July 1883

1 July 1883 • Sunday

Sunday, July 1st 1883. I had a meeting with my children this morning instead of having them go to Sunday School, in which I questioned them respecting their faith, and had a very satisfactory interview.

In the afternoon attended meeting at the large Tabernacle and was called upon by President Taylor to address the congregation. I was blessed with a good flow of the spirit.

In the evening attended meeting in the 14th Ward Assembly Rooms and addressed the congregation. It was a very hot evening.

Stayed in town all night.

2 July 1883 • Monday

Monday, July 2, 1883. At the Office. Engaged part of the time with President Taylor and Bishop Thomas Taylor in arranging about the affairs of the iron company.

In the afternoon a plot of the burnt district was submitted to the First Presidency, and it was decided to lease the land on favorable terms to the parties who had been burnt out.

I had a call today from Mr Gibson formerly the Washington correspondent of the New York Sun, and who is employed by the government to commence proceedings in the Star route cases. He is a man of considerable ability and influence and has treated our question very fairly. He wished to converse about matters, and I had two interviews with him today.

3 July 1883 • Tuesday

Tuesday July 3, 1883. At the Office. In company with W. W. Taylor I set apart Bro. James Townsend for a mission to his native state Maine.

My brother, Angus, and Thos E. Taylor, arrived this morning from the east where they had been sent to purchase a new paper making machine and other machinery. They both looked very well and gave favorable reports of their visit and the result of their labors. Angus has had an interesting visit with our relatives in Cleveland. Our Aunt [blank] my mother’s sister is still alive and enjoying good health.

4 July 1883 • Wednesday

Wednesday July 4, 1883. President Taylor desired myself and Bro. Wells to accompany him this morning to Camp Douglas to make apology for not being present at the celebration at that place, for which General McCook, commanding officer, had made extensive preparations, and written an invitation to President Taylor to attend. I drove up from my place and reached the Gardo House at 8 o’c. Bro. Brigham accompanied me in my buggy. Bro. Wells rode with Prest. Taylor. We met Bishop John Sharp whom I induced to accompany us. We were treated with great respect at the Camp. Several bottles of wine were opened with which we wet our lips and drank the General’s health. The Barbecue – the meat for which was furnished by President Taylor – appeared to be very satisfactorily done, and General McCook had evidently done all in his power in his preparations to make his guests comfortable. We remained there about three quarters of an hour and returned to the City. I afterwards drove down to my brother-in-laws, Peter Hansen’s, where my family had gathered for the purpose of celebrating the day. His grove is very beautiful, and we had a very interesting time. I have not enjoyed myself for a long time as I did this afternoon, being entirely free from care and business. It is the first time in my life since I had a family that I now recall that I had them out for a general picnic. We saw the balloon ascension which went up from Washington Square. The weather turned very cool this afternoon, and the change was a delightful one.

5 July 1883 • Thursday

Thursday, July 5, 1883. At the Office. Bishop Thos Taylor submitted Articles of Association for the Iron Co.

At the request of President Taylor I attended a committee meeting of the City Council. They had been appointed to take into consideration a petition that had been presented to the Council by various citizens upon the subject of the erection of a building in City Creek Canyõn and the creation of a water power there concerning which many violent remarks and statements had been put in circulation. During President Young’s lifetime he had been exceedingly careful to secure all the land in City Creek through which the water of the Creek ran for the purpose of maintaining proper control of the same in the interests of the people. After his death this property was transferred to the Trustee-in-Trust, Prest. John Taylor, by the Executors of President Young’s will, and he had held control from that time until the present. President Taylor had conceived the idea of creating a water power in the canyõn that would supersede the necessity of burning coal and running engines in the city for the purpose of electrical lights, and had concealed from the public his design. Various rumors had been circulated and considerable excitement created by anonymous publications in the Herald concerning the purpose of this water, and a good many professed to be very much concerned at the prospect of the waters being defiled which the city would be compelled to use for culinary purposes. The City Council itself had become considerably excited over this subject and had talked in a manner most unbecoming according to my view, especially in view of the fact that the Church had never exercised any power to injure the people, but always to protect them in their rights. I took the liberty of talking very plainly to this Committee upon this subject. I told them that I considered the Church the conservator of the people’s rights and as one citizen I much preferred to see the Church hold control of City Creek than to see it in the hands of the City Council whose willingness to truckle to Gentiles I thought was manifest on many occasions. I did not speak thus to make any personal allusions; but they knew as well as I that there was danger of our having a City Council who would not respect public rights as they did, and in view of that I thought titles to property were much safer under the control of the Church, so far as the people’s welfare was concerned, than in the hands of the City Council. I alluded to the indifference which was manifested respecting the poor people whose property had been jeopardized by the permission given to oil companies to erect buildings. Said I, if the property of the Walker Bros had been endangered in this way and they had protested their protest would have been given instant heed to. I had a long conversation with them in which we went over the whole question, and I took the ground that the Church owing the land in City Creek had a perfect right to use the waters as long as they did not defile it nor misappropriate it. They had the right to use it for power while it passed through their land. The City Council had talked of condemning this property and ceasing [seizing] it. I told them such remarks were shameful being utterly uncalled for by anything that had occurred, and I asked them when in the history of our settlement in this Territory anything had been done by the Church or those who represented the Church to trespass upon the people’s rights? On the contrary had they not always been the most active in preserving and maintaining the rights of the people? I think the conversation will result in good.

