November 1896

1 November • Sunday

Sunday, November 1, 1896

My condition was such that I felt it prudent to keep quiet in the house to-day.

2 November • Monday

Monday, November 2, 1896

As Presidents Woodruff and Smith were absent from the office today, I concluded to attend to some affairs of my own. Among other things, I had my son John Q. come down with our genealogical record and spent some time with him looking through names of different branches of the family, and requested him to get out lists of the names of our kindred for whom we ought to officiate in the Temple. The anniversary of my father’s birth is approaching (Dec. 3rd) and it struck me that it would be a good time to get his descendants together in the Temple on that day and have them go through ordinances for our dead kindred.

3 November • Tuesday

Tuesday, November 3, 1896

I came up to the office this morning and found President Woodruff well, excepting a lame back, which he had from the effects of rheumatism from which he suffered while at Nephi attending conference. He had an enjoyable time at the conference, and spoke four times at considerable length. President Smith came in later in the day and described his visit to Logan, where they had a good conference.

A letter from Brother George W. Thatcher was read to us which had been sent to the President and High Council of Cache Stake. The following is a copy of it:

“Logan, Cache County, Utah, Oct.16, 1896

To the President and High Council

of the Cache Stake of Zion,

Dear Brethren:-

I shall not detain you long. Regarding the subject we are considering, I realize the position I am placed in and how serious a matter this is to me and mine. I have thought a great deal and I have prayed for light, but I cannot, under existing circumstances, vote to sustain the recent address to the Saints without doing wrong to my conscience and without violating the principles of our religion as they have come to me through years of association and study. I must enter a solemn protest against being removed from my position in the High Council of this Stake, because, feeling as I do, I cannot sustain the address in question. It is not right that I should be driven to a point where I am compelled either to suffer removal or to support that which I am at this time unable to accept, and especially is this true when the address is not put forth as a commandment or a revelation from God.

My life has been spent in this faith and among those cherishing it. My family has been brought up in a devout belief of it. Some positions of responsibility, in a Church way, have been placed upon me; and I believe that I can say that my effort has ever been to discharge these duties acceptably to God, and, therefore, in righteousness among my fellowmen. Therein I have failed in the performance of these duties, it was a failure that did not spring from a heart opposed to the right or to the truth. This much I claim for myself.

Such ideas of my liberties and rights as I cherish, both as a citizen and a member of our faith. have been inherited from an upright ancestry and were nurtured and developed by the study of God’s word among our people. You will believe me when I say that I am too old lightly to change either my faith or my convictions. If, according to the Gospel in Christ, a not disgraceful past is to merit no consideration; if my convictions of right are to win for me no concessions in such an hour as this, then I can only abide the penalty of standing by my conscience as a believer in our faith and by my rights as an American.

But I desire to say that in not sustaining the address, I am simply exercising a right, which I understand my religion accords me, and I should be permitted to exert this right without the fear of ecclesiastical punishment or ostracisim; otherwise, I have always misunderstood the Spirit of the Gospel and the teachings of a forgiving and merciful Savior.

I ask you these questions:-

Am I committing a sin before God in refusing to vote for the address? If to refuse is not a sin where do you find your authority to punish me?

If it be a sin to obey the dictates of one’s conscience, and men are to be punished for following the light given them, of what value is the free agency of the Latter-day Saints?

Let me thank you for your patience with me. All through the recent trials I have striven to be as guarded and as conservative as I could. My separation from the High Council will grieve me deeply - not because I love position, but because I love my faith and my brethren, and because I know I shall be degraded in the eyes of some of the people, and this is a sore thing to a man of my years, who has always sought the respect and confidence of his fellow-men by an earnest endeavor to deal justly with them.

My great desire is to respect all men in their positions, to be true to myself that I may be true to Almighty God.

Your Brother,

G. W. Thatcher.”

I do not give Geo. W. Thatcher the credit of writing this letter, as I think his ability in this direction is not sufficient. It sounds a good deal like the composition of his brother Moses.

