November 1876

1 November 1876 • Wednesday

John Q. and I started early from the Pasture. We put our carriage, (the one lent me for the trip by Bro. Brigham, Jr.,) and the horses on the cars. Myself and my wife Martha and John Q. took passage to York, the end of the track. There was a large company accompanying the company that far. Our company consisted of President Young and wife Amelia, two daughters Shemira and Ruth, a niece Vilate Young, Wm. A. Rossiter and Wm Crabtree and John Tout who drove the carriages and wagon; Bro. Brigham, Jr., and son Howard, Bro’s. Woodruff and Truman O Angell; myself and wife and son. We reached Nephi early in the afternoon. Invited by Bro. Pitchforth to stop at his house. We left our carriages all together at Bro. Jacob Bigler’s where the President put up. Bro. Pitchforth’s daughter, Mary Amelia, the wife of Bro. May as <is> very sick. Held meeting in the evening <and> myself and Bro. Woodruff occupied the time. Had good liberty.

2 November 1876 • Thursday

We got off a little after 8 o’clock. Sister Pitchforth put us up lunch. We stopped and fed at the bridge across the Sevier. Reached Scipio about 4 o’clock. Invited by Bro. Jesse B. Martin to stop with him. Held meeting in the evening. I spoke, followed by Bro’s. Woodruff and Brigham, Jr., a good spirit prevailed.

3 November 1876 • Friday

We left Scipio about 10 o’clock. Sister Martin furnished us lunch. We stopped for water at Holden, where we were met by Bishop Callister, Bro. F. M. Lyman, Bro. Thos King and others from Fillmore. Reached there in the middle of the afternoon. Invited by Bishop Partridge to stop with him. Held meeting in the evening, and I, at the request of Bro. Woodruff and Bro. Brigham, Jr., spoke first. They followed. President Young kindly pressed upon me the use of his fur coat and boots for my wife, who was much affected by the cold. He said he would not use them himself. I felt greatly obliged to him for his thoughtful kindness.

4 November 1876 • Saturday

The morning was fine; but during the day it became cloudy and gusty and it threatened storm. At Kanosh Bro. <Culbert> King and folks brought us apples and gave us all we would take. Climbing the hill out of Dog Valley we overtook the President’s baggage[.] The team was balky. The boys changed the teams, putting the balky mules on the traveling carriage. We had previously stopped to bait the horses in Baker’s Cañon. Reached Cove Creek about 4 o’clock and were hospitably entertained by Bro. Ira Hinkley and family. The wind was very violent in the evening and there was every appearance of a storm. Wrote an editorial for the Juvenile Instructor.

5 November 1876 • Sunday

The morning was beautiful and the storm had disappeared. The sun’s rays were very warm. Through this valley the mud when it is wet is very adhesive. We expected it might clog our wheels to-day; but it did not. We had better roads to-day after climbing the hill out of Pine Valley than we have had since leaving home. At Indian Creek, where we stopped to water, we found one of the springs of Pres. Young’s big traveling carriage broken. It was patched up and we drove into Beaver between 2 and 3 o’clock. Brass band, children of both sexes and aged men lined the street upon entering. Bro. Fotheringham invited us to his house. One of his wives, Mary Wardrobe, crossed the sea when myself and Father’s family came to America. She was 3 years old at the time and recollects my mother being buried in the ocean. Was introduced at Bishop Murdock’s to Mr. Barnes of the Land office and Dr. Nelson of U. S. A. Meeting House crowded; but for sometime they noise was such that I was <was tempted to sit down. I got better liberty afterwards. Bro. Woodruff followed.>

6 November 1876 • Monday

We left Beaver this morning and drove across the mountains to Buckhorn Springs, where we stopped and fed and watered our animals. In driving from this place to Paragoonah another of the springs of Prest. Young’s traveling carriage broke. We stopped and patched it up very securely and drove on to Parowan, which place we reached shortly before sundown. Bro. Jesse N. Smith welcomed us to his home and entertained us very hospitably. His wives brought in ten children all of whom were under 10 years of age to shake hands with us. Meeting was held in the evening which Bro. Woodruff[,] Brigham, Jun., and myself addressed. I was very glad to see Bishop Dame at liberty. He has been most cruelly treated by our enemies, having been arrested as a participator in the Mountain Meadows Massacre and kept for nearly 2 years in prison, without a chance to vindicate himself. The object of this persecution was to frighten him so that he would implicate innocent men — Prest Young and Bro. Geo A. Smith. Bro. Dame has borne the confinement manfully and can now rejoice in his freedom