6 July 1883 • Friday

Friday July 6, 1883. At 10 oclock this morning there was a meeting in the Presidents Office of leading men to take into consideration the best persons to be nominated for the various offices in this County and legislative district. The meeting was very harmonious. A full discussion was had and a good ticket was selected. In nearly every instance two names for each position were mentioned and taken down. I said to the meeting that I felt it was a very important time in our affairs and that the first requisite on the part of candidates in my mind was that they should be obedient to counsel. Then other qualities needed should come next. I pointed to the fact that with scarcely an exception all the men who had laid the foundation of the prosperity of this Territory, and who had managed its affairs up to the present time, were now excluded from office as well as from the polls. A new class now came to the front and it was an important question whether these would listen to the advice of those men who had made the country prosperous under the blessing of the Lord and who had made Utah what it is, or whether they would listen to the counsels of those who sought the destruction of the people and who wished to inaugurate a new policy. For my part my influence should never be used in favor of any men who would not be guided by the counsels of the men who had been the leaders of the people in the past, and I thought it exceedingly important that such should be selected to fill all our Offices and especially the Legislative Assembly.

President Taylor and myself had interview with Bishop Thomas Taylor in the afternoon arranging the affairs of the Iron Works.

I drove down home and returned to the City so as to be ready to start in the morning to Huntsville.

7 July 1883 • Saturday

Saturday, July 7th 1883. Left the city at 7.15 a.m. Our company comprised President Taylor and wife, Jane, and son, Ezra, President Woodruff and wife, Prest. Joseph F. Smith, Elders John Nuttall, John Irvine, and Henry Grow. We were met at Ogden Station by Bro. F. D. Richards and other brethren and remained at his house until the meeting (in Ogden) at 10 o’clock. The meeting was composed of the Priesthood and was addressed by myself, Joseph F. Smith and Prest. Taylor.

I went to my son Frank’s for dinner, where Bishop F. A. Hammond also dined.

At 2 oclock we again met and the names of the candidates for office were submitted to the assembled priesthood and sustained with great unanimity.

At 4 o’clock in company with Prest. Taylor, and Prest. Joseph F. Smith I rode to Huntsville in the carriage driven by Bishop Hammond. The rest of the party also were <in> vehicles, and the drive was a pleasant one. We met ma[n]y teams on the road which delayed us somewhat. An arch of Welcome had been prepared at Huntsville, and the brass band and various associations were out to receive us. The most of the party stopped at Bishop Hammonds who gave us a very cordial and hospitable welcome. In the evening my sons Franklin J. and wife and daughter and Abraham, accompanied by Bro. Jacob Gates, came up.

8 July 1883 • Sunday

Sunday July 8, 1883. A number of citizens from Weber Stake came to meeting this morning, among whom was Apostle F. D. Richards and the Presidency of the stake as well as a number of Bishops. We examined the meeting house this morning before meeting and were greatly pleased with it. It is a beautiful structure and has cost upwards of $11,000 which for a small settlement like this is a very creditable and praiseworthy undertaking. The dedicatory prayer was offered by Prest. Joseph F. Smith. and Myself, Prest. Woodruff and Jacob Gates occupied the forenoon. We dined in the school house, where the tables were beautifully laid out with everything to tempt the appetite and gladden the eye.