4 November • Wednesday

Wednesday, November 4, 1896

The newspapers this morning give us statements concerning the overwhelming victory gained by McKinley in the Presidential election yesterday. These statements however were greatly modified during the day, and the rumor became quite current that Bryan had carried the election. I went home with the impression that perhaps after all he might be elected, though I did not think he had been. I have all along felt that McKinley would carry this election. Our State has gone overwhelmingly Democratic. Not a Republican is returned to the senate branch of the legislature, and not more than two or three to the House. I feel to regret this very much, as I have not confidence in the leaders of the Democratic party in this State. If anyone had predicted to me that when O. W. Powers was so actively fighting us and endeavoring to steal the control of this city from the People’s Party, that in a few years he would be the controlling force in politics and the leading men, it would have seemed incredible, and I should have thought that some great transgression of our people had occurred to bring about such a result. But it is a wonderful fact that to-day O. W. Powers is esteemed by Latter-day Saints of both sexes in a manner that is most extraordinary. Our sisters have listened to him with apparent delight teaching them politics in their clubs.

At this election the women have voted for the first time since they were deprived of that some years ago by action of Congress. No doubt, the vote of the women has contributed to putting the Democrats in power.

President Woodruff and myself had an interview with my son Frank J. Cannon on the political situation.

We had a call from Judge Bartch, in which he made enquiries of us concerning a man from whom an application for pardon had been made, by the name of Adams. The Judge is on the Board of Pardons, and he wanted to learn what he could concerning him. He has been guilty of rape.

At one o’clock we had a meeting of Zion’s Savings Bank & Trust Co.

5 November • Thursday

Thursday, November 5, 1896.

The First Presidency and President Snow, F. D. Richards, Brigham Young, F. M. Lyman, J. H. Smith, Geo. Teasdale, Heber J. Grant and John W. Taylor met in the Temple as usual, spent several hours together and partook of the sacrament, it being fast day. The meeting was quite interesting. A letter was read from Moses Thatcher to President Snow, and it was arranged that President Snow should reply to the letter and appoint a meeting for Thursday, Nov. 12th, when the Twelve would meet with him after we had finished our meeting. We had some discussion as to fast meetings, and as a result it was decided that we should change our fast day from Thursday to Sunday.

After the Temple meeting there was a meeting of Cannon, Grant & Co.

6 November • Friday

Friday, November 6, 1896

I dictated to Brother Winter an Address to the Church concerning the change in the fast day.

I had a conversation with Brothers F. S. Richards and C. W. Penrose in relation to the steps to be taken with a view to the election of the proper person for United States Senator. Three of the Twelve, F. M. Lyman, J. H. Smith and H. J. Grant, have been appointed for the same purpose, and President Woodruff and myself had an interview with them.

The Democrats have finally conceded the election of McKinley. Mr. Bryan has sent a dispatch to Major McKinley congratulating him on his election.

7 November • Saturday

Saturday, November 7, 1896

Dictated my journal to Brother Arthur Winter.

8 November • Sunday

Sunday, November 8, 1896

I met with the saints to-day in the Tabernacle at 2 o’clock. Two returned missionaries, Elders Albert C. Morris and D. J. Lang, were called to the stand and they reported their labors. Their remarks were quite interesting. I afterwards spoke to the congregation and occupied about an hour.

In the evening I attended the ward meeting. Two home missionaries spoke, Elders Willard Done and [blank] Kesler. Brother Done had nearly finished when Brother Kesler came in. He had not been informed concerning the change in the hour of our meeting, and the night was exceedingly stormy, and these causes had detained him. I thought perhaps he would be embarrassed because of having to arise so soon after entering the meeting, but I listened to him with a great deal of pleasure. He surprised me by the excellence of the discourse which he delivered. He spoke on the resurrection, and treated it quite exhaustively. After I saw his style, the query arose in my mind as to where he got it from. I knew his father, Bishop Kesler, very intimately, and it occurred to me that his mother was a Pratt, a niece of Parley and Orson Pratt. I felt the truth of the saying that blood will tell.

9 November • Monday

Monday, November 9, 1896

10 November • Tuesday

Tuesday, November 10, 1896

Busy these days attending to various matters.

