July 1897

1 July 1897 • Thursday

Thursday, July 1, 1897

I had an interview with Mr. Bamberger in relation to Bullion-Beck matters. He is anxious to make such an arrangement for the advancement of money to John Beck as will prevent the forming of a syndicate hostile to the interests of the stockholders. Brother Beck’s position is a desperate one – that is, he is desperately in need of money. He has been approached by parties who are anxious to get hold of the mine – the same parties who did have it at one time and who conducted it for their own advantage; I refer now to Moses Thatcher and his former companions, Since the present syndicate have had control the meetings have been of a peaceful character, and the property has been managed carefully and in the interest of all the stockholders.

Presidents Woodruff, Smith and myself met with President Lorenzo Snow, F. D. Richards, Brigham Young, F. M. Lyman, John Henry Smith, Heber J. Grant and Anthon H. Lund, in the Temple.

The first business that we attended to was to request the Presidency of the Salt Lake Stake, whom we had asked to meet with us, to show reasons why they had suppressed a letter which we had addressed to them and the High Council, and had gone on with the business connected with the Geo. C. Lambert case regardless of what we had written. We had some very plain talk. The brethren tried to defend themselves for their course as well as they could. Every one of the Twelve spoke pointedly upon their action and considered it censurable. The brethren of the Stake excused themselves by saying that they had done what they did with a view to shield the Presidency. As one of the Twelve remarked, the First Presidency and the Twelve do not need to be shielded or to have protection; they were amply able to take a course that would obviate the necessity of being shielded. It was felt by all, and at President Woodruff’s request, I delivered the decision, that they had erred. We acquitted them of any intentional disrespect to the First Presidency and the three Apostles; but they had erred in not giving that letter to the High Council, or, failing to do that, in [not] proceeding with the case until they had consulted with the First Presidency concerning the letter.

I think that this experience will be a lesson to these brethren.

After we had had prayer, I being mouth, the Utah Loan & Trust Co. business was brought up and discussed.

2 July 1897 • Friday

Friday, July 2, 1897

President Woodruff was not at the office to-day.

We were waited upon by a delegation, consisting of the Governor Wells, Spencer Clawson, J. E. Dooly, P. H. Lannan and Geo. M. Scott. They requested me to write letters to the different railroads asking them for transportation for our people who were pioneers in 1847, to and from the Jubilee. They said they knew if I should write the letters they would bring favorable responses. Of course, I do not propose to write these letters personally, except perhaps to Mr. Huntington of the Southern Pacific, but to have the signatures of the First Presidency to them. I was very much struck with this visit. It is a small matter, but it shows what a wonderful change has taken place. The three last named gentlemen, had they been told a few years since, that they would ever come into the President’s Office to make such a request as they did to-day, would not have believed it possible, and we would have thought it an exceedingly strange thing.

President Smith and myself met with the brethren of the Twelve and discussed the Utah Loan & Trust Co’s affairs, and adjourned to meet again on Tuesday next.

3 July 1897 • Saturday

Saturday, July 3, 1897

The executive committee of Zion’s Savings Bank – T.G. Webber, H. B. Clawson and James Jack – and Brothers Heber J. Grant and Lewis M. Cannon met with me this morning at the office. The proposition to form part of a syndicate to advance money to John Beck was discussed, and it was thought that Zion’s Savings Bank might advance $30,000, and that the State Bank would perhaps advance a similar amount.

We had a somewhat lengthy interview with Mr. Bannister about the condition of affairs of the Pioneer Electric Power Co. He is desirous to become the chief engineer of the consolidated company, and sounded me upon this. Brother Winder was also present. In expressing myself I told him that I thought all the members of the Company had confidence in his skill as an engineer, but if they criticized at all I believed it would be that he had not had the training we had and was not therefore so economical. Men like himself, who had worked for large corporations, and who had always spent money freely, found it difficult to be economical. In reply, he said that his position in this respect had been one that had not been pleasant to him, because he had not had any familiarity with business. He was an engineer; he did not profess to be a business man.

Brother John C. Naegle and wife came to stop at my house this afternoon.

4 July 1897 • Sunday

Sunday, July 4, 1897

I went over to President Woodruff’s this morning and found him quite ill. I was moved with great pity for him in his sufferings while the attempt was being made by the doctor to draw his water by means of the catheter. His organs were very much inflamed, and he suffered excruciating pain. At his request, I administered to him.