The afternoon was occupied by Prest. Joseph F. Smith and Prest. Taylor.

We left Huntsville at 3.50 P.M., Bro. Hammond again driving us in a carriage that he had provided, and in one hour and thirty minutes we were at the tabernacle in Ogden a distance of 12 miles. We took train at 6.10 and reached the City at 7.45. I remained in the City all night.

9 July 1883 • Monday

Monday July 9, 1883. My brother, Angus, drove me down this morning to my home. I gave directions about setting up a cutting machine and horse power to Bro. Jensen. Drove back to the City. Occupied most of the day in finishing our articles of association for the Iron Company, and attending to other business.

Had a call from Mr Simon Sterne and wife of New York whose brother, Louis Sterne, became acquainted with my son John Q. in London and was so pleased with him that he desired his brother and sister when they came here to find me.

10 July 1883 • Tuesday

Tuesday, July 10, 1883. My brother, Angus, drove down home with me last evening and stayed with me all night. I felt very badly this morning and did not come up to town until between 2 and 3 oclock. I think the bad feeling is due to cold which I took yesterday afternoon. After I reached the city we had up the articles of Association, and completed them, and Bishop Taylor, myself, Geo. J. Taylor, my son, Abraham H. Cannon, appeared before the Probate Judge and certified to the Agreement and organization as incorporators.

A most shocking affair occurred this afternoon about 4 oclock. David P. Rich, a son of Brother Charles C. Rich, and Rudolph Smith (as he is called, an adopted son of Judge Elias Smith) entered Zions Savings Bank and with an iron rod struck the cashier, Bro. B. H. Shettler over the head and stunned him after which they stole some money and escaped. David P. Rich struck the blow, and had he struck Brother Shettler further back the blow would have killed him. As it was the rod glanced over the forehead inflicting a wound nearly to his eyebrows. There has been no crime committed in this city for a long time which has created the excitement that this has in consequence of the inoffensive character of Bro. Shettler and the daring nature of the attack and also because of the parties implicated, both being connected with two of our most respectable families. They with other young men have been drinking for some time.

11 July 1883 • Wednesday

Wednesday July 11, 1883. One of the robbers of yesterday was captured early last evening, and Rich was found in bed late in the evening with a bad woman at a house of ill fame. He is the husband of a daughter of the late President Heber C. Kimball and has three children. This if anything intensifies the feeling against him and shows how utterly degraded he has become. President Taylor, Smith and myself called upon Bro. Shettler this morning and found him much better than could be expected after such an attack.

While at lunch today at President Taylors, Gov. T. A. Hendricks of Indiana – who was vice-President on the ticket with Tilden and who was doubtless elected, but was defrauded by the acts of the electoral Commission — accompanied by Judge Martindale and a Mr. Wright, called at the Gardo House to pay their respects to Prest. Taylor. Gov. Murray had been with them and tried to disuade them from making this call. They were determined however to do so. President Taylor and myself withdrew from the table and had a very pleasant conversation with them for a short time. I was acquainted with Mr Hendricks and Mr Martindale.

At 2 p.m. we met at the Endowment House.

When I reached home this evening I was informed by my wife Martha respecting some vulgarity on the part of some of the children which pained me very much, and especially some of the actions of a hired girl who lived with us. I took some steps to investigate how far the children were to blame and find that this girl had been setting an example to one of my little boys five years of age which was most reprehensible.

12 July 1883 • Thursday

Thursday July 12, 1883. I find that it requires constant watchfulness on the part of parents to preserve their children from the many evils which abound. I have done all in my power thus far by conversation, reasoning, pleading, and constant warning to my children to preserve them from bad habits and vulgar and unvirtuous actions. Sin is in the world and Satan is constantly seeking to lead away the children of men. I hope notwithstanding his efforts to be able to rear my children in purity and virtue. I had occasion to soundly trounce two of my boys this morning for vulgar language. Of my 15 small children I have never had occasion before this to whip any of them but one, and I dislike very much to resort to such methods of correction. But in this instance I had talked to one of them not a great while ago and I felt that it was right that I should chastise him severely. It was more in what it might lead to than in anything bad of itself that I punished him for.