11 November • Wednesday

Wednesday, November 11, 1896

I arose this morning at 6 o’clock with the expectation of going to Provo on the early train, but through being told by Brother Wilcken that the train left at 10 mins’ past 8 instead of 10 mins. to 8, I missed the train, very much to my mortification; for it is the first time in all my journeying through my life that I ever missed a train. I telegraphed to Brother B. Cluff, Jr., asking him to inform Brother Brigham Young and the Trustees of the Brigham Young Academy, what had happened. He replied that they had not a quorum and asked me to go down on the 1:30 train, which I did. The cause of the meeting was to consider a difficulty that had arisen between Professor Cluff, the President of the Academy, and a former teacher by the name of E. B. Milert, a Frenchman, who joined the Church recently and who had been teaching languages in the Academy. It was deemed improper to continue his engagement for this school year, but through some neglect his name had been published as one of the faculty in the circular, and he claimed $1200.00, that is, a year’s salary. The morning meeting had been occupied with conversing with him, as a quorum of the board had been secured. When I reached there he went through the whole affair again, his wife being present with him, and manifested a bad spirit. Allowance, however, ought to be made for the fact that he has but recently joined the Church and is a very impetuous man, and has evidently had a wrong conception of the character of our organization. It was decided to allow him at the rate of $90 per month for a month and a half which had elapsed before the Board had taken action to dismiss him, with $365 to be added thereto, making the whole amount $500.

I took dinner at Hotel Roberts with Brother & Sister Holbrook.

It was one o’clock when I reached home this evening. I came up on the late train and it was detained.

12 November • Thursday

Thursday, November 12, 1896

The Presidency had a meeting with John M. Cannon and my son Hugh about the situation of affairs with the Sterling Company.

At 11:30 we repaired to the Temple. All the Twelve were present excepting Moses Thatcher. He had been notified by the Twelve that there would be a meeting at 2 o’clock to-day at the Historian Office, at which his presence was desired. In reply to this invitation he wrote a long letter to Brother Lorenzo Snow, which was very artfully worded, and which there is scarcely room to doubt is intended for publication when it becomes necessary. I shall have this letter inserted in my journal, and shall probably have an answer also, because, as I told the Council, I did not think it right to allow a letter of that kind to go on our records without the proper answer accompanying it, or to have it published without our having in our possession an answer, whether we published it or not, and that I felt somebody ought to prepare an answer. The point that he makes is that inasmuch as he had been accused publicly he should have a public investigation. He professes to be willing to have this, even though his case had been prejudged by those who pronounce judgment. The following resolution was adopted:

That Elder Moses Thatcher be notified that as he is not in fellowship with the Council his case will be called up for consideration and action at a meeting to be held for that purpose at 10 a.m. on Thursday, the 19th inst., at the Historian’s Office, this city.

13 November • Friday

Friday, November 13, 1896

I had an interview this morning with Geo. M. Cannon and John M. Cannon and their sister Mina, a widow of my son Abraham, in relation to the sale of her home. She has been trying to sell it for $12,000, but has only received an offer of $10,000. She wanted to get my views respecting its sale. I regret exceedingly that it has to be sold, as it is a beautiful place, and I have had a desire that it should remain in the hands of the descendants of my father-in-law, Bishop Hoagland, who was the owner of the land on which the house is built. Circumstances, however, seem to demand that this should be sold.

Governor Arthur L. Thomas came to me this morning and asked me to write him a letter of endorsement to President-elect Wm. McKinley, which I did.

14 November • Saturday

Saturday, Nov. 14, 1896

I came to the office this morning and spent a few hours attending to various matters, and about noon returned home and met, by appointment, my son John Q., with whom I conversed concerning a letter that Brother Thatcher had addressed to President Lorenzo Snow, in which he made a great many statements that I felt ought to be met and replied to whenever they should be made public. The framing of the letter was of such a nature that I felt without doubt he would make it public sooner or later. I dictated to John something on each point, thinking it would do for my private journal if it were not needed for anything else; but I did not like the idea of allowing his statements to go unanswered.

15 November • Sunday

Sunday, Nov. 15, 1896

Attended meeting at the Tabernacle. Brother Geo. H. Wallace was called to speak, and he was followed by Brother J. M. Tanner. They spoke very well. Brother Tanner’s discourse was exceedingly pointed in relation to the Priesthood and obedience thereto. I listened to it with great delight. Brother Brigham Young made a few closing remarks.

