November 1886

1 November 1886 • Monday

Monday, Nov. 1/86 After Bro. Bateman started last night his son Danny came, bringing letters from Bro. J. W. Taylor, of the Twelve, and from Bro. F. S. Richards, concerning the arrest and indictment of the former in Idaho on the charge of inciting the people, by his public teaching, to violate the law. They wanted to have an interview with the First Presidency. Bro. D. Bateman returned immediately. This morning after we arose, we read the letters, also a letter from Bro. Penrose to myself, in which he expressed his wish to have an interview about political affairs in Idaho. President Taylor did not think it wise for him to go to town, and desired me to go in and attend to this business. We listened to the reading of the correspondence, and I dictated answers to Bro. Nuttall. President Taylor pitched quoits morning and afternoon with Bros. Wilcken, Bateman and Barrell, as has been his usual exercise every day since we came here. This is his 78th birthday, and I congratulated him and wished him every blessing necessary for long life, happiness and prosperity. His health is very remarkable for a man of his years. The out-door exercise, which he has taken constantly when he could do so since early in July last, has certainly contributed to his health and wellbeing. Bro. Lorin Woolley and his wife were desirous that we should all go to their house this evening, as soon as we could do so in safety, and eat supper with them. We did so and partake of an excellent repast. After supper Bro. Wilcken and myself went to the city and I put up at the Gardo House.

2 November 1886 • Tuesday

Tuesday, Nov. 2/86 This has been a very bussy [busy] day with me. I have only been able to eat my food while in the midst of conversation with the brethren who called upon me. I had a full and free conference with Bro’s J. W. Taylor, C. W. Penrose and F. S. Richards and gave them counsel and sketched out a plan of operation for them to take in managing the case of Bro. Taylor and the political affairs. The last was particularly to Bro. Penrose. I did business with Bros Jack and Reynolds respecting the B. B. & C. M. Comp., with Bro. G. F. Gibbs concerning matters connected with the estate of President Brigham Young. Had conversation with Bros. F. D. Richards and J. W. Taylor in relation to points of doctrine, and gave Bro. Taylor counsel upon the subject of always being sure to pay proper respect to the President of his quorum. With my son Abraham I revised manuscript and arranged about other affairs which took considerable time. I also had a visit from Bro. J. H. Smith. My brother Angus also was in the house all day and I saw him several times. At about seven o clock I got away from the Gardo House and rode down to Cannon’s Home in company with my son John Q. My sons Angus and David accompanied us in another vehicle. I found my family all waiting for me, and had a very delightful time with them, instructing and counseling them for between two and three hours, when Bro. Wilcken called for me and we returned to our quarters about half past twelve oClock.

3 November 1886 • Wednesday

Wednesday, Nov. 3/86 This is the anniversary of my wife Elizabeth’s birthday. Had she lived, she would be fifty one years old to day. It is also the anniversary of my marriage with one of my wives. I wrote a letter to her to-day reminding her of the day and its memories. Pres. Taylor and myself listened to the reading of the correspondence and I dictated answers to Bro. Nuttall. At about suppertime this evening, our host, Bro. J. W. Woolley was called out by the President of the stake, Bro. W. R. Smith, and informed that he had received word from a pretty reliable source, that the deputy marshals designed to make a raid upon Centreville at some time a little before daylight to morrow. He intended to leave for a place of greater safety and had warned others who are in plural marriage to do the same. President Taylor and myself thought that there was but little probability of their coming, still we, and the brethren who are with us, felt, it was best to make a move, even if it should be unnecessary, than to stay and incur risk. So we packed up a few things and drove to the city, to the house of Bro. White, our old quarters. We received a warm and hospitable welcome from himself and wife, they being on the point of retiring for the night. When the young people of the family learned that we had come, they arose and dressed themselves to greet us.

4 November 1886 • Thursday

Thursday, Nov. 4/86 Passed a most delightful night. This is an exceedingly pleasant place to stop, as the house is large and roomey, elegantly furnished, having every convenience such as water closet and bathroom, and the table, furnished by Sister White, is most excellent. Our only deprivation is, we cannot take out door exercise. President Taylor and myself listened to the reading of the correspondence as usual and I dictated answers. We held fast meeting to day, Bro. Nuttall in charge, we had a very sweet time. I prepared “Topics” for the Juvenile Instructor and wrote a letter to my son Abraham, who is about to go east on business. I was much gratified at getting from him an epitaph, which I had prepared for his mother’s monument, and which John Q. had got printed in a most elegant manner as “copy” for the stonecutter. I had been told it was lost, but its restoration gave me much pleasure, as the printing cost me twenty five dollars, and my own labor in preparing it would have been lost, as I had no copy of it. I charged Abraham to be sure to have John Q’s monetary affairs in good shape before he left.

