stock could be sold. I asked him also concerning our present ore, whether we were not in danger of crossing our line on to other people’s property. He said, no; that he had had it surveyed and we were within 24 feet of our line. My reason for asking these questions was, while I was gone yesterday my wife’s nephew, Edward Loose, had come up from Provo to see me, and in my absence had seen Abraham, and his object in coming was to give me reasons why I should sell out of the Bullion-Beck; that he feared a combination was being made that would result in injury to me through Mr. Bamberger and others, and that I was not safe, holding as I did a minority of the stock. He also said that we were trespassing on a claim that he owned, and for which he had a patent. He did not tell Abraham, but I suspect that the claim which we are close upon is the one he refers to, and which he must have bought recently, for our company tried to buy it, but failed. Edwin enjoined great secrecy upon Abraham; said that he did not care about any of the rest of the company, but he wanted to save me. I myself have felt somewhat uneasy about the situation of affairs, and I have not confidence in the men that I am associated with who represent John Beck, and who seem to be laboring in his interest.

President Woodruff and myself and James Jack had a lengthy interview with my son Frank. I had submitted papers to him to examine and see how we could meet Gen. Clarkson’s and Col. Trumbo’s expectations without trespassing on the contract made with Mr. Purbeck. I was satisfied myself, but wished him to go through the matter carefully. He did so and reported to us several things that were quite interesting. In the first place the contract with G. A. Purbeck & Co. was inviolable. We could not do as Col. Trumbo desired, that is, make a new contract; and the conclusion that he reached was that we, in order to save ourselves from anxiety and trouble, and to provide a “buffer” as he termed it between ourselves and others, should select three trustees, in whose hands we should place our stock in the Utah Company, and let Gen. Clarkson and Col. Trumbo negotiate with them and make such propositions as they desired, and let these trustees decide upon them. This in the rough was the idea that he advanced. He suggested that he have a confidential talk with Mr. Heywood, who is a very strong Republican and man of a high sense of honor. After debating it sometime, we consented to his doing so. We regretted very much that President Jos. F. Smith was not present today. We deferred this meting for some time, and then sent messengers to find him, and learned to our regret that he had left the city and would be gone all day.

As we had been invited to go to Saltair on this occasion, it being the Relief Society gathering, President Woodruff desired me to go, as his health would not permit of his doing so, and I made a very hasty run to catch the train. Dr. John R. Park carried me in his rig. I remained at Saltair until 4:30. I found two of my wives on the train, Martha and Caroline. At the request of the Society, I made a short address to the people.

25 August 1894 • Saturday

Saturday, August 25, 1894 Judge Patton telegraphed me this morning that he would be down. He brought a letter addressed to himself from the Cashier of the First National Bank of Ogden, stating that they were willing to make us a loan of $6800 for 30 days, the note to be signed by the President and Secretary of the Company, under a resolution of the Board of Directors, and also by each of the directors. I said nothing to Judge Patton, and he left to return at a certain time. I sent for Bishop Winder and A. H. Woodruff, and President Smith was also present, and we talked the matter over. I considered that this was simply extortion. We were asked to pay 10% interest, and not only to give (which we proffered to do) the security that we ourselves obtained by this purchase, viz., the mortgage, but also to endorse this individually. Here was a company composed of a number of leading Latter-day Saints, whose credit ought to be of the best kind, and non-Mormons who stood high, and their signatures accompanying the mortagage security was not considered sufficient, but we were asked to sign individually. We had gone to Ogden to get this loan, thinking there would be some public spirit manifested, inasmuch as we were doing all in our power to lift Ogden up and make it a manufacturing center, and this was the spirit which we met! We decided to send for Geo. M. Cannon, the cashier of Zion’s Savings Bank, and we made the loan from him for 60 days, and I wrote a letter to Judge Patton stating that the letter he had received from the First National Bank had been submitted to the Company, and they declined to accept the loan on the terms proposed.

I dictated my journal.

26 August 1894 • Sunday

Sunday, August 26, 1894. I took my wife Carlie in my buggy, and we drove to the Mill Creek Ward Conference at 10 o’clock. Presidents Woodruff and Smith and their wives, and my brother Angus (and Brother Jos. E. Taylor part of the day) were there. The meeting house was comfortably filled in the fornoon, and the time was occupied by myself, President Woodruff and President Smith. Lunch was provided for us in the vestry. In the afternoon the ward authorities were presented to the people for their vote, after which I was called upon to speak and occupied about 35 mins. President Woodruff followed. He then spoke to President Smith, but he did not feel like speaking, and my brother Angus was called upon.