Busy at the Office. Dictated my Journal to Bro. John Irvine, and also letter to Judge Black.

13 July 1883 • Friday

Friday July 13, 1883. At the Office. Meeting of the Deseret News Company was held at 11 oclock.

A caucus was held today of the Delegates, 65 in number, who had been elected in this County by the People’s Party to the County Convention. This Caucus was convened at the invitation of the Central Committee, of which Bishop John Sharp is Chairman. At his request I attended the Caucus. I invited Bro. Joseph F. Smith to accompany me. At our Council of the leading men we had selected a number of names for each position, but it was felt that it would not be wise to present these names in this manner to the Caucus, but to select, as the Council had decided should be done, a leading name for each position and make up a ticket accordingly. This was done. Bishop Sharp expected to present that ticket to the Caucus for its acceptance. At the opening of the Caucus he felt somewhat nervous as it was new business and expressed himself to me that he would be glad when we were through with it. After calling the Caucus to order and hearing the roll called, he made some preliminary remarks introducing the subject for which we had come together, and then said that as myself and Bro. Joseph F. Smith were present, he would be glad to hear from me. I could scarcely control my emotions part of the time when I was speaking. But I think my remarks reached the point. I described to them the character of the contest that now lay before us; the design that was had in view when the Edmunds law was passed; that it was hoped that when the polygamists were excluded from voting and from office that a good many who were now dissatisfied would join with the apostates and the Gentiles, and that by this combination the Territory might be captured and its control taken from the hands of those who made it what it is. I said we were now on the threshold of a serious contest. An attempt would be made to capture the Legislature. This was the great object sought for in the passage of the Edmunds law, for with the Legislature hostile to us, and the Governor ready to sign any enactment they might pass, a yoke would be fastened upon us that would be difficult for us to relieve ourselves from for perhaps years to come. It therefore became essential that every man that had any influence should step forward and use it. The question now presented itself, shall the old policy that has proved so successful in the past in the management of the affairs of this Territory still be maintained, or will the new men who are now coming to the front take a new departure and yield themselves as blind instruments in the hands of the enemies of this people. The first prerequisite in an officer, according to my view, should be that he should seek for and be willing to accept counsel of the men who had laid the foundation of the prosperity we now beheld and whose wisdom and experience proved their capability as Statesmen. Next of course would be fitness for office; but I would not use any influence in favor of men for office who would not listen to his friends and to the friends of this people. I stood forward to address them in two capacities, one as one of the first settlers of this country, and another as a religious teacher. My religion and my religious rights had been assailed, and while I was not in favor of mixing religion with politics, yet I felt it was my duty, representing a large influential class who had been wrongfully deprived of their rights, to speak my mind and to use my influence to have the right kind of men elected to office. There would be great influences brought to bear upon this coming legislature. Representatives would be appealed to in many ways to show that by pursuing a certain course they would promote the prosperity of the Territory, while by pursuing another course they would be likely to sacrifice the people. The Governor is determined to have a following and no effort will be spared to make division in our ranks, and it will require men of backbone and conscientiousness of purpose to resist these efforts and to harken to the voice of wisdom. It was in this strain that I talked, and the spirit of God rested upon the members, and though there were some delegates present who had been known heretofore as creators of division in conventions, they seemed to be unanimous today and made no expression that was not in harmony with the spirit of the meeting. Bro. Joseph F. Smith declined to add anything, and the ticket was submitted, and after conversation in which all were invited to share and state their feelings freely the entire ticket was adopted. We were all greatly gratified with the result of the Caucus and the spirit of unanimity that was manifested. I took dinner with my brother Angus.

14 July 1883 • Saturday

Saturday July 14, 1883. At the Office. Examined appealed cases of George Criddle v. J. C. Little of Morgan Stake. Also the case of the citizens of Levan v. Elmer Taylor and C. N. Lundsteen respecting water claims. Neither case was looked upon as a correct appeal, because the evidence upon which the decisions of the High Council had been based was not forwarded, and we decided under the circumstances that the decisions of the High Council should stand.