5 November 1886 • Friday

Friday, Nov. 5/86 Listened to and answered correspondence as usual. My brother Angus came to our quarters this evening, by invitation of President Taylor. He stayed about two hours and left. I have had several conversations with my daughter Mary Alice upon the subject of the visits and attentions of Bro. Andrew Smith, jur,. I have found that she respects him, but has no warmer feeling for him than that of friendship. She told me she wished I would write to him, as she thought he might continue his attention, thinking there was hope. In reply to my question she told me she had prayed to the Lord, as I had counseled her to do, but her feeling remained the same. She felt delicate, she said, about talking to him about her real feelings and wished I would do so for her. She spoke of him very kindly as an exemplary young man. I had desired Abraham to converse with him upon the subject, but he felt delicate also; so to-day I wrote him a letter informing him of the state of the case.

6 November 1886 • Saturday

Saturday, Nov. 6/86. President Taylor had a bad attack, he informed me this morning, of palpitation and difficulty in breathing. It started about three oClock this morning. But after breakfast, when he told me of his condition in the night, he appeared very well. We went through the correspondence as usual. Afterwards I drafted resolutions for the B. B. & C. M. Comp. to adopt, authorizing Bro. H. B. Clawson to take charge of all its property and to work its mines to the best advantage in behalf of the Comp. Also a letter to be signed by the President and Secretary of the Comp., authorizing him to act as the resolutions said. I forgot to mention that Bros. Clawson and Jack spent Wednesday with us, and we fully canvassed all the affairs of the mining property. Bro. Clawson had been offered a check for a $150,00000/ for the mine if he would sell it; but had declined it, stating that he had no authority to sell and that it could not be bought for that price. President Taylor felt a week or ten days ago very much like selling at any price, if he could only get relief from the responsibility of the debt and the $150,00000/ bond; but since hearing of the good prospects of the mine, he does not wish to sell, unless he can get a good price for the property. I made an estimate on Wednesday that it would take $230,00000/ to pay our debts and get back the bare money we had invested, without any interest for it, and to reserve $90,00000/ for the fund which we hoped to create when we bought the property. Unless we could get this amount, the fund would have to be reduced or we be deprived of the money we had laid out. President Taylor expressed his willingness to take $250,00000/ and told Bro. Clawson so, but did not wish him to close for that amount without seeing us. We notified Bro. John Beck by letter, through Bro L. J. Nuttall, President of the Comp., that we had offers for the mine and expected to get other offers and therefore did not want to re-lease to him, but for the Comp’s agent to take charge of and work it for the Comp. My brother Angus came here this evening and remained all night.

7 November 1886 • Sunday

Sunday, Nov. 7/86 We held our usual meeting. My brother Angus took charge. Sacrament was administered and all the brethren present spoke. Angus left this evening after dark.

8 November 1886 • Monday

Monday, Nov. 8/86 Listened to and dictated answers to correspondence as usual. It was arranged by President Taylor and myself that I should go to the President’s Office and have an interview with Hon. John T. Caine and Bro. John Irvine, upon the subject of the latter’s going to Washington to act as secretary for Bro. Caine. I met Bro. Caine and conversed with him upon the subject, but Bro. Irvine had heard that there was a warrant for his arrest, and he had left the city. Bro. Wilcken took me from the Office down to Cannon’s Home, where I met with my family living there, with the exception of my wife Eliza. I spent upwards of two hours very pleasantly with them and then returned to our quarters.

9 November 1886 • Tuesday

Tuesday, Nov 9/86 We received a long letter from Bro. Beck this morning, expressing his dissatisfaction at not having another lease given him for the Comp’s property. While at the meeting yesterday, he refused to act in his capacity as vice-President, and another President was chosen; he voted against the resolution which authorized the Comp’s agent to take possession of the Comp’s property and to work the mine. It is clear to me that it would be suicidal policy for us to give him another lease. He is not only over head and ears in debt himself, but he has ran the Comp. in debt on his account. He is an extravagant, badly-balanced business man, and has shown, I think, his utter unfitness to manage a business of this character with such men as President Taylor and myself as his partners. It was not intended that we should appear as owners of the mine, but we have reasons to believe that our association with him has been used, by him, for all it is worth. For myself, I am tired and have been for a long time of this association; I think it discreditable. We attended to our correspondence as usual. The day is stormy, but it was decided that we should return to our old quarters at Bro. J. W. Woolley’s. We can get more exercise there, and this is necessary to our health. Bro. White’s will be an excellent place for us, during the severe weather and short days of winter. We drove to Centreville after dark. It stormed on us a part of the way. We found the family well, but Bro. Woolley himself had gone to Grantsville, his brother Samuel having lost a little son.