After meeting, we drove to Bishop John R. Winder’s house, to which we had been invited, and partook of dinner. While there we learned that President Smith was intending to go out to Josepa, the Hawaiian settlement in Skull Valley, and that he had already sent his wife ahead and expected to join her this evening. Upon learning this, President Woodruff and myself urged him not to go, because of the appointment that we had on Tuesday, which was important that we felt all of us ought to be present, it being a continuation of the meeting of Friday last. President Smith, with this understanding, left for the train to bring his wife back..

27 August 1894 • Monday

Monday, August 27, 1894. We expected President Smith to be at the office this morning, but he did not reach.

President Woodruff and myself had a call from Mr. Foster and his wife, Mrs. J. Ellen Foster, the latter of whom spoke in the Tabernacle yesterday. Mrs. Ex-Senator Warren was also with the party. They were brought to see us by Bishop Clawson. We had a very pleasant interview with them, and all expressed themselves greatly pleased with affairs here and of the opportunity Mrs. Foster had of addressing the congregation in the Tabernacle[.] We had a call from Dr. Iliff, of the Methodist Church. His object in calling was to propose the formation of a committee with a view of framing something to submit to the vote of the people of the Territory on the question of prohibition. His proposition was for us to appoint five, and for the other religious denominations to appoint five, making a committee of ten. This question by being submitted in this manner, he thought would be lifted out of politics and would be non-partisan, and would therefore receive fairer treatment than it would if it were to be submitted as a political question. If the people voted for it, then it should be a part of the Constitution; if they voted against it, it would be left out of the Constitution. This was the plan adopted in North Dakota, and they found it worked very successfully. He mentioned this matter to me about two months ago and wished to know my views. We repeated them again to him—that we were heartily in favor of any measure that would not be oppressive which would put a stop to this dreadful liquor traffic that is so fruitful of misery, destitution and crime. We selected as a committee the following named brethren, each of whom was willing to act in that capacity: John Nicholson, W. W. Maughan of Logan, E. H. Anderson of Ogden, Willard Young and Spencer Clawson.

We afterwards had a call from Bishop Leonard and Rev, Dr. Moore, of the Episcopal Church. Bishop Leonard’s call was in relation to some sacramental service that had been stolen from St. Mark’s Cathedral. We had received a communication from some parties in Missouri, stating that they had a clue to sacramental service that had been stolen from our Tabernacle. As we had lost none, and the Episcopalians had lost theirs, we thought perhaps it might be theirs.

28 August 1894 • Tuesday

Tuesday, August 28, 1894 President Jos. F. Smith came to the office. President Woodruff was also present.

The First Presidency had a lengthy business meeting concerning the Utah Co. with James Jack, N. W. Clayton and F. J. Cannon. We attended to considerable business and felt much satisfied with what we did. Frank, according to our request, had seen Mr. Heywood, the attorney, at Ogden, and he recommended that instead of the First Presidency creating a trust assigning their stock in the Utah Co. to three trustees, they should operate through an executive committee of three persons. This would be in keeping with the articles of incorporation and might prevent complications, whereas if trustees were appointed it might lead to complications and might not be agreeable to Mr. Purbeck.

We had a call from Elder C. W. Penrose, who had been down to Nephi, in company with Elder B. H. Roberts, for the purpose of answering criticisms and teachings of Dr. Wishard, a Presbyterian minister, who with others had been holding sessions at Nephi. Dr. Wishard has attacked our doctrine of preaching to the spirits in prison and baptism for the dead. A good deal of interest had been excited at Nephi, and the people were desirous that some of our brethren should go down to reply to the criticisms and teachings of these ministers. Brother Penrose, according to his own report, must have treated the subject very exhaustively upon which he spoke, viz., the preaching to the spirits in prison and the ordinance of baptism for the dead, and occupied quite a long time, much to the delight of the people in Nephi, especially the young men. Elder B. H. Roberts had occupied the evening meeting in proving to the people that the Bible did not contain all the words of God. These Presbyterians were going to speak again on Monday, and Brother Roberts remained to answer on Tuesday evening.

At the meeting of the Utah Company this morning we chose for our executive committee my son Frank J. Cannon, Nephi W. Clayton and W. W. Cluff. By making this selection we hope to relieve ourselves as the First Presidency of the pressure of this business, and have these younger men bear it. My son Frank has manifested a great deal of ability in treating this question, and I have been greatly pleased that the Lord has given me a son who can be so useful.