Gen. W. H. Mills, land agent from the Central Pacific Railroad, had an interview with the First Presidency at the Gardo House upon the subject of disposing of all the land granted by Congress to that company. General Mills is a man of very fine conversational powers and acute intellect. He argued with great plausibility the advantage it would be to the Church to purchase the company’s lands. There were 1,440,000 acres of ground in the grant which they proposed to sell to us for $1,000,000, giving us time for the payment, putting the interest at not more than seven and perhaps six percent per annum. We spent the afternoon in conversation and he promised to put in writing the propositions he had made, and we promised to give the matter fair consideration

15 July 1883 • Sunday

Sunday July 15, 1883. I gathered my children together this morning and had a very interesting conversation with them upon the principles of the Gospel. Afterwards drove to the meeting in the Tabernacle. I had been oppressed with a presentiment during the night and the morning that I should have to speak. There were a great many strangers in the City and I was filled with dread at the thought of speaking, so much so that it almost made me sick at my stomach. After meeting opened President Taylor asked me if I felt like speaking. I replied that I did not, but he seemed desirous that I should do so. I told him that if he wished I would speak. He said that I could speak half an hour or longer as I should feel led, and he perhaps would make some remarks. After I arose I soon obtained liberty and spoke to my edification and I think to the edification of the Saints. The Spirit of the Lord took away all fear and gave me considerable power. I occupied an hour. Prest. Taylor followed speaking with considerable force, occupying about 15 minutes.

16 July 1883 • Monday

Monday July 16, 1883. At the office. General Mills, accompanied by his private Secretary, Mr Marks, and Thomas Marshall Esq, Attorney of the C.P.R.R. in this city, called upon us and we had a lengthy conversation again respecting the land grant. After their departure it was decided to send for Brothers Lorenzo Snow, F. D. Richards, Moses Thatcher, of the Twelve; also W. E. Preston, Prest of Cache Valley Stake, L. W. Shurtcliffe, <Prest> of Weber Stake, and W. R. Smith, <Prest.> of Davis Stake, to come to the City as quickly as possible.

Bro. Christopher Layton called afterwards. He is presiding in St. Davids Stake, Arizona, and gives encouraging reports of the prospects there for settlement.

Bishop F A Hammond, of Huntsville, came in and after some conversation stated his desire to move from Huntsville to some warmer climate, as the winters were very trying on him. President Taylor gave him full liberty to move to any part he thought would be suitable. His mind leads to the region which Bro. Layton resides in. He consulted my private feelings upon the subject, as he thought I knew him better than any man living. We were companions together as missionaries on the Sandwich Islands and became very familiar. I suggested that before he should break up his home at Huntsville he should make a visit to the part of Arizona where he thought of locating and see for himself.

We (First Presidency) occupied considerable time this afternoon in conversation upon the subject of the purchase of this land grant.

17 July 1883 • Tuesday

Tuesday, July 17, 1883. Came to town early this morning for the purpose of continuing our examination of the business connected with the land grant. Spent most of the day at the Gardo House.

18 July 1883 • Wednesday

Wednesday, July 18, 1883. Came to town early this morning and met at the Gardo House with Presidents Taylor, Smith and Woodruff; L. Snow, F. D. Richards, Brigham Young and Moses Thatcher of the Twelve; Wm B. Preston, L. W. Shurtcliffe, & W R. Smith; and L. J. Nuttall and George Reynolds. We had a full free conversation upon the subject of the purchase of the land grant of C.P.R.R. Co. It was decided not to purchase, but leave the people to make their own purchases. We could not see where money could be realized from the sale of the land.

At 2 p.m. met at the Endowment House with the Council.

This was the 25th anniversary of my brother, Angus’, marriage and his two first wives Amanda and Sarah Maria Mousley, and my Eliza and daughter, Mary Alice, and my sister Mary Alice and her husband, my son Abraham and his wife, dined with him at 5 oclock.

19 July 1883 • Thursday

Thursday July 19, 1883. At the Office. Had an interview today with General Mills of the C.P.R.R. who informed me that Warner Miller, Senator from New York, had conversed with him upon the subject of introducing a bill to prohibit Mormons from prempting land in the United States. He had no doubt he said that such a measure would be introduced, “and if so,” said he, “you know politicians well enough to know that they will vote for it”. He told me that Judge Goodwin of the Tribune had said to him that President Taylor, myself, and President Joseph F. Smith wield the most terrible despotism over the people in this Territory that is known in history. How any man could make such a statement with the expectation of any one believing it who had the use of his eyes and ears is something almost past comprehension. Had an interview with Mr Ingersoll, representative of Harpers Magazine, who is preparing an article on Salt Lake City for that periodical.