We had a testimony meeting in the afternoon, which I enjoyed very much. The sacrament was administered.

In the evening a large congregation which filled the Tabernacle to its fullest capacity assembled at 7:30. They were mainly “Christian Endeavor” people who are en route to California. It had been thought best to have services in the Tabernacle this evening, so that these people might have an opportunity of witnessing our services, and especially to hear our choir. Brother C. W. Penrose addressed the congregation for about three quarters of an hour, and I followed him. We both had freedom.

5 July 1897 • Monday

Monday, July 5, 1897

This being a holiday, I came up to the office and went through the contract between us and the Oregon Short Line in company with Brothers F. S. Richards, Clayton and Jack, and the rest of the day I spent at home.

6 July 1897 • Tuesday

Tuesday, July 6, 1897

We had a meeting to-day with a number of brethren on Utah Loan & Trust Co. business.

We had a meeting with the committee which was appointed last week at the meeting we had to consider the political affairs of the community. They reported some resolutions, which were discussed and somewhat changed. One of the resolutions suggested the appointment of two persons to canvas until they obtained fifty leading men who would agree to the plan of having a Good Government League established. It was left to the chair to appoint. Brother W. W. Riter was suggested as one, and I thought he would be an excellent man. I had some conversation with him, and he suggested there should be a Gentile for the other, in which I agreed. We did not decide who it should be, as Brother Riter would like to be permitted to attend to some business till next Monday before taking hold of this.

7 July 1897 • Wednesday

Wednesday, July 7, 1897

I called on President Woodruff this morning and found him better, though still weak. His mind is very clear and active.

At 12 o’clock there was a meeting of Zion’s Savings Bank & Trust Co.

8 July 1897 • Thursday

Thursday, July 8, 1897

Called on President Woodruff again this morning and found him looking much better.

At 11 o’clock we went to the Temple. Beside President Smith and myself, there were only three of the Twelve present, Brothers F. D. Richards, J. H. Smith and Geo. Teasdale. Brother Richards was mouth in prayer. The question of my going east to close up the contract with the Oregon Short Line people was brought up before the brethren, and on motion of President Smith it was unanimously voted that I should go. The importance of the business was laid before the brethren by President Smith. This is a trip which I dread at this time of the year, the weather being so oppressively hot in the east.

9 July 1897 • Friday

Friday, July 9, 1897

I called on President Woodruff again this morning. His condition, if anything, is a little better than it has been. I spoke to his grandson, Dr. Snow, concerning President Woodruff’s condition, and told him my reason for asking was that the brethren thought I ought to go east. He spoke quite hopefully about his grandfather, and thought he would pull along very well and that there would be no danger of anything happening during my absence. I then spoke to President Woodruff about the matter, and told him what had been said and done in relation to my going. He spoke very promptly and said he thought I ought to go – that it was the most important contract we had made for a long time and he wanted to see it carried out. This expression of his relieved me entirely, because I have felt that I ought not to leave President Woodruff in the condition that he has been in.

I have been kept very busy to-day making preparations to leave to-morrow morning for the East.

Dictated my journal to Brother Arthur Winter.1

10 July 1897 • Saturday

SATURDAY, JULY 10th, 1897.

With my wife Caroline I took the train this morning for New York. We took the Oregon Short Line to Ogden, the Union Pacific from Ogden to Omaha, the Chicago & Northwestern from Omaha to Chicago, the Lake Shore & Michigan Southern from Chicago to Buffalo and the New York Central & Hudson River Railroads from Buffalo to New York. I dreaded this trip because of the hot weather and the dust, but we did not suffer as much as I thought we would. There was nothing particularly noticeable in the journey.

13 July 1897 • Tuesday

TUESDAY, JULY 13th, 1897.