During this meeting my son John Q. came in and stated that Governor West had said that he would be pleased to nominate me as one of the Delegates at large from the Territory to the Irrigation Congress to be held next Monday, Sept. 3, at Denver, and for me to be chairman of the delegation, if I would accept. This was discussed some, and President Woodruff said he did not wish me to leave unless this business that we were then engaged in could be arranged so that I could be spared. As it was thought it could be, he then said he would like me to go, as he did not wish us to decline such offers. He thought my presence there would be of benefit.

29 August 1894 • Wednesday

Wednesday, August 29, 1894 There was a meeting called for the delegates to the Irrigation Congress at 11 o’clock at Ogden, and I went up this morning, in company with others, and we held a meeting at the Court House.

After this meeting I went to Prest. L. W. Shurtliff’s to lunch, and from there called at Mr. Heywood’s office for a few minutes, where I met my son Frank, and then went to the city.

After I my arrival at the city I was met by Brother Walter Beatie, who informed me that there was a special meeting at the B.B.&C. Co’s office, at which my presence was desired. The meeting was in relation to doing something towards purchasing the Elmo, a piece of ground adjoining ours, into which the rich ore that has lately been taken out has been running. While the meeting was in session, Mr. Birch, who is in the employ of our Company, came in and informed us that the Elmo had been sold, and that the purchaser was C. E. Loose. The price paid was $32,000. There was loose talk by Brother Beck and Mr. Bamberger about fighting this, and I told them that I was averse to anything being done that would involve us in a lawsuit. I had one lawsuit connected with this property, and it had cost me a quarter of my holdings in the property, and I did not want any more lawsuits if it could be avoided. I made the remark that if this ore ran into other people’s ground, why should we want to fight them for it or take it away from them?

30 August 1894 • Thursday

Thursday, August 30, 1894 We had a meeting again of the Utah Co. this morning, and we did considerable business looking to the closing up of the organization of the Company.

At 2 o’clock we proceeded to the Temple, and in company with Bishops Preston and Burton and some of the Twelve, we had conversation concerning the erection of a fence to enclose the Temple and exclude it from the other ground. At the Council, besides the First Presidency, there were present, President Snow, Brigham Young, Heber J. Grant and Abraham H. Cannon. We attended to some business, after which, without putting on our Temple clothing, Brother Young was requested to pray. As we are in financial straits, I suggested that as he had not alluded to that in his prayer we should ask the Lord to open our way and bring us relief. At the brethren’s request, I offered prayer on this subject.

From our Council I went to attend the funeral of Lafayette Granger, an acquaintance of mine in my early life, and who had desired that I should speak at his burial. The funeral was at the house of Sister Sarah M. Kimball, his sister. His brother Farley had come from California to attend the funeral. I knew him in early life also.

31 August 1894 • Friday

Friday, August 31, 1894 First Presidency were at the office.

We held another meeting of the Utah Co. people and attended to more business.

I had an interview with Mr. C. E. Loose at the Juvenile Office. I had a very [blank]

I had a very lengthy interview this afternoon with Mr. Ryan, the agent of John Beck, in which he made a great many explanations to me concerning the business of the Company and his plans. I find there is a good deal of friction between them and Brother P. T. Farnsworth. The latter had an interview with me this morning, and I expressed to him my desire for him to remain connected with the Company and not to accept the offer which had been made to refund to him the money that he had advanced as a part of the syndicate to hold John Beck’s stock; but after conversing with Mr. Ryan I came to the conclusion that perhaps it would be the best thing that Brother Farnsworth could do to accept his money. He seems to be in a position where he can do but little, as there is a feeling on the part of Beck, Ryan and Bamberger against him. They think he does not pay enough attention to their wishes, neither does he manage the property as it should be managed. I learned from Mr. Ryan that they have it in their power to pay him and withdraw his power of attorney from him, and there is no other alternative if they do this. They have only been restrained from doing it, so Mr. Ryan informs me, by having been told that I wished Brother Farnsworth to remain. Mr. Ryan pledges himself that if Brother Farnsworth will take his money and retire from his position, whoever I want put on the board they will select. He asserts positively that he can control Brother Beck, and that he himself will be responsible if any wrong is done. He outlined his plans to me regarding the property and my interest in the property. After listening to him, it appeared to me that perhaps it would be the best thing under the circumstances for Brother Farnsworth to take his money. Mr. Ryan was very profuse in his pledges to do what I wish in the matter and to have the company organized to suit me. Of course, I can only listen to him on these points. Time will prove how reliable his promises are. He asserts that he will secure to me that which John Beck owes me on the dedicated stock that he has had in his hands.

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August 1894, The Journal of George Q. Cannon, accessed October 16, 2024