Dictated “Editorial Thoughts.”

20 July 1883 • Friday

Friday, July 20, 1883. At the Office. Bro. Heber J. Grant returned from California this morning after a successful labor there to obtain insurance for Bro. H. B. Clawson.

Bro. Erastus Snow spent considerable time in the office, and President Taylor, myself and he talked over the best methods of bringing relief to the Southern part of the Territory. Among other subjects that of the manufacture of iron was dwelt upon, and he expressed himself as very favorable to it and thought that with skillful management it might be made successful, and it would be a great relief to the southern settlement. I have felt for sometime past that the question of doing something to help the settlements in the Southern part of the Territory was one of growing importance. They have reached their limit of agricultural production, and there being no sale for their produce many are becoming discouraged and are seeking homes in other places. This is particularly the case in St. George and the region round about. We owe it to that people to devise some plan, if possible, which will bring relief to them and furnish employment for the young and the energetic, who without this will go elsewhere and leave the aged and the feeble and non-interprising to occupy the ground.

Dictated “Topic of the Times” for Juvenile Instructor to Bro. Irvine.

This evening attended an exhibition of paintings at the Social Hall in company with Prest. Taylor, Prest. Woodruff and a few other of the brethren and sisters. They had been painted for Bro. C. B. Hancock, and were scenes from Church and his personal history. They were ten in number, but were very rudely and inartistically painted. Each picture was to be accompanied by remarks from him he having been connected with the Church since its first organization, and having been with the body of the Church ever since. These pictures if artistically drawn and properly lectured upon would be a most excellent means of imparting a knowledge of church history to all classes.

21 July 1883 • Saturday

Saturday, July 21, 1883. At the office. Dictated Journal to Bro. John Irvine, and was busy in various ways. Yesterday Elder John T. Caine called upon me. He had just returned from a trip to Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona and California. I suggested that he go over to Summit County in company with Brigham Young & H. J. Grant to speak to the people on the necessity of voting at this coming election. The county is a very close one, and great care and vigilance will have to be exercised or we may lose it. He seemed very pleased to go.

22 July 1883 • Sunday

Sunday July 22, 1883. I stayed in town last night and this morning started for Ogden to attend the conference there. Brothers Jacob Gates, W. W. Taylor, and Albert Carrington occupied the forenoon in speaking. Reports were also read. The afternoon was taken up with the sacrament, the presentation of the authorities and some other business, and by remarks by myself. I had a very great flow of the spirit, and enjoyed the meeting very much. I was taken round by Brother L. W. Shurtcliffe, the President of the stake, and dined at his house. I took supper with my son Frank, and called also upon sister King an old acquaintance of my wife Elizabeths and myself whom we first met in California. I returned to the City this evening.

23 July 1883 • Monday

Monday July 23 1883. At the Office. Attended to various matters of business and in the afternoon attended meeting of the Committee that have the charge of the preparations for the concert tomorrow in the Tabernacle. Afterwards went to the Tabernacle and examined the platform and listened to the rehearsal.

24 July 1883 • Tuesday

Tuesday July 24, 1883. Was up early this morning making preparations for my family to go to town to attend the concert in the Tabernacle. As I was President of the occasion I had to be very early myself to see that all the arrangements were perfect. The most of my children were among the singers. I succeeded in having them all taken by my wives all reaching in time. The morning performance was admirably given and surprise was expressed at the manner in which Brother Stephens handled so large a number, especially in view of the fact that several hundreds of them – those from Ogden and Logan – had never sung with those in the city. Notwithstanding this they kept excellent time. There was a larger attendance than I expected in view of other attractions. The children were kept together during the interval between the morning and afternoon concerts, and being provided with lunch they did not suffer from hunger; besides the Committee had prepared abundance of lemonade, buns and sandwiches for those who had come from a distance. The afternoon concert passed off very well, but not quite so spiritedly as the forenoon, the children being evidently somewhat tired