10 November 1886 • Wednesday

Wednesday, Nov. 10/86 I wrote a letter to Carlie to day and forget to mention yesterday that I wrote one to my wife Eliza. I had correspondence also yesterday and to day with my son John Q on business matters. Listened to and answered our correspondence to day. I was glad to have an opportunity to have some exercise, which I got, by walking about two hours and a half, at two different times, on Bro Woolley’s barn floor.

11 November 1886 • Thursday

Thursday, Nov. 11/86 Listened to and dictated answers to our usual correspondence.

12 November 1886 • Friday

Friday, Nov. 12/86 Listened to and dictated answers to correspondence. Dictated “Topics” for the Juvenile Instructor to Bro. Wilcken. A letter had been received from Bro. H. B. Clawson stating he had received an offer for the mine and expressing a wish to come out and see us upon the subject. A messenger was sent to town with a note to request him and Bro. Jack to come out in the evening; they did so. The proposition which is made was to buy the mine for $250,00000/. $20,00000/ to be paid at the end of thirty days, $20,00000/ at the end of sixty days and the remainder at the end of six months. The out put of the mine was to go to pay the first and second amounts, as well as the last. We would not entertain such a proposition as this, as we would be completely at their mercy; but, after considerable discussion, finally authorized Bp Clawson to offer the property for $250,00000/ exclusive of the Emma claim, for which we had paid $11,00000/, and which we wished to have in addition to the $250,00000/ — they to take all lawsuits and relieve us from the bond of $150,00000/— the payment of this $250,00000/ to be $150,00000/ down and $100,00000/ at the end of ninety days. I most sincerely desire that some definite result will follow these negotiations, as I feel fully impressed that the best thing we can do is to sell if possible. Bro. Clawson said that the prospects for digging good ore are very encouraging.

13 November 1886 • Saturday

Saturday, Nov. 13/86 Listened to and dictated answers to correspondence.

14 November 1886 • Sunday

Sunday, Nov. 14/86 Held our usual meeting. Partook of the sacrament, and the brethren present all spoke.

15 November 1886 • Monday

Monday, Nov. 15/86 Listened to and dictated answers to correspondence.

16 November 1886 • Tuesday

Tuesday, Nov. 16/86 Attended to correspondence as usual. I received a letter from Bro. John T. Caine in which he expressed a wish to have an interview to talk over certain matters, pertaining to the defence of our rights at Washington in trying to defeat the passage of the Tucker-Edmunds Bill, matters about which he could not write. He also said that Bro. F. S. Richards desired an interview also. I also received a letter from C. Williams (C. W. Penrose) in which he expressed an anxiety to have an interview. President Taylor thought I had better go in town and see these parties. Bro. Jos E. Taylor came out last night and remained to day with his wife and children who are secreted here. Bro. Wilcken took him and myself into town and I met the brethren above named at the President’s Office. Also Bro. F. D. Richards and Geo. F. Gibbs and my brother Angus. We left the Office about half past one. Angus had arranged with Bro. Wilcken to ride with him to our quarters, as he had some business to submit to President Taylor.

17 November 1886 • Wednesday

Wednesday, Nov. 17/86 We reached our quarters about three oClock this morning. Listened to and dictated answers to correspondence. I received a letter this morning from Bro. W. B. Dougall, giving the particulars of the opening, of what is called the Salt Lake Stake Academy, on Monday morning in the basement of the Social-Hall. This is a school where religious teachings upon our doctrines will be combined with secular education. The proceedings were very interesting. I wrote in reply, congratulating him upon the part he had taken in this noble enterprise and expressing the hope, that the example thus set would be followed by the establishment of similar schools in many other places. My brother Angus returned to the city this evening.

18 November 1886 • Thursday

Thursday, Nov. 18/86 Listened to and answered our usual correspondence. An epistle was received from Bro. W. Woodruff, which was read. It had been set up in type and was intended for publication in the News for next Saturday. The day is stormy. President Taylor has expressed himself as feeling somewhat uneasy where we are, and at his instance Bros. J. W. Woolley and C. H. Wilcken went this afternoon in search of a place to which we can move.