We reached New York this afternoon about 3:45 and put up at the Plaza Hotel. I had telegraphed to Judge LeGrande Young, who is here closing up the contract for the consolidation of the electric power companies and is stopping at the Imperial Hotel, that I would be at the Plaza this afternoon, and he met us here. A telegram had come from Mr. Banigan in which he requested the hotel people to inform me that he would be in this evening and would be glad to see us. About eight o’clock after he had arrived from Providence and had had his dinner, we spent upwards of an hour in conversing upon the situation. Judge Young has been trying to raise the $163,000.00 which we owe Mr. Banigan, at my suggestion, he having told me before leaving home that he thought he could do so. Mr. Banigan seemed to regret that we had not let him know we wanted an extension, as he said he could have extended if we had asked for it. I told him I was sorry we had not asked, but we were under the impression that he wanted the money as he had sent us notice some days before the note was due that it would be due. Judge Young explained to him what we had done about the consolidation, giving him all the particulars with which Mr. Banigan seemed satisfied. While in conversation with Mr. Banigan I asked him what suggestions, if any, he had to make concerning the officers of the consolidated company. I said that during his interview with Mr. Cromwell when I was last in New York he had expressed himself very strongly in relation to the manager of the company, how the business ought to be done and the kind of man needed for the purpose. I asked him if he had anybody in mind to act as manager, and he said he had not. I remarked that perhaps he had somebody to suggest that he thought would be suitable, but he said he had given no thought to the matter. I then told him that my mind had rested on Robert S. Campbell. I then related the conversation Mr. Bannister had had with me in regard to himself. He had expressed a wish to be on the board of directors if proper. Judge Young said that in canvassing names for the board of directors his choice was between Frank J. Cannon and Mr. Bannister. Either one of these might act but there would not be a place for both. He said that for the five directors on our side there should be George Q. Cannon, Joseph F. Smith, John R. Winder and somebody to represent the Big Cottonwood Power Company and then either Mr. Bannister or Frank J. Cannon. He thought as Mr. Bannister had expressed a desire to be the chief engineer of the consolidation it would be fair for Frank to be on the board. This led to quite a conversation concerning Mr. Bannister and his ability, and Mr. Banigan agreed with us that he was not a close economical man in business affairs, but that he was a very competent engineer. I then asked Mr. Banigan whom he would like for the president of the company. I wanted him to be entirely frank on this matter, as I would be perfectly willing to step down if anyone else could be found who would attend to the duties of the office. It would be a relief to me if he would name someone else <could be named> for the position. Before we got through he stated that he wanted Judge Young to put it down that I was to be president of the company. When Judge Young and myself separated that evening, we arranged to meet the next morning at the Imperial Hotel.

14 July 1897 • Wednesday

WEDNESDAY, JULY 14th, 1897.

I took my wife down to the Imperial Hotel, so that she could meet her cousin’s wife, Sister Young, who is with him, and he and I proceeded to Sullivan’& Cromwell’s office. From there he took me to see a Mr. Fotheringham with whom he had tried to negotiate a loan. I saw by conversing with this gentleman that he had no idea of raising money for us. He had been recommended to Bro. Young by Mr. Hamm, an old acquaintance who had been connected with the Union Pacific. Afterwards we went to Mr. Hamm’s office, and Bro. Young talked to him about raising the money. He spoke very discouragingly about it. We then went to Russel Sage’s office and had a conversation with him. I told him what we wanted. He said he had money to loan, but he loaned it on securities which could be marketed at home and did not like to let his money go to so distant a place. He became quite garrulous in conversing about his various enterprises and his method of doing business. He is a very difficult man to get access to, but when he received our cards he told his clerks to admit us. I suppose one reason for not wanting to see strangers is that he was attacked some time ago and narrowly escaped being killed. Besides his business is of such a pressing character and so many people come to see him that he must exercise care unless he understands the nature of their business.

We spent some time afterwards at Sullivan & Cromwell’s. As I had learned from Mr. Oakman, who is one of the directors of the Oregon Short Line, that the president and several of the directors were in Boston and had been informed that I was here, I felt I ought to go to Boston to attend to business as speedily as possible, and Bro. Young said he would do what he could while I was gone. Mr. Curtis, of Sullivan & Cromwell, was very kind in securing passage on the Providence steamer, and at half past five o’clock myself and wife embarked for Providence on the steamer Plymouth. We had a good room, and the trip was pleasant being much cooler than by rail. Mr. Banigan had told me that he contemplated going to Providence tonight, and I found him on board, and we had quite a conversation, and he repeated to me what he had said to Judge Young and myself that if we could get the money for four months, he would be ready to take it up again at the end of that time.