In the evening I attended meeting in the Assembly Hall, having been selected to deliver the anniversary sermon for the Latter-day Saints College, it being ten years since the founding of the College. The Assembly Hall was well filled, and I spoke for about 65 mins. The audience seemed quite interested.

16 November • Monday

Monday, Nov. 16, 1896

At 9 o’clock there was a meeting of the Sugar Co., at 11 a meeting of Z.C.M.I., and several other meetings with brethren during the day. I was very busily occupied the whole of the day.

I dictated correspondence to Brother Winter.

17 November • Tuesday

Tuesday, Nov.17, 1896

At 8 o’clock this morning, in company with President Jos. F. Smith, Bishop Winder and Brother R. S. Campbell, I went to Ogden, where we spent the day till 2 o’clock as an executive committee of the Pioneer Co. We had dinner at the Reed Hotel. Mr. Bannister started for California to attend to some business there at the Risdon Iron Works.

18 November • Wednesday

Wednesday, Nov. 18, 1896

There was a meeting this morning of the Sugar Co. We listened to a report from Brother T. R. Cutler concerning interviews he had had with people at Ogden on the subject of starting a new factory. They seem disposed to do so. It is very clear to me that our people should not invest capital in institutions that may become rivals to each other, and that we should make every effort to concentrate our capital.

I forgot to mention that on Sunday Brother Moses Thatcher came out in an interview in the Salt Lake Tribune, in which he announces himself as a candidate for the U.S. Senate and appeals to “young Utah” for support, intimating that if they will give him their support he will take a stand against the Church interference in politics and champion freedom for the people in that direction. I have not read the article, but it is said to be clearly apostate. Brother Lorenzo Snow showed me a letter to-day that he had received from him in answer to a notice that had been sent to him of a meeting to be held for the consideration of his case and action thereon to-morrow. Brother Snow desired my views about the letter, and I dictated and submitted to him the following letter, which he accepted and signed, and it was sent to Brother Thatcher:

Nov. 18, 1896.

Elder Moses Thatcher,


Dear Brother:

I am in receipt of your letter of the 17th inst, in which you advise me of the receipt by you of a communication signed by myself on behalf of the quorum of the Twelve, and dated November 12th. You ask whether my letter was intended to be a reply to your former communication which you sent to me, in which you had requested a public hearing of your case, and you further ask, if you are warranted in concluding that that letter was a denial of your request for this public hearing. You also ask, if this be so, are you to understand that “consideration” and “action” mean that your trial will commence on the day and at the time and place mentioned; and further, if that is the intention, are you to defend yourself or plead to the charges as published in the Deseret Evening News of October 17th, and if so, will the charges be presented one at a time or considered as a whole; also, in either event, will those making the charges be present to hear your witnesses, and will you be permitted to bring with you and introduce the testimonies of those willing to testify in your behalf. You further ask whether the document regarding Church discipline which you failed to sign will be introduced as any part of the charges against you.

In reply to these queries I have to say that the quorum of the Apostles do not consider your request for a public hearing a proper one - for this reason: it is not your standing in the Church that is at issue, but your fellowship with the brethren of your own quorum. This is the business to be settled between yourself and us, and when this is settled satisfactorily there will then be no difficulty remaining concerning the document on Church discipline. You have been informed on several occasions that the members of your own quorum could not fellowship your spirit and conduct. Several of them have waited upon you and informed you that the Twelve felt that you should make amends and take proper steps to restore yourself to their fellowship. This, therefore, is not a matter for the general public, nor for the presence of witnesses. You yourself are the principal party interested, and if you can take the necessary steps - which are altogether within your own power - there need not be the least difficulty about your having the fellowship of your fellow Apostles. This has always been the course taken in our Church from the beginning to the present time. If the question of your fellowship with the Church should be brought forward at any time, it will then be for the Church to give you such a hearing as will enable its members to express themselves as to whether they will hold you in fellowship or not.

With kind regards,

Your Brother,

Lorenzo Snow.”