19 November 1886 • Friday

Friday, Nov. 19/86 Listened to the reading of letters and dictated answers to them. W. H. Shearman had written to Elder G. G. Bywater upon the subject of re-entering the Church. Bro. Bywater forwarded President Taylor the letter. President Taylor wrote to Bro. Bywater that there were no objections to W. H. Shearman being baptized secretly, if he so wished, in view of his peculiar situation in business and other matters. Bro. John T. Caine wrote to President Taylor, declining the services of Bro. John Irvine as his secretary, he having been informed by good authority, that Bro. Irvine was his enemy, in critizising and pronouncing upon his, Bro. Caine’s, conduct in Washington.

20 November 1886 • Saturday

Saturday, Nov. 20/86 Bro. Nuttall went into town last night and I answered the correspondence to day. I received a letter from Bro. J. T. Caine upon the subject of a secretary to accompany him to Washington. A letter also came to President Taylor and myself from Bro. Irvine. Bro. Caine inclosed two letters from to me, one from Bro. R. W. Sloan, offering to go to Washington and act as secretary for him, and pay all his own expenses, excepting transportation, for $11000/ pr. month; the other letter from Bro. J. A. West recommanding a young man from Ogden for the position. We decided it would be better to employ Bro. Sloan and President Taylor felt that Bro. Irvine should also go there and do what he could among the Newspaper people. and also act as shorthand reporter when needed. It was decided that I should go in town this evening and have interviews with Bros. Caine and Irvine. $500000/ were also appropriated for Bro. Caine to take to cover expences at Washington. A special messenger was sent in to make appointments with them and Bro. Jack to meet me this evening at the President’s Office. This is a stormy day. Bro. Bateman carried me into the city. I met the brethren and instructed Bro. Jack to give Bro. Caine the money and urged Bro. Caine to see Bro. Irvine and tell him his feelings and what he had heard about his conduct, and see if they could not reach some understanding by which they could work harmoniously together. I instructed Bro. Caine to pay Bro. Irvine any amounts he might need to compensate newspapermen and others and I told Bro. Irvine to call upon him for what he needed. After my interviews with the brethren Bro. Bateman drove me down to Cannon’s Home. My son John Q. had a dream on Thursday night, that I was arrested in a room resembling the parlor and sitting room of his mother’s house. After the dream he laid awake about two hours and fell asleep and dreamed the same dream over again. My son Hugh also dreamed last night that I was arrested and in the hands of the marshals. I am not naturally timid I think, and do not suffer from physical fear, and in coming here to night I had no apprehensions, but these dreams made me reflect on my position here; if marshals came, I had no place of concealment and stood but little or no chance of escape. These reflections kept me awake nearly all night and I planned three methods of concealment, and made up my mind to have such places arranged, as the uneasiness I feel takes away all the pleasure of my visit.

Saturday,1 Nov. 20/86 I had an interview with Bro. H. B. Clawson, who related to me the steps he had taken in relation to the B. B. & C. M. C. property. The prospects for ore are very promising, the assays giving evidence of richness. He asks the parties, who wish to purchase the property $275,00000/ for it — $150,00000/ to be paid down and the remainder in ninety days. They wanted to get it at $250,00000/; but he held it stiff at $275,00000/. He had given them permission to examine it with their experts and they expressed their intention to do so next Tuesday. He says, Captain Day, who has charge of the working of the mine, is prepared for the mine to be examined at any time. I told him not to let a good chance to sell slip in an eagerness to get a large sum for the property.2

21 November 1886 • Sunday

Sunday, Nov. 21/86 My sons Angus, Hugh, David and Lewis stood guard through the night. Angus and Lewis took the forepart and Hugh and David the latter part. They were very watchful, as the dreams made an impression upon them also. They also kept guard for me through the day. I had the children together and had considerable conversation with them. Had meeting in the afternoon and administered the sacrament.

John Q. stopped most of the day with me. A violent storm broke upon us about the middle of the forenoon; the wind was strong from the north and there was a heavy fall of snow. It had been arranged for Bro. Wilcken to call for me by two oClock in the night, but the storm was so violent that I did not look for him. The boys again stood guard. John Q. drove me down this evening to see my wife Eliza and baby. Baby feels very fretful and cries a great deal. I walked back to what is called the farm house and the snow, the most of the distance, was nearly to my knees.