15 July1897 • Thursday

THURSDAY, JULY 15th, 1897

We reached Providence early and took train to Boston and put up at Young’s Hotel which is very close to the Ame’s Building where I expected to meet Mr. Carr and his friends. At ten o’clock I went to his office, and he and Mr. Coolidge and Mr. Nichols went very carefully over the contracts, each having a copy, and debated various points. This occupied most of the day, and when we separated we agreed to meet tomorrow morning at ten o’clock and close up the business.

16 July 1897 • Friday

FRIDAY, JULY 16th, 1897.

Mr. Nichols, Mr. Clark and myself attended to some further details connected with the contract, and it was decided on their part that in consequence of the change of wording respecting traffic, it would be better for the contract to be sent out to Mr. Bancroft for him to sign on behalf of their company, a letter of instructions being sent him for the purpose. After we got through with that business we made hasty preparations to return to New York and left Boston at one o’clock, reaching the hotel between six and seven o’clock. I found the following telegram there from my son Frank: Think your presence here be conclusive at any time, earlier the better. Don’t see how deadlock can be resolved without you.

After an interview with Judge Young, who had not been successful in accomplishing anything towards raising money further than to have a conversation with Mr. Cromwell and Mr. Curtis who had both expressed a willingness to do what they could toward assisting us, I concluded that I had better go to Washington tonight, as tomorrow would be Saturday, and if I did not get down there so as to have tomorrow to work in I would be under the necessity of waiting until Monday. I therefore left on the midnight train. To do this kept me very busy, and it was very tiresome, as I had been hard at work at Boston before leaving there and the journey to New York had been hot and dusty and it was the same going to Washington.

17 July 1897 • Saturday

SATURDAY, JULY 17th, 1897.

I reached Washington and put up at the Shoreham Hotel. While eating a light breakfast C. O. Whittemore, who is an applicant for the position of District Attorney for Utah, called to see me. He is very anxious for me to see President McKinley on his account, and I promised to do what I could for him. After breakfast I went directly to my son Frank’s rooms and found him in very poor health. We had a very lengthy conversation in which I stated to him that I thought it a very unwise thing for me to get mixed up with these Utah appointments for office. I said I had enough to contend with at the present time without placing myself in a position to invite more enmity which I felt I would be sure to do if I assumed the position of dictating the appointments for office. The longer I talked the clearer it appeared to me that this would be an unwise thing. Frank had felt that it would be a good thing for me to have this influence as good might be done to the State by that means. While I admitted that this might be the case, the good that would accrue would be more than outweighed by the effect upon myself, and I felt that it would be an imprudent thing for me to accept that position even if I could do so. He said there was no doubt I could do so if I wished. I said there were factions in Utah, and whoever might be appointed feelings were sure to exist among those who were disappointed. I had no objections whatever to being consulted by either the Administration or by prominent politicians in Utah. This would relieve me of the responsibility of deciding or nominating men for office. Before we separated I think Frank saw that my views were correct. From his room I went to the hotel to meet Mr. Whittemore, but he had waited for me some time and had left. I then went to the Capitol and had some conversation with Senator Proctor. The Senate was in executive session, but he came out, and I had some conversation with him and told him some of my feelings concerning appointments and concerning my own position. He desired that I should see President McKinley, but he would be unable to go with me until four o’clock which was the hour the President went out for a ride and would be too late for our purpose. He suggested that I go and see him myself and stated that the President would be sure to grant an interview as soon as he learned I was there. I went to the White House, and after waiting some little time his private secretary, Mr. Porter, saw me and took me into the executive chamber where the President was. He was conversing with a number of gentlemen, but came forward and welcomed me very kindly and explained to me that it would be impossible for him to come out to our Jubilee. He said he intended writing a letter explaining his failure to come and asked to whom it should be addressed. I suggested the governor of the State as the proper person. We then talked about appointments, and I reiterated what I had said on former occasions concerning the care which should be exercised in the selection of names. He stated that he intended to be careful. I then bid him good day and went to the hotel. Here I received an answer to the telegram which I sent to the folks at home on the 15th. My telegram was as follows: “Have not succeeded in obtaining Banigan’s money. He starts in five days for Europe. He expects his money now. Can Wells Fargo loan the money for the purpose? Why not give Church land above my home in addition to bonds if necessary?” To this I received the following telegram dated today: Wells Fargo executive committee cannot meet before Monday. Will be acted upon then.