25 July 1883 • Wednesday

Wednesday July 25 1883. At the office. And at 2 p.m. met at the Endowment House with the Council. The subject before the Council this afternoon was one of considerable interest. It was in relation to mines. Copper mines are said to exist in the vicinity of St. George and are described as very rich. Something must be done for that region, or there is danger of some of our settlements becoming so weak that they will almost be unable to sustain themselves. Already many of the towns are at a stand <still> point having reached apparently their full growth. Agriculturalists cannot sell their products, which they raise at great cost of labor, and decay begins to be written on many of the settlements, especially St. George and other settlements south of the basin. Many of the able bodied men are compelled to leave to find remunerative employment in other parts of the Territory, and the young and the interprising, finding no room for the exercise of the talent and energy which they feel they possess, are leaving for more favored localities, and the feeble, the aged, and the non-enterprising are left. We feel that something must be done if possible to promote the interests of that region of country. If the copper mines are rich, it was felt by the Council that it would not be improper for the saints to secure them and engage in the production of that metal. I spoke also to the Council in relation to the iron mines of iron county and told what I had done in the matter; that I was willing if it was deemed wisdom to turn over to the church all that I had invested in that direction. I did this, I told them, to show in speaking of this, and urging its importance upon their minds, that I was not prompted by any hope to benefit myself pecuniarily. The brethren thought it would be unwise for me to turn <over> my investment to the Church, that the Church was not prepared to take it; but all felt to accord with President Taylors remarks upon these subjects.

26 July 1883 • Thursday

Thursday, July 26, 1883. At the Office. Had calls from eastern visitors. Prest. Taylor desired me to accompany him to the circus this afternoon which I did, though I am opposed in my feelings to patronizing circuses, and my children are all staying away because of my request that they should do so. The performance was quite satisfactory. The owners name is John Robinson. A meeting had been called at 4 o’clock in the City Hall of all who take interest in the manufacture of iron which I attended and to which I made remarks explanatory of the objects to be accomplished. Bishop Thomas Taylor also spoke. There were not the class of people at the meeting that I would like to have seen, and the propositions were received with coldness.

After my return to the office, in company with Bro. Jos. F. Smith we set Elder H. W. Naisbitt apart to visit the settlements in the interests of co.operation as an employee of Z.C.M.I. I was mouth.

27 July 1883 • Friday

Friday July 27, 1883. At the Office. Prest. Taylor spent a good deal of today with Prest. Jos. F. Smith in explaining his views respecting some of the subjects that have occupied our thoughts for some time back, and which were touched upon yesterday in the Council, and they were very satisfactory to Bro. Smith. I was desirous today of inviting Governor Crittenden & Col. Philips (both of whom are ex.Members of Congress) and Mr [blank] employee in the House of Representatives, and their ladies to an ice cream party at my house, but their other engagements interfered. Col. Philips expressed himself as being greatly pleased at the invitation, and also the gratification it would have given him and Mrs Philips to have been there. I did not see Governor Crittenden though he waited at the hotel some time to see me.

28 July 1883 • Saturday

Saturday July 28, 1883. Prest. Joseph F. Smith and myself left this morning by train for Grantsville to attend Stake Conference. Was met at the station by Bro. Barras, son-in-law of Bishop Edwn Hunter Jr. We reached the meeting before its close in the morning. Took dinner at Bishop Hunters. The afternoon was occupied by Prest. Jos. F. Smith, F. M. Lyman, & Geo. Stringfellow. We slept at Bro. Hunters.

29 July 1883 • Sunday

Sunday July 29, 1883. Bro. Jos. F. Smith and Bro. Stringfellow occupied the forenoon and I spoke in the afternoon. After meeting we drove to the Garfield Landing, got on the train, and reached the City at 8 o’clock. Stayed in town all night

30 July 1883 • Monday

Monday, July 30, 1883. At the Office. Busy examining with Bro. Reynolds the revelations in history concerning the School of the Prophets. I had been requested by President Taylor to attend to this matter with Bro. Reynolds.

31 July 1883 • Tuesday

Tuesday, July 31, 1883. At the Office. Afterwards accompanied Prest. Taylor to visit a small company of Saints who had come in from Iceland. Afterwards talked over political affairs with Bro. John Sharp, chairman of the Central Committee, and several members of that committee (Insert here letters which I received from Judge J. S. Black which were read)

I still continued my labors examining into the records concerning the School of the Prophets.

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July 1883, The Journal of George Q. Cannon, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-q-cannon/1880s/1883/07-1883