19 November • Thursday

Thursday, Nov. 19, 1896

I submitted the document I had prepared in reply to Moses Thatcher’s letter covering the points he had raised, and which I intended for my journal in case it was not needed, to Presidents Woodruff and Smith.

The Twelve, at 10 o’clock, met at the Historian Office. All the living members of the quorum were present, excepting Moses Thatcher. A letter had been received from him, of which the following is a copy:

Nov. 18, 1896.

Elder Lorenzo Snow,

President of the Quorum of Twelve:

Dear Brother-- Your esteemed favor of even date replying to my letter of yesterday, was handed me this evening and its contents have been carefully considered. As there is to be no trial of any case, and as I am not requested to be present, I take it to be the purpose, as heretofore notified, that the quorum meet on the morrow for the purpose of considering my case and determining what I must do before I can again enjoy the fellowship of my brethren of the Twelve Apostles.

Beyond the public action taken at the annual conference on the 6th of April last, which suspended me within a few hours after my failure to sign the document regarding Church discipline on political matters, and your citations to the remarks of the brethren as published in the Deseret News of October 17 about me, I know of nothing upon which to found requirements in my case, and since judgment in those matters has been already passed, the necessity for presenting, through witnesses or otherwise, any defense in my behalf seems obviated. I can, therefore, only await with great concern and deep anxiety your findings and specifying the conditions upon which I may regain the fellowship of my brethren and restoration to the official position heretofore held in the Church, and the duties and obligations of which I have sought earnestly, honestly and prayerfully to discharge. The thought of the permanent loss of that exalted position and of your fellowship, and of the consequent humiliation and bitterness that may follow, are very dreadful - I shrink from their contemplation. It seems a sad ending - a fruitless reward for 30 years or more of earnest and devoted work in a cause that has inspired and does still inspire the best efforts of a life, subject, of course, to human weaknesses and human errors, but nevertheless devoted and true. I cannot - brethren, I utterly fail to feel that I deserve the fate that now seems hanging over me! Pardon, I did not intend to plead my cause. Only let me remind you, brethren, of how the Lord has required us to use the priesthood - persuasion, gentleness, brotherly kindness, patience, love. This in the interest of mercy. Try each of you to place or imagine yourself placed in my position. Remember, if you can, that there is none of you - no, not one, for whose peace and happiness I would not give all I have and for the preservation of whose liberties and rights I would not, if necessary, sacrifice even my life. As proof, it you require proof, I refer to records of the past. So, as you would be judged, judge me. Then submit that judgment, give me reasonable time to consider it, and if I can harmonize my conscience and convictions respecting justice, truth and honor with your findings and requirements, I shall do so gladly and with a heart full of grateful acknowledgements to Him whose servants we have all been glad to be.

Praying the Lord to direct your minds in all things and uphold and sustain you now and hereafter, I remain

Your fellow laborer in the gospel,

Moses Thatcher.

The Council spent until about 2 o’clock in session. All of them expressed themselves on this case, and decided to sever Moses Thatcher from the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles and from all the offices in the Priesthood, and the following notice was prepared for publication:

“To the Officers and Members of the

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints:-

This is to inform you that at a meeting of the Council of Apostles held this day (Thursday, November 19, 1896), there being present Lorenzo Snow, Franklin D. Richards, Brigham Young, Francis M. Lyman, John Henry Smith, George Teasdale, Heber J. Grant, John W. Taylor, Marriner W. Merrill and Anthon H. Lund, which meeting was called for the purpose of considering and taking action on the case of Elder Moses Thatcher - and of which meeting and its object he had been duly notified - after a full consideration of all the circumstances of the case, and after each Apostle present had expressed himself upon the subject, it was unanimously decided that Moses Thatcher be severed from the Council of the Twelve Apostles, and that he be deprived of his Apostleship and other offices in the Priesthood.

Lorenzo Snow,

President, Council of Twelve Apostles.”

A letter was sent to Brother Thatcher informing him of the action that had been taken in his case.