I left Washington on the four o’clock train and reached the Plaza Hotel a little before ten o’clock. I found that my son William had come up from Philadelphia in response to a telegram asking him to come and spend the time with his mother-in-law while I was absent. We wanted to see him, and in order to obviate the necessity of her remaining alone I asked him to come to New York. He is enjoying good health, though he is thin and shows the effect of hard study.

18 July 1897 • Sunday

SUNDAY, JULY 18th, 1897.

Judge Young came this morning and reported what he had done and showed me a copy of a letter he had addressed to Mr. Cromwell describing the nature of the loan we wanted and the collateral we had to offer. Bro. Young concluded he would leave for home this afternoon, as he felt that he could do nothing more here.

I have felt very much exhausted today, and as I did not know where to find the meeting of the Latter-day Saints and as the weather was very hot and dusty, we took a ride <sail> down to Coney Island and back. I felt that I needed the rest and the refreshing effect of the sea air. My wife and William accompanied me, and we all felt benefited by the trip.

19 July 1897 • Monday

MONDAY, JULY 19th, 1897.

My son Frank came from Washington this morning, and I found him still weak though I believe better than he was Saturday. I may here say that when I was there and spoke of his coming to New York[,] Mattie felt that it was a very grave risk, as his condition was very serious, and the doctor protested against his going. After hearing this I said he had better not go, <but he said he would go> thinking I needed him, and risk the consequences. After hearing this I administered to him, and today after reaching here I administered to him again. We went and saw Mr. Cromwell this morning, and he told us of the difficulties that were in the way of raising the money that we wanted. I was not very well impressed with his manner, though I think he has acted kindly in doing what he has done. He intimated that it would cost at least two and one half per cent. commission, which would amount to about $4,000.00. While he would not expect to receive anything himself for what he did, we must expect to pay that much to the brokers or bankers who raised the money. I had spoken to Mr. Banigan while on the boat as to the chances there were for the money being raised at Providence. But he could give me no encouragement, in fact, he said he did not think it could be raised there. After this interview with Mr. Cromwell, Frank and I decided that it would be best to try Mr. Banigan as to a renewal. I felt that Frank’s influence with Mr. Banigan had been so considerable that it would be better for him to do the talking, and I suggested that it might be done by telephone and save him the journey to Providence in his weak condition. Mr. Banigan was going to sail for Europe on the 22nd, and the money had to be raised before that time. Frank talked with him and proposed that he join him in Providence, but Mr. Banigan, knowing he was not well, advised him not to do so, and said he thought he could do better if Frank did not come and promised to let us know as soon as he knew anything definite. Upon receiving this word, Frank concluded not to attempt to go.

I called at the National Park Bank today and had an interesting talk with President Poore who has just returned from Europe. He seemed quite desirous of having me wait so that he could communicate to me the results of his visit and the success he had met with in financial circles in England. He went over for his health and returned greatly improved. I saw Mr. Hickok, the cashier of the bank, and explained to him the condition of the Salt Company stock so that he could understand the value of the twenty bonds which I left with the bank as security for the money I borrowed from them.

I have mentioned previously that Judge Young was of the opinion that Frank should be one of the board of directors. Yesterday in conversation with him he repeated this, and he was also in favor of George M. Cannon going on the board on our side as a representative of the Big Cottonwood Power Company. This would make five Latter-day Saints against four on the other side. The purpose of our having five is to give us the control. When Bro. Young mentioned yesterday what his feelings were, I felt that it would not be proper for three Cannons to be on the board. When I came to talk with Frank upon the subject I could see that his feeling was the same, and he felt that it would be sure to create feelings. Judge Young had thought that Frank should be manager, but upon my mentioning this to him he did not think it would be wise for him to [be] manager. He said that my being president would cause criticism if he should be made manager. I was very glad that he took this view because I do not want my family to be too prominent nor the name to appear too frequently. There is already a jealousy existing in some quarters, and I do not want to contribute to it in the least by any act of mine. I made up my mind therefore to write to Judge Young and tell him not to mention anything about the board of directors until he received my letter or until I returned home, and I telegraphed him to the same effect. I feel that this will create less criticism and expose us less to unkind remarks. For my own part I do not care for my name appearing in any of these affairs if it could be avoided, for I know there is a spirit abroad to criticize, and if I can keep my head low and out of sight I would be glad to do so. I know it would be improper to have three Cannons out of Five directors, and though it may disappoint George M. Cannon I think Frank is the proper man, he being one of the promoters of the Pioneer Electric Company, and I would rather step out myself than have his name omitted.