22 November 1886 • Monday

Monday, Nov. 22/86 I spent the day quietly at home and enjoyed myself very much. I pointed out to John Q. the places which I thought of having constructed for concealment. He went to town and brought me word back that he met Bro. Wilcken there and he would be down to take me away in a few minutes. He came, and we left a little after six and drove to Bro. Woolley’s. We found that President Taylor and party had gone to the place which had been selected as our new stopping place — the house of Bro. T. F. Roueche. We followed on and reached there about eleven oClock. There are no near neighbors and the house is well adopted for a stopping place for us. We were received very kindly by the family and made very confortable. Sister Roueche is a native of the Isle of Man, her maiden-name being Cornish. Bro. Woolley and family felt to regret our having to leave them, and Sister Woolley exhibited considerable emotion. They have treated us with the utmost kindness and spared no pains to make us confortable.

23 November 1886 • Tuesday

Tuesday, Nov. 23/86 Besides Bro. Roueche and wife, he has one son, named William, and one daughter, named Josephine and a little adopted daughter, named Rina, living at home. They have three sons older than this one, Francis, John and Jacob, who are all married and living by themselves. Bro. J. W. Woolley remained with us until the middle of the afternoon. He came last night with President Taylor to show him the way and bring the baggage. With President Taylor I listened to the reading of letters and I dictated answers to them.

24 November 1886 • Wednesday

Wednesday, Nov. 24/86 Attended to our usual correspondence.

25 November 1886 • Thursday

Thursday, Nov. 25/86 Listened to the reading of correspondence and dictated answers. To day is Thanksgiving day and a general holiday. Sister Roueche is an exellent housekeeper and a good cook, and we had a very good dinner, one of her numerous flock of turkeys being sacrificed for the occasion. Speaking of turkeys, there is a curious phenomenon connected with hers; out of a flock of nearly sixty, she has nearly twenty pure white turkeys, and they have been bred from the bronze and black variety, which she had. She has a large flock of chickens and they are pure white, being of the Leghorn breed. I told her that she had found Patriarch Jacob’s secret in changing the color of animals, for she had succeeded in changing the color of her poultry, her white chickens having influenced the color of the breed of her turkeys. I received the unpleasant news to day of the arrest of my brother Angus last evening by Marshal Dyer and three deputies, on the charge of unlawful cohabitation. He was placed under $10,00000/ bonds.

26 November 1886 • Friday

Friday, Nov. 26/86 With President Taylor I listened to the reading of letters and dictated answers to the same.

27 November 1886 • Saturday

Saturday, Nov. 27/86 I received a letter from my son Abraham on various matters since his return from the east. He reached the city on Tuesday evening last and is the bearer of an important letter from Bro. J. W. Young. and also some verbal communications. I arranged to have an interview with him at Bro. Woolley’s, to which place he will be brought by the bearer of our mail from the city, and to which place I will be carried by Bro. Bateman, who goes to carry our mail. Attended to the usual business. For about one-half of the way to Bro. Woolley’s the road is very bad; but we made the distance in an hour and a half reaching there by half-past seven. At about a quarter past eight Abraham arrived, and I had conversation with him for nearly two hours upon business affairs, John Q’s embarresments and respecting messages and letters sent by Bro. J. W. Young. [We spoke together about his marrying the daughter of Carlie. She, Mary, wanted to be married to Abraham; that was exactly what she desired.]3

We reached our quarters a little before one oClock. Bro. Wilcken was up, awaiting my arrival, to give me a warm bath, which I enjoyed very much and thought him very kind in providing it.

28 November 1886 • Sunday

Sunday, Nov. 28/86. We held meeting as usual. Bro Bateman in charge. All the brethren present spoke and partook of the sacrament.

29 November 1886 • Monday

Monday, Nov. 29/86 Listened to the reading of letters and dictated answers to them. Also dictated to Bro. Wilcken articles for the Juvenile. A letter was received from Bro. J. W. Young upon the situation of affairs in the East, and in reply he was informed that he could have the assistance of Bro. John Irvine. The latter was also written to upon the subject. We have been much gratified in learning that Bro. A. M. Musser had made acknowledgements to the High Council for his conduct, which had been disrespectful to them, and had published a card in the News, making his confession public, and had been thereupon restored to fellowship. All the party, except myself, and Bro. Bateman, who carried the mail, went to visit Bro. John S. Smith and family, old aquaintences of President Taylor.

30 November 1886 • Tuesday

Tuesday, Nov. 30/86 Listened to and answered our usual correspondence.

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November 1886, The Journal of George Q. Cannon, accessed October 16, 2024


  1. [1]Two attached sheets.

  2. [2]End of attached sheets.

  3. [3]Translated from Hawaiian: Ua olelo pu mana no kona mare ia ana me ke kai-kamahine o Carlie, Ua makemake iho oia o mars ia Abraham a pela no hoi kona makemake iho.