It inspires mournful thoughts to think of the sad fate of this man, so brilliant in many directions, so influential, and so useful if he had applied himself to the magnifying of his office and calling. The predictions of President Woodruff concerning him, made years ago, have been fulfilled. I have heard him say on several occasions that unless Moses Thatcher repented he would apostatize, and after the Twelve began to take his case into consideration, President Woodruff expressed himself to the effect that he had but little hope of his repenting and taking the necessary steps to regain the fellowship of his brethren. I feel some freedom now in speaking of his course. I have felt restrained heretofore in saying much in the presence of the brethren, because I did not want to be looked upon as harboring any spirit of retaliation for that which I had suffered from him. But when I view his course since the death of President Taylor I am forced to the conclusion that the mischief he has done will take a long time to repair. President Woodruff was emphatic in his expression in relation to the action which had been taken by the Council. He spoke very approvingly of it and praised the brethren for what they had done.

20 November • Friday

Friday, Nov. 20, 1896

Brother William Budge was in the office to-day and asking counsel from the First Presidency concerning the affairs in his Stake.

There have been assaults made upon the Church by the papers which John Q. Cannon, as the editor of the Deseret News, is endeavoring to repel, and has submitted his articles to us, and to-day was up with an article which he desired to get our views upon. We were quite pleased with the article and signified our approval of it.

I dictated correspondence to Brother Arthur Winter.

21 November • Saturday

Saturday, Nov. 21, 1896

Last evening, before we separated, I brought to the attention of Presidents Woodruff and Smith the necessity of our taking some action in relation to railroad business. Everything has been in abeyance since the death of Abraham, because of his death and the election. Now that the election is over it is felt that something should be done looking to the consummation of some of our plans in relation to the railroad to the west and the purchase of the Garfield Beach, and looking also to the construction of a railroad to the south. We met to-day at 10 o’clock, there being present the First Presidency and Bishop Winder, Nephi W. Clayton and James Jack, and we went over the situation. It was decided that I should go east on this business. I would much prefer not going, but it is felt that I ought to go.

I dictated my journal and correspondence to Brother Arthur Winter.

22 November • Sunday

Sunday, Nov. 22, 1896

Attended meeting at the Tabernacle at 2 o’clock. Called on Brother Heber J. Grant to speak. He occupied 50 mins, and spoke very powerfully. I followed and spoke about 30 mins, and felt very free and a good spirit.

After the meeting I went with my wife Caroline to Brother H. B. Clawson’s, whose wife Emily is her sister, and took dinner there.

23 November • Monday

Monday, Nov. 23, 1896.

In company with Brother Winder, I went to Ogden this morning and opened the bids for the construction of the Dam. The brethren persuaded me to go to the County Commissioners to explain the necessity for a road which we desire to have built in place of the one that should be submerged by the construction of our Dam and Reservoir. The cost of the road will be $17,000. The Company proposes to build the iron bridges, which will cost some $3000. It was understood that there would be some persons there to protest against the granting of this petition. The petition was signed by all the leading people of Ogden; eleven of the signers pay one-fourth of the entire tax. As expected, there were several there to oppose the granting of the petition; but after hearing my explanations, three of the men arose and said that they had been converted and would not oppose it. A man by the name of Wiley Cragun and another by the name of Joseph Bidwell were determined in their opposition to it. I spoke several times, my son Frank spoke once, and Mr. Henderson, the City Attorney, and Mr. Weber, the County Attorney, spoke very much in favor of it and showed these people how blind they were to their own interests in doing anything to thwart the operations of a Company like this that was doing so much for the City and County. It was shown plainly that the taxes of our Company would pay for the road in less than two years. But all the arguments were in vain. These men were determined to fight it; and though the County Commissioners granted the petition, Wiley Cragun desired his protest recorded against it. A man by the name of John Seaman, who is a County Commissioner-elect, is the prime mover in the opposition to this. He is a member of the Church and a Bishop’s Counselor; but he has shown a very bad spirit on several occasions, and is a man that I want nothing to do with in business, or even in Church matters. I felt humiliated and pained at this meeting to see such narrowness displayed.