20 July 1897 • Tuesday

TUESDAY, JULY 20th, 1897.

Frank had communication with Mr. Banigan, and at two o’clock he notified us that he had secured $150,000.00, and that was the most he could obtain. He said we would have to raise the rest. He said he would come down to New York on Wednesday.

21 July 1897 • Wednesday

WEDNESDAY, JULY 21st, 1897.

We had a conversation with Mr. Banigan today. He brought down notes for $150,000.00 to be signed by President Woodruff as Trustee in Trust, and by President Woodruff, President Smith, Frank and myself as individuals. He would retain the notes he already has of ours until these could be sent out and signed and returned with about $19,020.00 for the difference between $150,000.00 and $163,000.00 and the interest on the new loan and the commission which was $1,500.00. To our surprise we found included in the note the thousand acres of land which had been mentioned as additional security by Bro. Young. I mentioned to him the purport of the dispatch which I had received from home in regard to obtaining a loan from Wells Fargo and asked him if the whole amount could not be arranged in that way instead of this partial amount. But he said that he could do nothing more than he already had done. We closed the matter in that way, but I felt very much disappointed in the turn affairs had taken, because I did not know how we could raise $19,000.00 at home, and I did not like the idea of locking up more security in this loan. I have spent the most painful hours and days since I have been in New York this time over this debt of Mr. Banigan’s that I ever remember spending in my life in regard to money matters. It has always been an exceedingly desirable thing with me to meet financial engagements. I have always taken pains to do so, and our failure to meet this obligation has pained me very much. I have been filled with a species of terror in the night in thinking about it and have been much depressed in my spirits. I telegraphed the folks at home as follows: “Could not wait for Wells Fargo action. Succeeded in obtaining at Providence through <Mr.> Banigan $150,000.00 on the same security with that Church land in addition. This leaves $19,000.00 to raise to be sent as soon as I get home for principal, commission and interest. Hard terms but best terms possible. Start for home tomorrow.”

22 July 1897 • Thursday

THURSDAY, JULY 22nd, 1897.

When I separated from <Mr.> Banigan this <last> morning <evening> I expected to see him this morning, but he had left on the vessel. Frank left last night for Washington after we had closed the business with <Mr.> Banigan, and myself and wife left for the west at one o’clock today. William, who has stayed in New York but not at the hotel with us but has spent most of the time with us, left for Philadelphia. I have been quite gratified with what I have seen of William and the progress he is making in his profession as a medical student. Of course I would not want to rely entirely on what he says, because he is naturally very hopeful and looks at things in a sanguine light, but I judge concerning his progress by what Dr. Krusen says of him and the manner in which he treats him and also the reports which William gives me of his association with Dr. Keene, who is an eminent man in his profession, and Dr. DeCosta, who is professor of general surgery in the college and who has taken William in hand to teach him in addition to that which he learns at the college. I gather from all that he says that these men are his friends, and it is an uncommon thing for a student to enjoy association with professors, but William has the faculty of making acquaintances and seems to attract the attention of his teachers. On one accasion there was a deputation consisting of five to go to Baltimore to invite a doc <professor> of that place to go up to the Jefferson College to deliver a clinic. Prof. DeCosta and three surgeons were selected and William was named for the fifth. He was the only student on the committee. Such things as these lead me to think that he is held in some esteem. He seems to be very earnest in his desire to master his profession, and a remark he repeated to me which, if made in earnest, gives me an impression that he is progressing in his profession, was that Dr. De Costa said that if he had to be operated upon he would <rather> trust William than a good many of the young men who had graduated.

We took the New York Central & Hudson River Road to Buffalo, the Lake Shore & Michigan Southern from Buffalo to Chicago, the Chicago & Northwestern from Chicago to Omaha, the Union Pacific from Omaha to Ogden and the Oregon Short Line from Ogden to Salt Lake City. Nothing worthy of special mention occurred from the time we left New York until we reached home.

25 July 1897 • Sunday

SUNDAY, JULY 25th, 1897.