7 November 1876 • Tuesday

Tuesday 7

This morning I visited Sister Smith, Aunt Mary as she is generally called, the mother of Bro. Jesse N. Smith. She is about 80 years of age and is very feeble. She desired me to bless her and I did. She is a very estimable lady. We drove to Cedar City. My wife Martha suffered considerably on the way and was quite ill when we reached Cedar. The road was very rough. She had to go to bed immediately upon our arrival and was quite sick all afternoon and night. We held meeting in the afternoon which Prest. Young attended and at which he spoke. Bro. Woodruff[,] Brigham, Jun., and myself also addressed the meeting. As it was election day I was called upon for a speech upon our arrival. I made a few remarks from the verandah of Bro. Lunt’s house. The President and folks and myself stopped at Bishop Lunt’s.

8 November 1876 • Wednesday

Wednesday, 8

This morning we started out early in company with Brigham, Jun. I did so that we might drive gently and favor my wife. We were overtaken at Kanarra by the President. We stopped at the late Bishop Roundy’s for dinner. I felt sorrowfully in seeing this family. His sudden death by drowning has been a great bereavement to his family and to the settlement. His body has not yet been recovered. It is probably somewhere in the Grand Cañon of the Colorado. The last time I was at this house I brought him the word from Prest. Young that he desired him to go into Arizona in company with some others and explore for suitable places for settlement. That was nearly four years ago. We drove over the rim of the rim of the basin to Bellevue, where we stopped for the night. I preceded the teams on foot down the dugway. We stopped at Bro. Birch’s. He was absent but his family did every thing to make us comfortable.

9 November 1876 • Thursday

Thursday 9

To-day we drove to St. George. Passing through Leeds we found a good many Gentiles — miners — who had been attracted there by the reported richness of the mineral discoveries. Pioche and the neighborhood in Nevada were almost deserted, so we heard for these miners. We met a number of the brethren from St. George at Washington; my brother David was among them. He does not look as well as when I last saw him. His severe illness of last winter has left traces behind. We were all eager to get a glimpse of the temple as were [we] were crossing the hills, and when we saw it, it stood out in bold relief and in marked contrast with the black and red hills which surround the little valley in which St. George stands. The temple is pure white, and is a massive, unique building. It excited peculiar emotions in all the party to witness once more a temple erected to the Most High God. We drove to my brother David’s and stopped. In the evening, he, Martha, John Q and myself visited my sister Anne. We left Martha there and the rest of us visited the President and spent the evening.

10 November 1876 • Friday

Friday 10

Called upon the President this morning & spent most of the forenoon there. Bro. Snow gave me a ride in his buggy to the Temple, the Prest., Bro. Woodruff, Brigham, Jun., and Bro. T. O. Angell, going in his (the President’s) carriage. We found the basement, where the font is situated, very light and cheerful. The font looks very elegant; probably there is no such font in existence. It is cast iron and everything connected with it, even the oxen upon which it stands, and is painted very beautifully. The font is being bronzed. From the basement we ascended into the grand hall; and here our emotions — or I will speak for myself, my emotions almost overpowered me. I felt as though I <did not> wanted to talk but to yield the sweet impressions of the occasions. The hall is beautifully proportioned and the workmanship is very superior. I never saw better plastering in any country or any building[.] The stands are very elegant, and I felt as though I trod on holy ground. A person who can enter that room without feeling peculiar sensations and being impressed that it was a holy place must be either very thoughtless or dead to all sensibility. We examined the whole building which is nearly completed & were gratified with everything we saw. The work is as well done I presume as can be with the materials that had to be used. The best workmen in the Territory have been employed on the building. It is not quite 4 years since I first visited the site of the Temple. Bro. Jno. W. Young and myself were taken down by the Pres’t. to look at it. It was the most unpromising site for a building that I ever saw. The trench that had been dug out was filled with water and it was so soft that a pole could be pushed down to a great depth in the quicksand. The President made the foundation by pouring in small rock and pounding them down with a heavy driver; and now upon that foundation the Temple stands without a crack in its walls. It was a glorious thought that we were permitted to erect a building of this kind so near completion in which the servants of God can enter and dedicate to the Lord, and in which those sacred ordinances that He has restored for man’s exaltation can be administered.