24 November • Tuesday

Tuesday, Nov. 24, 1896

Sarah Hoagland Taylor, who has been out of her mind lately, was taken to the Asylum a short time since, and she has died as the result of the violence of her dementia. She is the daughter of my wife Elizabeth’s father, Bishop Hoagland, by his wife Agnes Taylor, sister to President John Taylor, and she married her cousin, William W. Taylor, son of President Taylor. The funeral took place this morning, and I had two vehicles go to the depot, her body being brought up from Provo. There were a great many relatives present, and all expressed relief at her deliverance through death from her sufferings. She is a woman who has borne a high reputation; but her religious zeal has carried her to too great lengths and weakened her body, and thereby impaired her mind.

The First Presidency had a conversation to-day with Brother George C. Parkinson concerning political affairs.

25 November • Wednesday

Wednesday, Nov. 25, 1896

My son Frank J. Cannon had a conversation to-day with the First Presidency, in which he made a number of explanations concerning political matters and his course. He expects to leave for the east on Friday, and bade me good-bye, as he does not intend to come to the city again before leaving.

26 November • Thursday

Thursday, Nov. 26, 1896

President Woodruff called a meeting of Lorenzo Snow, F. D. Richards, Brigham Young, J. H. Smith, H. J. Grant, F. S. Richards, C. W. Penrose, J. G. Kimball and R. S. Campbell, to take into consideration political affairs. The question of my being a candidate for the U.S. Senate was considered, and the general feeling was that it would be impossible under the present circumstances for me to be elected, this legislature being so wholly Democratic. I felt greatly relieved at this, because I could foresee that if I became a candidate, as President Woodruff, felt that he would like me to do, I should be exposed to an immense amount of abuse and contumely. Moses Thatcher is making strenuous efforts through his friends to secure his own election. He proposes to stand on an anti-Church platform, posing as the champion of liberty for the people, especially for “young Utah”. A committee was appointed, consisting of F. S. Richards, C. W. Penrose, J. G. Kimball, Heber J. Grant and John Henry Smith, to take such steps as were necessary to defeat this man, who pretends to be a great Mormon and has great faith in the Gospel, pays his tithing and does other meritorious things, and tells those who will listen to him that he expects to yet be a member of the Twelve and to be fully vindicated.

I took dinner with my wife Sarah Jane and her children.

27 November • Friday

Friday, Nov. 27, 1896

This has been a very busy day with me, preparing to leave to-morrow morning on the business which has been assigned to me.

This afternoon, Senator Arthur Brown stepped in to see me, and said he wanted to find out whether, if it should prove that the recent election was void, Governor Wells, who is a Bryan man, would appoint me as United States Senator to fill his place after the 4th of March. He said he did not want to work unless there was going to be some fruits. He wanted either myself or himself to be the Senator, and asked me if I could ascertain this, because he thought there was some prospect of breaking up the election on the ground that the ballot was not a secret one. Of course, this was communicated with the greatest confidence, and I promised him that I would try to learn, through Brother H. J. Grant, what Gov. Wells would do if such a contingency arose.

28 November–2 December • Saturday–Wednesday

Saturday, Nov. 28th, 1896

We spent last night on a sleeping car, thinking that by so doing it would be more pleasant than driving from home so early in the morning to catch the train. At 7 oclock we left the city and reached Ogden at 8 o’clock. We obtained a through car for Chicago. We remained a few hours in Chicago, and stopped at the Auditorium Hotel. This was on the 30th, Monday. We then took sleeper to Buffalo, where we reached on Tuesday, Dec. 1st. We took train then to Philadelphia by the Lehigh Valley Road. It was about 7 o’clock when we got to Philadelphia. I telegraphed William that we would be there that evening, but did not tell him what depot we would be at, as I preferred driving directly in a carriage to the house. We found them all in good health and we were delighted to see Helen and the baby. Helen was very greatly pleased to see her Grandma and myself. The little one, Almy, is a sweet little girl and her Grandma’s delight was unbounded at seeing her. William’s progress in his medical studies and in surgery is very gratifying. He is a favorite with the professors, and they treat him with great kindness and consideration. On Tuesday [Wednesday] afternoon we took train to New York and put up at the Plaza Hotel.

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November 1896, The Journal of George Q. Cannon, accessed March 9, 2025