We reached Salt Lake City at three o’clock p. m.. The journey home was a dusty one most of the way and was very hot. We obtained papers on the train which gave accounts of the proceedings of the Jubilee except one day, and it filled us with regret that we could not have been present. My consolation was that I had taken this journey because my brethren desired it, and President Woodruff was particularly emphatic in expressing his wish that I should go. The Jubilee has been a wonderfully grand affair, and it would have given me great pleasure to have participated in it. I was appointed to deliver the address today in the memorial services to the deceased pioneers. Taking it all in all, I have <felt> considerably depressed in my feelings. The disappointment at not being present at the Jubilee and our cramped condition financially have weighed heavily upon me, and I have felt quite sad. I have felt to say to the Lord that if I or my policy were in the way and were leading to any serious results that were not acceptable to Him, I would with His grace to assist me, gladly step aside and occupy any position, however humble, to assist in His work. I have not sought my present position and have never felt that I was qualified for it only as He gives me strength and the gifts which are needed. But my desire to see Zion prosper and to see His great cause progress rises above all personal considerations with me. I do want to serve the Lord in some capacity, and if He will give me grace and strength, I will endeavor to do so contentedly. My reasons for expressing myself in this manner to the Lord is that I have apparently had, though through no wish of mine, to take the lead in financial matters, and this responsibility has been very great, and I have trembled because of it, and yet I know the Lord has never left me in my life but has always been with me and delivered me from great perils, and I still trust that he will do so. I think the remark of Job is a most beautiful and sublime one, where he says, “Though he slay me, yet will I trust in Him.” I desire to feel that confidence in the Lord, that come what may I will still trust Him.

My sons Hugh, Tracy and Clawson met me at the train, and I was sorry to learn from Hugh that my son Preston’s health is very poor. After reaching home I went and anointed and administered to him. All the rest of the family are well.

26 July 1897 • Monday

Monday, July 26, 1897.

Upon my arrival at the office this morning I found that President Woodruff’s health had improved, and that he had endured the fatigue of the Jubilee very well. I did not know but he would come to the office, but he did not, and therefore in the afternoon I went to his house and found him in a better condition than I had been led to believe he was in. He seemed bright and cheerful, though somewhat weak. He felt that he was improving.

About 10 o’clock Prest. F. A. Hammond, of the San Juan Stake, and Bishop Nielsen, of Bluff, and one of his counselors, Brother Redd, and Brother Kumen Jones, Brother Barton, and a son of Bishop Nielsen’s, came to the office to have a hearing as to whether the little town of Bluff should be maintained as it had been, or the people be left to go away from there if they wished. The understanding appears to be that they have been called on a mission there, and some of the families stay there because of this idea who would move away if they were released. Another brother from there came in during the meeting by the name of Bayliss. Brothers Nielsen, Redd and Bayliss all talked, Brother Nielsen making the most of the remarks, and Brother Brigham Young also spoke. From these remarks we got a pretty good idea of the situation, but I told the brethren that we would leave it until our weekly meeting at the Temple, when the whole question could be submitted to the brethren of the Council, and we would communicate to them what our decision was.

Brother Stephen H. Goddard, an old member of the Church, who led the choir in Nauvoo, called upon us. He is 87 years of age, and is very hale and well preserved; his only infirmity appears to be deafness. He resides now in California.

I had conversation with Colonel Clayton and James Jack and President Smith concerning my visit to the east in relation to the railroad contract.

I had a call from Professor S. Waterhouse, of the Washington University at St. Louis. He has been connected with that institution for forty years. I arranged for him to be taken around and shown the city.

I was kept very busy to-day.

27 July 1897 • Tuesday

Tuesday, July 27, 1897

I called at President Woodruff’s and found him feeling quite well.

President Smith, Bishop Winder, Brother Jack and myself had conversation concerning our accounts, and Brother R. S. Campbell took the opportunity of bringing to our attention a report which he, as auditor, had made concerning the condition of the Salt Lake & Los Angeles Co. last year. While reading it and conversing upon it afterwards, it occurred to me that we should have someone take greater interest than was at present being taken in the investments which the Trustee-in-Trust has in various directions. I remarked that these matters ought to be looked after by someone, and the books of the various companies be audited regularly, and that I thought Brother R. S. Campbell would be a very good man to do this for the present. It was therefore moved that he should act as auditor on behalf of the church, with the understanding also that we would suggest to the companies themselves to employ him as their auditor. I feel that our affairs have been neglected in this respect, and that we have gone along in too loose a manner. I am satisfied that the auditing of the books of the various concerns will be attended with good effects.