We took dinner at my sister Anne’s and visited the Pres’t in the evening.

11 November 1876 • Saturday

Saturday, 11

Meetings were held in the Tabernacle to-day. Bro. McAllister, Bro. Woodruff and myself occupied the forenoon. Bro. Wolfenstijn, Brigham, Jun., and [blank] occupied the afternoon. Visited the Pres’t. in the evening.

12 November 1876 • Sunday

Sunday 12

The brethren said for me to occupy all the time that I desired. I spoke in the forenoon about 1 hour and 20 minutes and had great freedom. The afternoon was occupied by Pres’t. Young, who called me to read the circular respecting the erection of temples. After meeting, Martha, John Q. and myself dined at Bro. Snow’s. In the evening went to the Pres’t’s. who, with Bro.’s Woodruff, Snow & Brigham., Jun. set me apart and blessed me in view of my departure for Washington.

13 November 1876 • Monday

Monday 13

My wife’s health scarcely permitted her to travel without risk. I submitted the matter to Prest. Young, and he advised me to leave her here for the winter, and she might be able to help in the Temple; and have the children sent down to her. I have enjoyed my short visit here very much and feel well repaid for the trouble of the journey. Jno. Q. & myself started back this morning. The Prest. last night suggested a way we should travel. He thought we could reach home by Saturday night. We thought of stopping at Tokerville but as this would interfere with the programme he sketched out we concluded to abandon this and stop at Bellevue. But as the sun was still an hour high we concluded to push on over the dugway, and after dark reached 2 cabins at the foot of the Black Ridge called Kelsey’s. We stopped there for the night.

14 November 1876 • Tuesday

My sleep was not very sound as I was desirous to get an early start. We got up at 4 o’clock, had a little breakfast and started. We paid $1.50 for our entertainment. This is the first time in all my travels in Utah that I ever had anything to pay for meals or lodging. I did not regret it for I was glad to get the opportunity of stopping and paying for it. But I notice it from the fact that it is the first instance of the kind. Upon ascending the ridge and crossing over to Kanarra we met a most piercing wind. It seemed to me that it would chill me to the very marrow. After reaching Kanarra the sun rose and it became warmer, and when we reached Cedar City it was quite pleasant. We stopped and took dinner at Bishop Lunt’s, and while dinner was preparing, he took me around to see the improvements that were being made there. They are putting up some very fine residences and the prospects for Cedar City I think, are very great. It must inevitably become populous at some time for there is coal and iron in large quantities. Their range for stock is good and there are other facilities which will make it a desirable place of residence. We drove to Parowan and called at Bro Jesse N. Smith’s, who pressed me to stop and hold meetings. I consented on condition that my team should drive on to Paragoonah and that after meeting they should carry me over there, which they gladly acceded to. Held a very interesting meeting, and Bro. Mortensen drove Bro. Smith and myself in Bro. Dame’s carriage over to Paragoonah. Bro. Dame was absent, having gone north. We stopped at Bro. Silas S. Smith’s, who was also absent to the north.

15 November 1876 • Wednesday

Wednesday 15

I was quite sick in the night. We arose at 4 o’clock and got started some time before daylight. We reached Beaver about noon, took dinner at Bro. Murdock’s and drove to Cove Creek, where we arrived just after dark. The traveling for a few miles before reaching Cove was very heavy. We were hospitably received by Bro. Ira Hinckley. We found Bishop Callister and son and Bro. Trescott here, also Bro. Henry W. Bigler who is on his way south to work in the Temple at St. George.

16 November 1876 • Thursday

I rose between 3 & 4 o’clock. Bro. Callister accompanied us to Fillmore. The roads were heavy from the Fort until we got into Baker’s Cañon and we had to drive slowly. We stopped at Bro. Bolivar Watts’ at Corn Creek and got breakfast. Drove on to Fillmore where we stopped and fed. Bro. Callister had telegraphed to have dinner prepared, but little of which we could eat. Drove on to Cedar Springs or Holden. Stopped at Bro. Stevens’. and held meeting. It was a very interesting one to me. Bro. Silas S. Smith came in after the meeting, having just arrived from north on his way home.

17 November 1876 • Friday

Arose about 4, and after breakfast started before it was light. I was suffering from a very severe cold, contracted the first night after leaving St. George. We drove to Nephi and stopped at Bro. Pitchforth’s. I telegraphed Bishop Joel Grover that we would be there that evening and he had called a meeting at which there was a very general attendance and a sweet and heavenly influence prevailed. I had great liberty in speaking to the people.

18 November 1876 • Saturday

Bro. Pitchforth accompanied us to his ranch. We drove on to the end of the Track. Put the horses on board a box car and the wagon on a flat car, and reached the city in the evening. Found all well. We drove down to my place on the river and found all well there.

19 November 1876 • Sunday

Attended meeting at the 14th Ward. Bro. Pratt was there; he had been invited to the meeting but was anxious that I should speak. I urged him to speak first and he occupied all the time. The brethren were desirous that I should attend the evening meeting and announced that I would speak. There was a very full attendance. Bro. Pratt did me the honor to come and hear me. I was remarkably blest in speaking. There were a good many strangers present, and I had great freedom. The Spirit was poured out and the people listened with great attention.

I attended our circle in the afternoon between the meetings

20 November 1876 • Monday

During this week I was very busy arranging my affairs and pushing forward the addition to the house which I am building on the farm. Bro.’s Jno W. Young and Daniel H. Wells spoke to me about somebody going with me to assist me in my correspondence and other labors. I told them I had not thought of such a thing. Bro. Young said I ought to think about it, and asked me whom I would like to take with me. I replied that I would prefer taking my own son if it was agreeable. He was in favor of it, so was Bro. Wells.

21 November 1876 • Tuesday

Delivered a lecture before the Young Men’s Mutual Improvement Society of the 15th Ward upon the invitation of Bro. Wm. Burton, the president.

26 November 1876 • Sunday

Attended meeting in the afternoon at the 20th Ward. Afterwards attended circle meeting, which was held so late that we were prevented from attending evening meeting. I went down to the farm in the evening.

27 November 1876 • Monday

Busy preparing for my departure. In the evening Bro. Jno. W. Young, Bro. Wells, Bro John Taylor, Bro O. Pratt and myself met to-gether at the President’s office and talked over the consolidation of the Juvenile Instructor, the Woman’s Exponent and the Deseret News, into one paper, the Herald to become a political paper — the suggestion of Pres’t. Young in a letter to me. We held our meeting till very late. All felt that something should be done to help the Deseret News and to give it more influence. The Herald also is in a position to require help. I stated that so far as the Juvenile Instructor was concerned Brother Brigham and the brethren could do whatever they pleased with it. They could consolidate it with the News, they could change its present form, or they could stop it altogether, I was perfectly willing that they should do with it as they pleased. The expression of opinion was very strong that it was a most useful paper and that it would be a positive loss to suspend it. The general feeling was that it would not answer so good a purpose to have it absorbed in the News; that a child’s paper was a necessity and if it were to suspend other papers would be imported to supply its place. It was therefore suggested among other things that the Instructor should continue, but that all its articles should be published under my strict supervision, and if not convenient for them to be submitted to me to be submitted to one of the first presidency or twelve. My sons John Q., Franklin and Abraham sat up with me all night, writing letters and doing other work preparatory to my departure. Wrote letters to Prest. Young and my wife Martha at St. George. My wife Sarah Jane was up most of the night, and Jno. Q went down to the farm to get his things ready and kept my wife Elizabeth up most of the night. I visited the farm in the evening and had my feelings considerably stirred up by the grief of my wife and especially of Mary Alice, my little daughter, who wept sorely at parting with me.

28 November 1876 • Tuesday

Tuesday 28

We took lunch with us and started with us and started with us <this> morning. Bro. Jno. W. Young and my brother Angus and my nephew Geo. C. Lambert came to the train to see us off. Bro. Franklin Richards very kindly came down to the train at Ogden. My son Franklin accompanied us to Ogden. The weather grew cool after leaving Evanston.

29 November 1876 • Wednesday

Wednesday 29

The cold increasing.

30 November 1876 • Thursday

We reached Omaha to-day and to my great satisfaction found that we did not have to transfer as the traveling public have had to do at this point in order to cross the river. We crossed in the Union Pacific cars to the other side, then took the Chicago and Northwestern to Chicago.

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November 1876, The Journal of George Q. Cannon, accessed October 16, 2024