I had a call from Mr. Doniphan, of Missouri, and [an] old acquaintance of mine, who came accompanied by Dr. Hough, the husband of his niece, who resides in this city. Mr. Doniphan has always been a warm friend of the Latter-day Saints. He knew them when they resided in Missouri, and is thoroughly familiar with our history. He is a nephew of General Doniphan, who took such a bold stand with General Clark in the days of our persecution in 1838-9. I was much gratified at having a call from him. He had greatly enjoyed the Jubilee.

This has been another very busy day with me.

28 July 1897 • Wednesday

Wednesday, July 28, 1897

This is said to have been the hottest day that has been known in this valley for five years.

I called at President Woodruff’s house again this morning, and found him feeling very well.

Brother Uriah T. Jones, of Cedar City, called and we attended to some business with him connected with our coal properties, and also the raising of the dam at Iron Springs.

We held an adjourned meeting of the Pioneer Electric Power Co. to-day and attended to considerable business connected with the new organization. Mr. Bannister had intimated to Colonel Winder that he would not sign the papers unless he could be on the Board. It had been thought that if he were selected chief engineer that would suffice, but he appeared determined to be on the Board. This resulted in Judge Young substituting his name for a member of the Big Cottonwood Co. We signed the necessary papers. It was decided to allow $5 to the members of the Board that attended the meetings. My son Frank was present at this meeting and tendered his resignation as Manager of the Company, to take effect on the 1st of August. His health is better than it was when we separated in New York a week ago to-day.

29 July 1897 • Thursday

Thursday, July 29, 1897

I think it was more oppressive last night that [than] I ever felt it in this country.

At 11 o’clock President Smith and myself met in the Temple with Brothers Snow, Richards, Young, Smith, Teasdale and Grant. The San Juan business was taken up, and it was decided to send three of the Twelve down there to meet with the people and to come to some decision as to the best course to be taken. The case of Moses Thatcher was discussed, and President Smith moved that the committee proceed to carry out the instructions of the Council concerning the manner in which that case should be handled. The committee consists of Brothers Brigham Young, F. M. Lyman and H. J. Grant.

Our Tabernacle Choir has been approached to know whether they would go to Nashville or not, and Brother Stephens wrote to the First Presidency that it would require $10,000 as an advance in order to go. The Council felt that it would be very advantageous for the choir to go, but did not know how the $10,000 could be raised. A motion was therefore made to the effect that it would be desirable for the choir to go if suitable arrangements could be made to that end.

There was a meeting of the Co-op. Wagon & Machine Co. at 3 o’clock. after which I attended a meeting of the Sunday School Union Board.

30 July 1897 • Friday

Friday, July 30, 1897

I called again at President Woodruff’s and found him still improving.

Jesse Joel Smith, a son of Silas S. Smith, had been appointed for a mission, and a number of the Twelve and President Jos. F. Smith and myself laid our hands upon him and set him apart for his ministry, I being mouth.

We had before us this morning an appeal case from the action of the High Council of the Uintah Stake, in the case of E. G. De Fries. We listened to all the papers and rendered a decision reversing the action of the High Council.

I was engaged most of the day with the Pioneer Electric Power Co., trying to close up the business between our Company and the Big Cottonwood Co., which was very vexatious in many respects.

I had a call from Colonel Shaughnessy, who wanted me to communicate to him when the decision was reached as to our railroad operations in the Deep Creek direction.

31 July 1897 • Saturday

Saturday, July 31, 1897.

I called upon President Woodruff this morning and found him feeling pretty well.

I found myself this morning under the necessity of making arrangements for some money to meet notes which Abraham and myself had signed jointly. I had endorsed the notes for him at his request, but I had no interest in them. The security at the present time is not worth the face of the notes. I arranged for a loan of $4000 at the Deseret National Bank.

I have not had time since my return from the east to examine my correspondence. Brother Arthur Winter went through it with me to-day, and I dictated the answers that were needed, and also my journal.

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July 1897, The Journal of George Q. Cannon, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-q-cannon/1890s/1897/07-1897


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